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How To Kill Gilsellers - A GuideFollow

#1 Jul 10 2006 at 4:30 AM Rating: Excellent
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#3 Jul 10 2006 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
1,259 posts
You are going to be rated into oblivion for this...

By people who are level 60 and have no experience with RMTs save for the posts on this forum. Square refuses to do anything significant about the situation, and thinks they can pacify us by banning a few fishing bots and insisting that we have no proof that the people camping Ullikummi 24/7 for the past three months are RMT. Vigilantism is the only way to contain the situation, but unfortunately Square has already made it impractical to take matters into our own hands.
#5 Jul 10 2006 at 5:01 AM Rating: Default
3,896 posts
OK, without even going into my own feelings on the matter of whether it is "right" to mpk gs, I don't think you should have posted this guide, because many previously clueless people will learn techniques for mpking people.

#7 Jul 10 2006 at 5:04 AM Rating: Good
2,998 posts
Weeksy wrote:

By people who are level 60 and have no experience with RMTs save for the posts on this forum.

That seems like such an odd comment to make. I deal with RMT everytime I ever go to camp Quu or Mee, and...guess what! I'm level 60.

Either way, i'm not going to rate up, or down. I dont use the Karma system as it is ridiculously flawed.

I read the whole thing, I honestly find it a bit funny that he actually took the time to type this whole thing out.

Zaeroth: lol@karmasock.

Edited, Jul 10th 2006 at 6:06am EDT by Uchitoru
#8 Jul 10 2006 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
458 posts
MPK is MPK is MPK.

Instead of MPKing them, stooping to their level, there is ONE ultimate solution to gilsellers...........

STOP buying gil!
#9 Jul 10 2006 at 5:17 AM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
I'd rather mpk a rich kid who buys gil than a poor guy who works shifts on FFXI to feed his family. But that's just my opinion.

Nuit Midril - White Mage/Scholar on Ultros
Nuit the Insane! - Retired Druid on Sentinels.
Ombre - Retired Dragoon/bard on Phoenix.
#10 Jul 10 2006 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
tractor doesn't replace raise, it will just say no effect (i think).
an alternative method to messing with gilsellers when they're (commonly) dead is to have two people spam tractor on them while another gilseller is attempting to raise them, so that the raise has no effect. this is easily worked around with blockaid (assuming the raising gilseller is partied with the dead one), but then again, gilsellers are incredibly slow and stupid (which is why they landed in sweat shops).

ban china.
#12 Jul 10 2006 at 5:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,089 posts
Vigilantism is bad because you appoint yourself as policeman, jury and executioner. Are you willing to risk an innocent's (virtual) life for the sake of RMTers?
Their fault is to cheat, to against the rules... and to solve it, nothing better than breaking the rules yourself, right?

Deep inside, i believe that those who enjoy MPKing RMTers just enjoy MPKing for the fun of it... and look for a moral outlet in the fact of victims being RMTers. What, to my eyes, put them in the moral scale far lower than gilbuyers and gilsellers.
#13 Jul 10 2006 at 5:35 AM Rating: Good
1,259 posts
Instead of MPKing them, stooping to their level, there is ONE ultimate solution to gilsellers...........

STOP buying gil!

I don't buy gil.

I still have to deal with gilsellers.

I don't think your way is working.

I'd rather mpk a rich kid who buys gil than a poor guy who works shifts on FFXI to feed his family.

So would I, but I don't know who all buys gil. And sorry, I don't feel bad for the people who make their living by ruining my pastime. The unemployment rate in China is lower than it is in the United States.
#15 Jul 10 2006 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
This is getting to the point now where they are leveling so many blms with the method you mentioned that they are almost unbannable, they have so many replacment clones a GM banning a few does nothing.

GMs do nothing, the developers have no idea what to do.. As bad as this post may seem it is at least something that people can do. If left to there own devices they will keep on leveling more and more blm till they get to the point of being able to manaburn anything in the game, eventually it will get to the point where it will effect EVERYONE and then it will be too late to do anything about it. They are still concentrating on sky but its only a matter of time, more numbers and watching endgame shells as they fight kings till they know how to kill almost anything.
#16 Jul 10 2006 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
564 posts
While I disagree with the content on several points, (and no, I don't feel like discussing it) it does make for a good read.
Only question I would like to ask is: Can we get a similar writing on how to deal with gil-buyers? After all, these are about as much a pain as the sellers, although in different ways.
#17 Jul 10 2006 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
Zaeroth wrote:
And, if in every 50 RMTs i kill, i kill a regular person, that's too bad. There is such thing as colateral damage; I'm sure we killed plenty of jews when bombarding germany (sorry for using so much WW2, but it's easy to explain), but i'm sure it was worth the price of saving their entire community, wasn't it?

Off topic, since, yeah girrserrers /yawn, this is a pretty disgusting thing to say. In the real world, so-called collateral damage is just a nice way of saying dead innocents. You shouldn't be so cavalier about people's lives. The firebombings of Germany killed countless innocent people who had no truck with anyone else, and certainly didn't deserve to be incinerated in their own beds. Such horrors are shameful acts, no matter who commits them.
#18 Jul 10 2006 at 6:51 AM Rating: Good
61 posts
Sitting in GC seeking not long after reading this thread. Dead time server wise and a massive group of 10-15 or so mostly taru mages zones it and starts the escort quest. The couple of them that were not anon had no subjob (lv45+). And they proceeded to make a follow line. I'm fairly certain it's some of the same crew I saw leveling not too long ago. Time it took to do all of these at once... problably not much. The OP has a damn fine point... what other action is there to take against gilsellers?

On Shiva, some of the names I saw...

#20 Jul 10 2006 at 7:34 AM Rating: Excellent
Personally, I was fairly "meh" about this whole issue until I read the 1up.com interview the other day.

Now I'm pissed off. I don't do Sky, any End Game, and I'm only just getting into Dynamis, but it's affecting a LOT of people now. Lots of them my friends. This makes me sad.

How hard IS it to detect them? Seriously? (::deadhorse:: :P)

1) If you ask them, most will TELL YOU THEY ARE RMT. This isn't conclusive proof, as people joke about it all the time... but...

2) They're online 24/7. Normal players don't play 24/7.

3) They bot/speed hack/pos hack to get what they want. I've seen evidence of this at lesser NM's, which aren't even as valuable as Ulli, so I'm placing some gil on them doing it there as well.

For SE to dismiss the whole issue is ridiculous. You can be damn sure that when thousands of people quit the game because RMT are controlling EVERYTHING, they'll do something about it, but for now, they don't give a crap.

I don't agree with MPK, because doing that can get YOU banned. GM's can't ban unless they offer to sell you gil (for RL money) or they catch them using a hack. This is the strategy you have to take, coerce them into talking about their RMT and gilselling, and get them to direct you to their website. Or just tell them that you think they're hacking before the NM's due to pop.

Not much else to say, really. It's a shame it's come to this but there's not really any other options left...
#21 Jul 10 2006 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
Sidenote: You cant put /blockaid up when your dead, and it falls off when you die, so begin tractor funs!

And also I like the idea behind the guide but it may have just given some idiots new ideas to MPK for fun, and yes I would rather MPK the buyers than the sellers, but MPKing is basically a fruitless exercise. Once they die, they get up, pull another 5 mobs at once and regain double what they lost. You would have camp em for months to stop em, and your not gonna be doing that.

Nice ideas tho, and the dynamis one sounds fun to try :D
#22 Jul 10 2006 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
My accumulated knowledge on gil sellers:

Gil sellers are found at any level. The common misconception of all RMT having a low ranking only applies to the gil sellers who get PLed to a certain level to camp a specific NM or do a specific money making method outside of sky. An example would be the gil sellers who camp Mee Deggi or those who farm tree cuttings in Zi'Tah. They are all rank 1 because their character will never serve monopolization purposes in sky. Gil sellers are only ever rank 1 or 6, only ever being rank 6 for sky access if their character's purpose is sky monopolization.

As for gimped equipment, this only applies to gil sellers who don't have the purpose of raising gil through endgame activities such as camping HNMs. You'll only find scorpion harnesses and god gear on those gil sellers' who's purpose is in endgame. Gil sellers at one time were very unknowledgable about endgame and what it involved. Once they learned through trial and error, they began gettting better and better at endgame activies, particularly camping and defeating HNMs. Now, they invest in decking out their characters in good equipment so the job is easier and more guaranteed FTW.

For the misconception of gil sellers not belonging to a LS, that also only applies to those gil sellers who aren't involved in endgame activies, mostly camping HNMs. You'll only ever find gil sellers wearing LS if they're character's purpose serves in monopolizing endgame activites, mostly camping HNMs. Gil sellers who solo camp NMs like Mee Deggi don't wear LS.

Alot of gil sellers will stay /anon while others don't. Some also have and stay with a gimped SJ (usually because having the SJ leveled won't mesh with their character's gil making purpose), a poor SJ choice, or no SJ at all.

Although some of these things can indicate a gil seller, you cannot judge someone or point the finger at them if they don't respond to you, are /anon, don't have a LS equipped, are a low rank, have a poor SJ, underleveled SJ, no SJ, or have gimped equipment. Their are just too many possibilites out there. Their are many legit players with all of these "gil seller indicators" going for them. When I camp NMs, I may or may not respond to someone, even if they're 1 foot away from my character and I'm moving around. I also stay /anon when I camp NMs. One would have to be the cut down on /tells I get when my <job> is showing in /search. As for my equipment, sometimes it will be gimped when I'm camping because I may be of such a higher level then the NM, I have no risk of getting killed. Sometimes I might want to just throw on a piece of equipment or two from another, lower level job to throw people off when I'm camping. Another reason for having a few pieces of equipment missing from the equipment menu would be for space. Sometimes I'll go out and farm/camp NMs for hours upon hours, filling up my inventory all the while. This way I can make less trips and use my time more to my liking.

So you cannot judge someone and determine whether or not they are a gil seller based on these factors alone. Their usually needs to be other factors known to determine whether or not someone is a gil seller. Factors such as asking them flat out, seeing how they respond, what LS they're wearing if any - their are many ways to detect a gil seller, usually more complicated ways if you want to be absolutely positive they are truly RMT.

All employed gil sellers ARE Chinese while those who aren't employed are pretty much "self employeed" meaning they don't actually work for a company which sells gil, they just raise gil from wherever they play and sell it online for profit.

Some gil sellers work together in game while others don't. Their's several gil selling companies, so I wouldn't think all gil sellers employed out of China know each other. Some gil sellers will respond to you in /tells while other's won't. Alot of times, gil sellers will openly admit they are RMT while others will lie to you. Alot of gil sellers whom you find camping NMs will be AFK while their character is on a program to automatically go for the NM when it pops and claim it. Some are even programmed to defeat the NM and return to their camping position, all while they're AFK.

Most RMT use packet sniffer programs to detect when a NM is about to pop. Most also use 3'rd party programs for warping to NMs as they pop, timer set fast-claiming programs, and other forms of botting.
#23 Jul 10 2006 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
Zaeroth wrote:
Off topic, since, yeah girrserrers /yawn, this is a pretty disgusting thing to say. In the real world, so-called collateral damage is just a nice way of saying dead innocents. You shouldn't be so cavalier about people's lives. The firebombings of Germany killed countless innocent people who had no truck with anyone else, and certainly didn't deserve to be incinerated in their own beds. Such horrors are shameful acts, no matter who commits them.

Better to have 1000 innocent guys incinerated while killing the bad guys than 1,000,000 good guys being incinerated by the bad guys.

That would be the sentiment I find disgusting. Who decides which 1000 innocents get to die? Who decides whether their slaughter is "worth it" or not?
#24 Jul 10 2006 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
Hmmm... thats a very... interesting guide. But its worth a shot! Down with the gilsellers ;)
#25 Jul 10 2006 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
622 posts
We really need better Law-Enforcement in Vana'diel.
Good guide!
#26 Jul 10 2006 at 8:33 AM Rating: Good
388 posts
funny stuff!
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