The reason why i made Benevolence was because I want people to be able to get mostly to Rank 3 on their own. One other reason why I do not allow Rank 2 or Rank 1 is becuase I hear all the time "Can you help with dragon? Can you help with Subjob?" Ya know, the early on questions, plus breaking out my lvl 20 gear is never really fun for a 2 minute battle. So, I hope that answers your question. I will help as much as i can, but I will not do Drags anymore. Along with Rank 1 & Rank 2 missions. The lowest i go is Rank 3-3. (Not to sound like an ***) But I just feel like it is highly possible to get alot of people the same rank to get it done then having a high lvl redo it over and over again. Like I did.
Edited, Thu Sep 2 00:45:09 2004 by SirTanta