Ahh, similar model then. Next time I'm bringing something to dump the images to, and then I'm video recording everything nifty. By nifty of course I mean things like the dev panels, the job demos, the ballista match, etc. That also assumes that they have nifty things like that to record.
I was thinking, with all the arguement I've seen about the exact phrasing of some things the dev team said it would be nice to be able to listen to the actual interviews over again.
Of course, Ryan and I are already trying to think up a costume we think stands a chance in the contest so I can start working on it. I want to design it and make it from scratch, and that will take time... We're thinking Diablos would be cool, and he has the height...
edit: Woot! Page claim.
Edited, Thu Mar 16 15:47:55 2006 by Purril