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Suggestions for changing the MPK systemFollow

#77 Nov 03 2005 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
844 posts
When mobs spawn, they generally stay in fairly small areas of the map. Most xp parties will go to those areas to camp the mob, as really long pulls are a pain.

Change mob behavior so that they only aggro inside their normal spawn and wander range. This allows people to still pull to camp while xping, but removes the MPK trick of pulling mobs from far away to MPK people.

Probably the best suggestion overall. Normal linkage like we're used to, but aggro only happens when the mob returns to their normal area. Even give the mobs a speed boost or something when zoned or trained away to avoid this being abused.
Suggestion:Released pets will not link or aggro anyone for 3-5 minutes. It's a rough idea, but I remember a few link situations in Bibiki fighting Tragopans where a bst or 2 lvling on the dhalmels would release them too close to our camp and they'd link to ours. Implementing this would also save people from MPKs because mobs wouldn't aggro for a certain ammount of time if trained and released near a party fighting a certain NM, they'd just walk away.
Suggestion:Last suggestion has absolutely nothing to do with MPKing at all but here goes....Please, keep up this kind of direct feedback with your community of players. This kind of thread is exactly what the overall player population needs. The server difficulties have been annoying at the least, and just knowing that you guys aren't just counting your money and laughing really makes the community feel better as a whole. It makes us feel like we're apart of the loop and that you really care. Kudos for you, SE, please keep up the great work, and continue to let the players' voices heard. Thanksi, HS
#78 Nov 03 2005 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
RamseySylph wrote:

Quote:Make the THF ability Flee automatically shed hate/aggro so they can't train mobs since the intent of the ability is to escape from things, not kite or train I assume. Or at least make it that after a certain distance is obtained betweent he mob and the PC, aggro is lost.

Acctually, in some scenarios, acctualyl quite a few end game, with Dynamis as an example, the point of flee IS to kite the monster around, if Flee shed hate, THF would essentialy loose their purpose in Dynamis, as they would no longer be able to allow a death pull to occur.

Well that's the players taking advantage of an ability for strategic purposes IMO. I doubt the ability was designed for kiting monsters. Otherwise why wouldn't they name the ability "Sprint" instead of "Flee" which to me means get the hell out of there.

Of course its "players taking advantage of an ability for strategic purposes," and there is nothing wrong with that, Flee is simply a means of increasing your speed. It can be used to lower traveling time, to escape your enemy or to kite monsters. Dynamis is made impossibly harder without the ability to death pull. Trying to take on a massive army of Dynamis Beastmen to get to a single NM, each and every time would effectivley double the amount of people neccesary. The Puki etc in Dynamis Beauciedene I beleive were meant to be kited, asking that you must always provide such an enormous amount of people to win would be ridiculous. One should not complain that an ability is being used for strategy, one should be upset if an ability is exploited.
#79 Nov 03 2005 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
5,587 posts
Edited because SE is retarded.

Edited, Thu Dec 15 15:25:44 2005 by jmakovec
#80 Nov 03 2005 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
4,864 posts
Ahkore wrote:

"Make it so monsters trained to the zone do not aggro until they've walked back to their original starting point!"

Great idea!

Suggestion: Monsters trained from somewhere other than their original spawn area do not aggro until they've walked back to their original starting point, with the exception of monsters that have a wide roaming area like Guivre.

Ahkore wrote:

or something along the lines of "AoE damage should not affect players in other parties not engaged in the battle with the monster that initiated the AoE attack!"

Great idea!
Suggestion: AoE damage should not affect players in a separate party or alliance that COULD not engage in the battle witht he monster.

Ahkore wrote:

Suggestion: Released BST pets shouldn't aggro other people!

Great idea.
Suggestion: Release BST pets should only be able to aggro that BST.

#81 Nov 03 2005 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
Suggestion: Monsters trained from somewhere other than their original spawn area do not aggro until they've walked back to their original starting point, with the exception of monsters that have a wide roaming area like Guivre.

Great idea!
Suggestion: AoE damage should not affect players in a separate party or alliance that COULD not engage in the battle witht he monster.

Not Guivre? Why, I have been trained on so many times by people in Gustav when trying to exp on crabs, Having guivre trained is not fun, let alone the endless amount of people training other crabs. Guivre should be given draw in or should be applied to the same rules forcing him to return, that camp is hell for un-intentional MPK.

The AoE thing is annoying, but it cant be an exclusive fix. When a monster is being fought with more than 18 people, common for HNM, it would be far too unbalanced for those aiding outside the main alliance to be invicibile to AOE.
#82 Nov 03 2005 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
411 posts

You have to look deeper into the problem of MPK. In my opinion, most MPK stems from "RMT" (real money trade) players and their activities. I think the majority of your MPK comes from player vs. RMT or RMT vs. player, rather than player vs. player.

I cannot count the number of times I have been MPKed by RMT players at Serket, Amemit, sky NMs, any of the beastman gods, and the list goes on and on. I hold a deep resentment against these players. They hinder my game play, the game which I pay for. I worked hard to get to end-game content, and I can't enjoy the fruits of my labor because of these players. I have grown to accept the fact that SE will never make a serious effort to rid the game of these players, and the end-game content of FFXI will constantly be a war between players and RMT until the servers shutdown. Alot of players would never even think about MPKing another player, because it is an unwritten rule of morality, but they would never hesitate to train on an RMT party killing an NM.

As it stands now, a player has to offer to sell gil in-game ro be reprimanded for RMT. Even though it is painfully obviously to everyone who plays this game which players are RMT, SE will not budge off it's bottom line to make the game more enjoyable for honest players.

In closing, take care of the biggest task at hand, which is RMT, and most of your MPKing goes right out with them.

#83 Nov 03 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
I say they need to put 3 or so GMs in each area in different spots that watch for whats going on.

This would make being a GM a bit more fun for those of you working at S.E. because now you can actually play a bit... and it also gives more use to your little "Judge" set thats supposedly GM-only gear.
#84 Nov 03 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
799 posts
what if for every additional mob that you engage (ie: to create a train), the over-all level of the mobs increases.
for example:
1. engage one level 10 mob.
2. engage a second level 10 mob while the first is still engaged, and the level of both mobs goes up by one, makeing them both level 11 (for example).
3. engage a third mob while the first two are still engaged and the levels of each go up an additional 2 levels, making them all level 12 (for example).
and so on.
At the end of a 10 mob train there would be a collective rise of 10 levels or more to the entire pack of mobs.
It could be a greater level difference also.. let's say 2-5 levels per additional mob.

This would certainly stop people from mass-killing all the mobs in an area, and would certaily discourage them from dragging a train of mobs towards other groups. if what was originally one level 10 mob, becomes 10 level 20 mobs, then it becomes harder to control and train a group that size.

Obviously, provisions will HAVE to be implemented for accidental trains (aggro, add-on trains). But this would certainly deal with purposeful trains.

The above could have one nice side-benefit... allowing someone to gain exp from a train of mobs that would normally have been too weak to be worth while.

Edited, Thu Nov 3 16:45:53 2005 by capcanuk
#85 Nov 03 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
Make it so monsters only go unclaimed if:
a. All people in the alliance who used ja ma or attack on the mosnter all die, leave the zone zone, or disconnect.
b. A new command like /unclaim is used by a member in the alliance to make the monster go unclaimed.

In other words, it should be difficult to lose the claim unless the alliance dies completely or gives up by leaving or using the /unclaim command.

Disengaging autoattack can cause the monster to go unclaimed and leads to mpk. But if you want to disengage on purpose in order to unclaim, the monster doesn't always unclaim. So, the /unclaim sort of command would be helpful.
#86 Nov 03 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
630 posts
These are all really great ideas. I can't contribute anything to this discussion except my wholehearted approval.

I hope SE does things like this more often.
#87 Nov 03 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
907 posts

Most of the suggestions here are great, so I won't repeat them.

I however, full endorse and support stricter punishment on MPKers, as a deterrent, in addition to MPK fixes.
#88 Nov 03 2005 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts
I think the linking system in general does not need tweaking. It promotes better gameplay, and aside from a few niche cases where it is desirable to link monsters to allow clear access to others, not terribly broken. Most of the MPK grievances seem to stem from bind being broken, instant claim of unclamed HNM in the process of being fought, and dragging mobs to a point and die/warp/leave.
AOE is really too situational to require a blanket fix.

With that in mind, here's my 2 cents that has already been said for the most part.

Suggestion: When a mob loses all entries in it's hate list, it should turn a different color (say maybe dark blue), which would prevent aggro/claim for a random duration no less than 30-60 seconds and provide a visual indication of the mob's movement to it's origin without much hassle. The idea being that it would be impossible to drag a creature directly to a party to mpk, and if somebody runs past your party with a train, you have ample warning and opportunity to get out of the way. By causing a random duration until aggro/linking resumes, trains would slowly regain lethality as they returned to their beginning spots, and hopefully prevent any large scale abuse of aggro-free gathering of monsters.


Edited, Thu Nov 3 16:22:13 2005 by Pyra
#89 Nov 03 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
5,587 posts
Edited because SE is retarded.

Edited, Thu Dec 15 15:27:25 2005 by jmakovec
#90 Nov 03 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
I say they need to put 3 or so GMs in each area in different spots that watch for whats going on.

This would make being a GM a bit more fun for those of you working at S.E. because now you can actually play a bit... and it also gives more use to your little "Judge" set thats supposedly GM-only gear.

You have to realize that this is not even remotley possible. Think about it, 3 GMs for every zone on every server? If they did that we'd be paying way more than 12 USD a month. However, I beleive that my previously posted solution would help.

Suggestion #2: Have a single or small group of [GM]s who run a player based orginization on each server, this would allow you to darastically increase your manpower without needlessly increasing costs. Do not neccesarily give these volunteers and [GM] powers or abilities, however make them able to easily contact the head [GM] quickly to report any indescent and rule breaking activities. But do not make this system NPC based like a Mentor system where everyone can join. An applicant should be required to meet with the [GM] for their server in a one-on-one interview much like an application for a real job. To encourage activity possibly create a small in-game salary.

I beleive that Suggestion #2 would step up the level of authority that SE holds over Vana'Diel, perhaps even work the Judges(GMs) into the Story. If a tighter presence of authority is created, without becoming opressive, I beleive that illegal activites including MPK will be greatly decreased. As long as the players are not granted any major abilities or anything like that, but simply a special symbol or a special equipment that visualizes their connection to authority, and that player is carefully interviewed, and removed form service if they break any of their commitments, I beleive that it could become an effective way to increase presence without increasing your acctuall manpower.
#91 Nov 03 2005 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts

1. People shouldn't be able to kill others using the Bind-trick,bound monsters shouldn't randomly attacking everyone in range.

2. AoE-dmg shouldn't affect non-involved players (curing an involved player should make him involved :P)

3. HNMs: At the big/camped HNMs (I'd say Behemoth/King Behemoth,Fafnir/Nidhogg,Adamantoise/Aspidochelone,Serket,Roc,Simurgh,King Artho,Lumber Jack,Capricous Cassie,Bune,Lord of Onzozo,...) should be a GM taking care the other Linkshells won't try to steal/mpk others.

4. HNMs: When a Linkshell claims a HNM,every member of that Linkshell in a certain area will be warped into a Battlefield where other Linkshells have no access to (but they can watch the fight as in Ghelsba Outpost) and every member with that Linkshell coming into the area will automatically warped into the battlefield.
#92 Nov 03 2005 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
HNMs have always been the biggest issue for MPKing, in other places like crawlers nest and garlaige, mpking is useually an accident and the exp mobs will be back shortly. But on HNM's, two or more LS's will be there and will attempt to MPK one another (ecspecially at the wyrms). To fix this step one should be, Mobs will not become unclaimed unless the party/alliance has been completly destroyed. Step 2 should be that if a person or LS decides to MPK then the mobs and links hate will tranfer throughout their party and alliance so that they have to deal with all the links. Step 3 should be if a single individual attempts to MPK for his Ls and is not in a party or alliance, then the mobs they link will return to their original spawning points w/o aggroing anyone on the way back, if that person attempted to MPK while in party/alliance, then disbanned then the hate will still transfer to his original party/alliance.
#93 Nov 03 2005 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
95 posts
Make it that when monsters are zoned or after the player dies, the monster vanishes and repops at other random location (with full health and experience point if pulled again)

My reason that I choosed this idea is that EQ2 and WoW is already doing the running fast to its own original location with full HP thing. Why I choosed to get this done is because if you fight NMs such as Simurgh for example, and if you see him runs back to his point, you can easily voke it. While if it despawns and respawns at a random location, it's a fair competition because it pops randomly again at that place. Therefore, it won't be an issue of who gets there first. ^^

Besides, the full health for mob is a fair thing because like one of the posters here said, the most annoying thing about MPK is that sometimes when you kill a NM/HNM/MOB you see that the other group who are a vulture just get to kill it so easily after you getting a wipe and doing all the hard work. Thefore, it's only fair if they do the work if they get to claim it again.

Good luck SE! Do something about it! You kinda' make me not want to play WoW so much anymore. :laugh:
#94 Nov 03 2005 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
One idea that I think would be interesting, would be sort of a cross between BCNM style fights, and camped NM style fights on some of the more sought-after, high level NMs. Basically, players would still camp the NM (no instant access like an actual BCNM), then when the NM spawns, whichever party/alliance gets the claim, would be transported to the NMs battlefield. While fighting they would be the only people there, and would be immune to the whole MPK thing.

As far as the battlefield itself, it could be a different setting, or it could just be the zone the NM pops in, minus any other players. Other mobs could even be left there to make things interesting.
#95 Nov 03 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
6,947 posts
In addition to the fine and reasonable points that many people have reiterated here,
I feel that working on the MPK problem necessitates the willingness to consider the problem within the broader context of why MPK happens in the first place.

Off the top of my head, the three most common reasons for MPK appear to be:

1) Pure spite (not much we can do about immature players who simply want to grief others)

2) "Revenge" (Players desiring to "get back" at someone else because of a percieved wrong; usualy a personal affront)

3) Competition for profit

Profit, in this instance, refers to any sort of potential gain, whether in the form of in-game items to enhance one's character, or in financial returns for those engaged in Real Money Trade.

I am inclined to beieve that point #3 here is at the root of a large proportion of MPK attempts.

In some cases, players working in Real Money Trade will aggressively hunt specific mobs for specific items, and go as far as to attempt MPK against other players who present competition.

In the same vein, the presence and tactics of RMT players has created an attitude among many other players of "an eye for an eye"; they have come to feel that it is perfectly justifiable to violate the ToS by practicing MPK against the RMT players, just because "everyone hates a gilseller".

I do not have specific solutions to suggest with regards to these problems;
my intent was to observe (as some previous posters have) that a truly comprehensive solution to the problem of MPK must necessarily consider and address the larger context of circumstances which lead to the practice in the first place.

Finally, I'd like to add my own sentiment of appreciation for your presence and apparent interest in player feedback in this way.
We have witnessed Square-Enix's response to player feedback in subtle ways, such as changes included in various past updates; but the player community has displayed an increasing lack of morale and faith in SE's willingness to listen and respond to its customers.

A sign such as your participation here is a step in the right direction, and should go a long way toward improving that community morale, and encouraging players to have greater faith in SE's intent to have an active interest in the opinions of the player base.

  • Tenmiles
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    #96 Nov 03 2005 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
    5,903 posts
    Okay, how about another suggestion?

    When people are in Ballista, mobs and other players are invisible and uninteractable.

    Maybe when a BIG TICKET mob is claimed (HNMs, etc), the players are thrown into a Ballista-like status until everyone on that mob's hate list is dead. This makes them immune to aggro from outside mobs, and any mob except for mobs that the HNM summons.

    #97 Nov 03 2005 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
    I would sugest that you dont make any drastic changes as this could affect gameplay. However here is my suggestion.

    Suggestion - Limit the number of mobs that link when somone is zoning, so as there arent 30 some odd mobs at the zone to murder people as they zone in.

    also i aggre with the binded mobs not attacking anyone but the one that binded it.
    #98 Nov 03 2005 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
    I agree 100% on the GM Police.

    They are called Game Masters correct? The mear idea of a possible GM watching NM's, HNM's, Gods, etc etc sounds like a fine way to cut down on possible MPKing.

    Dante once said in Clerks "Theoretically, if people think there's someone watching, they won't steal."

    Any rate, it's nice to see a rep from SE finally asking the community what WE think.

    #99 Nov 03 2005 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
    Suggestions for changing the MPK system: Delay how quickly a mob after becoming unclaimed can agro/link a new player.

    Suggestions for changing the MPK system: Speed the mobs return to its origina location. (this would help especialy when paired with the first suggestion noted)

    Suggestions for changing the MPK system: Binded/shadowbinded mobs not attacking players who just happen to be in the vicinity of that bound mob.

    Suggestions for changing the MPK system: Changing the way a mob becomes unclaimed. Specificaly refuring to how a mob can go yellow durring a fight, which results in very unhappy ppl who in turn go and mpk in thier frustration.

    Suggestions for changing the MPK system: Handling ppl who are seen to mpk more seriously. Finding these ppl who frequently mpk and removing them.

    Suggestions for removing gilseller's: Make a cap to the amount of gil a player can send via the delivery system. This forces legitimate multi-million gil transactions to take place in person via Trade, effectively lowering disputes. [I don't see a downside to this idea at all, unless SE wants gilsellers]

    Note: the cap on gil sent should not apply to transfurs from and to mules of a character.

    #100 Nov 03 2005 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
    oh yeah more action from the GMs would be nice
    #101 Nov 03 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
    35 posts
    all those suggestion are impressive, everyone seem to know a lot about the aggroing system, i still don't get why a mob somtimes don't get back when only one ppl in the pty zoned it >.>;
    but i think of another way of fighting mpk than reshape the whole aggro/link system.
    mpk won't be interesting if it doesn't affect ppl that were mpked.
    usually when i die, and more if it's because of another player deeds, i m angry cause i loosed XP, and i got to respawn in jeuno usually, so by not loosing XP, mpk won't have much interest, and i think ppl will quit it after a short amount of time.
    for NM and HNM, you could make the mob despawn when the player/party/alliance that claimed him dies, and respawn after a short amount of time (i m thinking of something like 30min/1hour)
    don't know if those suggestion are interesting, anyway, i m glad if it can help =D.

    P.S:(sry for my bad english in a serious post like that =/)
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