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Discussion - Linkshell Community BetaFollow

#27 Jun 09 2006 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
2,447 posts
I'll use it simply as another way for folks to find out about our LS. More of a recruiting tool as you'll be able to see LS's on your server and browse that way. All of our normal chats will still take place on our own boards, even if they are generic ;)

Something about SE having access and ultimate authority over the content kinda bugs me :p However I do like the idea a lot.
#28 Jun 09 2006 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
I think it would be great it if becomes handy. I hate having to jump thru all those hoops just to start playing FFXI. If I have to hit another section before playing (and jump thru more hoops) just to get an LS update, forget it. Something like a summary on the PlayOnline home page would be great.

Security is vital! I can't tell you how many times we have lost our shot @ a dynamis because we would post the times online and other LSes would scan our forum and beat us to the site.

The ability to RSS or query the LS database would be great as well. Back and forth communication would be ideal, but I think that is asking too much.
#29 Jun 09 2006 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
431 posts

Great idea!

Some things i would like to have:

1. Security based on Linkshell owner and sackholders
2. Event calendar and email reminders (if subscribed/flagged)
3. Rating/Point or custom field(s) in user profile (for HNM/Sky etc. LS)
4. Discussion Forum
5. Private messaging (via POL and Website)
6. Email for Members (add an email/don't use POL email)
7. Email all members (for Owner/Sackholders only) to POL email or custom email
9. Online status and Friendlist visible
10. Linkshell News article area
11. Member Blogs
12. Screenshots/Member Photo album
13. Linkshell Links (Ability to add other linkshells as friends of my linkshell and share Events)
14. Linkshell Categorization (Linkshell Directory to search by Category/Description/Level...)
14. Moogles instead of smileys (Kuporific!)

What i don't want:

1. Linkshell Ratings
2. All Public access (need to be able to flag all or parts private)

#30 Jun 09 2006 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
144 posts
I'd love to see an official FFXI forum with topics and threads for all aspects of FFXI life, and a place for people to suggest how they could be improved in a more direct way. An area for economy suggestions including the AH, NPC prices, bazaars etc., areas for each job in FFXI and discussion on how they can be improved or balanced, suggestions for new content or NMs that players would like, new armour or item ideas, recipe ideas, Q&A with SE...

It'd be much better to see SE representatives actually reply to ideas in a forum than send a vague suggestion through POL and not know if it has been read or not. This could go a long way to improve the interaction between SE and their fans and eliminate the feeling of dealing with an apathetic, money-making machine.
#31 Jun 09 2006 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
2,152 posts
Overlord TDarkmoon wrote:
if there was an option to talk on guild chat while not being logged in to ffxi it would be amazing. Otherwise, my guild already has forums that we've been using for 2 years, I doubt we'll be changing over anytime soon.
#32 Jun 09 2006 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
I am a little confused about how this will work with PS2? Will we be able to access it through our playsations, or will we have to log onto the computer to check the new forums?
#33 Jun 09 2006 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
196 posts
Well Me and few friends have stinking feeling that SE will add "Linkshell Community" to their existing POL thingy.

If that is case they are jut uber idiots that's all, nobody will ever use that pol sh*t to make any kind of community. Imagine having linkshell website that you cannot acces from work. If so why they even bother to code all that ****, and if they use POL how they gonna implement HTML there, that's far beyond their coding skill levels. So no html = all linkshell websites will look exactly same, maybe 2-3 skins added after 1 year. And who will ever upload any pictures to such place? Imagine writing longer post inside pol, does it have even copy/paste from any other windows app? What about firewalls that many workplaces and schools have? You think I will enjoy posting with that crazy annoynig FFXI music in background? OR how do I acces my linkshell forum when I play FFXI and want to read fast about upcomming event without stopping my current xp party? guess what i have second computer (and many do) that I can browse websites while playing. If that "linkshell Community" is only accesible from pol then forget browsing it while playing game, you need to log out from ffxi, log to POL to read anything.
Wake up SE you trying to turn my PC into some PS console.

Here is example of what can be done:


Statistics for some random DAOC player. Every time you log in or log out they feed their website server with current stats for your char that you can download as XML file. And they update their official webpage with your ingame character stats. There was much more info like crafting and guild roosters etc, but cannot find it atm.

So, wtf SE devs are smoking, why they wasting time on such crap instead of making system like ffxiparty.com, or DAOC. We don't need that stinky and slow pol crap, we need some system to automatically update our in game characters info and upload it to our existing websites.

Ps. I doubt that any SE rep will ever look at IGE owned website. And I ranted here because I really hoped for some real system like DAOC have, but meh SE always does those things in weirdo way.

Edited, Jun 9th 2006 at 12:14pm EST by Mysza
#34 Jun 09 2006 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
958 posts
I like the idea, it s a good idea they can grow from where it will start, as I'm sure they want to see if it will be used before the evolve it. Allowing me to see what members of my linkshell are on what mission and the jobs they have leveled will be beneficial to trying to coordinate events.

The abilities they would give to linkshell leaders is honestly no different than what most of them have today. Most linkshell leaders run the website or have a group of trusted friends that do it and have admin rights to shut someone up if they need to.
#35 Jun 09 2006 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
166 posts
For those complaining that this is going to be within PlayOnline:

The FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community Beta Version is a new service that will be available to adventurers in the very near future! Now you will be able to communicate with your linkshell members from any location with Internet access!

From www.playonline.com/ff11us/topics/060609.html.

I don't think they will expect you to (be able to) install POL "from any location with Internet access!"
#36 Jun 09 2006 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
It needs additions and tweaking but this a great start. FFXI has always had a great community and I'm happy they are taking this step. My LS has a Invisionfree forum that we enjoy using. We have it set up so anyone can see the mundane posts but you have to be a member to see event planning and ToD's. I hope this can be a great addition to what we have already because to be perfectly honest we won't get rid of our forum because we have to much fun messing around when we all *should* be working
#37 Jun 09 2006 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
267 posts
Ok, after thinking about this a bit more i've come to this conclusion.

After ignoring the horribly generic FFXI graphics and the fact that 90% of the sites will look exactly the same... If they can create a system to do Data conversions from some of the larger, standard forums this would be very attractive. But.. we have 20,000+ articles on our site, full maintained progress charts and personally galleries. There is no way in hell we could transfer to their system.

Now, if they also made widgets much like their community site tool for Linkshells i would add this to our site. I've already added the Friend List link from playonline.com that makes communication w/ ingame members very easy.

But, i'm sure it'll be 100 times better than that crappy guildportal site.
#38 Jun 10 2006 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
linkshells.org for the unicorn server already thought about this linkshell community idea almost a year ago and it's been up and running for months now :) linkshells in unicorn have to be invited tho, and the users have to update their levels manually :(

but hey it works lol
#39 Jun 10 2006 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
I hope this wont be anything cheap lawl
#40 Jun 11 2006 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
This might just inspire me to finally get around to starting that social Linkshell I've been meaning to do for ages!
#41 Jun 12 2006 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,049 posts
I think this should have occured 2 years agol; but I guess late is better than never.....

Anyways, this will be interesting to see. I think this community site should have been there a long time ago. From how it sounds, each linkshell will have access to it's own "linkshell" page.


The character profiles displayed on the linkshell member lists will be directly connected to in-game data. Character information will be automatically updated at regular intervals, making it unnecessary for players to manually adjust their profiles. In addition to job levels and synthesis skills, other information such as current titles and mission ranks will also be displayed, allowing members to easily recruit for missions and plan events for their linkshell.

This whole system will be tied to ingame data. SO no need to continually "update" your profile to see who has what, what mission people are on, etc... The problem is, it seems when you ask things such as "What CoP mission are you on" or "What sky mission are you on?" either you get little answer or people have no idea (CoP mainly and can't you understand why). Then 20 minutes later when someone else logs in you get "Hey who is on CoP ....?" No matter where you put it, people seem to ignore it.

This makes it much easier for Sackholders and Leaders to say "Hey, your on CoP 4-1 along with 10 other people in LS, lets plan on doing this at this time" Then ,they know exactly how far along people are and how many people need it / can help. Not to mention, you don't have to worry about asking "Hey, what jobs can you go as?" because that information will be up to date.

The only odd thing abot the site is this:


The Linkshell Community is an official SQUARE ENIX site;, however, please be cautious when registering your information on other FINAL FANTASY XI-related social networking sites. We hope this new service will help bring a new dimension to your life in Vana'diel!

Im not quite sure how to take that considering they have had NO site to begin with and they have "recommended" community sites

Edited, Jun 12th 2006 at 8:18am EST by Naturi
#42 Jun 12 2006 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
Meh.. Helpful with missions and quests and maybe even the early stages of inviting someone to a LS. But can it tell me when my items sold on AH? If so, its perfect.
#43 Jun 12 2006 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
4,148 posts
At the risk of sounding negative, this should have been available at pc launch.

Personally, I'd rather have my own site for LS only discussions and not have to worry about otherplayers and Gm overmoderation letting each players be themselves.

There is no point to further subjecting people to guidelines, restrictions and moderation within my own linkshell. Of course for those shells with open admission and a large amount of new players coming in all the time this (Official LS forums) may be a blessing.

IMHO GM's should be off banning cheaters instead of pouring over forums for offenses.
#44 Jun 12 2006 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
One problem I can see is if all the character data is visible by anyone and not just linkshell members, or in some cases even linkshell members. Players should be able to "hide" themselves. I'm sure there are a lot of people who craft or whatever and don't tell people because they know everyone will start bothering them to craft this or that. I can't count the number of times I'll be crafting or skilling up and someone I know walks by and sees me crafting and the first thing out of their mouth is "Hey, can you turn all these materials into more expensive stuff for me?" without even saying hi first. Now imagine if they can just browse the boards to find people they know and just run around /tell'ing them all. Plus I don't want everyone knowing what I'm doing all the time by being able to monitor what my job levels are or what crafts I'm leveling. Yes it can be good in some cases, but I would hope the players get to set some privacy level for themselves to avoid people "spying" on them.
#45 Jun 12 2006 at 11:24 AM Rating: Good
978 posts
From a web designer: 2 Years too late SE.

I totally agree, it might have had a chance then. Any established LS forum will likely stay that way unless something really amazing comes from it.

The FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community Beta Version is a new service that will be available to adventurers in the very near future! Now you will be able to communicate with your linkshell members from any location with Internet access!

This is what IM is for, and I don't think I know anyone in the free world who doesn't use it. I'm also the only person I know that plays on PC and doesn't use windower, so that pretty much covers the excuse of noone having access to it.

In theory its a good idea but its way past its time.
#46 Jun 12 2006 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
I just wanted to point this out for those who are worried about the slowness of POL interface. This is from the news release.

"The FINAL FANTASY XI Linkshell Community Beta Version is a new service that will be available to adventurers in the very near future! Now you will be able to communicate with your linkshell members from any location with Internet access!"
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