Mm, I havn't seen telespam from Bokeli or Hisisy in a long time. Though I have seen Bokeli looking for a party.
Bokeli is still in the teleport business though. I was in dem, and needed to get to mea, so I sent a tell to Bokeli asking for a tele-mea. He said ok, and after a bit of a wait, he came over to Dem to get me. I got disconnected in the teleport, and when I came back, he was still there, I apolgised and tried to trade him the 500, but he warped out. Oh well, his loss.
I dunno, it is good to have their service there. I know it makes it hard for others...but there are other places. My friend on another server say they overcharge thouggh... Only 700 for Altep and Yhoat, and 1000 for Vhazl on Fairy. Everyone charges 1000, and 1500 here =/