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Suggestions for changing the MPK systemFollow

#127 Nov 03 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
WOW! I am really excited that SE is finally open for suggestions and actually responding (that wasn't meant to be sarcastic). I agree with most suggestions in this thread. I do, however, have a few suggestions of my own regarding both MPKing and something else. I believe that if you make harsher punishment for MPKing someone, less people will do it. You should deduct exp points equal to the xp loss of whoever was killed by the MPK mob. one other suggestion. excuse me for going off the subject but I think that you should open more suggestion forums. For example: A suggestion forum on server economy would be a tremendous help to those who save 2.5mil only to find out that the emperor hairpin has gone up to 3.5mil. I can think of 5 suggestions that I would leave in that thread already! 1. Limit the amount of inflation that occurs. it's all about supply and demand. the fewer rare or HQ or high priced items for sale at the AH, the more they will cost. I'm not trying to be another pissed off guy who rants about the "economy" all the time. In fact, I could care less whether or not anything is done about it. It's just a suggestion.
#128 Nov 03 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
WOW! I am really excited that SE is finally open for suggestions and actually responding (that wasn't meant to be sarcastic). I agree with most suggestions in this thread. I do, however, have a few suggestions of my own regarding both MPKing and something else. I believe that if you make harsher punishment for MPKing someone, less people will do it. You should deduct exp points equal to the xp loss of whoever was killed by the MPK mob. one other suggestion. excuse me for going off the subject but I think that you should open more suggestion forums. For example: A suggestion forum on server economy would be a tremendous help to those who save 2.5mil only to find out that the emperor hairpin has gone up to 3.5mil. I can think of 5 suggestions that I would leave in that thread already! 1. Limit the amount of inflation that occurs. it's all about supply and demand. the fewer rare or HQ or high priced items for sale at the AH, the more they will cost. I'm not trying to be another pissed off guy who rants about the "economy" all the time. In fact, I could care less whether or not anything is done about it. It's just a suggestion.
#129 Nov 03 2005 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
323 posts
I would like to add to what the community said already. All the ideas are GREAT, but you also should let the GMs camp the HNM spots with endless 300TP and draw in, so when someone MPKs the other, you cast Draw In on the idiot then WS him/her for around 10,000 damage and then the WS after effect would take him to jail. This way, it would be more fun for the GMs to camp, I am sure they would be excited :P.

Ok ok fine, I just wanna see chest being WTFPWNED by anyone pleaseeeeeeee!
#130 Nov 03 2005 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
woa. sorry for the spam... im on a crappy computer with crappy internet service and thought that my post didnt go through. my bad.
#131 Nov 03 2005 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
I think the fact that the monsters are rare increase the reason of MPK

Monsters like Nidhogg, KB, and Aspid spawn once every 3-8 days with a 3 hour window everyday.

With 130 players in a zone every day waiting for these monsters, Players get jealous when they don't get to fight them.

If these monsters spawn more frequantly, players would not have as much reason to MPK each other over them.

I recomend having the monsters spawn more often, this way players will not jealous because they won't have to wait another 3-8 days to see them spawn.

The demand for these monsters are way to high.

Edited, Thu Nov 3 17:04:32 2005 by Yuriku
#132 Nov 03 2005 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
i like alot of the ideas already here posted so fight the Mpkin and also find away to stop gil selling and buyers!!!
#133 Nov 03 2005 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
well the whole thing is greed in this game people will try to do anything for what they want. If items were made easier to get that might slove somethings but that is just my thought. Trigger POPS WILL HELP ALSO YOU DONT SEE PEOPLE MPK AT O-HATS NOW DO YOU

Edited, Thu Nov 3 17:08:56 2005 by BigAlvisus
#134 Nov 03 2005 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
Although I agree we can do more with the non-NM mobs to reduce MPK, I think it would be better to focus on why and where ppl MPK.

It is my understanding the problem comes from ppl getting mad because someone got the NM they wanted, or whatever. Here is my thought:

Solution: Like the change to the fishing system, you make the fight with any, and all NMs like an "event". Let me elaborate... some party (of gilsellers...j/k) claims a NM. The fight begins and the party/alliance is taking part of an event where any outside activity does not influence the fight. You can't see the npcs, mobs, or "outside" players.

So, now someone trains 50 wild rabbits (yes, I know, they don't link, or aggro) on top of the party, but the party fighting the NM would be uneffected.

Pros: No outside influences would reduce lag, stop MPK DURING fight, ensure NM remains claimed by current party/alliance/character. More "controlled" NM hunting.

Cons: No links to make the NM fight tougher on the party. This, in theory, would not stop MPK on standard party fights (is that a concern?).
#135 Nov 03 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
Please don't forget about the BSTs here. I realize BST have a bad name but after leveling it for a while I've realized that it's not the BSTs that go bad it's the BST haters that make them that way. let me recount you a story... A friend and I were leveling in western altepa desert at a nice beetle vs. manticore/ant camp when along came a pt led by Hellokitty a resident trouble maker on Hades. She proceeded to say that they had looked for other camps and none existed so they were going to camp right on top of us. I believe the exact line she wrote was "I like this camp best anyways so the verdict is, you should **** off." They immediately began to kill all of our pets whenever they could see that we would need them in an attempt to MPK us (yes there are ways of MPKing a BST too). We just continued to play as normal and we brought some extra pets to our camp so that they wouldn't be strong enough to kill them fast enough to hurt us. they began to kill all the extras while we killed a manticore. The next step was to (leave) our pets and retrieve our second pets for the last half of the fight. our first pets linked on them while returning home. Because they were stealing what pets they could they already had two thus our pets became 4. The party was forced to tele-Altep. they all lived and were fine. At this point Hellokitty began harsh tells and swearing. I blacklisted her immediately and ignored her for she got what she deserved. After a short time their party returned with 2 high level DDs Caliburn and Dancingkat. the pt began to xp while Cali and Kat followed both of us around provoking and killing any pet we tried to obtain. they succeeded in killing my partner about 2 hours after I made a GM call >.<. We explained the situation to the GM and explained that what was spoke from Hellokitty, Caliburn and Dancingkat deserved a suspension of account but we would settle for having our camp back. after assuring me that the situation would be handled properly Guess what [GM]Quiconque did.... you guessed it absolutely nothing. We found out later from an LS friend that Hellokitty's pt had lied to the GM and said we succeeded in MPKing their whole pt. So in conclution I implore you to please be wise in dealing with BST MPKs because BST are not always at fault, and when we are like in this case, it is possible that it is self defence. if you take away our ability to scare off other ppl you will ruin the game for all BST and people will walk all over us , leaving us forced to tiptoe around other people and leave our camps when parties come near.

I can only suggest that if you keep the "dazed effect" from our pets longer to prevent them linking on parties then you could add a 5 minute timer to the former pets that keep them claimed by us perhaps with a green highlighted name so that everyone can see that the mob is a former BST pet simply regaining hp. Thus giving BST the ability to "claim" 2 mobs. This would also help parties to see that it was a former pet. I don't know how many times in an xp party I've accidentally pulled a BST pet only to realize it when we recieve 0xp preceeding their impending MPK. BST would be alot less unpredictable all the time if there was no risk of losing their pet while they let it regain hp.
Thank you for finally listening

Vycios [Hades server]
#136 Nov 03 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
1. When a Beastmaster is fighting a monster and has to swap pets the mob should NOT go unclaimed so quickly, it just leads to people dia claiming it and then the bst cannot fight back.

2. When calling a GM there should be different catagories which assistance can be requested. If specific GM's were assigned to deal with mpk, flaming etc. it would streamline the system and differentiate between the urgent GM calls and the less urgent ones.

3. To prevent unintentional MPK with beastmasters I would suggest a "Flagging" system where a bst can place an icon over a monster(this doesnt claim the monster or place any hate on the BST) to let others know that it is a Beastmasters pet. Through this system a GM would also be able to tell if people were intentionally killing ONLY the bsts pets which is a form of MPK in the bst community.

4. At zone lines a no-aggro area should be introduced where nothing can aggro you untill a person walks out of the area. After the person has moved out of the area or made an agressive move the aggro protection would dissapear untill the person rezones.

-Behaumut, Garuda

#137 Nov 03 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
197 posts
i think instead of trying to nerf mpk so you can't do it, they should actually nerf the players who mpk. how hard is it to check zone/player logs (or whatever) after a bunch of people reported someone for mpk. false report? jail everyone who participated in the fasle report. theres nothing wrong with linking system, it makes the game harder because you'll have to look before you leap.

and bind issue, i don't think it should be changed, i used to solo/skillup right near zone sometimes, the only thing that stopped me is bind, because anybody who runs past will always get hit, making it difficult for me to solo and other players to get through. i mean doesn't it make sense? if you trap/corner a animal it will try to attack the first thing that goes near it, right?

but yeah...mpk it not an issue, its the GMs who do nothing about it before/when/after it happens thats an issue.
#138 Nov 03 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmm nah, this was a dumb idea nevermind.

Edited, Thu Nov 3 17:22:09 2005 by Stunted
#139 Nov 03 2005 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
After a mob is enteracted by one player it cannot effect another player.
#140 Nov 03 2005 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
I dont think putting a GM at every spawn point of an HNM would help first off... it would let people know hey 'GM' is here its gonna pop soon bring everyone here and lets camp. second im not sure if its true or not but i heard people talkin about GMs being partners with RMTs. How would that help any if a GM lets RMT keep claim while we camp for nothing and GM watches to make sure RMTs arent harmed ><

Nw to make this game better get rid of RMT... put them on their own server they can lvl with themselves and get all the mobs they want. I'm sure SE can figure out the RMTs everyone on our server can spot them out. i've already got one kicked im ready to kick more if need be ^^

Also a big thing in my book is monopolizing i think its plain dumb... i would do it if i had the heart like others, but i dont. dont get me wrong its easy! but its jus retarded and unfair to people on the game.

Last make more things R/E that was soooo sweet from last update ^^
#141 Nov 03 2005 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
450 posts
Simply forget about the idea of having a GM babysit every HNM pop. This is not the way to fix the problem. The simplest answer would be as follows:

1.) If a player has hate from a monster that is <|impossible to Gauge|>, that player should no longer receive additional hate from any other normal monster until the player zones, dies, or the NM is defeated. This would prevent most MPK.
- Other NMs that would normally aggro the player should aggro as normal. (i.e. Carmine Dobsonfly fight, Strays and the Memory Receptacles, any Dynamis)
- Normal monsters that would normally link with the NM should link as normal. (i.e. Damselflies with the Valkurm Emperor, same beastman race as the NM beastman)
- Monsters that were intended to aggro a player during an HNM fight (i.e. Vrtra and her summoned skeletons) should be given <|impossible to Gauge|> status.

2.) There should be a hard limit to the number of monsters a player/party/alliance can have hate from.
- If a player/party/alliance has reached that limit, no other monsters should be aggresive to that player/party/alliance.
- The player/party/alliance should not be able to attack any other monsters until one of the monsters that has hate towards the player/party/alliance is defeated.
- This also applies to any hate generated by one player outside of party assisting another player who is inside of a party.
- I would set the limit to about 6-8 monsters; this would limit long trains of beastman type monsters. It would also restrict Area-of-Effect farming so that one player does not monopolize a zone full of monsters.

With these two things in place, the only way to MPK would be to train monsters that would normally link with the NM, or another NM onto the people fighting the NM; and it would be limited to 6-8 monsters. I can come up with a few instances where this might be of relevance, but none of them apply to the HNM's that people would actually want to MPK for.

Oh, and while you are listening, THFs need a Job Ability around level 40 that can directly transfer/steal some enmity from another player onto themselves. Call it "Disposition", and have it influenced by CHR. A million times I had wished for an ability like this so that Perfect Dodge might have some use in a party situation, or just to turn the monster for a few seconds for various reasons. Hide rarely does any good in a party situation midlevel, since most of the time parties fight sound aggro/scent tracking monsters for experience, since they're party-friendly, usually without devastating AOE attacks. Thiefs really do need a better midlevel job ability to make us more useful, and subbing WAR for provoke is not always an option.
<|Please consider it.|>
#142 Nov 03 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
5,729 posts
Suggestion: Make it so that nothing will aggro you for about 10 seconds after you zone. That way even if someone trains a ton of mobs to the zone line you won't get killed instantly with no warning as soon as you zone into the area. You have that 10 second leeway to see that there's a train and either run past it or zone back out.

Seriha wrote:
Intimidation relationships should be considered. Vermin are intimidated by lizards. Aggressive vermin should not attack a group while they are fighting lizard(s), if anything they should help the party for engaging their natural enemy, but for balance purposes, becoming non-aggressive works.

That's a great idea. It'd be nice to see non-BSTs be able to take advantage of that feature.

leonesongaruda wrote:
Allow Fraps as proof for MPK it's notorious hard even if your expert to fake the movie in an short spawn after it happens.

Agreed. The should be a way to legally take screenshots of text and menus. It's hard to provide proof of anything if you can't show chat logs as evidence. (you should also take out that stupid 100 screenshots limit)
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#143 Nov 03 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
630 posts
I like the idea of monsters despawning once the players with enmity are dead. I've been MPKed on the way to ZM8 in Delkfutt's because gil sellers were mpking people that had claim on Alkyoneous. And the GMs didn't do anything about it either...I REALLY wish they would. Even if it's a 12 hour session in Mordion Gaol, I'd be happy...I saw him in lower Jeuno later that day as if nothing had happened.

We want to see more action taken against MPKers.
#144 Nov 03 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
2,207 posts
Make it so monsters trained to the zone do not aggro until they've walked back to their original starting point!

This is the one I think would be the best. It not only deals with MPK, it deals with another common issue which is trains at common zones like Selbina, Kazham, Qufim, etc.

Basically, I'd work it like this. Each Monster is assigned a patrol zone. I believe, in game, this already kinda exists. I usually don't see monster way away from their spawn point. While in this patrol zone, they will have all their normal behavior, which means aggro, linking, etc. However, once they leave that patrol zone, they no longer aggro or link (although monsters in their patrol zone can link with them). They will maintain any current aggro, just like they do now, and chase any character down right to the zone if necessary, but while not in their zone they won't be an aggro threat. They will still defend themselves if attacked however.

Alternately, perhaps a more simple implementation is to have any mob that has left it's patrol zone just despawn after a few seconds, and automatically respawn at their normal spawn point. This has a slight side effect that it will disable the ability of people to do the zone-kill exploit, which frankly is fine by me.

Another MPK issue is the 'grab claim, but leave hate on the other guys' MPK. This one is an issue with King Behemoth, and anything else that is commonly kited or can kill it's targets quickly causing possible claim loss. Now to address this one, I think there are 2 general approaches: deal with the claim loss, or deal with the hate.

Claim loss to me is weird. You can have 18 people doing various things to a monster, but because it just killed the tank, claim inexplicably is lost. Since this is most obvious with kited monsters I'm assuming it's due to the claim system being a bit limited and not keeping track well of multiple claims, and instead is tracking just a couple, and if those people die it drops the claim. Making this further complicated are that in kite battles most people are not using auto attack, and instead or using spells/ranged attacks.

Ideally fixing claim loss would be the real solution. Making it better able to track multiple claims would probably be best. Another possibility is to enable a sort of /autoclaim on, which while on, as long as your party/alliance has claim, you also are considered to have claim should claim be about to be lost.

The other end is the hate. Although it's a lesser issue thanks now to the /blockaid, with a claim loss you can get it to be an issue. I think this one was an early design thought to discourage outside people from tossing cures around to Power Level others. They would have to worry about the monster turning on them and hitting them instead. However, in the end it didn't solve that problem, it actually ended up being a bit of a Power Level aid as a Power level could deliberately grab hate and act as a tank since they're far higher level. However, it did act as intended in some battles as outside healing parties are often used in high end HNM battles, and naturally in these circumstances it makes sense that the outside healer should get hate.

I think the solution here is that point of claim transfer. When claim is changed from one party to another who are not allied, previous hate is just lost, or greatly reduced perhaps to it's minimal level. If they continue to do supporting actions like heal, they will accululate new hate just like they did before. The problem with this is it can be exploited to potentially allow two parties, not allied but working together, to bounce claim, and thus hate, back and forth. This is why I feel dealing with the actual claim loss is a better option.

As for AoE's, I would say AoE's can only effect those people with at least some minimal amount of hate, or that are in the target's party/alliance.

#145 Nov 03 2005 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
163 posts
Suggestion: I like the teleportation idea that other people have mentioned. This could easily be worked into the game with some sort of simple storyline like, "The beastmen have discovered teleportation devices!" or something. The way this feature should be implemented is that a monster will teleport to its spawn point once all players it has hated have either died or left the area. Once the monster appears at its spawn point, it should be stunned for a few seconds, similar to the behavior monsters currently have when they first spawn. Once all hated players have died or zoned, the monster should IMMEDIATELY warp back to its spawn point, and should NOT attack, aggro, or be able to be claimed by other players until after it has appeared at its original spawn point. Note that any links that may have been gained while running from the monster should warp as well. Also, if a player is pulling for a party, or is in a party and gets aggroed, and dies, the monster(s) should attack anyone in the party that is within its range of detection (by sight, sound, smell, etc). I have tried to be as comprehensive as possible with my suggestions on this feature, to ensure that a great idea is not used in the wrong way. This could effectively eliminate a major method of MPKing, with minimal changes to the gameplay itself.

Also, I suggest that similar threads like this be made. The relationship between Square-Enix and the players of FFXI is in a very poor state, as anyone who plays this game could attest to. The company needs to take a more active role in its game, and should not be so passive. The animosity a lot of players may have towards the people running the game stems almost exclusively from the lack of action they either see or perceive. Creating threads such as this, as a form of communication between the players and Square-Enix, and following through with our suggestions in noticable ways, helps to create a better relationship between the two parties. I would like to see more threads in the near future on such issues as RMT players and game balance, the former being something that needs to be addressed more desperately than any other issue in the game.

Thank you for listening. I hope that these and other suggestions are taken into careful consideration, and that some of them are implemented, and possibly even credited to being suggested by players in the update notes, so that the players can see that we do have some measure of power in the game.
#146 Nov 03 2005 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
Last make more things R/E that was soooo sweet from last update ^^

This succeded in doing nothing, VE and Lizzy are still crowded because they both have such an attrotiously low drop rate, and tons of people need them, not to mention the price on both items has sky rocketed because obtaining the non r/ex version is harder, thus forcing MORE people to camp the NM. I know that I acctually gave up playing my samurai for a long time because I cant afford to drop the 15 some mil that I'd have to drop now since the update to get 2 snpiers, leapers, hairpin and Haubergeon.
#147 Nov 03 2005 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
111 posts
Suggestion: I can't stress this enough; you really need to have a forum on the official FFXI site so that players can comment on your patches. Also so that players can suggest things to you, meaning SE can work with players.

A lot of people are moving to WoW, heck I even did for a month, and you need us to tell you why.

I realise thats not totally about MPKing, but it will help with situations like this.

Edited, Thu Nov 3 17:34:25 2005 by Rideku
#148 Nov 03 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
create an item that warp the mob to his spawn point, make it cheap and stackable by 99, fun, fun, fun =D

btw, you re a cute mandy =D

Edited, Thu Nov 3 17:38:41 2005 by celphina
#149 Nov 03 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
First of all, thank you for taking the time to hear what we have to say.

SUGGESTION: Any hate generated by a direct action on a mob, outwieghs any hate generated by an indirect action (link) of another player.

Example(this happened to me): While camping an nm,I was fighting an aggressive mob, I picked up link from a similar mob (still yellow). An infamouse gillseller used "Steal" on the link mob. The link is now claimed by Gillseller, but I still have hate so can not attack. I had to zone to escape, as the gilseller sat back and laughed as he got what he wanted.
#150 Nov 03 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Default
Suggestion: Coders for FFXI should play WoW for a short while.
This is what they will see:
1> Monsters will give up the chase when they are X distance from their aggro point.
2> Once they give up, they move 3x speed back to their starting points.
3> Once they reach their starting point, they are immediately raised to full health.
4> Monsters will not aggro until they get back to their starting point.
5> Monsters will not aggro other players while they are engaged on other players.

What I have seen in FFXI:

One day, Person A decides to train to zone 25 crawlers in Crawler's Nest. Along with numerous MPK, this person is making exp for all players impossible. He does this four at least 2 hours. Of the 30 players waiting outside Crawler's Nest and killed inside, all of them call a GM. 2 hours of GM calls results in: NOTHING happens to the player.

Agreed, there should be some method for GM's to share information. Once, when the Cats group of gilsellers trained Guivre on my party, I called a GM. The GM had no idea who the Cats were. The most natorious MPK gillsellers on Phoenix server, and the GM did not know who they were - when almost half of all players on the server knew who they were?
#151 Nov 03 2005 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
Suggestion:Streamline our ability to report MPKs to the GMs.

This can be implemented with a sub option under help > GM call such as Report MPK.
To assist the GMs in filtering alot of calls about the same MPK have a few text fields that include for example: Name of MPKer, Who was killed, Zone MPK occured, and a brief (couple hundred characters) description.

Some sort of update system could be implement in tandem to let players know their reports are being addressed. Something that updates as the GMs remove reports from the que.

[a bit far fetched but would be a huge moral boost]:
An NPC placed somewhere in jeuno that would contain information on who had been jailed for MPKing and for how long or any other punishments that occured.


Simply put, we the players need to know that the people MPKing are being punished for this.

Thank you for coming to our aide Ahkore ^^
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