Shady Business: Brock Pierce, IGE, and RPG Holdings
Regardless of where you stand on the issue, you should know a thing or two about Brock Pierce, CEO of RPG Holdings, Inc. (the company that has purchased Allakhazam), and founder of IGE. Why, pray tell, does a former child actor start a company in Hong Kong? Why does it matter? Well, having an idea of this executive's past affiliations and present-day aggresive acquisitions paints an ugly picture of the company and its founder, who now hold Allakhazam.
If you haven't yet read this article, you should do so:
The Truth about IGE
Among many other tales of IGE's dubious cutthroat history, Brock Pierce's relationship with Collins-Rector, who was arrested on charges of molesting a minor, is brought to light. Although Pierce wasn't directly implicated in these acts, he and fellow DEN co-founder Chad Shackley went into hiding along with Collins-Rector. They also were accused of software piracy and copyright infringement:
"" wrote:
The software company Macromedia alleges that DEN helped make ends meet by illegally pirating its software. In fact, even though DEN raised a total of $65 million over the course of its existence, the bankruptcy papers list as potential assets a number of planned lawsuits against former executives (including Shackley and Pierce) on grounds that they were illegally using copyrighted material.
This article was printed while the trio was still missing:
The Last Pixel Show
"" wrote:
As their former lawyer points out, Marc Collins-Rector, Chad Shackley, and Brock Pierce have vanished. Like old-time grifters who drifted from town to town on the railroad, they have simply packed up their sample cases and gone away. Rumors circulating in L.A. have placed them in France, in Mexico, in Malaysia.
Later on, they were found in Spain:
"" wrote:
DEN co-founders Marc Collins-Rector, Chad Shackley and Brock Pierce were arrested in June on an international warrant after being indicted in New Jersey on five counts of transporting a minor across state lines for the purpose of engaging in sexual acts.
From the following article: Dotcom founders still in Spanish jail
The New York Post still had a similar, albeit brief online article found here.
Provided, Brock Pierce himself was not found guilty of those charges, he was found hiding out with Collins-Rector in Marbella, Spain in the wake of allegations over Collins-Rector's child molestation charges. Aside from his ties to Collins-Rector, Pierce's involvement in the crooked company DEN and his law-dodging history should be enough padding for the founder of a company as notorious as IGE.
"" wrote:
So Brock was management in a company that fleeced millions, happened to be in Spain where Collins-Rector was also, and then moved the company to HK right after he got arrested? Interesting bit of coincidences.
Soon after, Pierce picked up and moved shop to Hong Kong, which is where IGE was founded. They started by hiring several score Chinese laborers to work 24/7, acquiring virtual wares, and steadily growing their business. After vicious competition, IGE joined with MySuperSales, another infamous and hated RMT site. They later managed to remove Yantis, the founder of MySuperSales. Pierce founded RPG Holdings. RPG Holdings owns IGE, OGamingstore, MySuperSales, Thottbot, and now Allakhazam with the acquisition of Thus, Allakhazam is a new limb of Pierce's MMO-sales/fansite juggernaut.
RPG Holdings is now going to be making money whenever you visit any of the affiliates. They didn't buy out this site without the intention of any or all of the following: making more money, crushing an opponent, or gaining more influence. A majority of RPG Holdings' assets come from RMT sites, and they actively seek to buy out any competition to maintain their dominance over the market.
With the purchase of Allakhazam and, the RMT business has become that much stronger, and will continue to grow stronger. The only people who could delight in such news are their RMTing customers. For the honest players, this is another defeat, another sign of RMT's influence over our gaming experience. For the Allakhazam faithfuls who vehemently oppose RMT, this is a stab in the back. That's the cause of the outrage here.
The most upright, anti-RMT community is now under the umbrella of RMT's most powerful sponsor. The deal's been made. Pierce owns Allakhazam. Fin.