Nobody crafts anymore. mainly due to the fact that the cost of materials severely outweighs the gain (There's no profit in it).
Why are people unable to consider that their way of doing crafting is unprofitable - but not all ways? Not to brag, but last week I probably made almost 100k per day from crafting. My time investment was small (I don't have much time to play these days).
There are enormous opportunities for crafting for a profit these days. The old style of power-leveling your craft to 100, selling to NPCs or undercutting the market is the real problem. You have people who leveled crafts and learned nothing about their market along the way (actually they hurt their market along the way).
If you just craft what the AH is out of - you make money. Plain and simple. I'm not against leveling my crafts - I have all of them over 50. But raising my crafting level is a side-benefit - my purpose is to feed, clothe, arm and equip myself. . . and make gil. If any one synth makes uber profits, it doesn't for long. Having 100+ in a craft helps, but being sensible about what you craft helps more.
Crafting may not be for everyone. But that there is no profit in it is a myth.
If I could change people's mind about one thing it is this - undercutting is counter-productive, even for the under-cutter. No businessperson in real life destroys their own market the way "smart" crafters do in this game.