It's funny. Because this market consists largely of halfway intelligent cynics (i.e. nerds) who know better and have an outlet to express themselves relatively meaningfully, a sell-out of this caliber has the potential to tank a business. Compare that to, say, cross-ownership in the entertainment industry or corruption in politics. Just a funny thought. Despite our constant mismanagement of energy/time with these games, I can't help but be somewhat proud of this fact.
Well, anyway. That's all for Allakhazam. To hell with the sissy excuses and justifications (and as much as real-world circumstances make such a sale understandable...well, that argument pretty much beheads itself), I think Etain summed it up best:
Okay fine, none of the money made off Alla may directly go to IGE, but you will happily live off the money IGE makes, knowing how it's ruined the very games you want to build a community around.
Hypocrite much?
You just can't have it both ways.