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Zam.com Q&AFollow

#127 May 03 2006 at 7:08 PM Rating: Good
334 posts
No conglomerate buys a company and expects to leave it running autonomously, especially a conglomerate whose sole interest is in cornering RMT before it becomes big (bigger) business. The reason they picked up Alla is because of the synergy that such a merger represents, whatever that may be.

The real money isn't in owning company X, Y, and Z, having them each operate independently. The money is in having company X provide the product, Y provide the distribution, and Z house a front for the marketing. That's how good conglomerates work. One company feeds another, albeit in a slightly different manner, so that the parent can spend less and make more.

Anyone who thinks that Alla will be operating wholly independently is living in a dreamworld. The suits over at IGE's parent company aren't so stupid as to spend the cash to buy it with no strings attached. The site might not be plastered with IGE ads, but there'll be a noticeable presence. In some form or another, it will channel users to RMT.
#128 May 03 2006 at 7:09 PM Rating: Good
10,297 posts

Locked so people know where to go? Bullsh[Aqua][/Aqua]it. There's a link right at the start of the damned post. You knew damned well those weren't "questions" about the future of alla, those were people pissed off that the service they'd used, payed for, and helped over the months and years.

They're ashamed of you, Alla, and you shut them up because you didn't want to hear it.

We want refunds on our premium. Give us a form, and our money. You obviously do not need nor want any of it any longer.
#129 May 03 2006 at 7:10 PM Rating: Default
Makaro wrote:
Yeah, flaming moderators and the core members of the site is a really smart idea.

Alla, the sheer amount of negative feedback from the community should tell you that this is a bad idea. This could very well be the beginning of the end of the Honorable Allakhazam.com.

Nothing wrong with flaming moderators and the core members of this site.. Most of the people who actually play ffxi and have more hours logged into the game than posts consider the allah community a joke anyway.

Find one instance of IGE ripping people off. I dare you. If there were tons of reports of people buying gil off IGE and not getting the money than IGE would be an evil company, but you never hear that do you?

IGE is a compleatly legit company and provides a service a lot of people apparently find valuable. A large source of their gil comes from HNMLS and crafters who arn't even chinese.

Allakhazam is a legit company and provides service a lot of people apparently find valuable. A large source of their information comes crafters who arn't even chinese.

The largest souce of advertising IGE gets is through Allakhazam posters.
#130 May 03 2006 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good
I'm still just hung up about visiting a site now owned by a firm that's purposefully placed malware on sites in the past.

May I see the proof? (No, not meant to be smart, I'd like to read their announcement or whatever.)

I haven't seen any evidence one way or another, but IGE has no reason to sell. They're financially stable, have a solid customer base, and are in a market that is expanding by leaps and bounds.

IGE's also in the past been known to at least try to loosely mask their ownership/affiliations with sites.

Find one instance of IGE ripping people off. I dare you. If there were tons of reports of people buying gil off IGE and not getting the money than IGE would be an evil company, but you never hear that do you?

PA, after they were bought out by IGE, began intermittently posting WoW-password stealing trojans. That's reason enough not to trust IGE in my book.

Edited, Wed May 3 20:17:45 2006 by Groogle
#131 May 03 2006 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
15,953 posts
Allakhazam Defender of Justice wrote:
I'm trying to follow too many threads. Please take this to http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/forum.html...um=0;page=1 where I am actually answering questions. But to give you a quick answer how this benefits the FFXI site, well poor Pikko has been working her butt off mostly alone lately. She will now get several additional people to help her keep the site updated. Also, the programming on this site is out of date. With additional programmers, we will be able to catch it up. Also, the site has been slow due to a lack of server capacity. We will have plenty of capacity now.

So please answer my question then.
"I have lost my way
But I hear a tale
About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement"

#132 May 03 2006 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent

Locked so people know where to go? ********* There's a link right at the start of the damned post. You knew damned well those weren't "questions" about the future of alla, those were people pissed off that the service they'd used, payed for, and helped over the months and years.

They're ashamed of you, Alla, and you shut them up because you didn't want to hear it.

We want refunds on our premium. Give us a form, and our money. You obviously do not need nor want any of it any longer.

I was surprised about this also.

Now you're adding censorship to this? Since when have you guys given two shi[i][/i]ts if we make a bunch of threads complaining about something? Ohhh right, when you do something that alienates a large quantity of your user base. Gotcha.
#133 May 03 2006 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
1,422 posts
Well, maybe it'll work out in the end, and maybe Allakhazam will still keep all the goldselling crap off this site.

And while I'm dreaming, I'd like to go from a geek-boy to a geek-boy that gets all the girls.

Congratulations on the sale, Allakhazam. I hope it was worth it.
#134 May 03 2006 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Makaro wrote:
Yeah, flaming moderators and the core members of the site is a really smart idea, Bleach.
FWIW, I don't see anyone honestly being "flamed" in this thread.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#135 May 03 2006 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
Tomec the Wise wrote:
*sigh* Soon as I read the newspost and saw the words THOTTBOT I KNEW this was going to turn out bad... I have a link somewhere i'll pull up here that was on the WoW boards awhile back showing that ige owned thott/og or something... so now that has changed or something I assume? Hell, that thread is even where alla said that thot tried to buyout him several times and when they WOULDN'T sell they vowed to run alla OUT OF BUSINESS. (well, not in so many words)

All that being said, I really hope you do maintain your firm stance against gold/gil/plat/whatever selling and keep things "safe" however I like other have some real concerns... my premium is a long way from renewing, but for now it is off (like many others) and I have no clue if it'll even go back on.

Also, as someone else pointed out, one thing that made alla so great was the comunity and how much info they submitted... lots of people aren't going to now, and some people like bodhisattva are asking for guides to be removed they wrote. That is really going to hurt the comunity, not only for WoW but other games too.

Well, time to dig up that link rq...



also, what alla posted in there (in case you don't want to follow it >_>)

Allakhazam Defender of Justice wrote:
Interesting. I've know IGE owned Thottbot for quite a while now, but didn't want to post about it. I knew they were advertising on ogaming at one point, but didn't realize they had bought them outright. IGE tried to buy us a while ago and when we refused to have anything to do with them vowed to create a network to rival ours. Looks like they are on their way to doing so. I suggest you spread the word so others know about this too. I know people playing EQ2 would be interested in this info too.

I will say one thing though, at least Allakhazam is still staying on to develope and manage this new network it sounds like... the big question is just how much power will you have over what goes into it...

Edited, Wed May 3 19:40:11 2006 by Tomec

Dictionary.com should seriously consider using this as their definition for "Sell out".

~Blix Smiley: disappointed

#136 May 03 2006 at 7:15 PM Rating: Default
Sir Groogle wrote:

PA, after they were bought out by IGE, began intermittently posting WoW-password stealing trojans. That's reason enough not to trust IGE in my book.

I would really like to see that. I make a living reverse engineering programs (mostly to fix bugs in business apps) and trojans/malware are trivial.

The trojan would have to submit your password.. somewhere.

I can track down the author and get the authories involved, no problem.
#137 May 03 2006 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
Farl, you are not too bright if you truly believe that marlborol doesn't market to cookie eaters. The bulk of their marketing goes after those very people. Just an FYI, you lose credibility when you are flat out dumb.
#138 May 03 2006 at 7:17 PM Rating: Default
Goh rahm sons of whooers, Allakahazam, you stay away from OGaming!! For the love of Pete, I know more about the Kingdom of Sky then you do!! Take your business elsewhere and please leave those who care about EQ2 to their business. I used to use Allakhazam for all my EQ needs, but now that I play EQ2, I've looked at your site...maybe....twice, and both times was sourly disappointed. Take your Zam.com and shove it up your ********
#139 May 03 2006 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
I would really like to see that. I make a living reverse engineering programs (mostly to fix bugs in business apps) and trojans/malware are trivial.

The trojan would have to submit your password.. somewhere.

I can track down the author and get the authories involved, no problem.

I, uh, didn't keep a copy of it handy, sorry. =p

Pretty sure it's stopped since, but you can't have a ton of trojans/wmf exploits put on a site repeatedly and have the webmasters not know/be involved.
#140 May 03 2006 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
704 posts
To me, this only serves to strengthen IGEs ability to blur the line between weather Gold buying is right or wrong. It helps in their struggle with game producers who are fighting the good fight to prevent gold farming in their games. It further blurs the lines when new gamers are first concidering wheather or not to buy gold or stict to their morals and do the camping/leveling themselves.

I can more than afford to buy gold. Hell, in some ways it would makes sense to buy it when you consider my times value (money I can make per hour RL) vs the money I can make in 1 hour of game time. However, I don't buy gold and I never will because it is not fair to other gamers out there and it is morally wrong to sell gold in a game that does not support it by default. Entropa, Second Life, EQ2 support this and as a result the players can both buy and sell the money, characters, items at a FAIR rate of exchange based on market value. IGE on the other hand, infiltrates games not designed for offline gold/item trading and perma camps items, inflate prices artificially, support sweatshop conditions in third world countries, they also heavily encourage hackers/crackers to steal accounts because they add value to doing so: Hacker steals FFXI or WoW account, sell all the gold/items to IGE, and makes off with the equivilent of stolen money that is largely untracable.

Like it or not, this site now supports the RMT market in this. As developers such as Blizzard fight harder and harder to protect their games from this nonsense, IGE now gets to point as Alla and say... Look at all we do for gamers. We are providing gameing services on multiple levels. Your own customers use many of our services and they demand RMT.

This sickens me.
#141 May 03 2006 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
Locked so people know where to go?


#142 May 03 2006 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
2,328 posts
I'm really not preturbed by these events. Maybe its because I havent had premium membership for 2 years. Maybe its because I'll be gatting more information for free. Maybe its because Allakhazam has every right to sell the company that he owns and you should all shut the **** up about it.

edit: watch how fast this makes me lose scholar.

Edited, Wed May 3 20:27:43 2006 by Darkuwa
#143 May 03 2006 at 7:21 PM Rating: Good
565 posts
Bhodi if I was truly a sellout, I would have just sold the site and run off and sat on a beach and enjoyed the profits. That would have actually been the easy thing to do. Instead I cared enough about it to insist that I be the one to run it and develop it. It is the fact that I care about this community and what happens to it that I am still sitting here and posting about this. A more cold blooded type would have just run off laughing into the sunset.

Wasn't directed at me, but I'm responding:

You're still selling out. To a lesser degree than just leaving, but this company has you firmly in their grasp now. They didn't buy you just so you could be financially backed and have nothing going back to the top. This isn't charity.

Unless this wasn't going to benefit the rest of the company as a whole (that includes IGE), this deal would have never been made.
#144 May 03 2006 at 7:23 PM Rating: Default
Sir Groogle wrote:
I would really like to see that. I make a living reverse engineering programs (mostly to fix bugs in business apps) and trojans/malware are trivial.

The trojan would have to submit your password.. somewhere.

I can track down the author and get the authories involved, no problem.

I, uh, didn't keep a copy of it handy, sorry. =p

Pretty sure it's stopped since, but you can't have a ton of trojans/wmf exploits put on a site repeatedly and have the webmasters not know/be involved.

Exactly! It is sometimes difficult to track "evil" viri authors down because they are not attempting to make a profit.. no money changes hands..

If Alla personally tries to "drive by" my computer, he will get ******** so hard. Dont' worry about it ;)

(That being said, its smart and prudant to have a cheap computer that is only used for general webbrowsing and nothing else.)

#145 May 03 2006 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,270 posts
Feba get off your soap box, you know damn well why it was locked it's freaking basic! If your angry post here and stop making extra fudging threads.

Now on point, I see how this move is beneficial to the site as a whole. I'm not going to scream "sell out" in a million threads, I'm not going to change my siggie. I have had premium but for the majority of the time I have used this site for free and it has been a great tool. I will tell you I have lurked this site for years; since I played EQ then moved onto FFXI. I will tell you that I, like many others do not approve of IGE. I will say that I am concerned about the implications of this partnership, I trust that you will do the best you can. I am currently watching and waiting for more information.
#146 May 03 2006 at 7:23 PM Rating: Default
I'm not so much angry as I am sad... Smiley: cry
#147 May 03 2006 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
15,953 posts
Alla, we're all posting in your official thread but where are you? Answer my question dammit!
"I have lost my way
But I hear a tale
About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement"

#148 May 03 2006 at 7:27 PM Rating: Default
5,135 posts
Codyy wrote:
I'm not so much angry as I am sad... Smiley: cry

Good, now go kill yourself fat a[Azure][/Azure]ss.

Edited, Wed May 3 20:38:49 2006 by Aegis
#149 May 03 2006 at 7:27 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Darkuwa wrote:
Maybe its because Allakhazam has every right to sell the company that he owns and you should all shut the **** up about it.
I won't rate you down but I will question your notion that the paying customers of a service shouldn't criticize the business decisions of the service for which they're paying.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#150 May 03 2006 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
10,297 posts
GryphonStalker wrote:
Feba get off your soap box, you know damn well why it was locked it's freaking basic! If your angry post here and stop making extra fudging threads.

Now on point, I see how this move is beneficial to the site as a whole. I'm not going to scream "sell out" in a million threads, I'm not going to change my siggie. I have had premium but for the majority of the time I have used this site for free and it has been a great tool. I will tell you I have lurked this site for years; since I played EQ then moved onto FFXI. I will tell you that I, like many others do not approve of IGE. I will say that I am concerned about the implications of this partnership, I trust that you will do the best you can. I am currently watching and waiting for more information.

threads? One thread, it's not extra, it's clear as crystal. "Zam.com Q&A" Doesn't really alert most people that IGE owns alla.
#151 May 03 2006 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
GryphonStalker wrote:
Feba get off your soap box, you know damn well why it was locked it's freaking basic! If your angry post here and stop making extra fudging threads.

Now on point, I see how this move is beneficial to the site as a whole. I'm not going to scream "sell out" in a million threads, I'm not going to change my siggie. I have had premium but for the majority of the time I have used this site for free and it has been a great tool. I will tell you I have lurked this site for years; since I played EQ then moved onto FFXI. I will tell you that I, like many others do not approve of IGE. I will say that I am concerned about the implications of this partnership, I trust that you will do the best you can. I am currently watching and waiting for more information.

Most don't visit this board.

He was alerting them, eh?

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