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Chocobo bug: Sleeping Beauties (Warning about Resting)Follow

#52 Aug 29 2006 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
Strangeone wrote:

Lack of understanding of how the Care plan stuff ACTUALY works. The "Current plan" is NOT the plan the chocobo is doing TODAY. It is the plan the chocobo will do TOMMOROW. The plan reported by the chocoguy/gal after you check in with them the FIRST TIME of a particular "day" is the one that is currently running. And fun of fun, you need to catch it as it goes by. Only if THIS PARTICULAR report says something other than RESTING is it a problem if your chocobo is sleeping.

I REPEAT: The "Current Plan" is a non changeable plan that your chocobo will be following during the NEXT DAY. It realy should be called "Tomorow's plan". If you make a change to PLAN 0 it will only be implemented 24:00:01 to 48:00:00 hours from the moment you make the change.

Now this MAY BE a bug. But till we get a patch it's how it works.

The problem is that finding out the plan your chocobo is currently following is kinda tricky. You can only catch that information ONCE a day, on the first time you talk to your chocoguy/gal after the time of day you've given in your egg.


I'm guessing you didn't score so well in verbal on the ol' Ess Ay Tee.
#53 Aug 29 2006 at 4:32 PM Rating: Good
1,387 posts
OK, I need fraps, because PrintScreen did not work again ><. Since people are claiming GMs are now saying that this is NOT a bug, I decided to make sure I wasn't spreading false information. [GM]Cayenne seemed to know a lot less about the chocobo system, but did mention there is a known problem, though she said 'possible' unlike the GMs last night who said 'known bug'. Taken from my text chatlogs, unedited (wish those temp logs lasted longer >.>):

[GM]Cayenne>> Greetings Rhenne. This is GM Cayenne taking your call. I understand you wish to report an issue with your
[GM]Cayenne>> chocobo?

>>Cayenne : Yes, I'm sorry to bother you, I just want to be sure I understand what's going on.

[GM]Cayenne>> No problem.

>>Cayenne : I spoke to a GM last night about this and was told it was a known issue-- my chocobo seems to be stuck
>>Cayenne : in the 'Rest' mode though it hasn't been executing the 'Rest' care plan.
>>Cayenne : It can't be fed and won't wake up.
>>Cayenne : But today people have been telling me they've been told it's /not/ a bug so I was hoping to clear up that
>>Cayenne : confusion

[GM]Cayenne>> I am very sorry that this is causing any inconvenience. We are aware of a possible issue with the chocobos

>>Cayenne : Is there anything that players can do to avoid running into this issue or any known way to fix it?

[GM]Cayenne>> E-mail support and we will monitor this issue.
[GM]Cayenne>> Nothing that we know at tis time. We will investigate upon the receive of these e-mails.

>>Cayenne : They are meant to wake up when other care plans are activated, aren't they? Or am I misunderstanding?

[GM]Cayenne>> Well, at the moment, some chocobos are not waking up on time and this could be the issue. For
[GM]Cayenne>> more information on chocobis, I would like to invite you to the Playonline viewer.

>>Cayenne : Thanks. I've already investigated it there pretty thoroughly, I was just looking for more information on
>>Cayenne : the bug itself. But I'll check there for anything further and email support.

[GM]Cayenne>> Would there be anything else I could assist you with tonight?

>>Cayenne : No, that's it, thanks.

[GM]Cayenne>> Thank you for your GM Call and good luck in your adventures.

I hate making unnecessary GMcalls and this was my second GMcall ever (><) but considering how many people keep trying to say this is not a bug I figured I should do my best to confirm.

Reason I did was that I don't want to sit around waiting for a fix if there is not going to be one, and if anyone else is in the same position they're probably sitting around wondering if they should start over or hang in there waiting for tech support to get it right.

So there you have it, some chocos are NOT waking up when they should and this is NOT an intended feature of the system. If you have a sleeping chocobo that won't wake up on time I would mail tech support and hopefully those of us having this problem will get some kind of remedy.

[edit: I can't believe I have to specify the bolded, but I probably do.]

Edited, Aug 29th 2006 at 5:33pm EDT by Aloof
#54 Aug 29 2006 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
2,056 posts
I am a little curious why they want us to email them if they know there is a problem. Is it possible they are looking for samples of sleeping chicks?
#55 Aug 29 2006 at 4:54 PM Rating: Good
1,387 posts
Yeah, that's what I thought too, it may be that they're having trouble tracking down what causes the bug. Considering some people are spontaneously recovering from it, it does make sense that they would need some time to identify what's going on.

Plus, I'm sure some people who actually didn't understand care plans may have made false reports before waiting to see if their chocobo would wake when it was supposed to. Considering how many people here are making the opposite mistake, I wouldn't be surprised.
#56 Aug 29 2006 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
2,056 posts
I sent an email on annes and am waiting a day on meows just to make sure. Also asked if they thought it would be a good idea to just start over. /cry.
#57 Aug 29 2006 at 5:54 PM Rating: Good
1,387 posts
I hope you don't have to. :(
#58 Aug 29 2006 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
2,056 posts
This is very depressing.
#59 Aug 29 2006 at 7:46 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
I had mine set to rest for two days. After the first day I got the white hankerchief mini-event. Today I read about this and was praying my chocobo would wake up.

I went today for my update and I saw the cutscene where the NPC took my chocobo chick for a walk, and afterwards she told me that thanks to the hankerchief my chocobo had been sleeping better lately, and that she had been waking up every morning lately.

So for those of you with a stuck chocobo, did it give you the white hankerchief quest? Try setting its schedule to rest again, not like anything bad can happen if it is stuck sleeping anyways, maybe you need to trigger this event.
#60 Aug 29 2006 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Good News. My chocobo woke up today after 2 days of sleeping.

I had set it for 1 day Rest.
My chocobo goes to sleep.
During the Day it is sleeping, I "Watch Over" it about 5 times.
The next day rolls by. (I have 2 days of "listen to music" set up).
For some reason, it's still sleeping. I worry a little.
That day, the "White Handkerchief" quest is triggered.
I complete this quest by waiting 1 game day and zoning.
My chocobo is still asleep, when its supposed to be Listening to music.
I "Watch Over" him about 4 times.
The next day rolls by.
I trigger a cutscene about the "White Handkerchief".
The chocobo guy says that my chocobo has been sleeping every morning now.
My chocobo wakes up and begins listening to music!
I feed my chocobo 1 Carrot Paste (made myself) and he goes from starving to quite full.

All in all, he was asleep for one day longer than scheduled, and missed one day of Scheduled "Listening to Music". Given what happened during and after this incident, I believe it may be related to the "White Handkercief" quest.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#61 Aug 29 2006 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
2,056 posts
Try setting its schedule to rest again, not like anything bad can happen if it is stuck sleeping anyways, maybe you need to trigger this event.

I did get the hankie and when she took it back said that it would help my chick sleep better. hahahaha

Anyway well that is an idea I sure never considered. In a few more days might just try it.
#62 Aug 29 2006 at 10:14 PM Rating: Good
1,387 posts
You know, reading the other hanky bit I did think maybe the problem is that it never got to finish the 'Rest' sequence, like the problem began when the plans were switched... but then, others have said that theirs did finish a full day's Rest schedule without it waking on time.

I weigh the prospect of fixing it by setting it to Rest again against the prospect of having it spontaneously recover only to re-coma the next day. Think I'll wait for Tech Support.

I've got the hanky thing done btw, and it did say the choco was resting better, but it's energy is still 0, it's still stuck asleep, and it's still starving, poor thing. >.>

Edited, Aug 29th 2006 at 11:21pm EDT by Aloof
#63 Aug 29 2006 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
162 posts
*I'm posting this on my boyfriend's account since I don't have one*

I'm on the Ifrit server and my poor lil' chocobo got caught in this bug. I had it set for one day of rest and it was still sleeping two days later. I still got the walking through town and hanky CSs but it never actually woke up. The guy said he was starving and I was just afriad of how this would effect it it the long run. So instead of waiting for SE to get off it's butts to fix it I just decided to start over. Now I was feeling bad about this to begin with (emotional female, laugh if you must) but damn that Elvaan jst made me feel worse and worse when I clicked the 'Give up Raising' options. SE gives me no choice but to give up and then they have to pull my heart strings even more.
Well damn you all...I should feed your hearts to my new chocobo to make up for losing it's brother. :P

Edited, Aug 30th 2006 at 12:14am EDT by Staniv
#64 Aug 30 2006 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
2,056 posts
Happy days! Meow's chick woke up! He was starved so he ate two veggie pastes and slightly ill so he was fed two t. wildgrasses. He choked the second one down so I should have waited one day to see if one was enough. Hope it doesn't make him sick.

Anyway there was one thing odd about the Care Plan. Instead of rolling one day over it rolled two. I have been obsessing about the plans and making sure they are set for one day but plans 3 and 4 were set for Basic Care and were for 7 days each.

Meow also was asked for the hanky and was told that he would sleep better.

Hoping Sage Dreams is ready to wake tomorrow afternoon and I will be a happy player once more!
#65 Aug 30 2006 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
I'm not sure if the hanky thing is related to the sleep issue or not. My chocobo has been sleeping for 3 days now. 3 days ago it was on rest. Yesterday listen to music and today basic care, all of which I got CS for but it shows my chocobo sleeping due to fatigue the last two days. I am unable to feed it and it has been starving the last two days. I got the hanky yesterday and turned it in yesterday. Today I got the message that it seems to have helped and yet my chocobo is still sleeping due to fatigue. My plan is currently on basic care (which npc tells me its on) but yet my chick sleeps due to fatigue. :/ Hopefully tomorrow my chick will wake up since it is resting better now that it has the hanky. Also as a side note my chocobo likes me less as I have been unable to care for it for three days. It went from wants to be with you all the time to likes you a lot. /sigh

I'll post if it wakes up tomorrow after my next 'day' is over. Then possibly the fatigue was due to it being unable to sleep since it missed me so much and the hanky allowed it to finally get a night's rest. We shall see.
#66 Aug 30 2006 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
835 posts
Hurricane Groove (my Choco's name!) was set to sleep 2 days ago...was expacting him to be awake yesterday when I went to see him....but he's soundly snoring away. Potentially...Add my Choco to the list of 'sleeping beauties'.... :(

Hope he wakes up soon...I quite like seeing him wadling around in <West Ronfaure>! ^^

Edited, Aug 30th 2006 at 3:23am EDT by Gra
#67 Aug 30 2006 at 4:43 AM Rating: Default
Mine woke up today as usual. Maybe your babies have caught flu or something...
#68 Aug 30 2006 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Mine is still asleep *1 day over* /cry i gave the NPC back the white Hankerchief but still nothing, do any of you think that the maintenance coming up might be a fix or something? *wishful thinking* because i really don't want to start again, i like my little Fire Melodie...
#69 Aug 30 2006 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
564 posts
In another topic it was suggested to leave the chick sleeping. In other words, while it is sleeping don't even choose to watch over it. Do check on it, but do not do anything to care for it.
If it turns out that this is not a bug, it may be something like: Chocobo goes to sleep and recovers stamina. If it does not have stamina to recover it wakes up. Watching over chocobo costs a bit of stamina. So each day you watch over it while it is asleep, it will be asleep for at least another day.
#70 Aug 30 2006 at 7:40 AM Rating: Default
4,209 posts
Well, i threw out my choco the day it hatched. 2 reasons mostly, 1) the greedy asses over the freeking feed 2) SE's udder carelessness with this "bug". I mean for christ sake, at least release an official announcement about this issue on their site!
#71 Aug 30 2006 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent

My little guy hasn't woken up for a few days now. He is crying in his sleep, and starving... Changed the care plan a few days ago also. I hope that when this is fixed, our future choco stat.s are not effected! Still pissed about not being able to make my own name... I really hoping to name mine after my beloved RL pet. So I don't want to start over with left-over word picks.

Don't want my choco to become a problem later on, because of how he was raised. lol Is it possible that maybe the first careplans choosen aren't erased after they are changed? When I first planned it, I mistakenly thought the set days were in game-days and not RL days. Thought maybe he was acting out the original care-plan that had since been changed. Like they all added up. Sure SE will fix soon, Choco raising isn't a quick fix. It's just I really don't like hearing about him screaming and crying in his sleep, while being very starved.

Why can't we wake them up when we want? So we can care for them accordingly to our scheduales(sp*). And tend to their growth after a decent nap. Put them back to sleep after a feeding. Or make feeding a part of the careplan, leave food and what not. So NPC can keep them feed while your away adventuring and farming. This planning a 1 day at a time thing seems poorly planned. A few more simple explanations through chat text would help a great deal towards understanding.

Personaly i think some online or in-store (hardcopy) Guides would be a great thing. I'd pay to own a guide for just choco raising! Or geez make a bunch. Like D & D guides. Have a guide for each job, craft, bestiary/NMs, Choco raising/racing, missions/storylines... I would love to collect these seperate guides! Never really liked the limited gather online info. I started playing games because I didn't play well with others. Community is a good thing, but you could make some money!

Edited, Aug 30th 2006 at 10:18am EDT by SothsayerAtlantis
#72 Aug 30 2006 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
1,387 posts
He should stop crying in his sleep the next time you talk to the guy, if you've zoned out of the area since being told he's crying. Zone, wait a while, and come back in (current theory is 1 vanadiel day minimum) and go back to the stable, and the hanky will be suitable to stop the crying.

Some said the hanky quest would wake sleeping-glitch chocos, sadly Max did not awaken last night though she did sleep OK.
#73 Aug 30 2006 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
564 posts
@Alrefie: Why are you (and others) complaining about the cost of food? Unless your chick is ill or something, Gysahl Greens you buy cheaply at the chocobo stable merchant is fine. If you think it is kind of rude to force a chick to eat unprocessed greens, making paste out of it isn't that hard. Also, San d' Orian Carrots should be pretty cheap to get.
I have been feeding Royal Flurry Vegetable Paste (made of those cheap greens) and am now working on growing at least the grasses in case he gets ill. If you do the readup on things, you can do a lot yourself without having to complain about the people taking advantage of the situation.
#74 Aug 30 2006 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
1,387 posts
Seriously, I've been wondering about that too. Even if you're not willing to feed it regular carrots and gysahl greens, the cheap paste (vegetable) is only cooking 20. It costs almost nothing to level to 20 if you do it smart. I don't get the drama-- I assume the reason people are willing to pay 25-30K a stack for the stuff from cooks is that a) NQ paste costs around 1K each if you don't break it, b) the synth requires unstackable millet you have to get from Sandy, which is a pain, and c) they are in a big rush to have it NOWNOWNOWNOWNOW.
#75 Aug 30 2006 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
Aloof wrote:
He should stop crying in his sleep the next time you talk to the guy, if you've zoned out of the area since being told he's crying. Zone, wait a while, and come back in (current theory is 1 vanadiel day minimum) and go back to the stable, and the hanky will be suitable to stop the crying.

First off, I want to say that I think this little quest is adorable. A very cute little addition to Chocobo raising. :D

So last night, I checked in on Gallant Angel, and she was pretty distressed. Poor little thing seems to think of me as a parent and wasn't sleeping well. (I know, that's already been addressed as part of the quest, but I wanted to brag on my chocobo.) I received the handkerchief at 18:00 or so Vana 'diel time. I sat myself down next to the stables until a new Vana 'diel day. Went back to Hantileon, and didn't get anything special for the handkerchief. So I zoned into North Sandie, turned around and came back into South Sandie. Went straight to the stables, talked to Hantileon, and he took the hankie back.

I love this part of the game, I'm so excited they added it. I just wish I could take a picture or two of my baby for her baby book. :(
#76 Aug 30 2006 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
1,387 posts
Yeah, Highland Brave *mule's choco* got this quest without being on the Rest care plan, too, by the way. The choco does things 'weakly' throughout the day as if it were ill *from the distress I guess* but then the next day recovers just fine on a regular care plan.
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