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#77 Mar 04 2007 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
772 posts
Lost all the way at the end...

Great Write-ups by both. I really am glad that SE is putting forth the effort to improve their relationship with the community.

Pikko is Cute! (~.^)y
#78 Mar 04 2007 at 6:15 PM Rating: Default
I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves...

However, as far as their bad rep goes regarding caring about the community, that's going to take more than just one summit to fix.

I've called a GM in the three years I have played maybe about 6-8 times. Only one of those occasions produced any results whatsoever. And even then, it was because I had fallen through the Kazham docks, and the GM proceeded to interrogate me as to what I was trying to do to make that happen. I never yelled or was in any way argumentative, but the approach from their part was either to be snappy and ignore what was being said, or simply not do anything.

My most recent encounter with them (which resulted in 3 different communications over the same matter) has me more or less convinced that certain features of their GM service (especially lost item recovery) do not really exist. You simply can't start a car repair shop, advertise it all over the place as being better than ever, and then when a customer comes in you quickly announce that "we can't determine that your car's headlight is really broken".

That most recent contact has me so embittered that, beyond being stuck in a wall, I just can't imagine any situation or circumstance in which I'll even bother trying to contact a GM. It's much more productive in terms of getting results to seek solutions on a more "mob rule" level.

getting stuck in adnormal places is evidence of a warp hack gone wrong.Why do you people think they answer you that way. I'm not sayin you were POS hacking, but why not try to understand?

Edited, Mar 4th 2007 8:16pm by Tenfooterten
#79 Mar 04 2007 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
getting stuck in adnormal places is evidence of a warp hack gone wrong.Why do you people think they answer you that way. I'm not sayin you were POS hacking, but why not try to understand?
While we're at it, let's think about the children.

I've never POS hacked, so I can't say what's evidence of it gone wrong. At any rate, getting on my case about what I was doing when I already explained it in plain English (which, ideally, they would understand) is counter-productive. If they thought I was POS hacking, they can check the logs and ban me if seen fit.

Perhaps I'd be more understanding had I also dined on SE's dime, but I'm still yet to see these great improvements in their customer service, and until I do, I stand by what I said.
#80 Mar 04 2007 at 6:30 PM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
First off on Crafting: I am very dedicated to crafting and I think its pretty great. I'm lvl 99.8 goldsmithing and I have loved it the whole way. I'm going to be lvl 100 within a short time. Now there are two things I would like to bring across to you of concern, which I truly hope you can relate to s-e next summit.

First and foremost: I know there are thousands of people on my server but only a select few of them are very high in any one craft. As it stands there is no way for other people to know I exist unless they know me personally or see my name in the auction house. I often have people check me in lower jeuno and ask me to make something which I am more than happy to do. I love crafting, and I like signing things. I keep signature crystals of all types on me at all times for whenever this happens. But if nobody knows I exist even if they are in the same zone as me I cant help them unless i shout and advertise my craft lvl, which I don't like to do for reasons of spam.

The request: I would really like to see a search function built into the game for crafting levels. You can search for job levels but not crafting levels. I don't know how s-e could implement this but I would think it really helpful if they could implement a separate search function than party that allows you to search for crafters of a specific guild and level. There are people searching vanadieel over at any given time for XXX crafter lvl and they just don't know any names. So they end up waiting or not getting their item. A search craftskill feature would be really great and make me incredibly happy.

Actually, in my write up, I think I brought that up. To elaborate though, craft skill searching was mentioned. Ontop of that, we also mentioned how most crafters end up just crafting for themselves or their LS mates; unless you level goldsmithing, crafting for profit is difficult.

Not only did we mention that they should implement a search tool for crafts (which will also go into Linkshell Community), but a "bazaar mode" where as you could receive messages even if the player isn't on your friend's list, purely for crafting. We'll let you know if they make the jump on the suggestion!

Second on the crafting agenda: High quality crystals. The NPC that is responsible for guild points is the only source of high quality crystals to sign items with. However they only allow one crystal purchase at a time. This is a very great frustration to me because if I want three stacks of inferno crystals I have to talk to the npc, scroll down the menue, select the crystal, select yes and then repeat the process 36 times. It can take me literally 10 minutes to flush out all the crystals i want from the NPC. Which really ends up wasting unnecessary time and just plain sucking.

The request: I would like to see high quality crystals (inferno, terra, cyclone... etc etc) purchasable by the stack, at the cost of 12 times a single. So terra crystals cost me 200 guild points for one, I would like to be able to purchase 12 terra crystals for 2400 guild points in one fell swoop and be done with it. The auction house allows you to purchase normal crystals by singles or stacks. Why should signature crystal sales for guild points be any different?

ooooo, good one! I'll make a note of this, but you should also go ahead and post in the feedback forum. This is a great idea.

The request: I assume and can only hope s-e is doing this with the Nynzle (sp) Isle assault--- Make certain items obtainable elsewhere. Abjuration is the prime example here. The demand of the playerbase is too high for one source of 21-24 hours spawn to sustain, and if it gets destroyed even harsher.

Again I am by no means requesting this be made easy to get, as its some of the best gear available. But as it stands certain pieces are not incredibly difficult to get, they are literally impossible. No matter what one does they are beyond their reach..... period... end of story. That seems broken to me.

I know they are going to evaluate the end-game stuff, and I think I've already pushed enough buttons so far in this department...for now. I'm going to see if someone from SE mentions anything of the drop rate first, then take it from there. (I don't wanna seem pushy, as I was pretty much the outspoken one on this topic.)

On the other hand though, I highly recommend posting this in the feedback forum as well. I assure you that Matt (or even Roger, he doesn't browse for 5 hours but he does browse) will read it.
#81 Mar 04 2007 at 6:34 PM Rating: Default
Idk, i never have any problems.I have been playing almost 5 years, and only had to call a GM once.It was because Owned MPK'd my party repeatedly because our brd(who is in my ls) wouldn't join his party.

All i can say is, if your unhappy ... try something else.I think SE has made leaps and bounds toward helping the player base.

Not trying to be mean or anything, but seriously, if your unhappy, why stay?
#82 Mar 04 2007 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,988 posts
Not trying to be mean or anything, but seriously, if your unhappy, why stay?

I really hate this response to Dissent.

Just because you are unhappy does not mean you don't want to see change.

#83 Mar 04 2007 at 6:42 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Am I the only one disappointed with the results of this? I'm certainly glad SE is making and effort to reach out to its consumers. But other than SE 'sometime in the future' sanctioning a windower, we don't really know anything that we didn't already know. Maybe that wasn't the purpose. Maybe it was about the gesture of SE actually listening to its fanbase. But the opportunities to actually get feedback (or know that our suggestions are being heard) are so few and far between I was really hoping for something with more substance as far as gameplay/changes are concered. This is not a knock against those who were invited by any means, they didn't set the agenda. But it just seemed like a big production that gave no answers about any of the issues that the playerbase cares about.....
#84 Mar 04 2007 at 6:47 PM Rating: Default
Just because you are unhappy does not mean you don't want to see change.

There is a difference between unsatisfied, and unhappy.There are many unsatisfied players, who wish to see change.But unhappy players are far beyond unsatisfied.They have come to be bitter.

unhappy= disgruntled , unsatisfied = wishful.

#85 Mar 04 2007 at 6:58 PM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
Maybe it was about the gesture of SE actually listening to its fanbase. But the opportunities to actually get feedback

Actually, the purpose of the meeting was to stabilize and nurture the communication and relationship between SE and the premier sites. Everything we asked beyond that was a literal bonus.

They have every intention of bringing us for another visit, this one more prepared so we can full out tackle the dev team. Just sit tight with us, as we too await for the next move!
#86 Mar 04 2007 at 7:03 PM Rating: Default
I'm sorry but... Who's matt hilton, lol. I really enjoyed reading the write ups, you guys definitely didn't have to even tell this to us, or provide it for the non-premium members. Thank you VERY much for that =)!

And also, thanks for leaving the dead horse topics here. But a big "booo!" for not asking about making the potion a real drink that can be sold in stores >:E

edit removed and put below.

Edited, Mar 4th 2007 10:20pm by GeoleVyi
#87 Mar 04 2007 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
4,136 posts
Tenfooterten the Irrelevant wrote:
Just because you are unhappy does not mean you don't want to see change.

There is a difference between unsatisfied, and unhappy.There are many unsatisfied players, who wish to see change.But unhappy players are far beyond unsatisfied.They have come to be bitter.

unhappy= disgruntled , unsatisfied = wishful.

Where the line is, is unclear, but I'd definately say that once someone reaches the point where everything they try to do is "too little too late" is beyond that line. Certain posters around here are beyond that point. It is literally impossible to satisfy them, because everything is "too little too late". It's unreasonable. You literally cannot reason with that kind of thinking. You also cannot satisfy them... ever, because in their own words it's "too little too late".

Really, it's not even worth talking to them about it with them, let alone trying to debate with them, once they've reached that point. There is absolutely nothing that anyone can do to appease them.
#88 Mar 04 2007 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,898 posts
I'm sorry but... Who's matt hilton
I believe he works for SE reading forums for a good chunk of the day and summarizing it's contents for the dev team.

Edited, Mar 4th 2007 10:12pm by JingWoo
#89 Mar 04 2007 at 7:16 PM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
GeoleVyi wrote:
I'm sorry but... Who's matt hilton, lol. I really enjoyed reading the write ups, you guys definitely didn't have to even tell this to us, or provide it for the non-premium members. Thank you VERY much for that =)!

And also, thanks for leaving the dead horse topics here. But a big "booo!" for not asking about making the potion a real drink that can be sold in stores >:E

Smiley: laughSmiley: laughSmiley: laughSmiley: laughSmiley: laugh

You do NOT want to drink any "potion" from SE. Matt says it's like drinking pain. (They made them for FF12)

As for who is Matt Hilton, is he part of community relations and handles a whole chunk of other FF11 related stuff at SE. Long story short, he has my job. The "everything and anything he's allowed to" guy. Smiley: laugh
#90 Mar 04 2007 at 7:16 PM Rating: Default
Right as always palace :)
#91 Mar 04 2007 at 7:19 PM Rating: Good
88 posts
Wasn't the potion sold in stores in Japan at one point? I could swear I saw an ad for it once.

Anyway, I've got a question: who paid for the expenses? (Other than the "ouch my wallet" breakfast)
#92 Mar 04 2007 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
I dunno, they could just market it as an energy drink or something, then people would gladly drink it. Have you ever drunk red bull before? >_>

And going to stealthily put my edit from my previous post here, so it gets read, because I'm self-promoting like that...

just saw page 2 and got an idea, also on the topic of crafting. Next summit, could you ask if there's plans to increase the rate at which crafted durables leave the game? Stuff like refurbished/upgraded gear (CP bought, NM drops that get upgraded multiple times like amity>peace>errant capes, etc.) can't be desynthed, and just sits in the game unless it gets sold to NPC's, dropped, or stored on a mule until it rots. The GP system was a good fix for the time, but only for a very limited number of items, for a very limited return, every IRL day.

Just making more things desynthable into base items, or allowing any guild-related item to be turned in for GP every day, would work for a lot of things. Crafters in durable-based guilds are getting hard pressed to find profit synths nowadays, because of the sheer amount of stuff that's been created and kept on servers for 5+ years >_>;; And I'm sure that stuff that's been kept for THAT LONG is affecting servers too, in some ways...
#93 Mar 04 2007 at 7:37 PM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
SE sponsored the event and I love Red Bulls, tyvm. Smiley: laugh

Easy gift for Exo? A case of that stuff.
#94 Mar 04 2007 at 7:44 PM Rating: Good
3,777 posts
but you should also go ahead and post in the feedback for

By "Feedback forum do you mean the one on thee left thats the second from the bottom under popular forumnss tab (the one above the assylum???).

I thought that one was for posting info for just you guys, not for s-e themselves.

And I am going to go put a suggesgion there even if it IS for only you guys. I want a spell check feature added to alla. I hate editing everything by hand, especially when i make a long post, and my typing sucks >.<.

Anyways was that the forumn you meant? Or some other feedback form.

Edited, Mar 4th 2007 10:45pm by Melphina

There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
#95 Mar 04 2007 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
88 posts
The FFXI Feedback and Suggestions forum is the one I think he ment

#96 Mar 04 2007 at 7:48 PM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
Check my sig. Smiley: grin
#97 Mar 04 2007 at 7:48 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
He is referring to forum=29.
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


#98 Mar 04 2007 at 8:01 PM Rating: Default
I would give pikko the tongue if she was not married already lol.
#99 Mar 04 2007 at 8:28 PM Rating: Good
3,777 posts
I have some ideas on how they could implement the crafting concept of searching for crafters. First off a little overvieew of concepts.

Posting a "want ads" in the linkshell community itself that everybody can view has pros and cons. First off, the pros.

1:) People can post a request that crafters can see. The crafters then make it and contact the person and arrange a trade.

2:) People can touch the whole of the server and reach out to crafters they would never find themselves.

Now the cons
1:)People's in game financial situations change daily. if a person has 2 million gil today they may buy ssomething later and have only 200k. If they request an item made they may not have the gil to buy the item when it is created. If the item iss worth 1.8 mil then the crafter jusst made an item that used to have a buyer and now doesn't. She may have a while to ssell it.

2:) If many high lvl crafters see the add and 10 or 15 of them make the item then you just supplied 10-15 new copies of an item that only one person wants.... and you know what happens next according to supply and demand. 14 copies get listed and prices tank and tank hard. This aspect i DON'T LIKE at all.

3:) People come to me quite often for stupid requests like the vigor ring +1. This item has no resale value on auction house. Nobody buys it. I made one once adn the buyer changed his mind and it took me 3 months to sell on auction house and returned. It never did sell so I ended up bazaaring it at loss in total ratio of costs to make it.

So here are my ideas.

I would strongly discourage listing direct want to buy ads on the ffxi linkshell community. If somebody requests an item and 100 people see it it just has too much potential to ***** up things horribly.

I would not mind a want to SELL listing publicly on the server however. Some items are of great demand but only for those who have the cash flow. Such as cursed -1 pieces. If I make a cursed kaiser body piece -1 (the martial body hq) its worth probably 40 million. There will be somebody who wants it but i'll be damned if I can find them myself. And bazarring in batallia only goes so far. In this case a public want to sell add is ok because its like the auction house listing only it doesnt cost 400,000 gil to list every time only to have it bounce repeatedly

So public want to sell ads on ffxi linksshell community is ok in my book but want to BUY is not.

Now as for want to buy... that can be done easily enough.

On the ffxxi linkshell community players can list their craft skills and the web site shows a true accurate picture of the crafters current skill. I can't lie about my skill on there since it is directly linked with my in game progress.

Also the linkshell community allows players to hide information. Not all crafters want to be pestered with requests. Some will not craft for others and if they don't want to be bugged they should not be. Somee craft for themselves only, others...like mysself, enjoy crafting for others. The community has the power to distinguish that.

Finally the suggesgion:

Create a mailbox for requests on the linkshell ccommunity. I'm sure s-e could do that and it wouldn't take up THAT much memory space. Make it like an e-mail client where old requests are flushed to free up server storage after the request becomes obsolete... say by a week or so. If the crafter doesn't check their inbox within a week the buyer probably has moved on by then anyway.

Then make a search function that can filter results so players can search for crafters with skills in each craft. Include subcrafts too. So if a player named Sephiroth wants an item with goldsmithing skill 90+ and subcrafts of woodcrafting and smithing 50+ each he can set the search filters to his server and find any crafters that fit that data. Lets say the resultss return a crafter named Cloud who has the appropriate skills. Sephiroth just found someone who can make him his item...GREAT.

Now Sephiroth can send Cloud an e-mail on the linkshell community directly requesting him to make an item. It iss noww clouds responsibility to check his e-mail. If he finds the item he contacts Sephiroth in game and the terms are made and the item either created or decidded against being made. If Cloud does not check his e-mail within 7 real life days (not conquest tally specific) then thee request gets purged and sephiroth moves on. He can either send coud another e-mail or try another crafter.

This is a system I think would work very well for searching for crafters. And it would connect buyer to seller, and seller to buyer without uttely destroying the in game economy.

Thaats my thoughts. Take it as you will.

There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
#100 Mar 04 2007 at 8:35 PM Rating: Good
803 posts
Have you been given any ideas as to when the next summit could be held? Say, May?

I wonder if we'll be getting another Fan Festival sometime.
#101 Mar 04 2007 at 8:36 PM Rating: Good
3,777 posts
Thanks for the linkgs guys. I have been wanting to get those ideas out for quite some time now. I posted my ideas on the crafter search and the hq crystals on the feedback, as well as the HNM scene.

And I posted a suggesgion for spell check on your own allakhazam feedback forumns. God how I would love to have a spell check on alla >.<.

There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
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