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[dev1009] New Trigger Conditions for Notorious MonstersFollow

#127 Apr 21 2011 at 3:46 AM Rating: Decent
3,769 posts
#3 Make friends with some old school BST's. I have personally have 3k Kindred seals if anyone wants to spam this.

Nope. Since 80% of the ksnm 30's are soloable, we've blown through them all. I've got like 22 left, SE! Let us use kindred crests!

Also, who's betting the inevitable collection itemsfor the black belt 2.0 come from HKCNM99's?
#128 Apr 21 2011 at 5:33 AM Rating: Decent
rdmcandie wrote:
Just like everyone "Suspected" that black mage would get an update after the epic whm and mediocre red mage update for roughly a year?

Ok this bugged me enough I had to post. People more so ******* not speculated that RDM and WHM both got updates, and BLM did not. It was more expectation then speculation, because at the time BLM as in a very sh*tty place. It was pretty much unwanted, and useless outside of endgame related material. It wasn't used in Nyzul either to boot.

RDM and WHM were both sought after (especially post SCH for WHM) for every event from exp grind all the way up to the cream of the crop endgame stuff.

That is it for minor rant.

Also SE is stupid for changing this based on a belt that is nearly useless right now.

maybe your memory a little foggy of how the forum devolved from: "I bet black mage will be getting an update next." To "Black mage really needs an update so they can participate in parties."(Totally with people until this started happening) To "Black mages Deserve an update. {insert epic tale of how black mages had it so hard at the time}" to finally "Square promised black mages an update at fan fest. Where the hell that update square. Why the hell did you go back on your promises. blah blah blah blah."

I can't tell you how many times I fought with people who started spouting this for a long time. I may not be good at a whole lot but one thing I do have is a fantastic video game memory. The only time square said they were gonna give anything to black mage was at the start of wotg when they promised them retrace. The only time square mentioned black mage was when they said they were thinking about making skill chains give better damage bonuses to magic bursts and the chains themselves. This was listed under their specific ideas in mind for black mage. They had no job changes in mind for the job only mechanic changes to the game. Which at the time was what was needed to get them back into exp parties.

This went on roughly a year when most of the forum rallied behind the blms until people just got tired of talking about it. After that only the hardcore blackmages would bring it up. Until abyssea came out of course.

So people really preferred it when your chance of an item drop was determined by your net latency and if your bot was better than the other guys bot.

You just can't please anyone nowadays.

Yeah... This is basicly how I read this topic.

Player base: Events outside of abyssea are dieing. We like you to revive them! Give us a point to do them square.

HNM are stupid. 1 a day timer on nq 3-5 on hq. Only one group can claim them at a time. Can you do something about that?

Devs: Hmm...


Few months later.

Devs: Hey guys we figure out how to kill a few birds with one stone. We will make it so those hnms that are over camped are now pop nms. And that the nq pop item comes from their respective KSNM while the hqs pop item is guarantee to drop at least once from the nq. The only drop rate we are gonna nerf is BB.

PB: But what about kindred seals they rarely drop in abyssea.

Devs: Well now along with the exp update you will also have that incentive to exp and do things outside of abyssea.

Player base explodes.

And really. If they made it stupid easy to pop these hnms people be in here ******** about how hard they had to work for their hecatomb hat and SE defeating that effort.

Edited, Apr 21st 2011 7:41am by Laxedrane
#129 Apr 21 2011 at 7:55 AM Rating: Excellent
701 posts
Laxedrane the Irrelevant wrote:

Yeah... This is basicly how I read this topic.

Player base: Events outside of abyssea are dieing. We like you to revive them! Give us a point to do them square.

HNM are stupid. 1 a day timer on nq 3-5 on hq. Only one group can claim them at a time. Can you do something about that?

Devs: Hmm...


Few months later.

Devs: Hey guys we figure out how to kill a few birds with one stone. We will make it so those hnms that are over camped are now pop nms. And that the nq pop item comes from their respective KSNM while the hqs pop item is guarantee to drop at least once from the nq. The only drop rate we are gonna nerf is BB.

PB: But what about kindred seals they rarely drop in abyssea.

Devs: Well now along with the exp update you will also have that incentive to exp and do things outside of abyssea.

Player base explodes.

And really. If they made it stupid easy to pop these hnms people be in here ******** about how hard they had to work for their hecatomb hat and SE defeating that effort.

Edited, Apr 21st 2011 7:41am by Laxedrane

The original idea of HNMs sucked for several reasons. It was an absolutely awful abomination that never should have existed. I guess they stole it from EQ1? Someone can correct me if I'm wrong. Well whoever came up with it were real bastards. Clever businessmen perhaps, but still bastards.

Their new idea, though it IS an improvement (which isn't saying much) is still needlessly time consuming and convoluted especially for what is now mid-level content. There's too many steps to the process combined with too little a chance of obtaining the desired rewards combined with the possibility of congestion at either the KSNM or the pop site. It's no longer the old kings system, and that is good. It's now sort of like sky or sea, which could be their own versions of hell at times, and that is bad.
#130 Apr 21 2011 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
512 posts
AshokaPrime wrote:
So much is being posted about "THIS SUCKS" before anyone has the full facts in hand. If they drop the rate to something below 50%, and remove the items from the KSNM's themselves, then yes, I will think this is the worst idea they've ever had. Period.


On it's face: KSNM's to get the pop (with a chance of getting the item in the KSNM), Pop to get the HQ pop, HQ pop with a chance of getting the item - Sounds like a pretty good idea.

I agree. As I said, if the item drops in the KSNM still, my point is largely invalid. But I don't think the item will be kept in the KSNM. They're clearly adjusting the drops to incorporate new things... so we don't know if they'll touch it or not.

Why is it so taboo to discuss possible negatives of what the update could mean? Is a forum not a place to have discourse?

My opinion on the matter is that if the drop rate is 50% or less, and if the KSNMs no longer drops the items, this doesn't sound like a pretty good idea... instead it sounds like a pretty bad idea.

I don't think there's anything wrong with discussing possible f!@#-ups that SE could pull. It's not like we're those lame people sitting around making posts like: "I figured out how to fix GENERIC PROBLEM in FFXI. I have written this 10 step guide to implementing this new system to fix GENERIC PROBLEM. Please read because I am so awesome." No, we're simply discussing how this system might just suck. You could paint this as an optimist/pessimist discussion if you wish. I prefer the term realist.

Again, yes, you're right, we're discussing facts we don't even have. Do you really want me to go across this forum and find every post you've ever made that theorizes or predicts the future and post "OMG YOU SUCK YOU DON'T KNOW THIS WILL HAPPEN SO STOP TALKING" like some sort of forum ****? It's childish.

Edited, Apr 21st 2011 9:54am by shanecf
#131 Apr 21 2011 at 8:58 AM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
shanecf wrote:
I agree. As I said, if the item drops in the KSNM still, my point is largely invalid. But I don't think the item will be kept in the KSNM. They're clearly adjusting the drops to incorporate new things... so we don't know if they'll touch it or not.

It simply doesn't make sense for them to come right out and tell us that they're removing BB items from the NQ HNMs, but not tell us that they're giving the KSNMs the same treatment. Why would they be forthcoming about one removal but hide the other?
#132 Apr 21 2011 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
255 posts
With regards to the BB people complaining because of lack of Kindred Seals, there are scads of people who store Seals who had no use for them. Now there WILL be a use for them. Just find someone who wants a D.Ring or E. Body or Dalmatica. Or perhaps there are people who don't want any of those items but would still want to contribute Seals to the BB cause. There are definitely options here.

Edited, Apr 21st 2011 11:01am by Poltergeist27
#133 Apr 21 2011 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
Lobivopis wrote:

Speed Belt already dropped in price. The only reason to use a speed belt now is because you can't get one of the Abyssea belts. Even KA isn't camped anymore.

Speed belts are 11mil on my server still. I'm wondering how much do you think it will drop once we spam these bcnm's.
#134 Apr 21 2011 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
344 posts
shanecf wrote:
I don't think there's anything wrong with discussing possible f!@#-ups that SE could pull. It's not like we're those lame people sitting around making posts like: "I figured out how to fix GENERIC PROBLEM in FFXI. I have written this 10 step guide to implementing this new system to fix GENERIC PROBLEM. Please read because I am so awesome." No, we're simply discussing how this system might just suck. You could paint this as an optimist/pessimist discussion if you wish. I prefer the term realist.

Again, yes, you're right, we're discussing facts we don't even have. Do you really want me to go across this forum and find every post you've ever made that theorizes or predicts the future and post "OMG YOU SUCK YOU DON'T KNOW THIS WILL HAPPEN SO STOP TALKING" like some sort of forum ****? It's childish

There is nothing wrong with discussing what could possibly happen
But the player base (as has been pointed out in many places in this thread and others) - is very eager to jump to some massive conclusions (No drops from KSNM's and less than 50% drop rate of BB Items) without any basis in fact. Then they go off on a tangent and once again, the sky is falling.

We've entered into an era that most players dreamed about, but never thought we'd see. SE is being open and clear with the player base. They're letting us know what they're doing, what their plans are, and more than that, they're listening to what the player base wants.
More causal content: Done
Easier leveling: Done
Now, Ground Kings that don't take your whole life: Done
EVERY TIME, the player base has acted like SE is messing up the game, when it's exactly what they've been asking for.
I'm not saying don't discuss. What I'm saying is: Stop acting like SE is the big bad. Stop jumping to wild conclusions with no basis in fact.

And please: if you want to try and go through all what, 250 of my posts, looking for a prediction or of me jumping to conclusions - go for it. I'm rather curious to see if you find one.
#135 Apr 21 2011 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
2,552 posts
I agree. As I said, if the item drops in the KSNM still, my point is largely invalid. But I don't think the item will be kept in the KSNM. They're clearly adjusting the drops to incorporate new things... so we don't know if they'll touch it or not.

Why is it so taboo to discuss possible negatives of what the update could mean? Is a forum not a place to have discourse?

My opinion on the matter is that if the drop rate is 50% or less, and if the KSNMs no longer drops the items, this doesn't sound like a pretty good idea... instead it sounds like a pretty bad idea.

You're complaining about criticism yet you obviously failed to have read the source material being discussed and instead have gone straight to fearmongering.

SE went through the trouble of saying that Fafnir/Behemoth/Adamantoise will no longer drop the BB items so do tell why they didn't say that Chevnik/Tortaruga Gigante/Wyrm would also lose their BB items if that was the plan.

#136 Apr 21 2011 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
shanecf wrote:
My opinion on the matter is that if the drop rate is 50% or less, and if the KSNMs no longer drops the items, this doesn't sound like a pretty good idea... instead it sounds like a pretty bad idea.

I'm not sure how this is a bad idea. Even if they take the drop out of the KSNM and lower the drop rate from the HQ HNM, you are still looking at a better situation than camping said HNM for weeks on end, hoping to get lucky enough to get claim. A good friend of mine is a mnk and he lost weeks of sleep camping Faf/Nid to get his BB item. The spawn times are so ridiculous. I helped camp one night, because it happened to be a weekend and the window opened at 1am. I personally would prefer to burn thru seals, knowing I can pop the NQ and the HQ whenever it was convenient for me.
#137 Apr 21 2011 at 10:19 AM Rating: Default
4,864 posts
ItsAMyri wrote:
The problem is that there is no real way to obtain seals. There are no mobs that drop them more often. I don't think treasure hunter applies.

You can't fight a tough NM and get clumps of seals to drop.

All you can do is let them slowly pile up over time, or go insane murdering easy trash mobs.

Is that really how you people want to see a 'hard earned' item? Should Empyrean weapons just be "kill 100,000 easy prey crabs" to complete?

Content from 2003 (e.g., black belts and the other already or soon to be obsolete items from land kings) =/= content from 2010 (e.g., empyreans).

ItsAMyri wrote:

The problem with this system is simple. Sure, it gives everyone a chance to fight kings, but not enough of a chance to actually obtain their black belt without spending someone elses seals. And why is someone else just going to give you their seals?

If you didn't have BB by now, you weren't really that serious about it. Everyone in this thread, which is about 25% of the posters that are whining about "sudden" changes to black belts, the last 8 years would like to say hi.

#138 Apr 21 2011 at 10:40 AM Rating: Excellent
AshokaPrime wrote:
shanecf wrote:
I don't think there's anything wrong with discussing possible f!@#-ups that SE could pull. It's not like we're those lame people sitting around making posts like: "I figured out how to fix GENERIC PROBLEM in FFXI. I have written this 10 step guide to implementing this new system to fix GENERIC PROBLEM. Please read because I am so awesome." No, we're simply discussing how this system might just suck. You could paint this as an optimist/pessimist discussion if you wish. I prefer the term realist.

Again, yes, you're right, we're discussing facts we don't even have. Do you really want me to go across this forum and find every post you've ever made that theorizes or predicts the future and post "OMG YOU SUCK YOU DON'T KNOW THIS WILL HAPPEN SO STOP TALKING" like some sort of forum ****? It's childish

There is nothing wrong with discussing what could possibly happen
But the player base (as has been pointed out in many places in this thread and others) - is very eager to jump to some massive conclusions (No drops from KSNM's and less than 50% drop rate of BB Items) without any basis in fact. Then they go off on a tangent and once again, the sky is falling.

We've entered into an era that most players dreamed about, but never thought we'd see. SE is being open and clear with the player base. They're letting us know what they're doing, what their plans are, and more than that, they're listening to what the player base wants.
More causal content: Done
Easier leveling: Done
Now, Ground Kings that don't take your whole life: Done
EVERY TIME, the player base has acted like SE is messing up the game, when it's exactly what they've been asking for.
I'm not saying don't discuss. What I'm saying is: Stop acting like SE is the big bad. Stop jumping to wild conclusions with no basis in fact.

And please: if you want to try and go through all what, 250 of my posts, looking for a prediction or of me jumping to conclusions - go for it. I'm rather curious to see if you find one.

Smiley: inlove

Admin Triple Rate Upâ„¢ for you sir.
#139 Apr 21 2011 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
AshokaPrime wrote:
And please: if you want to try and go through all what, 250 of my posts, looking for a prediction or of me jumping to conclusions - go for it. I'm rather curious to see if you find one.
AshokaPrime wrote:
Now, Ground Kings that don't take your whole life: Done
Found one. There still is no actual guarantee what the drop rates are. Not to mention the issue with gathering necessary pop items.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#140 Apr 21 2011 at 11:24 AM Rating: Good
344 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
AshokaPrime wrote:
And please: if you want to try and go through all what, 250 of my posts, looking for a prediction or of me jumping to conclusions - go for it. I'm rather curious to see if you find one.
AshokaPrime wrote:
Now, Ground Kings that don't take your whole life: Done
Found one. There still is no actual guarantee what the drop rates are. Not to mention the issue with gathering necessary pop items.

Ok, fair enough.

We don't know enough at this point. The drop rate could be lowered to insane points (IE the classic 3% drop rate... or less, Okotes I'm looking at you) OR you are the unluckiest person in the game, or a combination of both, you could, possibly, spend the rest of your life trying to round out the last item for your BB. I will concide that point.

Still, it does seem like it will be better. Especially if you have friends willing to help.
#141 Apr 21 2011 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
I echo the statements in regard to SE's improved communication with us. I'm still not fond of their customer service(don't ask, just had an issue) but I'm growing more impressed with their Dev team than ever before. We seriously had a thread made by a player because he spammed Abyssea into the ground and then complained about no content. The ironic thing was Abyssea is supposed to be more casual and user-friendly end game content. If you play hardcore, ummm do the math.

This game is much improved compared to years ago. Every job almost has a purpose now and SE ain't done making adjustments to help those jobs that aren't fairing so well. No matter what your stance is on camping kings, we need to agree on how botted and inaccessible they were for the normal player. This change like Nyzul and Abyssea allows the casual player to experience fighting kings without joining a botting ls. People like to say we don't know if the bcnm's will still drop the loot. Well I think it will and you'll have a second chance on HQ pops. Maybe it's just me, but doesn't all the people that actually camped kings for years have their items already anyways? I mean who is doing kings nowadays except for people that either sell the drops or get lucky because the former botting ls that camped it is busy with AF+3 and weapons. In the end none of this matters. We will see tons of /shouts in Port Jeuno about your orb, your drop paving the way for a new economy to emerge from this. Will people be spamming this system when it first starts, you bet. If you can't handle taking turns dealing with your fellow impulsive people, why are you there in the first place? There is nothing bad about this change so far except there might be some server congestion on patch day/week. SE was clear to clarify what they were doing and yet people assume the worst. I think it's time we give them the benefit of the doubt. I have no doubts that if the system isn't working well, SE will adjust it responding to our feedback. So just chill out people. We can discuss all we want, but let's stop comparing SE Devs to the 2005 era, shall we.

Edited, Apr 21st 2011 12:29pm by ShadowedgeFFXI
#142 Apr 21 2011 at 12:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Kragorn wrote:
To those defending this change largely on the basis that it removes the need to fight claimbots, you're wrong. From the updated post on the 'official' forums:

- The ”???” will respawn a minute after the battle is over.
- The NM will despawn if unclaimed for 90 seconds at the spawned location.
- The feature wherein the level of these monsters will increase after battling them for a period of time will remain unchanged.

As I read that it pops UNCLAIMED, so no difference there, all it needs is for an LS claimbot to be stationed permanently instead of only when the window opens .. I see little problem in the cheatshells doing that.

Edited, Apr 21st 2011 2:59am by Kragorn

All that's meaning is if for some reason your group wipes to it, if the mob remains idle at the ??? spot for a minute and a half without anyone taking action on it, it'll despawn. It's no different than other force popped NMs, since they'll also despawn if left unclaimed for X amount of time. There isn't a single force spawned NM that pops unclaimed, so there's no reason for them to change that for these new ones.
Lady Jinte wrote:

Vlorsutes' Negotiation Skill rises 0.2 points
Vlorsutes' Observant Parent Skill rises 0.3 points
Vlorsutes' Argument Diffusing Skill rises 0.1 points

#143 Apr 21 2011 at 12:50 PM Rating: Excellent
4,419 posts
Vlorsutes, Lord of Stuff wrote:
there's no reason for them to change that for these new ones.

Linkshell: CrimsonMercenaries Server: Carbamesh

Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
Human (?) females look ugly.
Post in /K/ where the orbital laser system is now online.
#144 Apr 21 2011 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
If you didn't have BB by now, you weren't really that serious about it. Everyone in this thread, which is about 25% of the posters that are whining about "sudden" changes to black belts, the last 8 years would like to say hi.

I only leveled MNK recently, as I suppose many others have due to Abyssea. I never had a reason to care about BB until a couple months ago, so your whole "8 years" argument is rather invalid.
#145 Apr 21 2011 at 3:56 PM Rating: Default
4,864 posts
Fynlar wrote:
If you didn't have BB by now, you weren't really that serious about it. Everyone in this thread, which is about 25% of the posters that are whining about "sudden" changes to black belts, the last 8 years would like to say hi.

I only leveled MNK recently, as I suppose many others have due to Abyssea. I never had a reason to care about BB until a couple months ago, so your whole "8 years" argument is rather invalid.

Sure it is - if you don't have BB by now, either the job and or the item weren't that important to you. You could have purchased the quest items from just about any serious HNMLS because most of them had long since given them away to anyone who did, may, or might have considered leveling Monk. As you say yourself - you only recently leveled MNK, and as you suppose others have due to Abyssea.

These players were never serious about Monk and gearing it well or they could have obtained it by:

  • doing KSNM
  • fighting these NMs with an HNMLS or their friends
  • paying a shell for the drops which on the 2 servers I was on during this content were some of the least desired items by those shells
  • killing these NMs since Abyssea came out because everyone forgot about this content until suddenly their precious BB that they hoped to get one day in the next 5 years suddenly may have become possibly adjusted potentially in one direction or another

  • Edited, Apr 21st 2011 5:57pm by TheBarrister

    #146 Apr 21 2011 at 4:20 PM Rating: Excellent
    9,526 posts
    So people who only started playing recently... they should have gotten their black belt 8 years ago?
    #147 Apr 21 2011 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
    344 posts
    Olorinus the Vile wrote:
    So people who only started playing recently... they should have gotten their black belt 8 years ago?

    I was going to make comments about gil and HNMLS's and crap like that...

    but really, now people are starting arguments for the sake of it.
    #148 Apr 21 2011 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
    2,275 posts
    AshokaPrime wrote:
    Olorinus the Vile wrote:
    So people who only started playing recently... they should have gotten their black belt 8 years ago?

    I was going to make comments about gil and HNMLS's and crap like that...

    but really, now people are starting arguments for the sake of it.

    don't need hnmls to make gil on this now, just farm up 99 seals and /sh to sell your orb for X million gil and i bet you get a buyer
    It's PSU as in Pennsylvania State University not any phantasy star crap.

    Pronounced P S U not sue.
    #149 Apr 21 2011 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
    3,653 posts
    So people who only started playing recently... they should have gotten their black belt 8 years ago?

    Don't be silly, he was referring to Fyn, who's had all the time in the world to get a Black Belt if he really, really wanted one and gave two sh*ts about leveling monk before Abyss. Pre-Abyss monks even worked on Black Belts before they got monk to 75, god forbid. People who've started playing recently and want a black belt should be happy about the changes. Camping a 21-24 hour NM for any extended period is retarded, especially when the windows actually roll through time zones in a few days if there is any pressure on the NM. Then you have to wait a week or so for the whole thing to happen over again. Presuming there is no maintenance to reset the spawns, presuming people aren't holding for the maximum amount of time to keep the NM in their timezone a little longer. There are so many bad things they are removing with this it's ridiculous. However, a lot of folks don't understand those kinds of things because they have never done those camps for an extended period. You really need to have done that to have perspective on all of this.

    I believe the idea behind the update is this: they want to give people the same chance to get BB item from the new force pop system as you had getting it from kings. Yes the drop rate might suck in the eyes of some people, but it's probably going to end up being on par with the old ways in terms of time needed, if not slightly better. Certainly the randomness has been reduced drastically from HNM camps. Hell if you go on a KS run with a small group (say 6) and only a couple of people want BB item, you're probably just about assured of getting one. Not only can it drop from the KSNM itself (assuming they don't adjust drop pools, because they haven't said they would) you have a couple of extra chances to get BB items for your troubles. Oh and you can also do that whenever the hell you want and not be bound to the stupid windows as outlined in the first paragraph.

    Edited, Apr 21st 2011 10:58pm by blowfin
    #150rdmcandie, Posted: Apr 21 2011 at 9:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) To bad BB isn't nearly as godly or must have as it used to be. The only melee stat that really matter on gear is haste, and MNK can cap that without BB. For the only other relevant use for a BB (WS) there are half a dozen better belts for that as well. At this point BB is simply a trophy item like a Speed/Vbelt.
    #151 Apr 21 2011 at 11:59 PM Rating: Good
    Thief's Knife
    15,054 posts
    Fynlar wrote:
    Speed Belt already dropped in price. The only reason to use a speed belt now is because you can't get use one of the Abyssea belts.



    Goading belt + Bale +2 head/body/hands + Ace's feet/legs = 26% haste.

    Or alternatively:

    V-belt + Bale +2 head/body/hands + Homam feet/legs = 26% haste.

    DRK sucks because they lack a critical hit WS not because they lack haste gear.

    Edited, Apr 22nd 2011 3:03am by Lobivopis
    Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
    Adjust the resolution of menus.
    The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
    If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

    I thought of it first:

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