I've been around, like many, since the EQ days. At the time, this was THE site to get information. It was fairly fast, free and wasn't covered with advertising. Eventually some features of the site were cut off and limited to premium users; I assume that this was because the site was suffering financially or because it wanted to progress further. That's great.
Not too long after they added multiple games though, the advertising on this site became unbearable. Funnily enough, premium removed this. Killing two birds with one stone? Not only did they get money from advertisements on their site, but if you wanted to get rid of them, you had to pay them anyway. Still, good source of information.
With the release of World of Warcraft, Allakhazam had intense competition, Thottbot. Thottbot is essentially what Allakhazam used to be, without the community. (Which I personally don't care much for, I get my fix of morons in real life.)
At the moment, I use Thottbot almost exclusively. The only time I don't use it is when there are 'unlinked' quests and I have to find the beginning of the chain. The sad thing is that I now dread going to what used to be such a great site, I even have to go into my browser options and make sure that javascript isn't enabled before going to it.
I don't really know the point I'm trying to make, except that this is sad.