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Suggestions for changing the MPK systemFollow

#202 Nov 03 2005 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts
Thank you for giving us the chance to give feedback over MPK Ahkore :)

Suggestion: (start)
1: A. Once a mob has lost all 'Hate' targets, they wander back to their position without attacking anyone (except party/alliance people if they are at option to sight/sound/etc aggro)
1: B. If others want to attack the now-wandering mob, all hate on previous targets are reset and all linking/aggression start.
1: C. AoE spells, effects, abilities should apply to those with hate.

1: Afterthought: Should there be a new color on when a mob starts recovering as a sign of 'previously claimed thus no XP (or item?) reward will be obtained and normal color when all above will be available? Should there be a color change when a Mob is near its original location?

2: Mobs (mobile/creatures) bound should only attack those with hate or those in party/alliance meets the conditions of aggression (Sight/sound/etc) until unclaimed and "#1" starts to apply.

3: Mobs with charmed pets/people should only be attackable by the party/alliance. If a Call for Help is used only the Mob and non-PC pets are tinted.

Suggestion: (End)

Other than that, if there is any other way of a person setting Mobs on others I dunno :(. It might help if there was other options, or sub-listings of the GM-call on the Helpdesk... as stated in other posts.

Thank you.
#203 Nov 03 2005 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
Do not change the shadowbind issue. A bind essentially is there to prevent player deaths, so anyone the target is not claimed to deserves to die for walking past a bound mob.

Second, about the AoE... certain mobs are difficult simply because of their massive area effect attacks, and this is something everyone involved has to deal with. Serket would get even easier if 1 person was allowed to solo it with the healer not being in party. If those outside party don't take AoE damage, that's what you'd have. AoE damage that only effects engaged party is a horrible idea, and would really have an even larger effect on groups who bring lots of people to NM dragons.

My suggestion for elimination of MPK:
Any people who weren't first to claim a mob (or pulled initial aggro/link) and end up dying to them will not lose exp. Instead the exp loss will be attributed to the player who initially got aggro/link.

Here's your method of removing mpk. Nobody who thinks they could lose 8% of exp multiplied by 5-10 times with a single train would be willing to risk the remote possibility of mpk.
#204 Nov 03 2005 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
792 posts
This isn't precisely related to -how- people MPK others, but it is related, I promise you.

As previously mentioned...

Suggestion: I believe the best way to look at the situation isn't necessarily how the MPKs occur, but -why- they occur.

Point: There's mainly three reasons MPKing occurs.

1.) In order to either make gil, or to obtain an item in order to then sell it, and make gil.

2.) To retaliate at another player for an undesireable action/situation.

3.) To just be plain rude.

Point: By far, the most common reason for MPKing is for money. Money makes the (virtual) world go round. An effective way to fix the MPK problem is to look at the game's economy, not necessarily the action of MPKing itself.

Suggestion: Implement a kind of system of bidding. It's an "Auction House," why is it not an auction? Show who's selling what item, and allow people to actually -bid- on it. Have the seller's name displayed as well... some of the reason that the gilsellers are still in business is because when you bid on that Haubergeon, you don't know whose name is next on the list. Is it that guy that farmed items until his head exploded selling it, or the gilseller that MPKed 20-some-odd people in order to dishonorably claim one mob? Right now, we don't know. What's more, allow the player to post it for certain amounts of time, with which the auction fees will fluctuate. Auction fees could possibly be some kind of multiple of the NPC selling price.

Want to post a stack of Bone Arrowheads for a day? It'll be 12 gil. 10 days? It'll cost you 120 gil.

And so on.

Point: Doing things like this will still encourage supply for the market, and making money will not be impossible. The gilselling populous would decline, as the players wouldn't be -forced- into bidding ridiculous prices for that Haubergeon they would really like. Also, those who have been known to come of their items through morally wrong means can actually be seen, and subsequently, not recieve money for their ill-gotten gains.

Thank you to SE for sending someone in to actually listen to us. For the longest time, it's felt like we've been largely ignored, and a lot of us have been alienated as a result... but the road to success begins with a single step, no?

Thank you for your time.

Cerberus Server
#205 Nov 03 2005 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent

Greetings Ahkore, we are glad to see you here. I hope Al's boards give you some very constructive feedback, and the promts you to do more of these things.

Quick definition I will use in the following statements:
active agro: A monster that will attack a player because he has hate against a target for actions. healing, damageing, buffing, charming, voking, etc.
casual agro: a monster that that will attack a player simply because that is it's nature, but has no hate built up except maybe for passing nearby during a pull.

suggestion 1. Monsters pulled to zone/that kill all their active hate targets should not agro for 60 seconds, link for 90 seconds, or until they wander back home, whichever is less. (this gives time to get out of the way). Note that someone taking action against the monsters will generate agro and links for that person.

Suggestion 2. Similary, BST pets should not agro or link on people who are not otherwise on their hate list for some reason for 60 seconds after release.

Suggestion 3. AoE spells and abilities should not affect others who are not one of the following:
a) in party
b) in alliance
c) having active agro for some other reason (healing, buffing by non party members).
There perhaps should be exceptions to this for certain powerful boss monster types, to prevent 'non associated' people from interfereing with the fight.

Suggestion 4. monsters should not add active hate for nearby actions that are not directly affecting them. For example, two parties are fighting a goblin and a mandragora next to each other. even though the goblin would normally agro on theother party if it was that close, it will not add hate for the other party's whm who is healing the other party's war which is not engaged against the goblin.

Suggestion 5. (this one is complex) If a monster is claimed by someone who had no existing 'active' agro (example, dropping an arrow into a mob that is beating on an AoE farming whm or blm) the monster should clear it's existing hate.

Suggestion 6. Monsters with active agro should simply not casually agro (for example, get bound next to another player and it should ignore the next player over.)

Suggestion 7. (this one is very complex, but a failsafe:) Monsters who are claimed that do 4 consecutive attacks/actions against a target that does not have the claim will automatically become unclaimed.

This would have helped in a particularly sneaky mpk attempt I witnessed once. guy ran up to our white mage and offered 200 gil for a protect buff. He had shot an arrow at a rabbit across a river forcing the rabbit to take a 40-60 second run to get to the player. When it got there it attacked the whm for the next 2 min before it finally unclaimed for some reason.

I hope this helps.
Tyasa of Windurst -- Odin
#206 Nov 03 2005 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
Let Gm's roam the game.

Since Gm's cant be asked to actuly sit there butts at various parts of the game, an monitor it. Why not let them roam them game hiddenly, an do a 'suprize inspection' of sorts.

Its extreamly spoken of where all big issues are at, Fafnir, the mines, etc.
If MPK or other such unfair play occurs there, its easy to figure it out just by them running by, checking the Log' history an watch them a few mins. Much like, oh, how the players find out. Except the GM's will have access to there chat logs too.

As it stands, GM's only do anything, if they are summoned. which by the time they are, its often too late for them to do anything, at all.

Its already been proven in past requests for help with Nm's, that they can see when Nm's will spawn.

Why not give them an option to see when an Nm' will spawn, as well as how many people of the same name is in any area for more then 6 hours (thus warrenting atleast a peak into there actions.) An depending on the Gm's personal taste, they can set up there own list of favrit areas to randomly "roam". Watch the players, an when bad playing occurs, there right there already to do somthing about it.

An much like how "random inspections" often cause us to stop doing bad behavoir. if such wandering Gm's at high points is implimented, then i would assume so would bad behavoir. since right now, Gm's are conciderd a laughing stock. Everyone happily gets away with what they choose too, because they dont fear or respect any GM's.
which sadly, doesnt help matters much when GM's are occasionaly Rude, or simply because they got there so late, there is litteraly nothing for them to do, which only brings dispair on players.

I sopose, in the end. Giveing GM's more options an ability to freely roam an monitor chosen locations, as well as actuly be able to do somthing about what they discover, would probly help the game as a whole move smoother.

An in turn, it would also help out other issues, such as cheat programs like speed hacking, or other things.

Thats my idea, which requires refinement. I'm sure other posters will acheive that for me.

#207 Nov 03 2005 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
382 posts
Make it so monsters trained to the zone do not aggro until they've walked back to their original starting point!

Although I would personally love this idea, I can also see a serious exploit to it.

I don't know if it's already mentioned in this thread, but this would make quests too easy to do (i.e. escort quests).

Someone can train the entire zone making it very easy for those who have to trek to a certain location or to escort an NPC. Eco-Quest for example would be highly compromised.
#208 Nov 03 2005 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent


Figure out why people are MPKing others in the first place and rectify that situation so people will not feel the need to MPK.

I believe people MPK because of the frustration involved in having to wait hours and hours for an NM or HNM to pop and not get the claim. Also, the drop rates on these things are so horrible that people keep having to go back over and over. Make the current HNM and NM mobs that have the biggest instance of MPK around them popped mobs.

Also, the party system that forces players to wait hours and sometimes days for a party just to exp makes people very angry when their exp mobs are being taken by another party. Give people more partying options that include the holy grail of all partying options - being able to seek on multiple jobs at one time.

I like popped mobs and instanced battlegrounds, especially Dynamis. Give us more.
#209 Nov 03 2005 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
279 posts
Sage Sundi Said:

For example, in EQ2 there's no MPK at all. Once the monster's target is dead, it will move back to the original position, not aggroed to anybody. So we're not going to create it exactly the same as EQ2, but maybe we're going to post some thread in the forum somewhere to get more ideas

Thefore, mobs running back to its own original position and not aggroing is out of question. So, instead of copying other MMOs, I strongly believe that mobs should vanish if:

1] Player zones it
2] Player dies from it
3] Player disconnects
4] Player ran so far away that the monster forgot about them (Bind, Shadowbind problem)

After vanishing from the above statement, the mob will randomly pop in the locations that it normally pops with full health and experience points gain if killed. This solution not only covers the MPK issue, but also covers the fact that sometimes, a party gets so little experience because they are killing a mob that was previously a unsuccessfuly attempt by another person/party.

Also, this solution doesn't seem to be following any of the other popular MMOs such as EQ2 or WoW.

Seems not too hard to do anyway. :)

I agree with this, Mob trained to the zone should just instancetainly re-pop at they spawn location. But, Pre-35 BST will have a hard time leaving pets at zone, but if you are exping close enough to the zone then maybe getting the pet again would not be too bad.

2nd. Solution to zoned mob/train name color change to green or something, and have a number counting down on top of their head, saying when it will be active again, i.e.: 15 sec or something. This way it will give people more time response, and a visual/alert system.

Instead of having GM monitoring all HNM/NM pops, maybe the H/NM should have log on the H/NM, similar to how a player keeps a log of all the action they take or receive. This is another tool a GM can use when they come 45min later to find out what happened. (And yes, you can purge your own PC log of all your recent actions)

Another good practice I would say is to have the GM see-able again, for a type of acknowledgement. When I call a GM I want to be able to see him/her and everyone else too, maybe not interactable by other players, but visual. (I.e.. secret service, people are less likely to run up to the president when they see and clearly identify the secret service/GM)

As for BST leave, this is hard to do unless your pet stays leave for X amount of sec then run (flee) back to the pop point without agro, but this will not work for BST. I usually do BST party where we bring a non-agro/agro pet to another place without pets to exp, and the slower the pets take to get back to pop point the better. If SE makes un-charm/leave pets run back at a flee/insane pace, must as well get rid of the BST job altogether.

I would also say to solve the problem is to find fix the core. Similar to the fishing bot problem: (Fishing is boring and not fun, so make a bot to do the work, now fishing is fun again it's not a problem.) Let’s try to find solution along those lines and make the game more fun. However I am not saying removing the competition for hunting/claiming an Elite mob, that feeling it hard to beat and some people do HNM just to get that winner/challenge feeling.


Edited, Thu Nov 3 19:15:43 2005 by Mbout
#210 Nov 03 2005 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts
NuclearMayhem wrote
Stunted Defender of Justice wrote

Now if I got this right, the goblin which is being fought by the low level party would go off and link with the other one that is attacking the level 75 guy...
Wouldn't this make it really easy for some 75 in Valkurm to train gobs and lizzies behind them and basically run away with the mobs that parties are fighting with?

Yes, but he can't kill them, and they return to the party once he zones/logs. Even if your 75...60 Goblins on your *** that you can't fight is gonna hurt.

Actually he could. Get a lvl 75 Redmage or blm or someone with Blazing spikes and they could cause some grief towards others as all mobs will take xp based on the highest person to attack. If the mob does manage to hit the person with the blazing spikes takes damage then the xp for the party drops to zero.

Anyway, no one wants to be the target of a gang of mobs they don't want. I believe there will be no change on a person passing by if a party is currently fighting something unless the 'passing' person does something.

Intentionally (with any spikes) to cause 0 xp gain last I recall is considered Griefing and is against the rules. Quite childish to do that to a party in Valkurm dunes constantly.
#211 Nov 03 2005 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
607 posts
Sugestion :
Every mob maintains a phantom hate list after being trained to a zone or warped out. The mob will not aggro a player, or link to another mob unless they are on the phantom hate list. A mob that has never been engaged does not have a phantom hate list and therefore will link or add as usual. Once the mob returns to its home area the phantom hate list is removed.
All members of a party or alliance are added to the hate list with hate of 0. The mob will not go after a player with hate 0. This allows a thf for example to accidently link a mob and train it to the zone, then sneak back to camp without the risk of the mob going for the mages just after the thf zoned.
#212 Nov 03 2005 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
Ahkore wrote:

"Make it so monsters trained to the zone do not aggro until they've walked back to their original starting point!" or something along the lines of "AoE damage should not affect players in other parties not engaged in the battle with the monster that initiated the AoE attack!"

Suggestion: Released BST pets shouldn't aggro other people!

I agree with these. Implemement that stuff lol
#213 Nov 03 2005 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
Make it so that NM's are their own family of mob. That way you can not link with other regular mobs ever. Because, come on... the only reason that ppl MPK (ok... 1% is out of hate for a person..) is because they want that NM which drops that special item and yet someone else got the claim.
#214 Nov 03 2005 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
Suggestion: Handle it the way EQ2 does. You know that system is the real reason you're here, talking about changing it, so just do it.

Do whatever it takes to make it work, be it making them run back faster, warping them back, whatever.

I mean seriously if anyone thinks someone is just gonna zone all the mobs at vrtra and have no worries, they're either kidding themselves or haven't fought him.

Edited, Thu Nov 3 19:25:34 2005 by Timmawah
#215 Nov 03 2005 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,726 posts

With your own examples, I thought of some systems you could have that apply those concepts within a reasonable framework. Obviously you intended those as generalities and they come off as a little too simple, but the first one, for example, could have aggro patterns set up as such: within a certain radius around a spawn point (perhaps the radius varies with the monster type), a mob will aggro with 100% to whatever aggro parameters it has (sight, sound, magic, etc), and beyond that radius, the chances of aggro diminish the further out the mob gets from its point of origin. As for when it starts to head back to its original radius, the 2 options are to have its aggro tendency increase since the radius is getting shorter or maybe remain at the same aggro chance it was at its farthest point until it returns to the original radius of 100% aggro. Someone on page 4 suggested a mob taking random paths back so its path cannot be predicted. I think that's good, and it should not include a simple b-line with a margin of error, but maybe include a spiral, where if a mob is far south of its original radius, it may not re-enter the original radius on the southern edge, it may circle around and enter from any other side. Sudden veers and other such surprise paths would be good too. I would characterize a good random system as: a monster takes a random path back to its spawning region with the path being more direct until it comes close to its region at which point the path can take any shape, including wrapping around the region to enter from the back (back relative to the direction of approach)or other non-direct routes.

As for your other example of released BST Pets. Maybe consider making emergence from being a pet, from being docile to wild, more of a process over time than a sudden instant flip. Imagine Charm like a tranquilizer or sedative, it's not going to wear off instantly. A creature will become less sedate and more active. I'm sure Square could figure out a good time interval.

And about the idea of stationing GMs, hmmm, how would the idea of dummy GMs sound, GMs that are controlled by AIs and not real people? They would make some players hesitate as they may not know if the GM is an AI not watching or a real GM watching (in other words, the dummy GMs would be NPCs in GM armor)... or if the NPC GM can be taken over by a real breathing GM without any outward visible sign. It's insidious, but I've seen empty cop cars parked on the other sides of underpasses and cars with cardboard cutout cops in the U-turn spots on interstates, coupled with real cop cars under some underpasses and in some U-turn spots (they do that for holiday travel, at least some of the time). Or, just as there is that Vana'diel Wind camera, maybe have an invisible NPC stationed at HNM spawn points and notorious MPK spots whose sole purpose is to stand around watching and recording what goes on like the equivalent of a security camera. It may not stop the MPK or whatever, but the footage can be reviewed and the MPKers caught at a later time. And maybe for fun, when the MPKer gets sent to Mordion Gaol, maybe Bahamut can be waiting in their cell to Mega Flare them. It would be a bit intimidating to suddenly appear in a cell with no other players and a huge dragon staring down on you preparing to use its ultimate move. Maybe Bahamut could give a warning "If you get caught for MPKing 3 times and face my flare, the 3rd flare will vaporize your character and cause your account to be terminated/banned".
(reading on, I see someone came up with the same security camera idea I had)

Someone earlier suggested when a mob is claimed and an alliance is wiped fighting it, that the mob cannot be claimed until its HP is at 100%. That sounds like a good idea. Maybe when a mob is provoked after wiping out an alliance, a message could pop up saying "The monster does not seem interested" or "Monster is in siesta. Come back in x minutes". Or players can fight a mob, but its drop rates are proportional to its HP when it is claimed, so, claiming Nidhogg at 1%HP would make the drop chances of an Abjuration: (whatever 1:## odds it has) x 0.01.

And people raised a good point (well, points actually), spotting some of the changes suggested could be exploited to make a zone aggro free and secure safe passage for players through it and that it would be a too drastic change and make things too easy to abandon the linking system all together. That advice should be considered when developing the MPK, train, claim-stealing fixes.

Or, you could do nothing and just add a sound effect of when a train is approaching a player, the sound of Railroad Crossing Gates sounding could appear (I'm not sure how railroad crossings are implemented outside of North America, but I know Square knows what it is since the Doomtrain Summon from FF8 utilized it), and maybe add the sound of a rushing freight engine getting louder and louder as the train gets closer to the player :D

Thanks for coming around to visit the forums frequented by players and fans.

And by the way, did you know Final Fantasys 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 have *all* had Chimeras as a monster in them, but FFXI does not? And I noticed Goblins and Elementals don't have a BCNM either, whereas all original FFXI to RotZ enemy types do. Just 2 little comments I wanted to make.

Edit: Wow, I didn't mean this post to be *this* long.

Edited, Thu Nov 3 19:31:18 2005 by zoogelio
#216 Nov 03 2005 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
279 posts
BST leave/uncharmed pet will turn green(any other color) on will only agro the orignal BST or BST's PT members for X amount of sec.

#217 Nov 03 2005 at 7:16 PM Rating: Default
439 posts
Thank you for having the guts to actually post here. ~_^

Put a "zoned so aggro immune" timer of 60 seconds in.

No matter how fast your system and connection, you will always appear in a zone -before- your system shows you there...just like when you zone out, you "vanish" but the mobs still get one last swing.

Zoning into an aggro situation especially with lag from many mobs, you will be taking attacks before your system even shows anything there, and you can (on a bad day) literally "zone in dead".

Make bound monsters continue to try and attack/reach the people that bound them rather than lashing out at anything "handy".

Even when it's not intentional, it can be fatal, because the mob is CLAIMED and thus untouchable...you can't even sleep it, you can just die to it or try and run.

Post in the news, and in some in-game announcements, the implementation of "Random GM Observations" at highly contested NM/HNM locations...GM's who are actually -there- and when people start playing the MPK game will -appear- and -do- something about it.

No way to have a GM there 24/7 and you send too much info to the client anyway, so a GM would "be detectable" just like the mobs are detectable before the "pop" because they are -already- there.

With a -very- public announcement, you warn off the people who fall into the "retailiation" side of the equation (who now "get them back" because they've been done to), as well as help curtail those who will -start- that action for profit (whether in-game or RW).

And since GM's will -randomly- be there, just having someone say "Hey, I 'think' a GM is here, So-And-So must be spawning soon" can't happen...because unless you can set it up so the info on a GM-Avatar is NOT held "client-side" you can't hide the GM's presense.

Public Executions...well, okay, public announcements of some kind...such as a -list- of people who have been -seen- deliberately MPK'ing, posted on the -official- SE/FFXI website.

Name/Server .. Location of MPK .. Time of MPK .. Punnishment

If all you have are rumors, then all you have is imagination...if there is a list of people who have been caught deliberately MPK'ing...it's kinda hard to not know what these are:
  • [/li]Grab mobs, train to fight, wait for mobs to close, die at fight leaving aggro mobs on top of other party/alliance
  • Grab mob, pull to fight, bind/shadowbind at fight, move away, /point /laugh
    [li][/li]Grab mobs that link with what the party is fighting, train to party and warp out when mobs are close enough to link on the party

    Accidental MPK "Oh <bleep> no, if I die, I delevel and loose all my gear because I don't have a cussion and swapped gear before coming out...gotta make it to the zone!!!!!" while annoying is something else, but -deliberate- MPK should be punished.

    And the only way it will stop is if people -know- there is punishment happening...and those that -refuse- to stop will be eventually removed so they too, will stop.

    When a mob "looses aggro" and someone "steals" it (whether the targetting bug in alliance fights or a BST swapping pets) that mob should ABSOLUTELY loose ALL hate to it's former target(s).

    If I and my friends have built up 100,000 points of hate (to make up a number) and you claim the mob because of a pet swap or a targetting glitch, the mob is still mad at us, but we can't do anything, giving you a "free" mob, since your attacks won't be noticed until it's beaten on us enough.

    I know for BST's that "moment of yellow" is -supposed- to be part of the "challenge" (although I think it's dumb) but it also happens in other situations, and lets people spamming voke/charm/etc get the claim in that "moment of yellow"...which is not fair and -does- get people killed, hence makes it MPK and acceptable in this thread. ~_^

    No aggro within "X distance" from a zone unless -provoked-...and healing or low health (unless already aggroed because of low health) isn't provocation.

    As with the "immune to aggro after a zone" above, there are many places where you have an entire zone -party- (most of the mobs in that zone, aggro and/or linking, waiting at a zone line for new party-treats to show up) waiting for you.

    If there was a "double zone" where a person -can't- draw "auto-aggro" from mobs unless provoked (say, twice the height of an elvaan max) would also deal with "zone in and die" issues".

    Combinations of several of the above...when you zone in, for 60 seconds (or something) not only can you not gain aggro in any way, and are immune to incidental damage (gobby bomb, etc) but the PLAYER cannot engage or act on -anyone- or -anything- else.

    Many of the various suggestions are abusable...in any setting where rules are "set in stone" there will be a situation or circumstance where these "hard and fast" rules won't work...and this will lead to abuse.

    Having it so when you zone in (log in, etc) nothing will bother you but you can't bother them until "everyone can shoot at everyone else again" hits, is one of the fairest compromises to the "zone in and die" problem.

    And like all compromises, will upset some people.

    Compromise: (noun) A solution -no-one- is entirely satisfied with, but most sides can (reluctantly) accept.

    There are pros and cons to the "AoE" issue...if I'm at camp, and fighting something with AoE's, you aren't going to be to happy about camping on top of me...but you could also pull AoE mobs and have a "game of chicken" seeing who will leave (or die) first to "win" the camp.

    And I have seen people at HNM's "crowd" up, both those spamming "steal claim" macros hoping for that "moment of yellow" as well as people just lagging up the area, which has forced D/C's in the past, which can lead to you loosing the fight and "us" getting the claim "legitimately".

    Leaving it as is would continue to allow AoE mobs to be used to kill people...making it so only someone with "positive" hate can be hit with that AoE would mean there is no recourse to having someone "camp over you".

    There are pros and cons about the "return to spawn point" options, and the "goes unclaimed = respawn" is about the hardest to abuse, but they all have problems.

    If the mob can't be claimed on the way back, spiteful people can just keep zoning the area, and you can't exp/farm/etc.

    Although I do think that if an HMN actually goes unclaimed, having it respawn shortly there after back in it's "spawn zone" at full health (but 0% TP) would be a decent compromise (see definition above).

    This is getting long, so I'll stop here for now...heh.

    Sensubean on Midguardsormr
    #218 Nov 03 2005 at 7:21 PM Rating: Default
    WUZZUP, can yall tell me how to put a lil avatar next to my replies n stuff. Im n effing noob when it comes to all that shiz. TY!
    #219 Nov 03 2005 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
    Great idea. This is one "and there are quite a few more" of those issues that is LONG over due for a long hard look. Please bare with me as this is only about MPKs as revenge or out of spite. Not so much about those due to NM’s or returning mob aggro.

    Personally I've only been the victim of MPK twice. Once by a High level BRD and once by a High level BST. The BRD trained a load of gobs to the middle of my pt's camp in Yahoater jungle and then used horde lullaby and ran. The BST was called by a member of a pt that was sharing a camp with my PT. We were in G.C. at the time. I did some prying and got the players name, and called a GM, but like most things of this nature by the time a GM answered the player that MPKed my group had gone off line.

    I can understand what drives some people to MPK. I mean there is little in the way of justice in FFXI. Players take your mobs, get you killed, cheat, steal, lie, hog mineing points. And not only can the players do nothing in retaliation with out risking there accounts, but even the GM's are powerless to do any thing, as these things are not TOS violations. I just had a conversation with a GM a few weeks ago about a player hogging mobs while I was farming. He agreed that we as players have no rout of form of recourse for the minor disputes in FFXI. You can’t even curse at another player in anger, as you will end up the one in violation of the TOS.

    Players need to see and feel that justice is being done. I think perhaps a better system of dealing with those who make life in vanadiel a living hell would help greatly. I'm not saying that they need to have there accounts deleted, but making people face what they have done, and face some creative form of punishment I think would work great.
    Personally I would love to see a player involved form of dispute resolution. Perhaps form a panel of randomly chosen players say every month, to help handle minor disputes ( those that don’t violate the TOS) This panel of players, would not only settle the dispute but hand out punishment say in the form of fines, or “jail” time, even a section in the tribune with the months trials, and there outcomes. Public humiliation does wonderful things to help curb this kind of problem. This way, the players see first hand that justice is being done, and in the end I think will cut down or even end MPK’s due to anger and frustration, for that matter this would solve a WIDE range of problems in FFXI.

    How great would it be to find out that the player who used some underhanded means of snagging the NM you were camping, was found to be in the wrong and was jailed Or that the high level player that was hogging all the mobs while you were farming had been ordered to pay you the sum of one full stack of lizzy skins or what ever you were farming at the time.

    Just a thought ^_^
    #220 Nov 03 2005 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
    18 posts
    I have a question really. Why change the rules of the game instead of punish the people who MPK? Is it because GMs cannot prove that a MPK happened unless they actually witness it, so it's better to eliminate the means of MPKing altogether?

    Crack down hard on people who MPK. Ban accounts permanently for those caught doing it.

    But I don't know how hard it is for GMs to catch people. I'm guessing they have to actually be at the same spot of the same zone at the time it occurs, which is nearly never. Also, there are a few notorious places where MPKs occur.

    Suggestion: Watch a few pops of Serket and Amemet. Gilsellers constantly MPK people at these NMs to steal claims. This could catch a few people.

    However, if this cannot be done effectively, then I think a change of the rules is necessary.
    #221 Nov 03 2005 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
    A lot of great suggestions so far. One I thought would make a great step at fighting the MPK issue is having monsters not agro or link to anyone if they have been pulled a certain distance from where they spawned.

    At several of the popular (albeit lesser) HNMs, a popular MPK tactic is to train all of the high level monsters on to the party/alliance fighting the monster so they will be attacked by the monsters that have been pulled. Having the monsters first walk back to their "home" would effectively put a stop to this.

    And now for my own input. More instanced dungeons. An instanced dungeon (for those who don't know) is a dungeon in which a group enters, and they are alone in the area. A new "Instance" of this dungeon loads for each group that enters, making it so that no two groups can interact with each other, but still enjoy the dungeon at the same time. Adding gear similar to those dropped off the highly camped NMs into these dungeons would add a reasonable alternative to camping them.

    Also, with instanced dungeons you wouldn't have to have a several day waiting period between times you can enter because you wouldn't be keeping anyone else from exploring it by going in yourself.

    The idea behind this is that you can't MPK people that aren't there with your group :)

    My 2 gil
    #222 Nov 03 2005 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
    147 posts
    PandyTymora wrote:
    2. AoE damage is already strange in that some mobs damage everything around and some doesn't. I would think either make it all damage for all mobs or no damage for all mobs will be good.

    I agree. AoE, in my opinion needs to be changed. AoE should effect only players engaged with the mob/players with this specific mob's hate.
    PandyTymora wrote:
    8b. Suggestion:Introduce an item/spell that gives some sort of "Sanctuary" effect when being worn/cast. Mobs will not aggro to those in area of effect (or person with effect). Yellow aggroed mobs should lose hate quickly within area.
    -> In undead areas, a similar spell for perhaps whm will be good. (eg. Turn Undead from D&D)
    -> Lasts 1 min or so

    This would be nice while trying to help LS members get papyrus in Eldeime Necropolis...

    Sanctuary to all members (in party) within AoE :) A+ idea.

    A quick question, does SE currently have a feedback/idea report system where players can submit bug reports or ideas to the company? I know most companies like to claim ideas as thier own, but from such a large playerbase ideas from the outside might help put a better prespective on things.
    #223 Nov 03 2005 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
    MPK is bad all around. This may have already been suggested , but It wouldn't be bad to repeat the idea.

    Most mobs that aggro such as gobs and orcs will chase you for a good while till you zone. While monsters like Yuhtunga Mandragora for example, if you pull it then run away, and don't let it get a hit the mob will give up its pursuit. So if you could implement this with aggro'ing mobs I think it would help. Sure they can still be MPK'ed, but people who know how to outrun mobs will be able to lose them without having to leave the area and losing all that valuable TP% they have gained. Also for those that don't pay attention to their radar/compass down in the lower portion of their screen will lose track of the mob they had on their tail.

    Of course the best way to get rid of MPK'ing will be to let a mob just go back to its spawn point, and basically classify it as non-aggro until it reaches where it spawned at.
    #224 Nov 03 2005 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
    I think that once your a lvl 75 bst you can do a quest were you can get a perminit pet that you can call with a whistle, also that bst could maybe have a specail ranged weapon like a blow gun or something. oh and will there be better charismatic gear with the new expantion pack for lvl 75 bst i mean im only 33 but ive looked at the higher gear and not so much uber gear for the bst crowd u know? mybe u guys could make lvl 75 artifact gear.
    #225 Nov 03 2005 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
    59 posts

    get rid of RMT, and you get rid of a majority of the MPK.

    #226 Nov 03 2005 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
    I am recently getting back into the game after quitting in approximately March of 2004 (62 whm/37 blm ^^), so this may have been addressed, but I only had 2 real complaints about the monsters. One is that a claimed goblin (i think it was claimed, this was 2 years ago), while being pulled by someone else aggrod and killed me when it ran through our camp on the way to the other party's camp. It aggrod due to a cure spell i was casting, and I do not think that a mob that has been claimed should aggro because of healing spells cast by people in a party other then the claimer's party on people in a party other then the claimer's party.

    Also, I think that, in a given zone, all mobs of a specific model should be either aggro or non-aggro (i.e. all crawlers in crawlers nest be aggro or non-aggro, or give the aggro ones a different color scheme).

    Thanks for your time.

    Mindspin, Midgardsormr
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