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***Campsites Updated***Follow

#27 Mar 16 2006 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
2,447 posts
bump for the masses.

I failed to update my bookmarks, hopefully this'll help others remember too :)
#28 Mar 16 2006 at 1:32 PM Rating: Default
Camp: Worm Room - (C-8)(D-8)
PT Lv15-20 - Enemy: Land Worms
you will come to two rooms seperated by a short length of bridge with small pools of water. This is where Morion Worm is spawned. This room can spawn up to 5 worms, and the "Room" (more like a hallway) can spawn up to 4 of them. If you have a mostly Mage party with a ranger or two, you can kill these worms in record time. I've gotten from Lv16 to Lv20 in the matter of a couple hours here. The exp literally flies, 170, 200+ each, for Constant Chain #4s

Ok I was here last night with a party of 17-19 which became 18-20. That only happened because the high and low were close to leveling. With a full party of 6 this room is not as good as advertised. It is mainly low T-VT with the occasional IT thrown in. Average exp per kill was 80. 15-17 might be good here, but if your going to push 20, do it with only 3-4 people not 6. Also remember the worms have a TP move, tremors?, that rip through a NIN's shadows.

Now this really disappointed me since I remember leveling BLM from 18-20 here with a party that got really good exp. Someone might have changed the worms, I don't know, but last night it just sucked.
#29 Mar 16 2006 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
2,306 posts
FFXIFiresoul wrote:

Carpenter's Landing{CoP Access}

Camp: N. Sandy Zone
PT Lv23-25 - Enemy: Wasps
PT Lv23-25 - Enemy: Beetles

Camp: West Jugner Zone - Unknown specific Camp
PT Lv21-24 - Enemy: Mushrooms
PT Lv21-24 - Enemy: Tigers

Camp: East Jugner Zone - Unknown specific Camp
PT Lv24-26 - Enemy: Tigers
PT Lv24-26 - Enemy: Pugs

The level ranges and mobs are wrong

The correct level ranges

Camp: N. Sandy Zone
PT Lv 11-13: Enemy: Beady Beetle
PT Lv 11-13: Enemy: Poison Funguar
PT Lv 13-15: Enemy: Orc
PT Lv 14-17: Enemy: Flytrap
PT Lv 15-17: Enemy: Land Pugil

Note: only orcs, bombs, and bats aggro. best camp around the docks. Orcs are DRK, RNG, DRG type mobs. don't forget antidotes and echo drops for the mushrooms.

Camp: West Jugner Zone, inside Caverns
PT Lv 15-18: Enemy: Stag Beetle
PT Lv 15-18: Enemy: Marsh Funguars

Note: silent oils required to move between camps, as Funguars aggro.

Camp: West Jugner Zone, near docks at Central Landing
PT Lv 18-21: Enemy: Pugil
PT Lv 18-21: Enemy: Orc
PT Lv 20-22: Enemy: Forest Tiger

The orcs are BLM, PLD, WAR types. Mages need /whm for Paralyna as tigers will spam Roar. You'll need sneak inside the tunnels, invisible when outside tunnels.

Camp: East Jugner Zone, inside caverns
PT LV 21-24: Enemy: Shrieker
PT LV 21-24: Enemy: Beetle

Shriekers aggro, but they are spread out inside the caverns. You can easily get a decent camp at either end of the caverns, or at in intersection where shriekers don't pop. the emphasis is the beetle, with the occasional shrieker here and there.

Camp: East Jugner Zone, South Landing Docks
PT LV 24-27: Enemy: Tiger
PT LV 24-27: Enemy: Pugil
PT LV 24-27: Enemy: Trap

Traps don't aggro or link and have single target paralysis and single target sleep as their TP moves. This camp will only support 1 party, but there are enough mobs for 2 or 3 parties in this area. Do not set camp in same area where another party is there because Roar hits everyone that is in the range. Barblizzard + Barparalyze will make Roar ineffective, so make sure the white mage is vigilant in keeping those buffs up. Invisible is required to reach camp, but if its nighttime you will also need sneak. Pugils do aggro but if you know what you're doing you should not have trouble with them.

Also, there is another Hill Lizard camp in Meriphautund Mountains, near the outpost. The camp is due east of the outpost. Silent oils/prism powders are needed to reach camp. Also starting at 15, you can move to Stag Beetles and Crane Flies in that area.
#30 Mar 16 2006 at 11:20 PM Rating: Decent
341 posts
DrObvious wrote:
Nice work on the guide, but no offense, I hate guides like this. It discourages exploration and makes everyone level in the same spots. I suppose a positive would be that this guide is pretty comprehensive, it still discourages people from trying new things.

Well, I completely agree with you. BUT, some of those places are not used. Go check them. I love to try new things, new places, but getting ppl there sucks. There are a lot of alternatives to the normal places. I shall look into the thread and see if I can color code the alternative places. But like I said, most of the guide places aren't even used sadly.

I can quote you the normal places from 10-75 off the top of my head w/o looking.

Valk, Qufim, Jungle 1, Jungle 2, Garl, Nest (for quite a while), Kuftal, Lab of Oz, Bibiki (long *** time, considering the EXP needed for a level), Sky.

See, not many places and I didn't even look. The alternatives I (or old post listed) are quite a bit. Although endgame are fewer.

Now don't get me wrong, I might sound defensive, but still many other alternatives are listed. The problem still remains, guide or no guide, is that ppl just don't want to try new places. ><

EDIT: edited those changes that the last posters mentioned.

Edited, Fri Mar 17 00:12:42 2006 by FFXIFiresoul
Notable Jobs: 90war, 90sam, 75thf, 62rdm, 52pld

'He will bring them death, and they will love him for it.'

Useful FFXI Japanese Phrases Guide
#31 Mar 29 2006 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
2,306 posts

these are spots i either tried or others i known have tried
#32 Mar 29 2006 at 5:39 PM Rating: Default
1,505 posts
I had a half decent party in Attohwa Chasm at 57-59 (pt leveled to 60, did decent still). Might wanna add that^^. Great guide btw.
#33 Mar 29 2006 at 5:48 PM Rating: Default
792 posts
Great guide - now if only people would stop reading it and clogging all the good Merit camps.

Anyone else having that problem? Seems like EVERY spot in sky, Uleguerand and Lufaise is ALWAYS taken now.
#34 Mar 31 2006 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
2,306 posts
now if they can find a way to sticky this post. . .
#35 Apr 01 2006 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
341 posts
Ravidrath wrote:
Great guide - now if only people would stop reading it and clogging all the good Merit camps.

Anyone else having that problem? Seems like EVERY spot in sky, Uleguerand and Lufaise is ALWAYS taken now.

I'm always on lookout for new camps, but I think the problem lies in the fact the more and more ppl are 75 now. So therefore camps fill up fast. This game is like 3 yrs old now, so it just has so many ppl at endgame now. Hopefully expansion will add some great new leveling places.
Notable Jobs: 90war, 90sam, 75thf, 62rdm, 52pld

'He will bring them death, and they will love him for it.'

Useful FFXI Japanese Phrases Guide
#36 Apr 21 2006 at 1:17 AM Rating: Decent
260 posts
This thread should be updated with Aht Urghan leveling spots ASAP
#37 Apr 29 2006 at 4:52 PM Rating: Excellent
2,236 posts
Area: Passage in the center of G-8 in Bhaflau Thickets
Mob: Colibri
Level range: 64(?)-66

Camp is reached by heading out Al Zhabi to the Thickets, then walking past the spiders/lesser colibri, invising past the tigers, and sneaking past the marids. Colibri do not link, so camp is perfectly safe. There are two spawns in the tunnel, and a few spawns (4, I think?) in the field just outside (not the one with the marids), with respawns every 5 minutes. Space for one party.

Colibri are the same level, roughly, as the flamingos in Sky. However the tank is going to need to be able to fight them without using food, so suggest being towards the upper level range. Still, as it was they hit like little girls, so shouldn't be a problem. The reason for not using food is a move they use, Snatch Morsel, that removes food effects. Note that this move ignores shadows.

Because you're working at a level range where the tank doesn't need food, the DDs are almost certainly going to be pulling hate left and right. Suggest they use cheap food for when they get hit with Snatch Morsel. In addition, there's no point in setting up a skillchain due to another move they have that removes all TP: Feather Tickle. Doesn't matter for the tank, but can frequently mess up the DDs if they're trying to skillchain, so they should just solo weaponskills instead. Also because of this, a thf to plant hate on the tank is a good thing.

The next trick the colibris have is that they re-cast any spell used against them, either on the person that cast it or on the person with the hate (usually the tank). Because of that, a blm is dangerous to have along. Of course since you're not skillchaining, the blm wouldn't get to burst anyway. However this can be used to your advantage. For a pld tanking, casting flash causes the mob to stop to cast flash back at you, which gives time to cure (they attack very fast, and getting a cure in normally is difficult). For a nin tanking, a blm can work by having them cast the spell and immediately cast stun. This will give a window for the nin to get shadows up and provoke, and then the bird will just cast on the nin, eating a shadow.

Side note: the ability to recast spells used against them does not apply to any spells summoners use, including the level II and IV elemental magics. No idea if the birds will recast the ninjutsu enfeebles.

Using enfeebles on the mob is both a hassle because of the recasting effect, and a pain because they tend to resist pretty hard [note: not thoroughly tested, so could have just been a few unlucky resists]. As such, I wouldn't worry about it much. Not much point in the rdm enfeebling, but because of the level range you're likely to be in, having them melee is quite feasible.

Party I went with: Pld (me), mnk, thf, whm, rdm, smn/brd. The only one who ever rested was the whm. Managed over 4k/hr there without empress bands. Didn't use the bonus effects from the gate guard since HP and MP were very rarely below 50%, and food duration bonus was useless.

Edited, Mon May 1 01:47:18 2006 by Kinematics
#38 May 04 2006 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
384 posts
Why isn't this stickied yet??

Also, would love to know if any of the new areas are good for exp in the late 50's early 60's range as I'm about to go through that again.
#39 May 05 2006 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
810 posts
Ya, this should be stickied somewhere... maybe not the main forum... but somewhere yes.

ANy of the sticky topics have it inculded? That'd be another must.
#40 May 05 2006 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
411 posts
Kinematics wrote:

Camp is reached by heading out Al Zhabi to the Thickets, then walking past the spiders/lesser colibri, invising past the tigers, and sneaking past the marids.

Marids in Bhaflau Thickets do not aggro.
#41 May 05 2006 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
161 posts
Just loaded the ToA expansion last night >.< Can anyone tell me where the new 74-75 leveling spots are in the new areas?

Thanks in advance for any info.

#42 May 05 2006 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
Hello everyone ^^,

Just got around to loading the ToA expansion last night. Can anyone tell me the zones/positions for leveling 74-75 in the new areas?

Thanks in advance for the assistance. /bow
#43 May 05 2006 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
134 posts
Generally, any zone that has a Staging Point will be good for merit parties or level 72-75 XP parties. Right outside the iron gates are where most people tend to level, though i'm sure there's other places within those zones.

The trick here is at 74-75, most mobs con as Tough-Very Tough, but they are *all* on a 5 minute respawn and thus are plentiful.

Many people have boasted of chain 20-30 with some extreme examples in the 100's.
#44 May 05 2006 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
288 posts
Very well done.. Rate up ^^
Nobleblade ╬ Remora

#45 May 05 2006 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
BUMP back to the top ^^

This should really be stickied! {Yes Please}
#46 May 05 2006 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
474 posts
yea i'll give it a bump. Some of the level ranges are a bit off though.

For instance you can easily Level on Purgonne Island in bibiki bay on birds from 32-35
#47 May 08 2006 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
I static with one person and 99.999% of the time make our own parties. Alot of people want to xp in the new areas (Al Zahbi). (Speaking specifically of 73-75 party for merit or xp)

I would assume new areas are packed at the moment? Problem is I have no idea of any campsites or what to kill. Also, my static is a PLD and didn't know if PLD good for new zone camping? When we xp on his THF could look for NIN tank. However, I sure can't lead a party there since I really have no idea what I'd be doing. Anyone have any advice in this area? Would be great to add to the original post list. ^.^

EDIT: I scrolled up a bit to see a wee little bit of info. So 72-75 party right outside the door? In which zone? What to kill? Are you finding these campsites to be incredibly packed thus far?

Edited, Mon May 8 17:48:56 2006 by Kreacher
#48 May 08 2006 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
We need some glue! Why dont the ever sticky good threads like this?

Hello mods sticky this badboy please!
#49 May 08 2006 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
See on my server the problem seems to be getting people to try the ToAU camps even with the nifty tricks on Imperial Sanction. Oh well, that's what threads like this are for :)

One of the new camps that should start getting filled quickly is right outside Al Zahbi in Wajoom. At 59 the Lesser Colibri con mostly VT with a rare IT mixed in. Same rules apply to fighting them as what were so eloquently listed by Kinematics. A puller might have to be wary of the Formors at night and if a Beastmen army is passing through for Besiged. I'm certain that there are other camps for Colibri just because most of Wajoom is big open spaces with mobs and tunnels between them, often without mobs.

From what I understand you can move up to Tigers around 60ish though I have yet to try this out.
#50 Jun 19 2006 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Camp: Altepa Zone Line
PT Lv47-48 - Enemy: Spider
PT Lv47-48 - Enemy: Helm Beetle
PT Lv48-49 - Enemy: Anticans
Details: Enter Quicksand at J-9 from Eastern Altepa. Spiders don't aggro. They do link. Beetles do not aggro. Princeps = PLD (hard) Signifers = BLM (Silence) Hastatus = WAR (easy)

There is no entrance to Quicksand Caves at J-9 in Eastern Altepa Desert. The only passage in J-9 is the Korroloka Tunnel zone. H-8 has two exit points from quicksand, and the only other entry point besides K-7 is H-10.

I was in a party last night where we fought mobs in both areas (from K-7 & H-10), and we founds the mobs and experience earned to be about the same.

The camp info should be changed to read:

Camp: Altepa Zone Line (K-3)(J-5)
PT Lv45-47 - Enemy: Spider
PT Lv45-47 - Enemy: Helm Beetle
PT Lv46-48 - Enemy: Anticans
Details: Enter Quicksand at K-7 from Eastern Altepa. Spiders and Beetles don't aggro, but they do link. Antican - Princeps = PLD (hard) Signifers = BLM (Silence) Hastatus = WAR (easy)

Camp: Altepa Zone Line (J-9)
PT Lv45-47 - Enemy: Helm Beetle
PT Lv46-48 - Enemy: Anticans
Details: Enter Quicksand at H-10 from Eastern Altepa. Beetles don't aggro, but they do link. Antican - Princeps = PLD (hard) Signifers = BLM (Silence) Hastatus = WAR (easy)

And remind everyone to bring Echo Drops. The Jamming Wave AoE silence really stinks.

Edited, Aug 18th 2006 at 6:41pm EDT by Vilandan
#51 Jul 13 2006 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
495 posts
Hasn't been updated in 3 months or so. You should update with all the new TOAU areas.

Edited, Jul 13th 2006 at 11:47am EDT by FenrirValendros
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