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September 20, 2011 Version Update DetailsFollow

#127 Sep 20 2011 at 11:37 AM Rating: Excellent
Olorinus wrote:
MippsCat wrote:

Does this mean we can do our OP's for other cities and keep them? Possibly filling out Regions not normally available due to no takeovers?

Example: I'm windy, I switch to bastok for gustaberg OP, switch back and can now OP from windy to gustaberg.

If so... amg :D

Yeah, this is my understanding of it.

In before complaints that Ronfaure/Gusta/Saruta OPs obtained the old-fashioned way are now somehow devalued. Smiley: grin
#128 Sep 20 2011 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
842 posts
As for spells, I'm trying to document where to get on the blm and whm forums if anyone can help. I'm only one kitty, can't be everywhere. So if you can help (And yes I want proof; want screenshots or logs to prove it) please do!

Yeah they may end up expensive unless Square realizes but not the first time. I remember when Erase was over a mil, dangit, and I bc'ed for it with two friends. ^^
Elizara, Mithran WHM of Quetzalcoatl
LS's: SpecialFriends, ShikigamiWeapon, Noble's, WeSayHurray, JingZen, Betrayed (Dynamis and Aby)

Still a MithraPride kitty at heart, tho that shell is gone..Also still CTY at heart forevah!


Alla profile: http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?11530

Thinking about swapping from console to PC? Check here to do it right!
#129 Sep 20 2011 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
Poltergeist27 wrote:
Raelix wrote:
BrownDuck wrote:
As someone who never enjoyed the drop rate to seal cost ratio on BCNM/KSNM fights to begin with, I think this will probably be the final nail in the coffin for me.

They could have dropped from Voidwatch... which will be the last straw for me as well if Absorb-Attri does.

Or you could both just buy those scrolls off the AH. Not like gil is hard to make from Abyssea if that is all you do.

I have no problem with scrolls dropping from BCNM. It reminds me of the old days when Erase and Raise III scrolls were rare commodities for WHM (Bionic Bug, Evasive Action etc), and the excitement you felt when you finally filled out your spellbook. One can do with a little delayed gratification sometimes.

Limiting the availability of scrolls through BCNMs with less than stellar drop rates and forcing a majority of players to shell out the gil for them on the AH is precisely the type of mindset that lead to the gil seller days of old.

I'd have no problem with the scrolls coming from BC type events if the drop rate was commensurate with the time spent gathering the necessary seals, and I'll admit I don't have any specific knowledge of the drop rate for the new scrolls, but if the past is any indication, we're probably looking at a <30% drop rate at the most.

Also, consider the fact that when killing an NM in abyssea, it's almost impossible to get completely shafted on drops. Someone (and often multiple people) will get a drop every time. It's not uncommon for a BC-type fight to result in nothing but ****** NPCable items that nobody wants, resulting in a complete waste of 30, 50, or however many seals you've spent. The BC-style loot pool configuration has always been retarded and I absolutely detest the idea of going back to it, especially for what most will consider job-defining scrolls.
#130 Sep 20 2011 at 12:00 PM Rating: Excellent
9,526 posts
axciom wrote:

Uh...have you CHECKED the going price for raise III lately? Currently going for 1.2 million on carby. And if you look back on the "old days" with fondness for shelling out a million that you will never get back...you are a sick, sick man.

Yeah, what bothers me about this sort of thing is it just solidifies the hold that the higher tier players have on the economy. Like, people like me who are in mostly-casual shells just can't regularly pull people together to do these kind of runs. So we are left to the mercy of people who already have more money than they can spend, gouging us.

Personally, I wish they had put the scrolls somewhere where ordinary folks could get at them (since they are as basic as job abilities) and then put nice gears in BCNMs so that people who like to have the best of everything can do those for the gear, and the rest of us don't have to be gimp or further enrich the richest players on our servers.
#131 Sep 20 2011 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
265 posts
All I've fought after update is turtles and worms in gustav tunnel, and we got no scrolls there after about 50~ kills of both mobs with max TH.

Not a big sample but I'd say no to those dropping any.
#132 Sep 20 2011 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
axciom wrote:

Uh...have you CHECKED the going price for raise III lately? Currently going for 1.2 million on carby. And if you look back on the "old days" with fondness for shelling out a million that you will never get back...you are a sick, sick man.

Incorrectly assumes I shelled out a million back in the old days instead of doing the BCNM repeatedly. The fondness for the old days I was talking about was doing BCNM runs repeatedly with friends, the rush I felt with some of the more difficult fights, and the pleasure of finally using the scroll and filling out my spellbook.

Regarding Raise 3's current price, I was not aware it had reached back to those heights. For awhile in 2008-2010 before everyone took off for Abyssea and ignored the rest of Vana'diel, it was dirt cheap.

Edited, Sep 20th 2011 3:16pm by Poltergeist27
#133 Sep 20 2011 at 1:08 PM Rating: Default
255 posts
Olorinus wrote:
axciom wrote:

Uh...have you CHECKED the going price for raise III lately? Currently going for 1.2 million on carby. And if you look back on the "old days" with fondness for shelling out a million that you will never get back...you are a sick, sick man.

Yeah, what bothers me about this sort of thing is it just solidifies the hold that the higher tier players have on the economy. Like, people like me who are in mostly-casual shells just can't regularly pull people together to do these kind of runs. So we are left to the mercy of people who already have more money than they can spend, gouging us.

Personally, I wish they had put the scrolls somewhere where ordinary folks could get at them (since they are as basic as job abilities) and then put nice gears in BCNMs so that people who like to have the best of everything can do those for the gear, and the rest of us don't have to be gimp or further enrich the richest players on our servers.

Incorrectly assumes the people doing these runs already have more money than they can spend, which begs the question of why they would need to do a BCNM run.

Regarding ordinary folks/casual LS types, I think you might underestimate yourself. Most of the BC's last patch could be lowmanned with 3 or so people. I imagine once the strategies are figured out, the new BC's might be amenable to the same.

EDIT: In point of fact, they seem to be. http://www.bluegartr.com/threads/107055-New-KCNM-Fights?p=4799762&viewfull=1#post4799762

Edited, Sep 20th 2011 4:59pm by Poltergeist27
#134 Sep 20 2011 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
2,180 posts
ITT: BCNMs are too hard for anyone but people who already have enough gil to buy the scrolls.
#135 Sep 20 2011 at 4:23 PM Rating: Good
9,526 posts
zellbaca wrote:
ITT: BCNMs are too hard for anyone but people who already have enough gil to buy the scrolls.

Maybe they are, maybe they aren't but given that my LS has about 4-8 people on at any regular time, often out of those at least 2 are not at (90) cap... and, you know, people are busy... nevermind that I don't even have 99 HKC...

It is just a bummer for newer players that they restrict these scrolls so much. Honestly, even if just a couple of them were restricted it would be more tolerable - but this is just a slap in the face to mages.

And don't tell me it isn't the well geared, well heeled players that are going to be the ones mainly doing these BCNMs until they've spent all their seals and are ready to divulge their strategies for doing them.

Meanwhile most of the server's mages won't have a shot to play with their new spells. Lame.

Edited, Sep 20th 2011 3:24pm by Olorinus
#136 Sep 20 2011 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
Olorinus wrote:
zellbaca wrote:
ITT: BCNMs are too hard for anyone but people who already have enough gil to buy the scrolls.

Maybe they are, maybe they aren't but given that my LS has about 4-8 people on at any regular time, often out of those at least 2 are not at (90) cap... and, you know, people are busy... nevermind that I don't even have 99 HKC...

It is just a bummer for newer players that they restrict these scrolls so much. Honestly, even if just a couple of them were restricted it would be more tolerable - but this is just a slap in the face to mages.

And don't tell me it isn't the well geared, well heeled players that are going to be the ones mainly doing these BCNMs until they've spent all their seals and are ready to divulge their strategies for doing them.

Meanwhile most of the server's mages won't have a shot to play with their new spells. Lame.

Edited, Sep 20th 2011 3:24pm by Olorinus

Please just do some basic research next time. Here, I did it for you in 2 minutes. The new BC's are 30 or 50 HKC's, and since last patch you can trade one type of Crest/Seal for another. Here are strats for the one that drops Breakga and Comet:


Below are the others. All the information is available to you if you know where to look. Nobody is withholding strategies....it seems like all of them can be 3-manned or 4-manned. Don't underestimate yourself or be a victim, the success of a BCNM is not restricted to a well-geared or well-heeled player...




And here is the thread divulging the strategies for the BCs:


Edited, Sep 21st 2011 12:27am by Poltergeist27
#137 Sep 21 2011 at 7:26 AM Rating: Good
1,570 posts
Olorinus wrote:
It is just a bummer for newer players that they restrict these scrolls so much. Honestly, even if just a couple of them were restricted it would be more tolerable - but this is just a slap in the face to mages.
Considering who is running the show in FFXI now, this isn't much of a surprise. Personally, I never liked BCNM/KSNM because of certain job bias that floats around, and it is a bit annoying to see them try to encourage more of this rather than more stuff attainable in the open world. Not to mention there's other ways to move the economy, and spell scrolls are not it.
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Hopes for FFXIV: Fencer | Red Mage
#138 Sep 21 2011 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
255 posts
Anyway, the new scrolls have now been discovered from WoE, Voidwatch, AND BCNMs, so it's moot.
#139 Sep 21 2011 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Poltergeist27 wrote:
Anyway, the new scrolls have now been discovered from WoE, Voidwatch, AND BCNMs, so it's moot.

Are certain scrolls only available from one of those events? Or does every scroll have multiple events that they drop from?
#140 Sep 21 2011 at 10:57 AM Rating: Excellent
842 posts
So far, at least from blm; Seems like they drop from multiple things (tho YES we don't know all where they drop from yet)

If you check the lists on the WHM and BLM forums; All BLM scrolls have been found in one place or another, while WHM is still missing one.
Elizara, Mithran WHM of Quetzalcoatl
LS's: SpecialFriends, ShikigamiWeapon, Noble's, WeSayHurray, JingZen, Betrayed (Dynamis and Aby)

Still a MithraPride kitty at heart, tho that shell is gone..Also still CTY at heart forevah!


Alla profile: http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?11530

Thinking about swapping from console to PC? Check here to do it right!
#141 Sep 21 2011 at 11:04 AM Rating: Good
1,020 posts
maryadavies wrote:
So far, at least from blm; Seems like they drop from multiple things (tho YES we don't know all where they drop from yet)

If you check the lists on the WHM and BLM forums; All BLM scrolls have been found in one place or another, while WHM is still missing one.

Hmm...good to know whenever I get my account out of mothballs. My BLM will be (as it was to 75, 80, and then 90 [missed the 85 cap due to financial reasons]) my first job to 95 and I definitely would like to know where to get the new spells without having to put up my Mog House for three mortgages, sell my kids, and put up my soul on the AH....

#142 Sep 21 2011 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
The quest to enable you to open the Quicksand Cave doors solo (if not a galka) is called "Open Sesame" and is given to you by a Goblin NPC called Lokpix at the Altepa telepoint. You need a tremorstone and then either a meteorite OR a soil gem OR 12 soil geodes.
Blogging again! http://eldelphia.wordpress.com
#143 Sep 21 2011 at 12:50 PM Rating: Excellent
742 posts
eldelphia wrote:
The quest to enable you to open the Quicksand Cave doors solo (if not a galka) is called "Open Sesame" and is given to you by a Goblin NPC called Lokpix at the Altepa telepoint. You need a tremorstone and then either a meteorite OR a soil gem OR 12 soil geodes.

These are the weighed doors we're talking about, yeah?
#144 Sep 21 2011 at 1:41 PM Rating: Good
437 posts
Awesome! I just got my SAM to 60 and was gonna do the AF till I found out you needed a QSC coffer...I was like ehh I guess I won't get the full set of AF. And then BAM this quest pops up ^.^

PS: Is this thread now long enough to turn into a RDM debate?
#145 Sep 21 2011 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,020 posts
OMGItsABear wrote:
Awesome! I just got my SAM to 60 and was gonna do the AF till I found out you needed a QSC coffer...I was like ehh I guess I won't get the full set of AF. And then BAM this quest pops up ^.^

PS: Is this thread now long enough to turn into a RDM debate?

Not yet. Another page or two, if that....and poof, instant RDM debate.

*sprinkles holy water around to ward off RDM debate*
#146 Sep 21 2011 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Awesome! I just got my SAM to 60 and was gonna do the AF till I found out you needed a QSC coffer...I was like ehh I guess I won't get the full set of AF. And then BAM this quest pops up ^.^

None of the coffers are behind the weighted doors, anyway.
#147 Sep 21 2011 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
437 posts
Fynlar wrote:
Awesome! I just got my SAM to 60 and was gonna do the AF till I found out you needed a QSC coffer...I was like ehh I guess I won't get the full set of AF. And then BAM this quest pops up ^.^

None of the coffers are behind the weighted doors, anyway.

Eh I thought there were spawns by the Chamber of Oracles, regardless I have to fight Maat at the chamber anyway so it's the same (workin on Maat's Cap).
#148 Sep 22 2011 at 3:39 AM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
axciom wrote:

These are the weighed doors we're talking about, yeah?

Yep ^^

Oh and posted up a quick set of runs of the new HKCNM 30 Antagonistic Ambuscade we did last night in the hope of seeing Breakga and Comet scrolls here on my blog.
Blogging again! http://eldelphia.wordpress.com
#149 Sep 24 2011 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
axciom wrote:
Poltergeist27 wrote:
Raelix wrote:
BrownDuck wrote:
As someone who never enjoyed the drop rate to seal cost ratio on BCNM/KSNM fights to begin with, I think this will probably be the final nail in the coffin for me.

They could have dropped from Voidwatch... which will be the last straw for me as well if Absorb-Attri does.

Or you could both just buy those scrolls off the AH. Not like gil is hard to make from Abyssea if that is all you do.

I have no problem with scrolls dropping from BCNM. It reminds me of the old days when Erase and Raise III scrolls were rare commodities for WHM (Bionic Bug, Evasive Action etc), and the excitement you felt when you finally filled out your spellbook. One can do with a little delayed gratification sometimes.

Uh...have you CHECKED the going price for raise III lately? Currently going for 1.2 million on carby. And if you look back on the "old days" with fondness for shelling out a million that you will never get back...you are a sick, sick man.

Tanaka is back in charge of FFXI now and Abyssea easy mode is over.

Edited, Sep 25th 2011 2:50am by Lobivopis
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:

#150 Sep 28 2011 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Tanaka is back in charge of FFXI now

When the hell did this happen :|

#151 Sep 29 2011 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
1,570 posts
Fynlar wrote:
Tanaka is back in charge of FFXI now

When the hell did this happen :|

After he bowed out as producer from FFXIV. I didn't get the feeling of dread until I saw that letter signed by him on the official forums. But yeah, he's back in charge. =/
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Hopes for FFXIV: Fencer | Red Mage
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