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[dev1009] New Trigger Conditions for Notorious MonstersFollow

#77 Apr 20 2011 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
5,684 posts
blowfin wrote:
xypin wrote:
Prim wrote:
What has changed to make public opinion frown so much on this update? Is it the scarcity of KS now with everyone living in Abyssea? Is it the <100% drop rate?
It's mostly the scarcity of kindred seals. Not only do they (typically) not drop in Abyssea, but you need 99 of them on top of that.
Pretty much, people are allergic to hard work. There`s also the fact that you don`t get KS in Abyss, so this is going to force people to go outside if they want seals.
I think we can all agree that an item like the Black Belt deserves to be easy and require as little effort as possible.
#78 Apr 20 2011 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
3,653 posts
I think we can all agree that an item like the Black Belt deserves to be easy and require as little effort as possible.

It certainly seems like a lot of people convinced themselves of that.
#79 Apr 20 2011 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
512 posts
xypin wrote:
shanecf wrote:
This is a 3-step process. I'm not complaining that step B isn't 100%. I'm complaining that both step B AND C aren't.
shanecf wrote:
I'm not QQ about all this or anything.

What's your point? Complaining and crying (which is what QQ is commonly understood to represent) are different things. Like I said, I'm not even a monk, so why would I be emotionally upset?

xypin wrote:
blowfin wrote:
xypin wrote:
Prim wrote:
What has changed to make public opinion frown so much on this update? Is it the scarcity of KS now with everyone living in Abyssea? Is it the <100% drop rate?
It's mostly the scarcity of kindred seals. Not only do they (typically) not drop in Abyssea, but you need 99 of them on top of that.
Pretty much, people are allergic to hard work. There`s also the fact that you don`t get KS in Abyss, so this is going to force people to go outside if they want seals.
I think we can all agree that an item like the Black Belt deserves to be easy and require as little effort as possible.

Right, because good items require a lot of effort these days. lol.

Edited, Apr 20th 2011 12:22pm by shanecf
#80 Apr 20 2011 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
4,419 posts
As long as they don't take the BB items out of the KS99, this is pretty win for me (I realize this is not the case for everyone). I was never going to camp Kings with any sort of regularity (I've been to Aery but never claimed), and I'm not a MNK, so to me this is a double-chance at BB items for my MNK friend, along with the opportunity to fight Fafnir, Behemoth, Adamantoise, Nidhogg, King Behemoth, and Aspidochelone and get some cool new titles.

Also, they didn't say anything about adjusting the other item drops (Abjurations, McGriddle), so I may be able to 5/5 Hecatomb and Zenith after all these years, which would be pretty cool from a sentimentality point of view (I always lusted after Dalmatica as a nooblet RDM, and still wouldn't mind nabbing one even though my Pluviale stomps it).
Linkshell: CrimsonMercenaries Server: Carbamesh

Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
Human (?) females look ugly.
Post in /K/ where the orbital laser system is now online.
#81 Apr 20 2011 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
402 posts
Eheh, and I was just about to do a KS99 run yesterday, glad I ended up doing some Abyssea farming instead. If anything, this change will encourage me to do some of the ToM staves that I've been putting. I'm sure there are plenty of other people who have magian stuff they still need to do, and those mobs are often right around the perfect level range for KS.

I've always wanted to level MNK but I wouldn't want to unless I could get BB, this might just make that a little easier.
#82 Apr 20 2011 at 11:58 AM Rating: Excellent
742 posts
Wint wrote:
Mikhalia the Picky wrote:
using 99 seals that no one has anymore

Not so, I have like 4 stacks in storage Smiley: grin We can use them to get your black belt if you want, I can't imagine I would use them for anything Smiley: nod

Wint, you're just too nice for your own good sir.

Stay gold, Pony BoyWint.
#83 Apr 20 2011 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
4,864 posts
Sweet, maybe I'll be able to sell access to all the KS99 pops I've been saving for years since the drops were worthless to me.


#84 Apr 20 2011 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
344 posts
[quote=shanecfIF they've removed the BB items from the KSNM, then we just have to hope the HQ pop item and BB item drop rates aren't horrible. Those 6 or so people would get 6 NQ pops... and maybe only 2-3 HQ pops... and then maybe 1 BB item... maybe? For 15 "fights" that's pretty bad.

I just don't see a light at the end of this particular tunnel... which apparently is rate-down worthy... but, maybe it's no longer appropriate to voice concerns over possible issues with new features? Eh, whatever. I just hope my couple of friends with Monk can finally get their items after this. That's the only thing that truly matters at the end of the day.[/quote]

Or.... you could get 1 item every... 3-4 month, if you're lucky?

Seriously, you're getting rated down, not because you're "voicing concern" - you're pulling the chicken-little approach that's becoming so common around here it's almost nausiating.

Something new comes out. Something that ppl have been asking for FOR YEARS. All of a sudden, it's the ********* thing the dev's could have done, it's a horrible time sink, and dear god, they're asking you to do work for a ******* AWESOME piece of equipment.

Light at the end of the tunnel: You could have spent 3-4 months per item (so... 9 months to a year) to get your BB items. Or, you could spend a fraction of the time, with a group of friends, farm the seals and get it done, (depending on what they make the drop rate, and counting the drop rate inside KSNM's) in a fraction of the time, even as little as a month.

You're right, it's not a light at the end of the tunnel
It's the ******* sun.....
#85 Apr 20 2011 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
9,526 posts
I think that they need to make it so that you get a black belt in your inventory when you start a new character

#86 Apr 20 2011 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
4,864 posts
AshokaPrime wrote:

shanecf wrote:
IF they've removed the BB items from the KSNM, then we just have to hope the HQ pop item and BB item drop rates aren't horrible. Those 6 or so people would get 6 NQ pops... and maybe only 2-3 HQ pops... and then maybe 1 BB item... maybe? For 15 "fights" that's pretty bad.

I just don't see a light at the end of this particular tunnel... which apparently is rate-down worthy... but, maybe it's no longer appropriate to voice concerns over possible issues with new features? Eh, whatever. I just hope my couple of friends with Monk can finally get their items after this. That's the only thing that truly matters at the end of the day.

Or.... you could get 1 item every... 3-4 month, if you're lucky?

Seriously, you're getting rated down, not because you're "voicing concern" - you're pulling the chicken-little approach that's becoming so common around here it's almost nausiating.

Something new comes out. Something that ppl have been asking for FOR YEARS. All of a sudden, it's the sh*ttiest thing the dev's could have done, it's a horrible time sink, and dear god, they're asking you to do work for a @#%^ING AWESOME piece of equipment.

Light at the end of the tunnel: You could have spent 3-4 months per item (so... 9 months to a year) to get your BB items. Or, you could spend a fraction of the time, with a group of friends, farm the seals and get it done, (depending on what they make the drop rate, and counting the drop rate inside KSNM's) in a fraction of the time, even as little as a month.

You're right, it's not a light at the end of the tunnel
It's the @#%^ing sun.....

Orrrr...he could have gotten his BB items sometime since this content was introduced in 2003. Like within the last 6 months when no one was doing NQs anyways.

Edited, Apr 20th 2011 2:11pm by TheBarrister

#87 Apr 20 2011 at 12:29 PM Rating: Default
1,430 posts
Interesting play by S-E. I have some small reservations about this that I'd like to see cleared up by the developers (drop rate of the HQ kings being one), but I am more satisfied than not by this change. First, it takes all the power from HNM shells to determine whether or not a player's Black Belt gets done (anyone denying this being the case over the past few years is lying to him/herself). Second, it is infinitely more convenient to everyone regardless of time zone--I'm guessing many of you still remember Japanese HNM shells holding the kings to get spawn times to favor their time zone. Third, it provides just enough incentive for players/linkshells to use their Kindred Seals for KSNM99 fights, though I'd have the developers update the loot pool to include more valuable items.

This wasn't quite what I was expecting, but it is close to the target.
#88 Apr 20 2011 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
Those timed HNM pops have not helped this game one bit. I applaud SE for finally realizing this after years of complaints. I'm going to assume that the old Devs liked timed spawns and now that they're gone, we can finally make this content assessable for more people. I'm sure in the first few days alone, the majority of those MNK's who have been waiting for a BB(for years) will have one. People want to complain about this proposed system, but it's so much better than an once a day timed pops. Because you have to claim a mob that another LS might claim which leaves you with 3 hours of wasted time. At least this way, you have a solid chance of obtaining gear without waiting for a HNM to pop for 3 hours. You go in and kill and pray for drops, simple.
#89 Apr 20 2011 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
3,059 posts
I just don't get why they had to take the BB items off the NQ HNMs. Not 100% I get, but it's not like the NQs dropped them all that often. If a new JSE belt is true, it makes even less sense.

And I'm all out of KS now. :(
#90 Apr 20 2011 at 1:55 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm just going to wait and see how the actual drop rates on the HQ pops as well as the Black Belt items are before I decide whether or not this ends up being a great change or a colossal failure. The hypocrisy is overwhelming all in all (not saying so much in here, but just the general XI community's reaction), since players have been begging for changes to these NMs to make them force pops for years, and now that SE finally has changed them in really the only suitable way I think they could, a ton of people are foaming at the mouth in anger that this wasn't how they wanted it changed. Being someone that had their fill of camping these NMs for years, I have to say that I really like the direction that they're going with this, as it allows for multiple Black Belt item attempts in one go, and makes the valuable equipment from the HQ NMS more readily obtainable; as opposed to waiting a week or so for an HQ King to pop, hope you get the claim, and hope you get the desired drop, if it's even in your playtime to possibly camp them.

SE has for a good while now been changing the game to allow for more casual playing, and this is a great way to change those NMs to allow them to be more casual friendly too.
Lady Jinte wrote:

Vlorsutes' Negotiation Skill rises 0.2 points
Vlorsutes' Observant Parent Skill rises 0.3 points
Vlorsutes' Argument Diffusing Skill rises 0.1 points

#91 Apr 20 2011 at 2:14 PM Rating: Default
512 posts
AshokaPrime wrote:
shanecf wrote:
IF they've removed the BB items from the KSNM, then we just have to hope the HQ pop item and BB item drop rates aren't horrible. Those 6 or so people would get 6 NQ pops... and maybe only 2-3 HQ pops... and then maybe 1 BB item... maybe? For 15 "fights" that's pretty bad.

I just don't see a light at the end of this particular tunnel... which apparently is rate-down worthy... but, maybe it's no longer appropriate to voice concerns over possible issues with new features? Eh, whatever. I just hope my couple of friends with Monk can finally get their items after this. That's the only thing that truly matters at the end of the day.

Or.... you could get 1 item every... 3-4 month, if you're lucky?

Seriously, you're getting rated down, not because you're "voicing concern" - you're pulling the chicken-little approach that's becoming so common around here it's almost nausiating.

Something new comes out. Something that ppl have been asking for FOR YEARS. All of a sudden, it's the sh*ttiest thing the dev's could have done, it's a horrible time sink, and dear god, they're asking you to do work for a @#%^ING AWESOME piece of equipment.

Light at the end of the tunnel: You could have spent 3-4 months per item (so... 9 months to a year) to get your BB items. Or, you could spend a fraction of the time, with a group of friends, farm the seals and get it done, (depending on what they make the drop rate, and counting the drop rate inside KSNM's) in a fraction of the time, even as little as a month.

You're right, it's not a light at the end of the tunnel
It's the @#%^ing sun.....

Are you trolling? Seriously.

Fact #1: they're trying to make BB acquisition suck less.
Fact #2: loot systems based on low drop rates suck.
Fact #3: they're moving the BB items to a system which MAY incorporate Fact #2.

I think people are allowed to complain a bit. Heaven forbid people have OPINIONS on an INTERNET FORUM.

I don't care if it sucks less if the new system still sucks. I don't even care that it's going to require effort, but the fact remains that, in theory, an INFINITE number of KSNM runs could be required to obtain an item that was once before a 100% drop. ... and all for something they admit is soon going to be outdated anyway.

Edited, Apr 20th 2011 4:19pm by shanecf
#92 Apr 20 2011 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
6,268 posts
If it hasn't already been announced, my prediction is that they're also adding an exchange system of Kindred's Crests for Kindred Seals, probably at some crazy rate like 10:1. Probably a 1:10 up-exchange for High Kindred's Crests for new battlefields too.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Airships on fire off the shoulder of Bahamut. I watched Scapula Beams glitter in the dark near the Three Mage Gate...

Nilatai wrote:
Vlorsutes wrote:
There's always...not trolling him?

You're new here, aren't you?
#93 Apr 20 2011 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
5,745 posts
shanecf wrote:
I think people are allowed to complain a bit. Heaven forbid people have OPINIONS on an INTERNET FORUM.

People are allowed to complain a bit, just like people are allowed to rate down those complaints because we want to see less complaining. Heaven forbid people have opinions on your opinions on an Internet forum.
#94 Apr 20 2011 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
2,552 posts
Droprate on the NQ kings was terrible.

This is an improvement. With all the people rushing for old kings loot, BB items will be floating around in abundance that didn't exist before this patch.

If people feel that the old "one a day... at a 5% rate" and "one a week, if lucky" system was better, think again. This patch will make setting up ks99 far easier since you know.... people will actually have something to look forward to other than trash 10k NPCables.

If you're gonna complain, at least try to make sense.

Edited, Apr 20th 2011 5:17pm by SparthosofLakshmi
#95 Apr 20 2011 at 3:24 PM Rating: Default
344 posts
Vlorsutes, Lord of Stuff wrote:
I'm just going to wait and see how the actual drop rates on the HQ pops as well as the Black Belt items are before I decide whether or not this ends up being a great change or a colossal failure. The hypocrisy is overwhelming all in all (not saying so much in here, but just the general XI community's reaction), since players have been begging for changes to these NMs to make them force pops for years, and now that SE finally has changed them in really the only suitable way I think they could, a ton of people are foaming at the mouth in anger that this wasn't how they wanted it changed. Being someone that had their fill of camping these NMs for years, I have to say that I really like the direction that they're going with this, as it allows for multiple Black Belt item attempts in one go, and makes the valuable equipment from the HQ NMS more readily obtainable; as opposed to waiting a week or so for an HQ King to pop, hope you get the claim, and hope you get the desired drop, if it's even in your playtime to possibly camp them.

SE has for a good while now been changing the game to allow for more casual playing, and this is a great way to change those NMs to allow them to be more casual friendly too.


Am I trolling? No

I am wondering why so many ppl think the sky is falling

Fact 1 - look, something we agree on. SE wants to make Ground Kings easier, not a Time sink
Fact 2 - Oh, here's your assumption. What low drop rate. As Vlor said - WE DON'T KNOW THE DROP RATE. All SE has said is they are reducing it. From 100%. 75% could be a reduction. So could 50% (which is where my monies on) - but yes, SE could go with the 5% or less drop rate. You're right. But... that doesn't seem to be the case here...
Fact 3 - again MAY be based on... You're assuming again

So much is being posted about "THIS SUCKS" before anyone has the full facts in hand. If they drop the rate to something below 50%, and remove the items from the KSNM's themselves, then yes, I will think this is the worst idea they've ever had. Period.
But, when, in the last 6 months, or longer, since this dev team took over, have the done anything like that?
I want to give them the benifit of the doubt.

Why assume the worst, or the best, until you have the facts.

On it's face: KSNM's to get the pop (with a chance of getting the item in the KSNM), Pop to get the HQ pop, HQ pop with a chance of getting the item - Sounds like a pretty good idea.
#96 Apr 20 2011 at 3:27 PM Rating: Excellent
2,552 posts
The notes said NOTHING about removing BB items from the Ks99, where are people getting this **** from. lol
#97 Apr 20 2011 at 3:34 PM Rating: Excellent
4,419 posts
With this change implemented, I wonder if they will add The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah to the list of valid Nexus Cape zones.

In fact, I think I'm going to suggest that on the official forums now.
Linkshell: CrimsonMercenaries Server: Carbamesh

Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
Human (?) females look ugly.
Post in /K/ where the orbital laser system is now online.
#98 Apr 20 2011 at 4:04 PM Rating: Excellent
2,236 posts
Drop rate of BB item from KS99: ~20%
Drop rate of BB item from NQ: ~10%
Drop rate of BB item from HQ: 100%

KS99 is purely optional

Assuming KS99 drop rate doesn't change: 20%
Drop rate from NQ: 0%
Drop rate from HQ: ?? (expect 50% or 75%)

An average of perhaps 7.5 pops of the NQ/HQ per week (assuming people actually camp them), with the HQ appearing about 20% of the time.
Thus: 6 NQ per week and 1.5 HQ per week, *3 mobs = 18 NQ and 4.5 HQ total.

Assuming 40 KS99 runs per week (rather higher than I expect are actually done):

Previous would generate:
KS99: 40 * 20% = 8 BB items
NQ: 18 * 10% = 1.8
HQ: 4.5 * 100% = 4.5
Total = 14.3 BB items per week

KS99 drops at least 1 pop for NQ. Most likely will drop 1 or 2, thus averaging 1.5 NQ pops per KS99.

KS99: 40 * 20% = 8 BB items, 60 NQ pops
NQ: 60 * 0% = 0 BB items, ?? HQ pops

What's the HQ pop item drop rate? If they wanted to maintain consistancy with previous ratios between NQ and HQ, it should be 20%. However at this point it is purely speculation.

60 * 20% = 12

HQ: 12 * 50%/75% = 6-9 BB items

Total: 14-17 BB items per week

Thus the total number of Black Belts completed should remain roughly the same, with potential for a slight increase.

Average effort required for a single individual to acquire a single BB item:
50% drop rate on HQs:
20%*k + 1.5*k*20%*50% = 1
k * (20% + 1.5*20%*50%) = 1
k = 1 / (0.35) = 2.85

75% drop rate on HQs:
k = 1 / (0.45) = 2.35

So an average of perhaps 2.5 to 3 KS runs, plus ensuing NQ and HQ fights (~5 NQ, 1 HQ), would be required per BB item. A total of 7 to 8.5 KS99 fights (for 75% or 50% HQ drop rate, respectively) should be expected to acquire all 3 items.

In the case of a 50% drop rate from the HQ, 57% of items should be expected from the KS99, and 43% from the HQ. In the case of a 75% drop rate, it should be 47% from KS99 and 53% from the HQ. Overall, a roughly even split in likely source for the items.

For a single individual, getting the seals necessary for 7 to 8.5 KS fights should take a minimum of 60 to 70 hours of farming, and probably closer to 100 (if KS and BS share drop slot restrictions; I don't recall offhand for sure).

Currently, if an individual camped the NQ kings for their items, they'd need to make an average of 30 total kills, with an average camp time of 1.5 hours. Depending on claim rate, that could take anywhere from 45 hours to 450 hours.

So, compared to best case for camping, the revised method would be a significant increase in the amount of time required. Compared to a slightly more likely case (competing with at least one other individual, 50% or lower claim rate), it's a bit of a wash, and probably better. This is especially the case if the new drop items from the kings pushes people to really want to fight them, thus increasing general supply and opportunity.

On the flip side, total net time cost increases dramatically once you factor in the time that other people are putting into the fights, rather than just soloing NQs. Hopefully the new drops make it worth people's while to assist.
#99 Apr 20 2011 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
The notes said NOTHING about removing BB items from the Ks99, where are people getting this sh*t from. lol

It's something I highly suspect they're doing based on the fact that they're nerfing the drop rates on the NQ/HQ. I don't know why they'd do that if they weren't also going to nerf the drop rate on the KS99, because it seemed like they want to force you to get the items off the HQs.
#100 Apr 20 2011 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts

Abyssea has made you soft and weak


It's apparent with these changes that Abyssea, and Abyssea only is going to be easymode. The devs intend to keep everything outside it's usual curbstomping self. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if Fafnir and Nidhogg see a massive level increase along with these changes.

Edited, Apr 20th 2011 7:21pm by Lobivopis
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:

#101 Apr 20 2011 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
Fynlar wrote:
The notes said NOTHING about removing BB items from the Ks99, where are people getting this sh*t from. lol

It's something I highly suspect they're doing based on the fact that they're nerfing the drop rates on the NQ/HQ. I don't know why they'd do that if they weren't also going to nerf the drop rate on the KS99, because it seemed like they want to force you to get the items off the HQs.

Just like everyone "Suspected" that black mage would get an update after the epic whm and mediocre red mage update for roughly a year?
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