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The Vanafest announcmentFollow

#1 Apr 26 2012 at 2:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,692 posts
So the future of FFXI seems to be riding quite heavily on what happens at Vanafest for a lot of players, given the rather uninspiring new road map it seems even more important than ever.

What do you think it will turn out to be? A new expansion, new dev team or maybe even free to play with cash shop?
#2 Apr 26 2012 at 6:49 AM Rating: Good
Runespider wrote:
So the future of FFXI seems to be riding quite heavily on what happens at Vanafest for a lot of players, given the rather uninspiring new road map it seems even more important than ever.

What do you think it will turn out to be? A new expansion, new dev team or maybe even free to play with cash shop?

if XI goes free to play I'm quitting

I'm hoping for a few things.

- An announcement of the end of legacy PS2 support in 2013.
- An announcement of the beginning of PS3 or PS Vita support. I suspect the UI changes being done for PC are also prepwork for those versions.
- An announcement regarding additional mini content expansions, or even better, a new full expansion.

The likelihood of those is a strong possibility. Firing Tanaka and getting a new dev team would be a dream come true, but it ain't gonna happen.
#3 Apr 26 2012 at 6:54 AM Rating: Good
If its no expansion im done i think nothing is worse than standing still and thats what the game is doing right now, again.
Feels like pre abys allover nothing new to do nothing to see and grindy content all over.
#4 Apr 26 2012 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,270 posts
Free to play wont happen without a MAJOR over haul.

You need in an in game store that allows for Credit card collection, which requires UI changes (not really possible on ps2/xbox since neither are on the list of ui updates).

That and what would you buy? You need TONS of micro transactions to balance out the gain. They would have to start selling dyna currency, alexandrite, gil, exp rings, sub job unlocks, area unlocks, private mounts. Might as well just sell mythics/relics/empy weapons.

There will be no ps3/vita support coming, that requires coders (not developers), and it is just to large of an investment for an old game.

End of ps2 support is possible

Mini expansions are possible (not full expansions, not after wotg took 4-5 years post release just to finish)
#5 Apr 26 2012 at 8:59 AM Rating: Excellent
XI was originally going to be ported over to PS3, but Sony said "not with those graphics" and so SE dropped the plans. However, now that they're in serious negotiations to get XIV on the PS3, and they're applying major UI overhauls to the PC version, the time is ripe to run it out to the PS3.

The graphics engine for XI is capable of looking pretty darn good once the resolution is plumped up to HD levels. but the sticking point has always been the UI, which just feels dated. Cleaning up and modernizing the UI while allowing the game to run at 1080p might convince Sony to allow it as a legacy port after all.
#6 Apr 26 2012 at 9:04 AM Rating: Default
258 posts
What were the major announcements for the past Vanafests? I can't imagine a 10 year old game having a full on expansion added to it. I might expect a add-on type mission set like the Moogle missions, but new areas, new mobs, etc. Not gonna happen with the skeleton crew that's likely left coding FFXI.
#7 Apr 26 2012 at 9:21 AM Rating: Good
211 posts
I would love a new expansion... and add-ons too.

I would love to see new areas.


I bring this old map into view again... I only wish that they would have expanded the world like this... instead of rehashing the old areas. Lots of history exists all over Vana'diel and we've only seen a fraction of it... sure we get passing mentions of "other" areas in the story, but hey let's go to them...

Also, for pete's sake... I wana go to that old city in the intro someday dammit! :)

#8REDACTED, Posted: Apr 26 2012 at 9:24 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am guessing that they will announce the following:
#9 Apr 26 2012 at 9:29 AM Rating: Good
641 posts
I feel the roadmap planned is the actual roadmap and anything they will say on the Vanafest will be small changes to stuff that already exist. They said on the last Vanafest they had a surprise that would shock everyone (the level 99 cap that was). On this Vanafest they haven't mentioned anything besides celebrating the 10th year of FFXI. When it comes to PSVita port I already know from the past that SE are very vague when they say "we're looking into something" as it might never happen or it will take at least 5 years to implement.
#10 Apr 26 2012 at 10:12 AM Rating: Excellent
4,229 posts
Velderin wrote:
Also, for pete's sake... I wana go to that old city in the intro someday dammit! :)

Wasn't that Tavnazia? If we were going to see it, WoTG would've been the time for it. Since they didn't give it to us then, unless they do yet another time travel arc, I don't think it'll happen.
#11 Apr 26 2012 at 10:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Solonuke wrote:
I feel the roadmap planned is the actual roadmap and anything they will say on the Vanafest will be small changes to stuff that already exist. They said on the last Vanafest they had a surprise that would shock everyone (the level 99 cap that was). On this Vanafest they haven't mentioned anything besides celebrating the 10th year of FFXI. When it comes to PSVita port I already know from the past that SE are very vague when they say "we're looking into something" as it might never happen or it will take at least 5 years to implement.

Actually, the road map is just what the development team is currently working on for this year. It's an internal document. Note that it doesn't go past December of this year?

They tend to announce expansions between 6 months and one year in advance. If they announce an expansion at Vanafest, it'll probably be planned for a spring 2013 release - well past the end of the current "road map."
#12 Apr 26 2012 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
4,864 posts
It will be new stuff for jobs I don't care about. Like a 1,093th avatar, or the ability to heal your pet if you use 155% TP at the right time, or drain 3.


#13 Apr 26 2012 at 11:46 AM Rating: Good
1,677 posts
I'm torn, and I mean really torn, because I desperately want some new content and I know it probably won't come. I want a new full-sized expansion. I want something I can sink my teeth into once again, something that takes time and effort to attempt/complete, something where a small group is needed so I can actually get to meeting new people again. I don't know if it's just me but I've been feeling quite isolated on XI for some time now. I took a break for around 6 months or so for school, came back, and now every shout I'm seeing is for emp/relic only jobs. Hell, LS are forming which are shouting for relic/empy members only. Whatever it is (Voidwatch, maybe) which has caused this behaviour needs to be toned the f*** down. No one wants to help with missions anymore because they can all be solo-ed now (mostly) and, as always, there's little to no reward for people who've already completed missions to go back and help others, which is why I don't blame people for not helping. I know that if I saw a shout for a mission which was going to take maybe 2 hours of my life, and I get squat for it, I would ignore it. Even offering rewards isn't as effective as it used to be since everyone and their mother has gil now.

Anyway, I digress, and what I want is something similar to the original missions, i.e. Not too long, not many JP Midnight waits (though there shouldn't be any!), good story, fun, and not impossibly hard. Just something where a group of players get together and complete the missions for the sake of the story, and whatever the reward is at the end, however good it may be, isn't the primary focus. Failing that, just f****** add something to get people to repeat them so everyone can get them done! 1000 exp, 10,000 gil etc., SE, these are not rewards anymore! Make it worth someone's while to go back and help someone. Gil/1000 Exp are no longer issues for anyone, so up the stakes and offer a merit point or two as a reward, XXNM Seals, upgrade items like Ifritite or something, anything, just make it useful.

Secondly, I want new jobs. I just do. I want something new injected into the game, anything at all, just something new and exciting. The problem with doing this now is that Abyssea exists... Any new jobs that are introduced would be 99 in days and, while that's fine for jobs we've had for near a decade, it would probably lead to people playing a new job incorrectly/inefficiently. As much as I was new jobs, new mechanics, new systems etc., I'm not holding my breath. I know SE can do it, I mean damn, Abyssea was fantastic, but yeah... dev team... whatever.

/rant off

Edited, Apr 26th 2012 1:48pm by Diamondis
#14 Apr 26 2012 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
is Happy on Friday!
12,448 posts
Catwho, while I would love either of your other two ideas, this one needs commenting;
catwho wrote:
An announcement of the beginning of PS3 or PS Vita support. I suspect the UI changes being done for PC are also prepwork for those versions.

**************** Please god no. FFXI was released on ps2 when ps2 was just over 2 years old, and within 3-4 years, the excuse "PS2 limitations" was already pretty rampant. PS3 is six years old. It doesn't matter how cutting edge it was, or what they've done to it in the last 6 years, the thing is 6 ******* years old, and even if they give official ps3 support, within a year, it'll just be their new excuse as to why they can't do x,y, and z. Honestly, PSVita would be just as bad, this game wasn't designed to be played on a handheld, and if MMOs start working their way onto handhelds, I'm not sure I'll be able to take it. I could see, maybe, a redux version, like letting you manage your **** with the ps vita, or a support version that lets you do bonus stuff, but a full version where you're playing normally with everyone else? god no. Smiley: motz
Theytak, Siren Server, FFXI [Retired]
Amerida Baker, Balmung Server, FFXIV

Reiterpallasch wrote:
Glitterhands wrote:
Am I the only one who clicked on this thread expecting actual baby photos [of Jinte]? o.O

Except if it were baby photos, it would be like looking at before and afters of Michael Jackson. Only instead of turning into a white guy, he changes into a chick!
#15 Apr 26 2012 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
4,419 posts
Lady Jinte wrote:
Catwho, while I would love either of your other two ideas, this one needs commenting;
catwho wrote:
An announcement of the beginning of PS3 or PS Vita support. I suspect the UI changes being done for PC are also prepwork for those versions.

DearJesus@#%^no. Please god no. FFXI was released on ps2 when ps2 was just over 2 years old, and within 3-4 years, the excuse "PS2 limitations" was already pretty rampant. PS3 is six years old. It doesn't matter how cutting edge it was, or what they've done to it in the last 6 years, the thing is 6 @#%^ing years old, and even if they give official ps3 support, within a year, it'll just be their new excuse as to why they can't do x,y, and z.

Eh...is there anything that the PS3 would stop them from doing that the PS2 already doesn't? They don't seem to have an issue with giving out PC-only updates now, so if the PS3 version was just a straight PS2 port with access to the PS3's increased memory (bye-bye 80 inventory limitations!), it would probably end up being pretty nice.

However, I'd wager less than a 1% chance of them actually doing that, and I play on PC, so meh; if there was a time for them to do this, it would have been somewhere between the 360 version release, and the release of XIV.
Linkshell: CrimsonMercenaries Server: Carbamesh

Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
Human (?) females look ugly.
Post in /K/ where the orbital laser system is now online.
#16REDACTED, Posted: Apr 27 2012 at 4:41 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) So who has their tickets to go?
#17 Apr 27 2012 at 6:40 AM Rating: Excellent
1,145 posts
Better be something flipping great because I have basically not been playing, by choice, for the first time in 8 years. I've logged in twice in nearly two months and I'm letting the sub run out this month because I can't be bothered to rush to the store for gaming cards. Instead I'm actually enjoying my MMO time with another game. So. It's pretty much do or die for them in June as far as I am concerned.
#18 Apr 27 2012 at 9:29 AM Rating: Good
56 posts
It'll be a pretty **** move to not allow everyone to get the mog suits available to Vanafest attendees.


Edited, Apr 27th 2012 11:30am by Zanece
#19 Apr 27 2012 at 9:37 AM Rating: Excellent
445 posts
Zanece wrote:
It'll be a pretty **** move to not allow everyone to get the mog suits available to Vanafest attendees.


Edited, Apr 27th 2012 11:30am by Zanece

It would be, but unfortunately it seems to be par for the course based on past Vanafest gifts.
#20 Apr 27 2012 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
143 posts
I see them in the back of mind combining FFXI and FFXIV into one game. LOL
I would love to see a new expansion, new jobs and more tweaks. I love all of the improvements that they have been making to the game, however I do feel some of them should have been made long ago.
Vanadiel has much more lore to explore, and yeh I would love to see the rest of the world.
Also hell yeh to access to Blueblade Fell, relive the epic battle that many of us watched when we first logged on.
#21 Apr 27 2012 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
12,735 posts
I anxiously await the announcement of Bacon Mage.
#22 Apr 27 2012 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
832 posts
Exodus wrote:
I anxiously await the announcement of Bacon Mage.

#23 Apr 27 2012 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
My inner chaotic thinker would like to see a F2P announcement just to see all the chicken littles realize the sky won't fall. Honestly can't get much worse than the "pay for little attention" model they got going nowadays, and with a lack of global channels, it's not like "Barrens chat" or whatever allegedly post-WoW spawned evil will be prevalent. Hint: Anonymous people sucked on the internet before Blizzard made a game.

Edited, Apr 27th 2012 2:45pm by Seriha
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#24 Apr 27 2012 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
I dont care honestly. No matter what they release i'll always love XI. but im kinda hoping for new jobs? maybe small chance of male mithra(even tho that might be FFXIV only)? ; 3 ;
#25 Apr 28 2012 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,142 posts
Eh...is there anything that the PS3 would stop them from doing that the PS2 already doesn't? They don't seem to have an issue with giving out PC-only updates now, so if the PS3 version was just a straight PS2 port with access to the PS3's increased memory (bye-bye 80 inventory limitations!), it would probably end up being pretty nice.

Yes, because the 256 MB of system RAM the PS3 is quite a lot today. /sarcasm
#26 Apr 28 2012 at 3:03 PM Rating: Excellent
4,419 posts
Zenoxio wrote:
Eh...is there anything that the PS3 would stop them from doing that the PS2 already doesn't? They don't seem to have an issue with giving out PC-only updates now, so if the PS3 version was just a straight PS2 port with access to the PS3's increased memory (bye-bye 80 inventory limitations!), it would probably end up being pretty nice.

Yes, because the 256 MB of system RAM the PS3 is quite a lot today. /sarcasm

Considering it's the PS2's memory limitations that give us ridiculous things like 80 inventory cap (which honestly should give an indication as to just how close they are cutting it in their memory usage), and a resulting reliance on Porter Moogles, and the PS3 has about 8 times the memory capacity that the PS2 does, yes. In an absolute sense, it's not a huge amount of memory, but relative to the program we want to run on it, the difference is astronomical.

But again, if they were going to do it, they would have already done it. The best we can hope for is an increased willingness to let the PC version diverge from the other platforms.
Linkshell: CrimsonMercenaries Server: Carbamesh

Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
Human (?) females look ugly.
Post in /K/ where the orbital laser system is now online.
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