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#77 Aug 05 2008 at 7:19 PM Rating: Good
978 posts
Dear SE,

For the love of God please learn how to play your own game.

Thank you
#78 Aug 05 2008 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
highflyer wrote:
Dear SE,

For the love of God please learn how to play your own game.

Thank you

You mean to tell me people don't invite THFs to exp parties for their treasure hunter and their hate control abilities?
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:

#79 Aug 05 2008 at 7:35 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Donomni wrote:
Really? I've never seen /NIN Savage or even a vanilla Vorpal Blade match Evis overall, even against non-stabbity weak mobs.

In Campaign, /DRK can give me a 600+ Vorpal every six minutes when the mob is debuffed and Soul/Last Resort is up, but I normally get 400-500+ Evisceration's every time I pop it when said mobs are debuffed.

Anywho, it's mostly all moot, since /PLD or /BLU gets the most points on RDM in Campaign anyways. :<

It's not so much about the oomph of the WS, it's the DoT and WS frequency. Getting 100+ TP in under 20 seconds on RDM is pretty fun. I'll probably crank out a 250-350 Savage, but each step along the way to that would be doing 35-50 non-crit plus 20 enspell on non-resistant things. The physical portion would be more if I chose to eat meat, but hey, it's Campaign. Odds are I'm already tanking no matter what job I wind up meleeing on.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#80 Aug 05 2008 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
445 posts
TerrainFFXI wrote:
seriha wrote:
8 buffs to yourself: 150 EXP
30 buffs to others: 300 EXP
20 debuffs (Not Bio/Dia): 300 EXP

8 buffs to yourself, you can use tier I protect and keep cancelling it, yes.

seriha wrote:

30 buffs to others

Protect IV costs 65 MP. Unless you are sure that your target isn't already buffed, I believe you must use this. 30 x 65 is a whopping 1950 MP.

I sub smn when I play whm in Campaign. I pull out carby or ramuh and use their AoE buffs to get me and as many as 15 other people with buffs for 100 mp or so. You're clearly trying to find examples to support that whm doesn't stand a chance in Campaign. No easy way to say this, if you are seriously casting Protect IV to get the 'buffing other players' exp, you're simply doing Campaign wrong.

seriha wrote:

20 debuffs

After the buffing round, there is not alot of MP left for this, but supposing you did debuff mobs, paralyze is about the lowest debuff a whm can get, and you have to find a different target each time, or wait until it wears, as "no effect" grants 0 xp. You also need to ensure that there are no other mages casting those spells on the mobs you have chosen, or there we have, wasted MP. [/quote]

I just use Flash. Works well enough and sometimes even gets me hate, so I get to take some dmg too, which in turn gets me a fair amount of exp until the local sam or pld can get it back.

You never thought of using Flash?

TerrainFFXI wrote:
seriha wrote:

Now, healing caps at 500, approximately 10% cured going to that total. 5000 HP cured, easily possible on a 75 WHM's MP pool from start to finish. Only trouble might be finding people to cure.

So a cure V costs 135 MP
We'll call it about 850 HP that it cures without DS, just to account for some gear pieces such as Dryad Staff and Nobles Tunic.
5000 / 850 = about 5 times to cast this to reach max.
that's 675 MP. Assuming you are not a taru subbing summoner, that's well over half the mp pool. How much MP do we have left after our buffing and debuffing rounds?

Over half the mp pool is fine when you are wearing nobles, have sigil refresh, smn sub, and any other ways of getting mp back there may be (refresh from pt member, spirit taker, etc.) You don't need to dump 675 mp all at once, I usually do a Cure V after the mob leaves me alone to get back the hp I lost while tanking occasionally.

TerrainFFXI wrote:

seriha wrote:
I would hope you're at least doing your club's listed damage

Again, not every White Mage has had an opportunity to cap club skill, as they have always been a back line job. We are either a back line job who should have our MP treated equally to a melee's damage, or we are a front line job and should be buffed accordingly. To say that we have access to the same things as Red Mage, when we have no realistic way of repeating those actions with the efficiency of a red mage, is dismissive.

I don't even use my club in Campaign. I capped it solo in the Boyahda Tree against crabs, tried club, tried dual wield club, but found using a thunder staff worked better for Campaign. 10% increase on crits means more base exp from those too, plus as I mentioned before, spirit taker works wonders on getting mp back. Pay attention, and you can even use spirit taker to close a skill chain for another 20 or so exp at a time.

While I don't get as much exp on whm as I might on my pup or blm, it's close, and I still seem to beat most everyone in the zone other than the bard bots just from seeing what works and what doesn't, and being flexible enough to change the way I play whm in order to maximize my time in Campaign.
#81 Aug 05 2008 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,451 posts
This is a poor excuse. Before they buffed 2H DD's THF was able to hold their own as a DD and it didn't break the game.

It's a common misconception that "SE buffed 2 handers". They didn't. Right now the only advantage we have is the 1:0.75 ratio for STR/Attack and DEX/ACC, which hardly means anything in the grand scheme of things.

The actual damage mods are basically the same now, as they were before the supposed "buff". People don't seem to realize SE buffed 2 handers, which was too much, then they nerfed us a bit, which was perfect, then they completely nerfed us back to square one, making the whole process a huge waste of time.

So if you think THFs could "hold their own before SE buffed 2 handers"....they should be able to hold their own now, because the buff we got is insignificant.


Edited, Aug 6th 2008 12:37am by Hexagram
#82 Aug 06 2008 at 1:12 AM Rating: Decent
11,630 posts
Lobivopis wrote:
Mellowy wrote:
Too much chit chat and too little information as expected.

It is funny seeing their reply about THF though. Because I could have answered it exactly the same and saved you all a question. SE knows they can't give away full damage potential to the ignored jobs (like THF, BST, SMN etc) since they have utility functions. And exp and merits are only about damage and nothing about utility. Which means either SE invents a new way of getting exp, or they divide the game into factions.

This is a poor excuse. Before they buffed 2H DD's THF was able to hold their own as a DD and it didn't break the game.

Is this before or after the dagger update? Before or after they changed the multi hit WSes? Before or after people stopped finishing SCs with SATA WS? Before or after Hasso?

I'm sure THF still does good damage, it just doesn't do the best damage, which is the only type of damage that counts these days.
#83 Aug 06 2008 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
803 posts
This may or may not be the place for this sort of reply, but here are my thoughts on Thief and its current situation:

Thief recently gained Accomplice and Collaborator. If you ask me, Collaborator is a fantastic addition since it allows 25% of a player's Enmity to be transferred to the Thief once every minute. Accomplice, which absorbs 50% of a player's enmity, would be a fantastic idea, but unlike Collaborator, it can only be used once every five minutes. To make things even harder, Collaborator and Accomplice share a single recast counter, so if you use Accomplice at a bad time, you can't use Collaborator to save someone in immediate danger afterwards. If you choose to use Accomplice, you better have a damn good idea of just how much hate your partner has beforehand.

Collaborator is a fantastic addition to Thief, and I commend SE on the addition of such an ability to the game. If you ask me, thief's main jobs will always be the acquisition of items and the transfer of enmity from target to target. Thief can also always dish out a decent amount of damage as well, but...

Mellowy wrote:

I'm sure THF still does good damage, it just doesn't do the best damage, which is the only type of damage that counts these days.

This rings true. There are tons of jobs out there that can deal much more damage without needing top quality gear to outdamage a high-class thief. WAR, MNK, DRG, SAM, DRK, etc. This shouldn't be a problem if Thief's main purpose in a party is hate management, but since Treasures of Aht Urhgan, Thief has no place in AU parties if they cannot deal high damage in short amounts of time. Until we see a return of more traditional party set-ups and move away from simple TP-Burns, all jobs will be at a disadvantage and we will continue in the funk that is simply bash monsters skulls in as fast as you can with no other strategy involved.
#84 Aug 06 2008 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
11,630 posts
I thought THF had piercing bonus on those famous colibri though. But yea, all camps do not have colibri. (Though my party with me as COR and a relic THF in it cleared up mamool ja staging point pretty well. Not sure if relic dagger is such a huge jump from normal end game daggers though)
#85Lobivopis, Posted: Aug 06 2008 at 10:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) No they didn't nerf it back to square one they just reduced the 2H pdif bonus. They did not remove it completely. They also left the 2x attack bonus that was given to most 2H WS completely alone (Impulse Drive is the conspicuous exception to this). This is patently obvious in Dynamis Xarcabard where you see 1k+ WS from SAM/THFs constantly while pimped RNGs have trouble breaking 700 and THFs WS are 400-500 if they are lucky.
#86 Aug 06 2008 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,451 posts
No they didn't nerf it back to square one they just reduced the 2H pdif bonus. They did not remove it completely. They also left the 2x attack bonus that was given to most 2H WS completely alone (Impulse Drive is the conspicuous exception to this). This is patently obvious in Dynamis Xarcabard where you see 1k+ WS from SAM/THFs constantly while pimped RNGs have trouble breaking 700 and THFs WS are 400-500 if they are lucky.

I've yet to see any math that supports what you're saying, anywhere. They reduced it twice, once which made it better than before but not "OMG broken!" then they reduced it again, down to it's original state. There was an extensive thread about it over on BG and the formula is more or less exactly the same now as it was before the buff happened. Hell, I can look at my damage and tell that before I even seen any math on it. It's obviously back to square one, or so close to square one that the whole buff was pointless.

And I have no idea what you mean "2x attack bonus". All the WSs they boosted do slightly more damage than before, but nothing spectacular. I'm a career DRK, been playing the game around 5 years and I don't see a significant difference now compared to before the "2 handed buff". I even parse exactly the same now, as I did before the buff....and during the buff I parsed obviously higher.

Lastly, being that SE has spend the last year or so buffing SAM it makes no sense to look at that job and say "see, the 2-handed buff is in effect"....no, the SAM buff is in effect. The reason they're doing more WS damage is probably because of Overwhelm.

#87 Aug 06 2008 at 11:22 PM Rating: Default
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
Hexagram wrote:

And I have no idea what you mean "2x attack bonus". All the WSs they boosted do slightly more damage than before, but nothing spectacular. I'm a career DRK, been playing the game around 5 years and I don't see a significant difference now compared to before the "2 handed buff". I even parse exactly the same now, as I did before the buff....and during the buff I parsed obviously higher.

Many of the high level 2H Ws now have an attack multiplier on them. When used on lolibri or other merit mobs you don't see much of a difference because your attack is capped anyway. On HNM however it makes a huge difference.

Edited, Aug 7th 2008 3:22am by Lobivopis
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:

#88 Aug 07 2008 at 12:47 AM Rating: Good
445 posts
Stonaga worked.
Try cast Stona with seal to NPC who is petirfied.

Edited, Aug 7th 2008 1:51am by timmyofalex
#89 Aug 07 2008 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
Stonaga worked.
Try cast Stona with seal to NPC who is petirfied.
dunno how to post screnshot though = =

The issue is not with -na spells, it is with SE implying that cure spells AoE when used with divine veil
#90 Aug 07 2008 at 12:55 AM Rating: Decent
445 posts
I see..and a rate down for posting fact? lol
still trying for other spell, no luck at all.
anyway, "Verifcation needed" is added to wiki to prevent further misleading.

Tried CureV,Cure IV and haste. no effect.
(CureIV as Sch dont have CureV)

anyone tried -aga spell with seal?
it MAY work differently from Sch's Acession.

-Curaga dont worked either... anyway just a try.

Edited, Aug 7th 2008 2:08am by timmyofalex

Edited, Aug 7th 2008 2:11am by timmyofalex
#91 Aug 07 2008 at 1:04 AM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Just a shot in the dark, but why are people expecting Divine Veil to work with anything other than status removals on NPCs when that's all it does with PCs?
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#92 Aug 07 2008 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
445 posts
actually I was tring to prove it NOT work.
but in order to prove something NOT exist, you have to elimnate EVERY chance.
and thanks for the aprecation, for rating the tester down while leeching for the result.

Edited, Aug 7th 2008 2:07am by timmyofalex
#93 Aug 07 2008 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
Just a shot in the dark, but why are people expecting Divine Veil to work with anything other than status removals on NPCs when that's all it does with PCs?

Although I have personally tested it, and know otherwise, SE implied in the Q&A that it would work with cure spells. No, I dont have any Screenshots to post for you, but several people have tested it as well, and posted within this thread their results.

SE in the Q&A wrote:
Cure with Divine Veil, then you get extremely high amount of heal.


for rating the tester down while leeching for the result.

I'd bet you are being rated down for complaining about being rated down... and you weren't the first tester, so no one was "leeching" your results.

Edited, Aug 7th 2008 3:09am by taliph
#94 Aug 07 2008 at 1:21 AM Rating: Good
445 posts
SE in the Q&A wrote:
Cure with Divine Veil, then you get extremely high amount of heal.

I am really confused with this statment, even if SErep confused Divine Veil with Devine Seal, it would NOT yeild and "get extremely high amount of heal" compare to sch's total amount... since a DS CureV only cure 5%hp of GenralNPC? >.<

I'd bet you are being rated down for complaining about being rated down... and you weren't the first tester, so no one was "leeching" your results.

Any extra verification definatly help.
If it is verified carfully there would not have such statment in wiki and leading the above discussion.

Edited, Aug 7th 2008 2:21am by timmyofalex
#95 Aug 07 2008 at 1:23 AM Rating: Default
cure 5 + DS cures about 1000-1700 hp, depending on your healing skill and mnd gear, I dont know how much that would work out to percentage wise.


Any extra verification definatly help.

Definitely true. But I'd lay down good money that you weren't rated down for your testimony.

Edited, Aug 7th 2008 3:23am by taliph
#96 Aug 07 2008 at 1:29 AM Rating: Good
445 posts
my WHM was only around 60.. and I cured like 1450 or something,
however, to Campaign Genral, thats barly move their hp bar...

I whined about that solely because it shown how people looked at your work,
though not important, at least it deserved some respect.
#97 Aug 07 2008 at 1:37 AM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Sounds to me like a language barrier issue confusing DV with DS.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#98 Aug 07 2008 at 1:39 AM Rating: Good
445 posts
Seriha wrote:
Sounds to me like a language barrier issue confusing DV with DS.

It was my 1st impression too, however, compare to Campagin's HP scale,
"then you get extremely high amount of heal" seems illogical.

Edited, Aug 7th 2008 2:37am by timmyofalex
#99 Aug 07 2008 at 1:43 AM Rating: Decent
Sounds to me like a language barrier issue confusing DV with DS.

That was my personal opinion as well, since, as mentioned before, I hunt down npc's to cure between waves... but someone brought up the wiki's info on Divine Veil, which states that it works on cure spells... I believe whoever added that to the wiki page mistook what was said in the Q&A as it being like accession.
#100 Aug 07 2008 at 10:47 AM Rating: Default
1,451 posts
Many of the high level 2H Ws now have an attack multiplier on them. When used on lolibri or other merit mobs you don't see much of a difference because your attack is capped anyway. On HNM however it makes a huge difference.

No offense, but where are you pulling this info from? You're severely misinformed.

I was killing HNMs before, during, and after the supposed buff. The only time I seen a significant difference, was during the buff. Now? No, not at all....not in EXP, and not on any HNM or mob with high DEF. Unless you have almost every buff in the game on you, a 2 hander is going to be doing fairly sh*tty damage against HNMs....this was true before the buff, and it's true now. Don't believe me? Check the BG board's "Media" section for pics of damage. Every pic on HNM has the melee buffed to the gills.

For the sake of argument, let's say the buff is still in effect for high DEF things like HNM....it's not, but let's say it is. The average 2 hander isn't fighting HNMs 24/7, so how is that helpful? Hell, I'd go as far as to say the average 2 hander isn't even in a HNMLS. It's not as if most HNMLSs are actively seeking out DRKs, DRGs or even SAMs.


#101 Aug 07 2008 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
Guys, put the Divine Veil to rest. EDIT: The Wiki has been corrected and further testing is being performed.

I don't believe that it is language differences that caused the person in the interview to make the mistake of saying Divine Veil. Sometimes I get the feeling that they send people who don't even know how to play the game to take these interviews... Plausible deniability.

Edited, Aug 7th 2008 2:59pm by TerrainFFXI
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