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#27 Jun 22 2010 at 11:16 PM Rating: Excellent
98 posts
Just a copy and paste from the bg site. Seems we are starting to figure this out!
Spread the word.

Beat the slime one today, it was pretty easy. We kited the small slimes, and killed the large slimes. Once the large slime died, the small ones from around it died as well. We then had out kiters grab the small ones as they were incoming. After the 2nd big slime, the small ones didn't die, so our kiters were kiting 2 each, and they died after the 3rd big slime. Two small slimes didn't die, and the 4th big one didn't come, so we killed the 2 small ones, and then the large one decided to show up and we finished it off.

If you kill the small slimes and wipe, the large slime will repop them.

We got hmp/avatar mab pendant, a beech lumber, a heliodor (for hq soil ring) and 3 phygrian ore. Lost an ore and the lumber to randoms.

We also got the 1st-3rd place chests, but I'm not sure what drops those were; I can check on later.


So the trick to the battlefield is to kill the large targets, and have someone deal with the babies?

Sounds like Odin's Chamber with pets on a constant basis.
#28 Jun 23 2010 at 1:33 AM Rating: Excellent
5,431 posts

So if the extra goodies that are awarded to those who "contribute" well to the battle work like campaign or something, are the people who kite just completely SOL on that? Would be kind of lame.
Not a fan of this event so far, myself. But, maybe it will get better later.

#29 Jun 23 2010 at 1:47 AM Rating: Good
98 posts
I was thinking the same thing
#30 Jun 23 2010 at 2:18 AM Rating: Good
2,102 posts
any of the lesser ones charmable? If sleep many forms of crowd control aren't working, kiting only method... maybe there is a slot of bst crowd control.
Server: Bahamut

Choh Moui | Rongo-Nango | Lhu Mhakaracca | Lungo-Nango | Nyumomo
--Beastmaster Forever--
#31 Jun 23 2010 at 2:44 AM Rating: Excellent
398 posts
I failed at a couple of charm attempts on small slimes, so I assumed they were immune, although slimes are typically charm resistant anyway. Didn't try gauge. I was too busy dying :P

I didn't try charming any small Antlions, but I had Carrie out so I couldn't.

I tried charm kiting a big ooze and a big antlion, and neither were bound at all, so they may be immune to Charm Binding, although typically binding works on uncharmable mobs only. I don't recall seeing the smaller ones get hit by bind either. This may indicate that they can be charmed, or they might just resist bind due to level (although I have successfully charm bound countless campaign NMs) or inate resistance.

I'll try charming again tonight unless anyone reports tests in the mean time.

With regard to the slimes, another group in our zone were able to sac pull a big slime without aggroing the adds, so kiting might not be necessary. We were unable to kill it though. Later, we killed a small ooze, and a new black ooze popped. Killing this presumably does something partuicular, but we were too late and too many of us were weakened to kill it before time out.

I don't think a similar technique will work on antlions. One of us accidentally aggrod a big one, and all of its pets immediately came up the stairs and headed to where everyone else was standing - they ignored the aggroer and killed us instead.
#32 Jun 23 2010 at 2:55 AM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
I posted up our experience on my blog.

I really like the potential of this event. I think a few things need to be figured out, like what links to what and differing strategies for each fight but that's half the fun :) So far, much better than I was expecting.
Blogging again! http://eldelphia.wordpress.com
#33 Jun 23 2010 at 3:47 AM Rating: Good
1,222 posts
I haven't been in yet, too much else to do to spend 30 minutes getting raped. And, I don't have a job past 76 yet.

However, what would you say to an alliance of 70's who were having a hard time with Kirin? I'm guessing that this zone is designed to be a challenge for 80's, not 75's. And, I'm guessing the other 2 new battlefield expansions will be designed to be a challenge for 80+ and 90+'s.

Only thing I'm wondering is that I thought that some of the new content was supposed to be solo-able. It doesn't sound like anyone has found anything even remotely solo-able by an 80.
#34 Jun 23 2010 at 5:58 AM Rating: Excellent
5,431 posts

Only thing I'm wondering is that I thought that some of the new content was supposed to be solo-able. It doesn't sound like anyone has found anything even remotely solo-able by an 80.

Abyssea is actually soloable in a way. You can go in on your own and fight. There were things that were only DC, EM and T to my 75. Would be even easier at 80. While not as fast as a party, you can still kill them and earn the zone's currency to work on purchasing the equipment entirely by yourself.

WoE, however, is clearly not a solo activity. You can go in there solo, but beyond that, the only thing you can do in there by yourself is die. :P
#35 Jun 23 2010 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
Even if you do need to just take down the Boss, he doesn't pop straight away and you need to be able to manage/kill 2-6 mobs. Some in succession and some up together. Right now, you'd need a good kiter to keep them off people but as they don't always pop together its going to be tough.
Blogging again! http://eldelphia.wordpress.com
#36 Jun 23 2010 at 1:56 PM Rating: Good
Ballista abandoned? Tell that to Lakshmi. Even before the server merger, it was a popular event.
#37 Jun 23 2010 at 5:54 PM Rating: Default
There was nobody in WoE today at all when I went. Kinda disappointing to see 1 person in the zone.
#38 Jun 23 2010 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
Just did a 31 person pick up group on Phoenix through Shouts in Whitegates and the past cities. It was...okay. We wiped once and did way better the second time, but no win. Waiting for round 2.
#39 Jun 23 2010 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
Just did Antlions this time. Way easier, easier pulls too. Not quite sure what happened. We were doing fine when suddenly the Big Boss and all his little ones linked. Not quite sure what triggered it.

So yeah, Antlions SPAM Silence and Blind. Like literally, the second you take it off its pretty much back up. Keep this in mind when fighting them. However they're fairly squishy it seemed. Also I think I heard someone in the PT mention tractor doesnt work in the zone?

Edited, Jun 23rd 2010 9:16pm by FMASloth
#40 Jun 23 2010 at 10:57 PM Rating: Good
2,102 posts
When checking charm, use gauge. It will say whether it is extremely difficult or impossible. Remember to have CHR set on when you do. It gauges differently just from current CHR comparison.

Edited, Jun 24th 2010 12:57am by Xilk
Server: Bahamut

Choh Moui | Rongo-Nango | Lhu Mhakaracca | Lungo-Nango | Nyumomo
--Beastmaster Forever--
#41 Jun 24 2010 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
fmagnet wrote:
As stated Crabs and Antlions seem immune to Crowd control (Full resist on a few ES-Sleepga2s)

Small caveat here:


Not directed at you, fmagnet, just that people need to stop doing this.
#42 Jun 24 2010 at 1:33 AM Rating: Default
Solrain wrote:
fmagnet wrote:
As stated Crabs and Antlions seem immune to Crowd control (Full resist on a few ES-Sleepga2s)

Small caveat here:


Not directed at you, fmagnet, just that people need to stop doing this.
Unless ES is needed to land it.
#43 Jun 24 2010 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
ThePsychoticOne the Prohpet wrote:
Solrain wrote:
fmagnet wrote:
As stated Crabs and Antlions seem immune to Crowd control (Full resist on a few ES-Sleepga2s)

Small caveat here:


Not directed at you, fmagnet, just that people need to stop doing this.
Unless ES is needed to land it.

Agreed. Just saying that people need to stop doing this in every event and wondering why they wipe when everything wakes up at once and chews on said sleeper.
#44 Jun 24 2010 at 3:12 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Do they all share hate? Why not have rdm or someone with movement speed+ and an AoE spell kite them while other pick them off?

Been retired for a while, so forgive me for not being privy on the new content.
#45 Jun 24 2010 at 7:05 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Solrain wrote:
fmagnet wrote:
As stated Crabs and Antlions seem immune to Crowd control (Full resist on a few ES-Sleepga2s)

Small caveat here:


Not directed at you, fmagnet, just that people need to stop doing this.

If you really want people to stop doing this, maybe you should explain the "why" and offer an alternative.
#46 Jun 24 2010 at 7:44 AM Rating: Excellent
1,557 posts
In my own defense, sleepga was cast first and resisted, so I tried ES SleepgaII afterwards. My point was more to illustrate that crowd control wasn't going to happen dynamis-style, rather than give you a step-by-step on effective crowd control.

To clarify - in situations where sleep will work as a means of crowd control, please use sleepga 1 or horde lullaby first, then wait until that timer is about to expire, then layer sleepga2 on top of those mobs, because it does indeed stack, giving you (assuming no half-resists) the obvious advantage of mobs not even waking up before they're 're-slept'.

Of course that won't work in WoE, so don't do that here ;-)

Do they all share hate? Why not have rdm or someone with movement speed+ and an AoE spell kite them while other pick them off?

Been retired for a while, so forgive me for not being privy on the new content.

They don't all share hate. They seem to link in groups, and killing certain ones, causes others to aggro, including the 'boss'. Which links to which and what causes the boss to come down and stomp everything is something we'll probably have to learn through experimenting and documenting as we go through.

We tried to kite adds last night. It sorta worked, but when the boss showed hate got strange. I think the boss was doing it's own hate reset, and that was causing the babies hate to change. It's all still chaotic, and someone will probably come on and be able to explain this better.

Basically dragging one to a corner and straight-tanking seemed most effective. The mobs cast AoEs and have some movement speed (crabs more than antlions) and hate does go kinda wonky so running them around is ineffective, there's not enough space (at least on the first floor) to run them without nailing everyone with AoEs from those mobs. The damage isn't even that bad, but stripping the shadows off people trying to kill the boss is bad.

edit: adding a bit about our experiences last night.

Edited, Jun 24th 2010 9:52am by fmagnet
#47 Jun 24 2010 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
2,675 posts
If SE wants people to team up in this thing they really really really RRRREEEEEEAAAALLLLLYYYY need to get rid of the damn party hate system.

My first run through with a group of random people was 95% people who had even the slightest idea of what they were doing and 5% moron who after seeing us wipe to party hate twice already and beingw arned multiple times decided to have a little adventure while everyone was resting from a previous wipe and aggro everything in the zone.
#48 Jun 24 2010 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
456 posts
How hard to the smaller ones hit for roughly and how damaging is their AoE? Just wondering if you could get small groups (1-3) of "good" solo jobs to take out adds while a main alli takes out the biggie. Getting jobs like drg/mage, blu, melee rdm, thf, etc to take out the adds. But with some of these jobs it all depends on how hard they hit especially their AoE (drg/blu can take some hits but if AoE is bad it will kill wyvern too fast), or how high their defense is (thf may have a hard time pumping out enough damage to kill in the required time). These are some questions that need to be answered so we can start coming up with some stratagies.

A lot of what I have heard is that a lot come and then everyone gets raped...not great info guys if you want people to help come up with a way to do this well. Please start saying how much you are getting hit for on a per hit basis, how fast they attack, what job you were on, how damaging their AoE can be (damaging as in debuffs, straight damage taken, or both), and how resistant they are to all debuffs (sounds like sleep doesnt work, but what about elegy/slow, blind, para, etc). Then we can more accurately start creating some strategies to work on.
#49 Jun 24 2010 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
KWileyStyle wrote:
How hard to the smaller ones hit for roughly and how damaging is their AoE? Just wondering if you could get small groups (1-3) of "good" solo jobs to take out adds while a main alli takes out the biggie. Getting jobs like drg/mage, blu, melee rdm, thf, etc to take out the adds. But with some of these jobs it all depends on how hard they hit especially their AoE (drg/blu can take some hits but if AoE is bad it will kill wyvern too fast), or how high their defense is (thf may have a hard time pumping out enough damage to kill in the required time). These are some questions that need to be answered so we can start coming up with some stratagies.

I know from personal experience that most jobs won't be able to hold a mob to long. I've seen dragoons do a decent job of it until their pet dies.(Although antlions have a conal tp move that sometimes spikes to 1k) Smner pets get eaten fast the only jobs I recoommend doing this outside of tanks(Pld and nin) is dnc(doesnt have to sub nin) pup/nin, monk/nin and maybe maybe a war or sam. Pup and monk will need a healer. I wouldn't rely on the pup pet to keep their master alive in that aoe spam. They hit for about 100-250 damage a melee hit depending on who's getting hit but on pup I noticed they don't have the best ACC.(Dodge a several hits)

I haven't seen *anyone* successfully land any debuff on lions. However a rdm said they had some success with crabs.
#50 Jun 27 2010 at 10:19 PM Rating: Excellent
13,251 posts
I've done a couple runs with my LS so far, and am not a fan of the system.

There is too much strategy needed for it to be an open event that just anyone can enter, IMO. We successfully won the blob run and the crab run, but it is such a pain in the *** when you have a random straggler who decides they want to go play with the mobs you're not fighting and get everyone killed.

Piggybacking off of the above point, the system for getting drops/opening chests based on your performance is really annoying. I understand why you would want such a system in place when it's an open event, but quite frankly it blows that when your strategy involves sac pulling to get the boss mobs, the puller generally doesn't end up "doing enough" to be able to get rewards. It also seems like the top-tier participant is the only one to get the title, which is also *********

Anyway, it would be better if it was instanced, with public and private instances available. Let groups pay for an item like an hourglass/lamp/etc., and enter the zone without having to worry about other people, but also have public instances the way it currently is.
#51 Jun 27 2010 at 10:25 PM Rating: Good
1,033 posts
Spoonless wrote:
Piggybacking off of the above point, the system for getting drops/opening chests based on your performance is really annoying. I understand why you would want such a system in place when it's an open event, but quite frankly it blows that when your strategy involves sac pulling to get the boss mobs, the puller generally doesn't end up "doing enough" to be able to get rewards. It also seems like the top-tier participant is the only one to get the title, which is also bullsh*t.
This was what I was wondering about, and what I'd feared.

I guess I'll be staying away from this event for a while.
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