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#377 Jan 17 2005 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
346 posts
Geeeeeeee thanks there Szandor... Next time maybe you could get me one that you havent been sharing with your mom?!

You're welcome, you worthless brain damaged fuc[i][/i]k. My mom's been dead for 6 years now. Oh, wait, I imagine that might turn you on. Hey, you need a well-aged corpse, you Yagudo licking perv?
#378 Jan 18 2005 at 7:56 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
This will likely be my last post in this forum and I figure I'd go out with a bang. Frankly I'm quite disapointed with what you fu[/b]cktards have turned this thread into.

First of all, if you all had any shred of brains or balls, you would know that this thread is intended for satire purposes and is in no way intended for you pussies that get offended easily so therefore why the fu[b]
ck does everyone feel entitled too add a 'final word' in small font so to 'make sure' they didn't offend the intented target by making explicitly sure that everyone knows it was only 'in fun'. No dumbf[/b]uck, we all think your an insentive prick for mentioning Sioux mother's rotten pu[b]ssy in a thread...you're gonna rot in hell unless you add you're little 'you know i'm only joking' piece at the end of it. God, your flames suck enough. Adding these only shows how much balls you all have, or lack thereof. So, once again, fu[/b]ck you all. I'm out

oh, and {Thread}{subject}in{auto-translate}is{g[b]
ay}. It's {not}{clever}at{all}.

edit: cause I wanted to

Edited, Tue Jan 18 08:36:22 2005 by Vimien
#379 Jan 18 2005 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
Vim, my good friend I hope you'll be back soon enough. There is a lot more to see in this game. You have been a HUGE help to a lot of people.

Thanks brother.
#380 Jan 18 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
AnubisFTN wrote:

p.s. Trizorro is a great puller, cept for stairs....

in addition, the greatest buff to have in ANY fight is Barwater...and you know who you are.

...It worked didn't it?

#381 Jan 19 2005 at 4:17 AM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
Vimien if you quit without telling me why in some long, boring over dramatized fashion that's fu[b][/b]cking gay, even for a Canadian.
#382 Jan 19 2005 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
510 posts
I'm Lv70, fu[b][/b]ck you all.
#383 Jan 19 2005 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
I'm Lv70, **** you all.

Oh yeah? Well get this, Frogger; I have a Genesis at home.
Moreso I have MIGHT AND MAGIC FOUR for that Genesis.
I had a thief character named Joe Tates. He was level 110. THAT was the definition of uber.

A level 110 THF. Beat that, you skeets.
#384 Jan 19 2005 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
690 posts
I think Sioux just laid the smack down on your *** with a blood drenched frozen tampon popsicle, Zariko.

Not that it's hard to lay the smack down on a dragoon. All you have to do is be any other job. S[/b]hit, my pet zebra can do a better job than you can.

As for you, Sioux, you gotta stop re-using those tampons and then putting them in the freezer, girl. Not only is it unsanitary, but it smells bad too.

And you, Vimien, you fu[b]
cking pu[/b]ssy ****** fu[b]ck! What's the big idea? Ohhh, this is your last post, ohhhh... you fu[/b]cker. You damn well better have a good reason for ditching, or I'm gonna have to track you down and drag your pederast elvaan white mage *** back here.

And to the rest of you, like Sioux the **** said, quit your yappin' unless you have something decent to say. All of you sound like fu[b]
cking kindergardeners trying to one up each other by getting stupider and stupider with every post.

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
Profile: http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?43279
#385 Jan 19 2005 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
649 posts
stupider and stupider

Nice... How's that for Kindergarden grammer?

And, Sioux only freezes the rags because room temperature ones would feel funny against that icy Chasm.

Also. Barney, lv70 eh? Nice. Now go post in the good players thread about how you know this uber dragoon. Maybe someone there will give a fu[b][/b]ck.

Vimien you monkey-raping habs fan, get your sorry derriere back in here.
#386 Jan 19 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
690 posts
GaranTheGayElvaan wrote:
Nice... How's that for Kindergarden grammer?

Nice... just like a little kid to point out even the smallest of shortcomings. What's the matter, little boy? Insecurity issues? Your balls will drop in due time, no worries. Here, have a twinkie.


--Arondight, Bismarck

Edited, Wed Jan 19 11:27:10 2005 by sagashe
Nothing that is so, is so.
Profile: http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?43279
#387 Jan 19 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
690 posts
First double post.

Damn, I'm good!

--Arondight, Bismarck

Edited, Wed Jan 19 11:32:40 2005 by sagashe
Nothing that is so, is so.
Profile: http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?43279
#388 Jan 19 2005 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
I fu[/b]cking hate how you lvl 99 in 5 jobs think that you are the fu[b]cking l3373st thing in the world. Seriously go get some pu[/b]ssy, or di[b]ck respectively. How you think you can boss people around and you demand respect. Respect for what? for some motherfu[/b]cker that still lives at home at the ripe age of 43 and depends on his mommy to get him a new character in FFXI.

Well you know what [b]FU[b]
CK YOU[/b]. I am sick and tired of thinking you are anything else than a fu[/b]cking nerd. [b]You FU[b]CKING 50 year old virgin[/b]. Go FU[b]CK[/b] yourself. [/b]

Edit: Added an extra FU[b]
CK in it!^^.

Edited, Wed Jan 19 12:58:45 2005 by JoLOveS
#389 Jan 19 2005 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Yes!!! Fock those ppl with multiple 70+ jobs!!! XD XD
#390 Jan 19 2005 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Sioux wrote:
Oh yeah? Well get this, Frogger; I have a Genesis at home.
Moreso I have MIGHT AND MAGIC FOUR for that Genesis.
I had a thief character named Joe Tates. He was level 110. THAT was the definition of uber.

A level 110 THF. Beat that, you skeets.

OMG I have that game on my old 486 machine. That game rocks!!
#391 Jan 24 2005 at 7:57 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
You know what I fu[/b]cking hate? I fu[b]cking hate YOU! That's right. You. Not him. Not her. You.

You know why I fu[/b]cking hate you? I don't either. I just do. I fu[b]cking hate you.

You're the reason for all my shortcomings in life. You're the reason I beat the sh[/b]it outta my wife.

You're the reason I like to **** on the grass. It's because of you that sh[b]
it grows out of my ***.

You fu[/b]cked your own mother. You fu[b]cked mine too. You fu[/b]cked a fu[b]cking goat, mother fu[/b]cker, because you thought it'd be cool.

It's people like you who don't know when to quit. Jesus christ, stop bugging me. I'm tryin' to take a sh[b]

The point of this message, I tell you true. From the bottom of my heart. FU[b]CK YOU![/b]

--Arondight, Bismarck

This post brought to you by 3 shots of vodka and some beer.
Nothing that is so, is so.
Profile: http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?43279
#392 Jan 25 2005 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
690 posts
Wow... talk about a drunken ramble.

Upon re-reading of my previous post, I came to one conclusion: I was fu[/b]cking drunk!

With that in mind, fu[b]
ck vodka! I mean seriously. How can something so tasty make someone write something so inane?

Also, fu[/b]ck my lack of creativity. All you fu[b]ckers on this board who are awesome writers, drawers, inkers (you fu[/b]cking tracers), and sh[b]it, good for you! You know what I'm good at? Math. And science. What the fu[/b]ck's up with that?

And fu[b]
ck you all because I know I'm getting ripped on for that masterpiece above that came straight out of my a[/b]ss. In fact, that's why I'm gonna leave it there. So fu[b]ck off!

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
Profile: http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?43279
#393 Jan 28 2005 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Oh my God when will the fu[/b]cking reality t.v. show craze end? I swear if it were anything good like when sitcoms ruled the airwaves it lasts like 3 yrs. But, no. America seems to hold onto shi[b]tty trends such as Bubble Gum NSync pop music and Reality TV for fu[/b]cking ever.

I saw this coming when The Real World first aired on MTV. My college buddies at the time started watching it because Norman the gay guy in the first one went to Ohio University with us (yeah, I'm old). However, I got over the fascination of seeing someone on TV who was in a class of mine last quarter in about, one show. I went to high school with a girl who I was kinda decent friends with who was in a couple movies (Blue Streak one of them I think) so it didn't thrill me too much. But I saw the eyes of my roommates. Glued to 90210 and this sh[b]
it every damn night it seemed. Oh, and professional wrestling. Just because they were my roommates didn't make them intelligent, or even interesting for that matter.

So, who the fu[/b]ck watches sh[b]it like Fear Factor, the Bachelor and the Biggest Loser and allows this sh[/b]it through Nielsen ratings to remain on TV? (Oh yeah and the Ellen Show, wtf?) If you fu[b]cktards would not mind, how about turning on TLC or Discovery or ESPN for all I care, quit watching this pathetic horsesh[/b]it while listening to Nelly/Randy Travis compilation tunes (or whatever that rednecks fu[b]ckin' name is, Faith Hill's husband...only good thing he ever did was bag her).

#394 Jan 28 2005 at 5:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,297 posts
Posting from my own personal hell: Aerosmith concert


edit: I meant to say- ******* word.

Edited, Fri Jan 28 05:51:20 2005 by Samskeyti
#395 Jan 28 2005 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
TV? What's that?

I rarely watchs TV. Work, social life, WoW/FFXI, anime and movies, then TV. TV is at the bottom of the food chain. I only watches Comedy Central and Discovery Channel/TLC. Food Channel got some good stuff too.

Since this is a flame thread, Tarus stink. XD
#396 Jan 31 2005 at 7:05 AM Rating: Excellent
883 posts
This one is just for Nataraja, from the drugged-up, exhausted, sick brain of Byaina.

Stop fu[/b]cking posting. Just stop. STOP. Do you have some kind of terminal illness where if you don't have every fourth post on the forums you're gonna die? No? Then stop f[b]ucking posting. The next time you think you have to contribute to a thread you know nothing about, especially with a post that begins "Well I don't know anything about this but..." step away from the keyboard with your hands up.

I love you sweetie but seriously, you have GOT to take a vacation.
#397 Jan 31 2005 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
All right, you eunuchs, enough talk about my genitalia. Just because you guys have never seen one doesn't give you the right to knock it. Have faith and don't blaspheme the things you have never seen, knowledge will come in time from your moms.

And quit saying fu[b][/b]ck. Sheesh, you learn to say a bad word and you'd think someone rewrote the goddamn dictionary. Ya foul-mouthed lushes.

#398 Jan 31 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Fu[/b]ck... I said it.

Oh fu[b]
ck, I said it again! What the fu[/b]ck is going on here!?

Sioux, there's no reason to defend your genitalia? What's the matter? Can't come out and say pu[b]
ssy, you fu[/b]cking pu[b]ssy? On that same note, knowledge has come from all the people you've opened your legs for, don't you worry about that.

Don't you berate (one R, Byaina. Fu[/b]cking happy?) us for using the work fu[b]ck. After all, it IS the most versatile word in the English language. Didn't you learn anything in elementary school? I will fu[/b]cking say fu[b]ck whenever the fu[/b]ck I fu[b]cking want to. Understand, fu[b][/b]cker!?

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
Profile: http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?43279
#399 Jan 31 2005 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
I challenge you all to berate me ^^ Come on you lazy fu[b]cks **** me the fu[/b]ck off.
#400 Jan 31 2005 at 10:27 PM Rating: Good



#401 Feb 01 2005 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Squire zandertheredmage wrote:
I challenge you all to berate me ^^ Come on you lazy fu[b]cks **** me the fu[/b]ck off.

Why would I want to waste my time? You mean nothing to me.
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