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#202 Nov 25 2004 at 5:05 AM Rating: Good
Ahhh a fresh page.

Let the flames continue!

Smiley: inlove
#203 Nov 25 2004 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
716 posts
I read this entire thread. Every single post. It was the biggest waste of twenty minutes I've ever had, except for that one time I watched Vimien and Sioux gangbang a wallabe. But at least that had some entertainment value when the wallabe woke up and started getting angry.

I'm too tired to post a decent flame, because this thread sucked all will to live out of me.

Zariko sucks btw.
#204 Nov 25 2004 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
385 posts
what the **** is a wallabe?
#205 Nov 25 2004 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
716 posts
Sorry, that was a typo. Twice.


Edited, Thu Nov 25 22:09:38 2004 by Alauce
#206 Nov 25 2004 at 9:33 PM Rating: Good

Fu[/b]cking Karma Trolls!

/em points at the top post of page 5.

What the fu[b]
ck is that ****? Rating down? In a thread dedicated to fu[/b]cking around with each other to relieve tension? This is for PLAY, the idea being that what goes on here doesn't COUNT.

Little fu[b]
cking turds. I swear.


How the fu[b][/b]ck could you not know what a wallaby is?!

Okay, not a very creative flame, I know. Having sort of an off day.

Edited, Thu Nov 25 21:34:01 2004 by nataraja
#207 Nov 26 2004 at 12:11 AM Rating: Good
Every now and then, some crosseyed buttmunch of a karma troll moseys in here and sees all the weak attempts at actual flames you guys spew out, so in the name of Good Taste and Decency he rates everyone down, including me, because of Suck By Association(tm).

However, having never been a fan of Good Taste and Decency, my opinion of these fine upstanding young trolls is YOU'RE A JERKOFF! GO STICK PENCILS IN YOUR EYES IF YOU WANT TO BE MEAN TO SOMEBODY!

That said, Vimien, you warped away just as I was running past you in Jeuno. I was ready to settle this age old score and take your NIN/WHM loving self into Ballista. But no, you warped, but you know what, there's always tomorrow, scooter. Little Orphan Annie said that, and you know what, she was right, but I don't think her little mind could wrap around the bloody result of YOUR tomorrow.

Till then, Cure Guy.


Zariko, you're a noob. Wtf, you're all purple. You look like a big shiny Batman. Bring it on, Jumpy.
#208 Nov 26 2004 at 12:32 AM Rating: Good
Sioux the Toothless Sweaty ***** wrote:
Every now and then, some crosseyed buttmunch of a karma troll moseys in here and sees all the weak attempts at actual flames you guys spew out, so in the name of Good Taste and Decency he rates everyone down, including me, because of Suck By Association(tm).

Uh huh.


I'll out-flame you any day of the week, Sioux of the Flacid, Wrinkled Labia.
#209 Nov 26 2004 at 2:47 AM Rating: Good
Bring it on, Nataraja of the Sadly Indeterminate Sex.

It's gonna take more than one line to make me cry, so you better be diggin' around through the used condoms and old copies of Bear magazine that litter your urine-stained bed, and find yerself that there thesaurus.

I ain't goin anywhere, I'll be here when ya get back.



Alauce...what the hell. I mean seriously man, what the fuc[b][/b]k. It's a damn good thing you're a RDM, or I'd flame your *** all to hell.
#210 Nov 26 2004 at 3:50 AM Rating: Good
Sioux the Silent wrote:
Bring it on, Nataraja of the Sadly Indeterminate Sex.

It's gonna take more than one line to make me cry, so you better be diggin' around through the used condoms and old copies of Bear magazine that litter your urine-stained bed, and find yerself that there thesaurus.

I ain't goin anywhere, I'll be here when ya get back.



Alauce...what the hell. I mean seriously man, what the fuc[/b]k. It's a damn good thing you're a RDM, or I'd flame your *** all to hell.

Are you implying that I would store my thesaurus with my used latex prophylactics (I'm proud of my collection, I've been saving them since I was 16) and still-dripping-with-*** ******* material?

That I would beat off over the more dirty words in the english language?

Oh, that's it. That's the absolute limit. The gloves are fu[b]
cking off, you ****-drinking two-penny harlot.

/em surreptitiously wipes a few errant beads of ***** off his thesaurus.

I wish for you to choke and die on my own magnificent *****.

At which point I will collect the leakage from your perpetually-yeast-infected nether regions and systematically drown all your loved ones in that white, ******, half-congealed, foul, putrid gunk you've been mistaking for correct and normal vaginal juices all your life.

It's no wonder all your former lovers chose to bathe in shellac before coming within ten feet of you. It's the only protection they could find from the veritable STD factory your cu[/b]nt has become from years of bad hygene. Regular condoms are devoured from the pH levels in there. And we all know what happens when you really get aroused. I know many a poor soul whose felt the bite of your pu[b]ssy's razor sharp teeth, losing first their pride and joy and eventually their lives to the abominable chasm of doom between your legs.

I mean, look what it did to your dad the last time you let him fu[b][/b]ck you.

Smiley: yikes

Edited, Fri Nov 26 04:17:31 2004 by nataraja
#211 Nov 26 2004 at 6:44 AM Rating: Decent
385 posts

How the **** could you not know what a wallaby is?!

heh...i knew what it was, i was just flipping them **** for not spelling it right.
#212 Nov 26 2004 at 7:14 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
That said, Vimien, you warped away just as I was running past you in Jeuno. I was ready to settle this age old score and take your NIN/WHM loving self into Ballista. But no, you warped, but you know what, there's always tomorrow, scooter. Little Orphan Annie said that, and you know what, she was right, but I don't think her little mind could wrap around the bloody result of YOUR tomorrow.

I warped because I smelled something nasty heading my way. Wanted to avoid it. Forget to change your panties again Sioux?

Tired this morning, I'll come back when i get the cobweb out of my head

#213 Nov 26 2004 at 11:12 AM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
At which point I will collect the leakage from your perpetually-yeast-infected nether regions and systematically drown all your loved ones in that white, ******, half-congealed, foul, putrid gunk you've been mistaking for correct and normal vaginal juices all your life.

Good show!

as I whence in utter disgust...

Anyhow, yeah the sniffling trolls may have following me from the main forums because they don't have enough people to fu[/b]ck with over there, I mistakenly stepped over their last week. If it is someone from this server then show your sh[b]it eating face so I can make your in-game life hell at every corner I am able.
#214 Nov 26 2004 at 12:36 PM Rating: Excellent
Trizzoro the Quick wrote:
Good show!

as I whence in utter disgust...

Psst... Triz... "wince"...

Smiley: wink2
#215 Nov 26 2004 at 1:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Vimien wrote:
I warped because I smelled something nasty heading my way. Wanted to avoid it. Forget to change your panties again Sioux?

And what's with those panties anyway?

Saw a pair lying around the other day, and I thought at first glance that maybe you worked at McDonalds, and had accidentally brought a rag used to clean out their McNugget fryers home with you.

But damn, even McDonalds grease traps on their grill don't smell that bad, let alone the fryers.

In the immortal words of Ron White: "Things that make you go... bleeaaaggghhh..."
#216 Nov 26 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
Alauce...what the hell. I mean seriously man, what the ****. It's a damn good thing you're a RDM, or I'd flame your *** all to hell.

Flame me anyway. There's some comedic gold in this thread. And then there's some absolute **** that made me wish I never clicked on page one. You, Trizz, and Vimien seem to be consistient in your good flames though.


l'edit: wasn't me doing the rate-downs btw. most of the posts here that i thought were horrible i just ignored. and the ones that made me laugh for ten minutes straight, (and there were quite a few) i rated up. i won't bother flaming in this thread, because i know i suck at it. i can't say what hasn't already been said, and just reading this thread helps relieve my stress without having to take an active part.

Edited, Fri Nov 26 14:26:17 2004 by Alauce
#217 Nov 26 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Excellent
Trizzoro the Quick wrote:
Anyhow, yeah the sniffling trolls may have following me from the main forums because they don't have enough people to fu[/b]ck with over there, I mistakenly stepped over their last week. If it is someone from this server then show your sh[b]it eating face so I can make your in-game life hell at every corner I am able.

I'm wondering if maybe it's a Premium Service member, on account of someone nailing the last 10 posts of mine without hitting any other posts in a given thread.

As though they did a search for my most recent posts and hit them with some karma drops, rather than manually going through threads and rating me down wherever they found me, as a Basic Service member might do.

Such thought angers me. ><

Co[b][/b]cksucker. I hope they show their goddamned face. I'm going to tie them up, weave a garroting wire from their rank pubic hair, then strangle them while spitting in their eye.

#218 Nov 27 2004 at 12:23 AM Rating: Excellent
***** of bump.

Smiley: yippee
Smiley: oyveySmiley: oyveySmiley: oyveySmiley: oyveySmiley: oyveySmiley: sly
Smiley: yippee

... it's been an odd, odd day...

Edited, Sat Nov 27 00:25:59 2004 by nataraja

Edited, Sat Nov 27 00:35:10 2004 by nataraja
#219 Nov 27 2004 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
Lol. Wow I never knew it was so much fun watching people argue on forums, maybe I should come back and check more often.

*/emote Gets his bag of Popcorn and his bottle of Pepsi and watched the show*

Anyone want some?
#220 Nov 27 2004 at 2:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Aphrodisiak wrote:
Lol. Wow I never knew it was so much fun watching people argue on forums, maybe I should come back and check more often.

*/emote Gets his bag of Popcorn and his bottle of Pepsi and watched the show*

Anyone want some?

This is not a spectator sport!

/em drags Aphrodisiak into the fray by his/her nose hairs.

Just kidding. Glad you're enjoying yourself. That's rather the point. ^^
#221 Nov 27 2004 at 2:46 AM Rating: Good
Ok I hate what I call AIB (Anonymous Internet Balls). People rate you down and then dont tell you why. You put yourself on the line and they come and shoot at you from a far. You could never see the shot just feel the bullet as it pierces your skin.

Nataraja for example get rated down so much she loses her sage status, I go and do a search bastards rated him/her down in all last 10 posts how rude.They get jealous of the persons status and then shoot them and hide.

Another thing is when you leave your pt to help someone and you get all your friends to help such person for what? so that the person disbands cause a higher lvl person is gonna help her/him solo it. What you didnt like the 9 person alliance and wanted to do a 2 person pt. Wasted 2 hrs of me and my friends time waiting for them to get their **** together, then boom disband.
#222 Nov 27 2004 at 2:50 AM Rating: Excellent
JoLOveS the Charming wrote:
Ok I hate what I call AIB (Anonymous Internet Balls). People rate you down and then dont tell you why. You put yourself on the line and they come and shoot at you from a far. You could never see the shot just feel the bullet as it pierces your skin.

Nataraja for example get rated down so much she loses her sage status, I go and do a search bastards rated him/her down in all last 10 posts how rude.They get jealous of the persons status and then shoot them and hide.

Another thing is when you leave your pt to help someone and you get all your friends to help such person for what? so that the person disbands cause a higher lvl person is gonna help her/him solo it. What you didnt like the 9 person alliance and wanted to do a 2 person pt. Wasted 2 hrs of me and my friends time waiting for them to get their **** together, then boom disband.

/cough I'm a guy /cough

Do I come off as feminine? What with advising Sioux to choke and die on my magnificent ***** and all I guess I could see that.

Just joshing you.

Yeah Karma trolls bite the big one. My big one in fact.

They make me feel like infecting myself with something good and contagious then hunting them down and sneezing on them one by one.

Smiley: banghead
#223 Nov 27 2004 at 9:01 AM Rating: Good
Goddamnit Nataraja, you screaming hollering **** flouncing up and down the alleyways of Vanadiel looking for both kinds of blow, goddamn you and your Marilyn Manson-lookin cracked-out trounced-up super-sequined shimmy shimmy shankin' goddamn self XD

NEVER talk about my underpanties!!!! Like your boxers are pure as driven snow, I don't think so ;) That snow has spent a week on the sidewalk in Lower Manhattan.

And thanks for sayin hi ingame, should do that more, I don't bite.
Except when I have lil clitori verbally disguised as penises like your beloved own trying to get in my mouth. >:)


Who needs Anonymous Internet Balls, your information is right out there for the world to see... ya HMO/GMP, you. Level your goddamn sub already.

Zariko sucks btw.

And Alauce is still unflamable, because he's a red mage, and a good red mage, and more importantly a HIGHER LEVEL red mage than I am. And since I am the most uber thing walking at my level, I can't imagine the uberness of a RDM higher level. Smiley: waycool

Righto, I gotta go to bed, and Nata, STFU already. Sheesh Smiley: lol
#224 Nov 27 2004 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
716 posts
This is a complete hijack, but Sioux, did you get the "tabula rasa" thing from a Clive Barker book, or is a complete coincidence?

(yes, i'm well aware of what tabula rasa means and know other people use it, but i've yet to see it mentioned outside of that book.)
#225 Nov 27 2004 at 10:08 AM Rating: Good
It wasn't from a Clive Barker book, although I used to read his books a lot in high school, it might have been lodged there. ;)

The site was originally meant to hold a blog, and had the subtitle 'the art of starting over', so tabula-rasa seemed appropriate. ^^
#226 Nov 27 2004 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
425 posts

Yeah, Tabula Rasa was the name of the secret organization that hunted down and dispatched of magic users in Imajica, which I feel is Barker's best work to date.

/end hijack

Back to the regularly scheduled flaming, bit[b][/b]ches.
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