No conglomerate buys a company and expects to leave it running autonomously, especially a conglomerate whose sole interest is in cornering RMT before it becomes big (bigger) business. The reason they picked up Alla is because of the synergy that such a merger represents, whatever that may be.
The real money isn't in owning company X, Y, and Z, having them each operate independently. The money is in having company X provide the product, Y provide the distribution, and Z house a front for the marketing. That's how good conglomerates work. One company feeds another, albeit in a slightly different manner, so that the parent can spend less and make more.
Anyone who thinks that Alla will be operating wholly independently is living in a dreamworld. The suits over at IGE's parent company aren't so stupid as to spend the cash to buy it with no strings attached. The site might not be plastered with IGE ads, but there'll be a noticeable presence. In some form or another, it will channel users to RMT.