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BST Nerf - SpinShark Weighs InFollow

#77 Dec 14 2005 at 2:19 AM Rating: Decent
484 posts
Warchief, your icon gives me GOOSEBUMPS!!! , What is that thing anway, its nasty lol
#78 Dec 14 2005 at 2:20 AM Rating: Good
735 posts
SpinShark wrote:

$€/GMs are too inept and/or unwilling to properly handle MPK complaints and deal with them accordingly, so they instead decide to clumsily implement a new system and change the game for the worse while destroying a job class in the process.

i thought i was the only one who thought that. gm's basically do nothing in this game anymore, now a whole job is taken out.

also your comment about this game being completely homgenized for team play is accurate too. back in the last update they added the fishing chart map thingies, i was so excited when i was one of the first to get one, i go to the spot and low and behold there is a level cap, which b.t.w. is another se thing they must do for every damn quest or mission, and a party was needed. great going, take about the only thing you can do by yourself and STILL need a party to get some nice items for it.

b.t.w. i noticed after i posted that i have another one of your quotes in my sig. hahaha.

Edited, Wed Dec 14 02:24:44 2005 by Pavelbure
Who do I have to talk to so I can have a ugly baby picture in my avatar ?
SpinShark wrote:
Yes, what you've heard is true. FFXI's endgame is just a giant E-peen swinging contest, with the majority of time spent standing around, and watching Moon-faced nerds "compare" video game "accomplishments" with each other via flame-wars on forums/in-game.
^^^^^^^^^^^^ So True.
#79 Dec 14 2005 at 2:23 AM Rating: Default
Warchief, your icon gives me GOOSEBUMPS!!! , What is that thing anway, its nasty lol


It's the O RLY Owl. Someone just photoshopped some weird alien/predator type thing over it's beak.
#80 Dec 14 2005 at 2:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
... I cant help but look at that avatar either.

It IS extremely distrubing.

I like it.

I a wierd sort of "oh god dont look at it" kind of way.


ALSO. Side note, I'd just like to point out. I can now solo VT enemies faster and more efficiantly with my 75 blm for 300 xp a pop than I can with beastmaster. T enemies as blackmage are a joke. You want to talk abut unfair solo capabilities? My god. If I were Redmage right now, since blackmages just sleep/nuke... I'd be pretty much invincable.

If I were ninja.. I'd probably die. I suck at ninja. I have friends however, that solo as nin all the damn time. Throw in the fact that leave is now useless, and nin can safely charm-spam via utsu protection, and they are even more adept at soloing as nin/bst (I've seen it done, works great) than we ever will be as bst/nin.


I ******* hate blackmage. I'm lvl 75 BLM. Talk about thoughtless mindless jobs? Jesus... I've done more thinking in one level of bst (any level.. any level at all) than I have in the entirety of my blm career.
#81 Dec 14 2005 at 2:45 AM Rating: Default
Before this update I actually felt like I was a gamer again with Beastmaster.
#82 Dec 14 2005 at 2:48 AM Rating: Good
The only thing that gets me about the situation at the moment is the "holier than thou" attitude floating around.

That attitude, on the part of the BST, is mostly a response to the holier than thou attitude we're getting. Touche with a Fleuret, for crying out loud, spare me.

I have ONLY used that tone with posters who have used it against me. I understand that not all posters are doing the grave-dancing, and I probably should be posting more appreciation for that, but you know how it is; when someone puts down your job as if they just fell out of heaven, you feel the impulse to put them back where they belong; in the dress of a hypocrite, at best.

While I agree that something needs to be done regarding Leave, attitudes like these directed at pretty much every other person who plays the game isn't going to help you work up much sympathy.

Well for crying out loud, excuse me for taking umbrage at the generalization that all BST are vicious, and responding in kind. Again, spare me your sympathy.

I knew the rate downs would come. I was just waitin' for that one.

Here, have another one Shopee, you sock troll.

Edited, Wed Dec 14 03:09:45 2005 by Sioux
#83 Dec 14 2005 at 2:53 AM Rating: Good
lag ; ;

Edited, Wed Dec 14 02:56:25 2005 by Sioux
#84 Dec 14 2005 at 2:56 AM Rating: Decent
Shopee wrote:

Thank you for calling me a complete moron,

That really was not my intention. Honestly. If you're trying it you have all the more respect from me. It appears that you are still trying it.

I'm just sick of all this 'sky is falling' nonsense. You're still trying, and everyone else is screaming "ZOMG WHY PLAY ANYMORE! FAREWELL, CRUEL WORLD!"

OUR JOB HAS BEEN COMPLETELY CHANGED. Why is that so hard to believe?

It isn't. Though, it is hard to take seriously within twenty for hours of the release when everyone is shouting it in tandem with "#$%^ SE YOU %&^*ING %&$&%#($*#" and that there's no point playing anymore.

There's a difference between it being completely changed and completely ruined.

And a difference between it being completely changed and completely changed permanently.

This is happening so quickly because the Beastmaster community is very involved in discussing their job online, especially here. We know our job well, and love it. This update has quite obviously RUINED the job for those who do not want to PT (the majority).

SE has made it clear that they do not intend to fix this, because they don't see anything as being broken. They intended to force BSTs into PTs with this patch. We have every right to be furious, as our style of gameplay has been ruined, permanently. To me, and many others, Beastmaster IS Final Fantasy XI. Without BST, there is no game, and that is why people are screaming "ZOMG.."

I'm sorry that you think this many people are upset because they can't adapt to changes. The unfortunate reality is that these are not changes we can adapt to while enjoying the game even close to how we did before, if at all. We are upset because FFXI has been taken away from us.
#85 Dec 14 2005 at 3:21 AM Rating: Good
584 posts
Oh, if you don't trust SE with your gameplay experiance, why the hell are you trusting them with your money?

That would be the question of the hour, which shark so nicely lays down.

I for one, and glad that SE manages a video game rather then a small country.
#86 Dec 14 2005 at 3:40 AM Rating: Decent
315 posts
Nice thread Spin, couldn't have said it better myself.
#87 Dec 14 2005 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
467 posts
Please dont take my words to shoot it in your own foot, anyone.

Ive been playing since the japanese release and seen a tonn of changes many for the better alot at first for the worst. Everytime one of these changes rolled around I had to basically shrugged it off and continued on.

Did you know I still find it unfair that there are many japanese players with multiple 100 crafts and here we are assed out at 40 points beyond 60, yet it seems that no matter how many of us complain that cannot be changed.

There are many so called nerfs to jobs, some intentional, meant to flush out many players out of an overpopulated job and only allowing the truely interested to go at it and perform at or better stances than before, had they only know the things they where capable of before then, and also in hopes to repopulate many of the lesser popular jobs.

SE is trying to shot for the working together experience, but people at brandy games those that followed and those that began to teach others ruined that experince for bst forever and created the new social behavior of playing alone, which is why I started to enjoy other jobs to fill that lack of interaction of either being wanted or being useful and have others capable of seeing the accoplisments that our characters make, I dont play vanadeil to level though, I'm sorry if that seems either alien or insulting to you i simply dont, which is why I still to this day I dont have a lvl 75 job, Ive seen many places, done many things, have some accomplisments my peers look up to of achieving.

I've played bst to 35 on my old character on Alexander, and from recent reading up on how the job is supposed to be played according to those that dwell on the boards I would probably suck and wont hold a candle to the lot of you. But the entire time I felt detached from the socialization the other jobs oftenly because of the recent US release and the label of solo play onry upsetted me beyond anything. I was happy dding with jpn before that fateful day and the lack of interaction made me quit that job back then. But back then there wasn't skill chains, and it wasn't really nessecary to solo either. I can probably play beast in parties again if I had it level and do a good job of it and wouldnt need a jug pet either using leave as a sure fire means of being able to pet agressive monsters and being able to release it without it killing the party anymore and just go out with the puller everytime to reclaim that pet.

But the thing is apperantly MPKing issues where very apperant, people have quit before because they got killed by another bored Lineage or other pvpmmorg player and RMTers. Its very awful in this game because any death is a major step back for the lot of us, loss of time, loss of experince, and loss of patience and respect for fellow adventurers. Dealing with RMTers is near impossible. Multiple Companies have tried wasted god knows how much resources (i assure you its alot more than everyone on this thread can afford), even competed against them to no avail, no matter how much ban hammering, gimping, reporting, and observation that anomoly cannot be rectified. And with the ability of MPKing they caused sever discrouagement and monopolized certain items because simply trying to get those items would warrent death. This was harrassment none the less. There also massive complains of people zoning a large number of monsters some even very high leveled into a camping site cutting thier only exits off and warrenting those parties deaths undoing potentially hours of work and ruining thier days. This would be the end of those issues. RMTers would probably have a far more difficult time monopolizing the monsters now and peoples horrid days in crawlers nest are a thing of the past and spin still hasnt shared how he is still mpking either so it yet to be determined if the RMTers can pull it off easy. But one thing is for certain, there will be furture beast masters there will be future adventurers that join the online community and will chose that path of taming beasts and they will never notice this change ever they will continue to press on and continue to play without complaint.
While you old timers either will continue to complain about the changes made or laugh at them when fully embraced. Yes, I know this is a kidney punch to the lot of you in your guts, your soloing ability for sole purpose of exp has been destroyed but I've known bsts that partied to lvl 75 and really see the new system has a vaiable tool for survival, not benifit for furthing oneself. Then again I've known dragoons that soloed to level 75 as well.

Its bitter medicine, and from the amendment to the update as expected it seem this system change isnt going back, isnt getting fixed. I dont care what SpinShark says about such comment, hes just a insulting parrot repeating what you all want to hear and most of the stuff he has repeated has been your very own opinion. If your seriously dont want to play an online game requiring the higher level of interaction ffxi wants to promote then its up to you to decide to leave for a simpler socially structured game or accept the new fate of beastmasters in the parties and adapting to the new socitey.

But I'll leave you with this, how many future players are going to laugh at us, compare this gimping to be comparable to what other jobs been dealt in the past, the future players who consider themselves suprior to those complainers because they've adapted and evolved beyond your in ability to continue playing? Todays Dragoons have done it, Todays Rangers have done it, and theres nothing stopping tommarow's Beastmaster will have done it too.
#88 Dec 14 2005 at 5:18 AM Rating: Good
584 posts
And yet, everything shark said remains unchallanged
#89 Dec 14 2005 at 5:37 AM Rating: Default
Spin you should add "Just adapt or do you suck?" to the list of dumbass arguements you address in the OP so that THESE FUCCKING MORONS QUIT POSTING THE SAME IGNORANT RESPONSE.

Alaaba I really hope you trip and fall on an AIDS infested *****.
#90 Dec 14 2005 at 5:45 AM Rating: Good
915 posts
Read this post on the BST forums


The chap that typed out that post deserves a medal, or even better, keep rating him up, he just made alot of poeple happy.
#91 Dec 14 2005 at 5:59 AM Rating: Default
Gilleen wrote:
Read this post on the BST forums


The chap that typed out that post deserves a medal, or even better, keep rating him up, he just made alot of poeple happy.

Sioux/Kubla is not a guy, and has since tried soloing and realized the folly of that post. The mobs don't respawn fast enough (at least 1 minute, bye bye chains) to use the strategy she mentions in 99% of lvling spots.

The entire BST community is not totally retarded. We aren't lying, or being stupid or lazy. At least not all of us. I still don't understand why this is so hard for people to accept (btw look at the posts Sioux has made since that one.. she sounds like me). BST soloing is destroyed as a reasonable xp gain method, especially at higher lvls, and thus the game is ruined for many people. Please stop telling us it's not, because you're essentially calling us all stupid.

#92 Dec 14 2005 at 6:06 AM Rating: Decent
915 posts
Please refer "chap" as male or female. So please forgive me on that point,

I never called anyone stupid, I simply pointed out a post that had information and an idea that is both usful and inteligent.

Personaly I think "SHE" has done a good thing post that idea, and I think people should look at it, it made me happier.
#94 Dec 14 2005 at 6:10 AM Rating: Default
Gilleen wrote:
Please refer "chap" as male or female. So please forgive me on that point,

I never called anyone stupid, I simply pointed out a post that had information and an idea that is both usful and inteligent.

Personaly I think "SHE" has done a good thing post that idea, and I think people should look at it, it made me happier.

Sorry the 2nd paragraph was not meant to be directed at you specifically. Just giving you a hard time about the name ^^ How would you know (I guess if you are weird and look at blogs linked in alla sigs...) LOL

I am glad she posted that idea also, unfortunately it doesn't really work.

Edited, Wed Dec 14 06:13:52 2005 by TheRielist
#95 Dec 14 2005 at 9:16 AM Rating: Excellent
1,021 posts
Alaaba wrote:
My bigger question was where in the hell where all the beastmasters when that SE rep came down from that all high and mighty place and asked us how to stop MPKing? I bet as soon as some of them read about how fellow fourm posters the solved the exploitation of territories idea then they should have spoke up then, well before the update, you guys had a month to make a change and failed to act upon it. Now you are reaping the crops of inaction and probably very unfourtunately your not going to see another change until they get done with getting prepared for expansion pack.


As far as im concerned the japanese beastmasters player base isnt freaking out and are continuing the level grind any way they could.

As for now the best any of you beast masters can do is complain, I have yet seen any suggestions from any of you that would allow the best of both worlds. The only thing I thought of was expand the 'territorial boundry' of the mobs under the influence of charm. And Ill say this and will say it again, if they left beast master's pets unharmed you beastmasters will most likely wind up with a new and less favorable stero-type, MPKer, and I know no job wants to wind up with that title. Think about it, until shark mentions how he mpks with normal mobs (i assume they are normal exp mobs) the next most obvious method of mpking is using leave on a linking/aggroing mob right next to a party/targets.

I posted in that thread as did many other BSTs. Our suggestions were ignored.

That's not what I hear. Have you asked them? How do you know?

The best we can do now is send in complaints or cancel content IDs. I would take the title MPKer (no matter how untrue) if it meant I could still enjoy the game. It doesn't really matter what title people associate with me most of the time as no one is going to be bothered to travel to Ulegeraund Range just to bother me. Other jobs have similiar MPK abilities to BST anyway.

So ,.|.. and I suggest you go look at that MPK thread and see how many BSTs posted in it.
#96 Dec 14 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
1,707 posts
But all this pointless complaining about unplayability. Imagine what the Ninjas would say? "OMGZ I can't tank! What am I good for?! /cry"

Then eventually they'd find a slot in DD/Enfeebler or somesuch.

No they wont. No one will invite a weak DD that can cast like 3 enfeebles.

Since I logged on at 6:00 pm estern time Monday night, I have had seek up as a 69 Beastmaster/Warrior with a search comment describing my tnl, my gear (Hauberk +1, P. Charm, Sushi), and the fact that I had lots of jub pets and pet food ready to go.

I would say 4.5 hrs monday night and 3.5 hours tuesday night, not a single /tell or invite.

In that same time soloing I could have had at least 10k-15k exp... in a Boyhada Tree BST party, well over 20k.

BST will not be invited into parties. Non-tank ninjas will not be invited into exp parties.

If SE intended BST to get exp in parties then why to the have such fusked up JSE gear with things like -Emnity (bst will NOT pull hate off a tank, lol) and Enhancing Killer Effects? and MND and MP lol... the JSE is all specifically created for soloing...
#97 Dec 14 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
1,529 posts
SpinShark wrote:



I whole heartedly agree.

I do not understand why such drastic measures need to be emloyed and pi$$ a good number of players off to the point that they are considering at the very least to leave the job they have worked so hard to level or even potentially quit the game completely.

In reality getting down to the bottom of the issue Beastmasters don't kill people, MPK'ers kill people.

It doesn't help when GM's glorify it and lie right to your face and allow it to run rampant.

How could anyone ever expect to take kindly to a gilseller MPK'ing them?

That's like someone robbing your house then you say "WTF" and then people beat you up for complaining that you are being wronged.

Fix the problem and nerf the offenders, not the job.

Just my 2 cents.

Take care.
#98 Dec 14 2005 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
3,139 posts
Wow can it be? Spinshark Karma whoreing?

I daresay he went and joined the flock for some rate ups. Sad really, since he specifically made a thread about people who do that and then criticized them.

Once again he points out that the sky is blue, and hes obviously on a whole different level then anyone else could ever imagine to be on. Way to stroke your own ego a bit.

#99 Dec 14 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
233 posts
That attitude, on the part of the BST, is mostly a response to the holier than thou attitude we're getting. Touche with a Fleuret, for crying out loud, spare me.

I didn't think that was "holier-than-thou", I thought that was "hey, nice point"

First off, I need to get something out in the open here. If you haven't taken BST to 35 and have no experience soloing with the "Leave" ability, you are unqualified to give an opinion. If you do, you fail; it's as simple as that.

Please insert **** in mouth. This goes double for duo+ and full party only BSTs that attack solo BSTs who say this change is negative, and attempt to whitewash it. Go to the corner, don your dunce cap, and sit quietly with the other retards. Your worthless comments aren't welcome nor useful.

Oh CRAP, you don't want me in your slow-****** downtimed, die-on-the-way-to-camp, hours-lfg honor roll of an EXP party?

No thanks. You can take your exp party and keep it, have fun....for the next six hours...as your behind slowly fuses with your chair.

Make sure you find a replacement, when you do crawl back to real life.

Is "Holier-than-thou"

If what I said was that sort of attitude, the majority of the beastmasters here and far more guilty, since half the posts in this thread by them are 'wow, nice point SpinShark'

You're taking this "...with a Fleuret" thing pretty seriously. It's pretty easy to get under your skin apparently.

Well for crying out loud, excuse me for taking umbrage at the generalization that all BST are vicious,

Don't come across that way. You know sort of like this person did:

You're an idiot. The bst were the primary contributors to that thread. In fact there were duplicate threads in the bst forums making sure we all knew about it...

I could go on, but you are obviously one card short of a full deck, so it wouldnt matter.

I was mostly referring to that poster.

Oh, and SpinShark (now *that* was a vicious post).

Spin you should add "Just adapt or do you suck?" to the list of dumbass arguements you address in the OP so that THESE FUCCKING MORONS QUIT POSTING THE SAME IGNORANT RESPONSE.

More like: Adapt or quit screaming the job is ruined.

It appears as thought the beastmaster community is putting forth alot of effort to try and overcome this.

Why did I assume they didn't?

What else am I supposed to assume with everyone making 10+ threads about how SE sucks and they're quitting, or leaving, and how the game is ruined for them. To be honest, that sounds like a suicidal emo kid than someone who'd actually try and work.

Read this post on the BST forums


The chap that typed out that post deserves a medal, or even better, keep rating him up, he just made alot of poeple happy.


I have alot of respect for you, Sioux. Well done.


/rate up.

Edited, Wed Dec 14 11:38:05 2005 by Shopee
#100 Dec 14 2005 at 12:02 PM Rating: Default
Shopee, regardless of anything good you might have to say, you're still come off as an arrogant little prick. If anything, you deserve to have your teeth kicked in.

Edited, Wed Dec 14 12:08:32 2005 by Takumaku
#101 Dec 14 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
37 posts
Wingchild wrote:
Change is the nature of life - adapt or die.

(Or go elsewhere.)

I believe I will have to disagree with you this time, Wingchild (though usually I agree). Somethings are worth fighting for. If SE doesn't change anything after I put up a fight, then I'll adapt or leave but I shant give up yet.
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