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#52 Mar 04 2007 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
6,543 posts
I am very impressed by what I've read from both of your write ups. It is good to finally see the team behind FFXI for who they really are, and not just an obscure idea of creation similar to that of "God" that people simply refer to as "SE".

It is also comforting to know just how much they really do listen to the player base. Basically if there is a problem, they know about it, and they are already working on ways to fix it. It is only a matter of time.

People have been complaining a lot about RMT. Even though they have still not yet been completely abolished, just look! In recent months they have taken severe beatings. Notorious groups that had existed for years before-- annihilated! They make new accounts and start over, maybe get an Ulli claim or two, only to be banned again. Sooner or later the act of RMT itself will become a fools errand because of this.

Just because something has a problem at first, does not mean it will always be doomed as such. From what I've read today, SE meticulously evaluates everything. Anything can be changed at any time. People complain about puppetmaster now, but you never know if 5 months from now it might be the most sought out job in the game.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#53 Mar 04 2007 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to know if there was any talk of another expansion pack.

Yes yes, I know TAU isn't even done yet, but I am just curious if they have anything in mind yet.

And that also makes me wonder on a side note - who actually writes the mission storylines? Lets face it, the stories (in my opinion) are what makes FF11 different from other MMORPGs.
#54 Mar 04 2007 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
448 posts
Harnao the Malevolent wrote:
I would like to know if there was any talk of another expansion pack.

Wiki's comment reports that, though they are the only one saying that I think.
Korede..Millia moshido wa...
PLD/WAR 75/37 - Asura
#55 Mar 04 2007 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,898 posts
Where can I read the writups?
#56 Mar 04 2007 at 2:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
Harnao the Malevolent wrote:
I would like to know if there was any talk of another expansion pack.

Yes yes, I know TAU isn't even done yet, but I am just curious if they have anything in mind yet.

And that also makes me wonder on a side note - who actually writes the mission storylines? Lets face it, the stories (in my opinion) are what makes FF11 different from other MMORPGs.

One of the guys from FFXIOnline.com actually brought this up too, saying that the draw of FF is its storyline and there is practically no advertisement letting people know that FFXI does indeed have a storyline.

The write-ups are available on the front news page.
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#57 Mar 04 2007 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
2,614 posts
Matt Hilton told us how he stares at his screen sometimes, reading the forum posts stating this, and he just wants to literally post an argument against it; but things aren’t that simple. Everything is a process to ensure the proper customer care is done. While Matt Hilton, or any SE rep, could speak on their behalves, they also represent Square-Enix as a whole, both with and without Final Fantasy 11. That in mind, he can’t post anything that he’s not approved of, as saying something false would make them, as a whole, look bad.

I've thought about this sometimes... getting paid to read forums 5 hours a day sounds like a pretty sweet deal, but I'm not sure I could handle it. It would drive me absolutely insane to read some of the dumb **** that gets posted here and not be able to respond.

"Every item in the game should be Rare/Ex!"
"SE is getting cuts from the gilsellers!"
"Crafting should give skillups with every synth, like in WoW!"
"There aren't as many people in Valkurm as at the NA launch, so the game is dying!"

#58 Mar 04 2007 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
Oh btw Pikko,I happen to know Ganiman and Rickshaw in game.Avengers LS.Good people.I'm glad someone from pheonix was there to represent! :)


Where can I read the writups?

try alla home page.

Edited, Mar 4th 2007 5:38pm by Tenfooterten
#59 Mar 04 2007 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
11,630 posts
Actually, I remember that brought up during lunch. The general consensus is that it's pretty much the players who decide if they want to keep them out or not. A properly leveled summon can go in and melee if the SMN himself/herself chooses.

Though, I'll jot that one down and let you know.

Nice to hear. Observe that that the choice between meeleing avatars and not, is the same choice as slow exp per hour or not. A bone thrown to SMNs that make the choice between keeping avatars out and not to not be equal to speed of exp would be nice.

For example the classics:

* Halved perpetuation
* Removed perpetuation
* Resting with avatars out (both fight and idle)
* Resting with avatars out (only idle)
* MP drain on avatar attacks that go to SMN
* Perpetuation is only temporary and you regain MP slowly after dismissing (think drowning in some games. You loose oxygen, then you reach surface and regain it)
* Convert (lolrdm)
* SAM moves: A-move; Less perpetuation, something negative. B-move; More damage, higher perpetuation. 5 min duration, 1 min recast.

For example the extremes:

* Nerf cure spells
* Set max exp per hour to 3k globally
* Make avatars deal ********* of melee damage

Resting with avatars out tend to be the most popular choice from what I've heard. It lets you sacrifice mobility and subjob use for some MP regain while having avatars out. Making it more or less equal with BLM who nuke, rest, nuke, rest. (Maybe also the possibility of being able to say "sorry can't heal" is part of why it is popular)

Also as stated hundreds of times, allowing SMN to keep avatars out more enhances "FUN" and nothing else. The melee damage is very low, and spirits are very random.

Does your entire life revolve around this? Seriously, get a grip.

Yes, it'd be nice if there was a work around, but I couldn't care either way. Even if I *could* keep avatars out all the time, it'd just turn the job into a weak version of BST or PUP because we'd be spending all our MP on Bloodpacts and the avatars would *still* be crappy melee, as would we with our puny lollipops.

It's fine as it is.

It is funny how you say "It'd just turn the job into a weak version of BST or PUP" when the fact is that the job has ALREADY turned into a weak version of WHM. Not to mention the original design was a weak version of BST or PUP that the community didn't accept.

Avatar melee is just a question about fun. Should SMN be fun? Yes or no? If yes, let my avatars melee without ruining for my party. If no, then the job is fine.

Bottom line is that it is a VERY reasonable demand to be able to have meleeing avatars or spirits as a SMN. Ever see a SMN mob summon + dismiss? No, they have free avatars and spirits that work just how you expect them to work. Why not do the same for players? (Not asking for 2 hour that does 2k damage to whole zone or spirits casting thundaga III, just being able to have them with me without leaving me dry from MP)
#60 Mar 04 2007 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
I think + avatar melee dmg would fix alot.As a taru, i have enough MP to let my avatar stay out.With gear and such. i can keep it out for a long time.Perp cost isn't my issue.My issue is other members of the party expecting me to hold mp for healing, or crying that all my avatar is doing, is giving mob TP.

Both are semi true.I should conserve MP to back up heal, but i do that.And i can melee and conserve mp, especially with refresh on.

As far as the TP thing, sure .. i am giving mob TP.I am also giving my pet TP, wich is directly related to certain bloodpacts.

Ignorance must be bliss. ><

Edit: I really should'nt type in the dark ><

Edited, Mar 4th 2007 5:53pm by Tenfooterten
#61 Mar 04 2007 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
197 posts
First off, thanks for all the info. Found it an enjoyable read. :o)

Seeing as perhaps you'd want something new to consider at a possible next summit, I've always had a problem with space limitations. There have been ways that this has been addressed such as the Armor Storage NPC for various armor sets and Event Storage NPCs for Event Items. I'm also aware that they're adding to the Armor Storage NPC in the form of Relic Gear. However, I still use certain pieces of Relic and AF gear while others go unused sitting in my Mog House. Being a collector, I still have the weapon AFs for several of my jobs.

My idea is something along the lines of a modification of the Armor Storage NPC to something similar to the Event Storage NPC. Restrict this to AF and Relic (NQ and HQ) pieces so we could store certain pieces while keeping our other ones. For those that aren't aware, the Event Storage NPC holds individual event items while the Armor Storage NPC requires an entire set. Any AF or Relic piece that you're not using you can store while keeping out the pieces you more commonly use. Meanwhile, also keep the Armor Storage option available for easier access. Perhaps even have the fee for a storage removal of a single piece equal that of the entire set. This can further include AF weapons and Relic Accesories (Belts/Capes).

Thanks for your consideration :o)
#62 Mar 04 2007 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,898 posts
What would make WHM the "ultimate healer's" they keep mentioning?

-Divine Veil as a permanent job trait
-Devotion fully merited down to 10 minutes (seriously...convert is 10 and it gets even lower, and devotion isn't as powerful and can't even self-target.)
-Martyr should be a single target benediction. Cure status effects and heal full life. As is, no one really wants it and I think that's a shame.

Also, Marduk armor was a complete disaster. No WHM wants +SMN skill, +Singing skill, and most don't even really want +healing skill. I want to see new special effects for armor, like...
-enhances Devotion
-enhances Prot/Shell
-enhances Conserve MP

I also loved the Barspells in FF X. Single elemental magic completely negated. They could have a long recast, but those would be fun spells to play around with.

And status Barspells are a joke. They should give a large percentage boost to your chances of actually resisting the effect to start. As they are now, I can't remember the last time I used one.

Edited, Mar 4th 2007 7:19pm by JingWoo
#63 Mar 04 2007 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
1,842 posts
Yea, "Keeping Avatars Out" needs help. I remember while level smn I actually tried to keep the avatars out and see how it goes. Needless to say my mp was out by chain 3.
#64 Mar 04 2007 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
2,411 posts
Why no Mac support? Did they cite a reason? was it the usual "not enough interest"?

I think any chance of a Mac version was shot the moment new Apple computers started being able to run Windows. Why code an entirely new version when the current game works fine on any Apple computer made today?
#65 Mar 04 2007 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
you dont keep it out for entire chains ><.you take out for TP 100%+, BP, then release.Toss a few cures and rest.If you do it that way, chains keep going, your MP stays above 50% at all times, and you actually contribute to party.
#66 Mar 04 2007 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
Honestly, SMN isn't as broken as most of you guys think.The real problem, is you have played main heal for so long, that playing support DD is a new concept.

I main heal, i support DD.Sometimes more heal, sometimes more DD.Do you do a butload of dmg? ... of course not, atleast, not compared to war,drk, or rng.But you still can contribute.Keeping avatars out for 100% TP to MB is an excellent idea. Try it.


/derail ... /off
#67 Mar 04 2007 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,988 posts
I think any chance of a Mac version was shot the moment new Apple computers started being able to run Windows. Why code an entirely new version when the current game works fine on any Apple computer made today?

Hi, I run FF on my Mac when I travel.

Personally I wish I didn't have to use boot camp. I wish I could just have it on mac, it's a convenience thing. I feel dirty at times with windows on here, I lie in the shower to try and get clean....

oh hell that was out loud again....
#68 Mar 04 2007 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
2,914 posts
sallemand wrote:
Why no Mac support? Did they cite a reason? was it the usual "not enough interest"?

I think any chance of a Mac version was shot the moment new Apple computers started being able to run Windows. Why code an entirely new version when the current game works fine on any Apple computer made today?
The thing is Mac OS X Native-games run 10 times better than using boot Camp, booting Windows, and running something from there.

Mac OS X-native games on OS X give practically the same benefits as running games that are Vista-Native on Vista. I dont think the new macs can run Vista yet though.....which it why I was wondering.

Not to mention, the most popular MMO out there is Mac/PC compatible XD

To the above poster: I might be getting an Intel-enabled Mac Mini soon, how does FFXI run under Boot camp/Windows XP? Is it decent enough to warrant the cost?

Edited, Mar 4th 2007 6:28pm by plutoknight
#69 Mar 04 2007 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
Not to mention, the most popular MMO out there is Mac/PC compatible XD

I remember when the "most popular" thing was disco. ><
#70 Mar 04 2007 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,089 posts
Resting with avatars out tend to be the most popular choice from what I've heard. It lets you sacrifice mobility and subjob use for some MP regain while having avatars out.

The first time I played SMN, i rested when my SMN was out expecting to get mp back. LOL? I don't see why this isn't done and I don't understand why SMN can't use their avatars more or why SE wouldn't want them to.
#71 Mar 04 2007 at 4:42 PM Rating: Excellent
3,777 posts
I have a few comments for you two, both exo and pikko so here goes.

First off I appreciate the summit you did and thanks for the input. I applaud the "no rmt" because s-e already knows about it. They have known and you bringing it up again wont help them solve any better. I thank you wholeheartedly for your input.

Now for things I want to say on my behalf for future meetings:

First off on Crafting: I am very dedicated to crafting and I think its pretty great. I'm lvl 99.8 goldsmithing and I have loved it the whole way. I'm going to be lvl 100 within a short time. Now there are two things I would like to bring across to you of concern, which I truly hope you can relate to s-e next summit.

First and foremost: I know there are thousands of people on my server but only a select few of them are very high in any one craft. As it stands there is no way for other people to know I exist unless they know me personally or see my name in the auction house. I often have people check me in lower jeuno and ask me to make something which I am more than happy to do. I love crafting, and I like signing things. I keep signature crystals of all types on me at all times for whenever this happens. But if nobody knows I exist even if they are in the same zone as me I cant help them unless i shout and advertise my craft lvl, which I don't like to do for reasons of spam.

The request: I would really like to see a search function built into the game for crafting levels. You can search for job levels but not crafting levels. I don't know how s-e could implement this but I would think it really helpful if they could implement a separate search function than party that allows you to search for crafters of a specific guild and level. There are people searching vanadieel over at any given time for XXX crafter lvl and they just don't know any names. So they end up waiting or not getting their item. A search craftskill feature would be really great and make me incredibly happy.

Second on the crafting agenda: High quality crystals. The NPC that is responsible for guild points is the only source of high quality crystals to sign items with. However they only allow one crystal purchase at a time. This is a very great frustration to me because if I want three stacks of inferno crystals I have to talk to the npc, scroll down the menue, select the crystal, select yes and then repeat the process 36 times. It can take me literally 10 minutes to flush out all the crystals i want from the NPC. Which really ends up wasting unnecessary time and just plain sucking.

The request: I would like to see high quality crystals (inferno, terra, cyclone... etc etc) purchasable by the stack, at the cost of 12 times a single. So terra crystals cost me 200 guild points for one, I would like to be able to purchase 12 terra crystals for 2400 guild points in one fell swoop and be done with it. The auction house allows you to purchase normal crystals by singles or stacks. Why should signature crystal sales for guild points be any different?

Other suggesgions: This is really kind of already discussed but I think it still warrents getting out officially. You already discussed end game and drop rates to s-e in your current summit and how crappy drop rates are bad. It's true, I have seen a screenshot of kirin...the king of the sky gods... dropping one single wind crystal. I can only imagine the pain that linkshell felt that day. But there is another issue, and this one is in my eyes equally important.

FFXI has evolved from the olden days of when it first came out. Back in the beginning everybody was low lvl and nobody could equip god gear, let alone take them down. But today times have changed and I wager a good 80-85% of the servers's populace have at least one job at 75. This creates a very big problem when the one and only source of the items is on a 21-24 hour respawn timer and some on a 1 a real life week respawn.

Yes I'm talking about mobs like Fafnir and Nidhogg. I'll give some math. Suppose 85% of a server has a lvl 75 job and 35% of those jobs can use any one particular abjuration (thats about right I wager). Lets say a server has 10,000 players. That means that 10,000 players x 85% (lvl 75's) x 35% (number of 75s who can use ) == 2,975 players, which I will round up to 3,000 for simplicity.

If 3,000 players want an item such as Neptunal Head, and only one spawn is possible on average per day it would take 3,000 days to supply a server, or nearly ten years. Now take the Kings, which spawn at a rate of only 1/7 the time. These items will take approximately 7 times the time to get enough out to make evryone happy, or 70 years. Now add the fact that only a few of the possible 3 or 4 items drop per kill and you have a very big problem. If a 21-24 hour respawn has 4 items that can drop that are abjuration and only one of them falls in one kill you just multiplied the time to get enough out by a lot more.

Simply put, the job lvls of the ffxi community have evolved to the point where the old system of attaining end game pieces of equipment is outdated and can no longer sustain the incredible strain of demand. You cannot compare the world of vanaadiel end game when many people got their pieces 3 years ago to that of today. You just cannot. There are just THAT MANY MORE of us.

Now I'm not saying these pieces should be easy to get or common. But the current system makes it so a new player to end game will have an impossibly hard time getting certain pieces. Really we may as well not even try.

Now add the fact that certain end game shells THROW AWAY!!!!!! (and i bolded that because its both important and true) such pieces and you have an even bigger problem.

On all servers there are established HNM shells. The best of the best. They have been doing end game for years and some of them have all the pieces of gear they need. They no longer need abjuration. BUT some shells (actually MANY shells) have a policy that they will not sell abjuration or give it away. This is to prevent conflict and drama and I understand where it comes from, but at the same time it pains me more than anything to see pieces of end game gear wasted. There are monks in some shells with zenith gear and summoners with hecatomb simply because nobody in the shell needs it anyore and policy of the shell forbids drops going outside the shell.

The reason these shells still camp the land gods is not for the abjuration but things like riddill. Fafnir is the prime example once again. Many end game shells camp fafnir simply for the riddill, nothing else. If abjuration drops it gets tossed. This abjuration is already an impossible bottleneck and seeing the precious very few that are created destroyed is a pain unlike any other.

The request: I assume and can only hope s-e is doing this with the Nynzle (sp) Isle assault--- Make certain items obtainable elsewhere. Abjuration is the prime example here. The demand of the playerbase is too high for one source of 21-24 hours spawn to sustain, and if it gets destroyed even harsher.

Again I am by no means requesting this be made easy to get, as its some of the best gear available. But as it stands certain pieces are not incredibly difficult to get, they are literally impossible. No matter what one does they are beyond their reach..... period... end of story. That seems broken to me.

So those are my three suggesgions to you guys for the next summit meeeting. If you read this I would at least aappreciate a reply to let me know your opinions. I'd like to know you heard my requests.

EDIT: I edited that for spelling. It was so important to me I took the time to weed out as many typos as I could to make it pleasing to the eyes.

Edited, Mar 4th 2007 8:21pm by Melphina

There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
#72 Mar 04 2007 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
1,089 posts
Nice post Melphina.

From playing Vanguard for a bit I hope that in their next MMO they have a hybrid crafting system between FFXI and Vanguard. In Vanguard every item is signed, even if sold through the 'AH'. That way crafters can become known. Another thing is that they have grades. An A sword will have dmg of 9-11, but B will be 9-10 and C will be 8-10 and so on. This way you can have so much more to equip in the game. However I'm MUCH more a fan of the crystal synthing in FFXI even though Vanguard makes more 'sense' XD.

You said all that needs to be said for HNM
#73 Mar 04 2007 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
197 posts
Hm... now that the LS community has been mentioned, something else just occurred to me. I know a few FFXI players that don't readily have PC access or don't like using the Linkshell Community via a web browser (Having to log in using their POL ID and password). Considering this, SE already has a tool for navigation purposes, the POL.exe. It would be great if the LS Community would be accessible through the Playonline program rather than having to use a web browser (though I like having it in any form myself :o) ).
#74 Mar 04 2007 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
All I'm going to say is.

It looks fun, I wish I was there XD
#75 Mar 04 2007 at 6:02 PM Rating: Excellent
9,835 posts
TheRielist wrote:
Exodus wrote:
-RMT was not discussed. (We left the deadhorse at the forum.)

You are scum. You met with SE personnel directly and there is not ONE mention of the NUMBER ONE PROBLEM IN THE F*CKING GAME.

#76 Mar 04 2007 at 6:03 PM Rating: Good
I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves...

However, as far as their bad rep goes regarding caring about the community, that's going to take more than just one summit to fix.

I've called a GM in the three years I have played maybe about 6-8 times. Only one of those occasions produced any results whatsoever. And even then, it was because I had fallen through the Kazham docks, and the GM proceeded to interrogate me as to what I was trying to do to make that happen. I never yelled or was in any way argumentative, but the approach from their part was either to be snappy and ignore what was being said, or simply not do anything.

My most recent encounter with them (which resulted in 3 different communications over the same matter) has me more or less convinced that certain features of their GM service (especially lost item recovery) do not really exist. You simply can't start a car repair shop, advertise it all over the place as being better than ever, and then when a customer comes in you quickly announce that "we can't determine that your car's headlight is really broken".

That most recent contact has me so embittered that, beyond being stuck in a wall, I just can't imagine any situation or circumstance in which I'll even bother trying to contact a GM. It's much more productive in terms of getting results to seek solutions on a more "mob rule" level.

Edited, Mar 4th 2007 8:04pm by Jella
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