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Looking for Rangers (Worm's Turn)Follow

#1 Nov 29 2004 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
310 posts
Ok, like everyone else in the game {I want to make money.} One of the things I need money for is Erase....and all these other people keep telling me I should BCNM for it. So, it's about time I got off my *** to do it.

I'm told that the ideal party for this BCNM is WHM, BLMx2 and RNGx3. We've been discussing it over our LS, and we can provide the WHM and the BLMs, and possibly one RNG, but that's it....so we need to put a call out to any experienced rangers who have some seals.

Most likely if it goes ahead we'll follow the "your orb, your loot" thing, but the final details will be arranged once everything's organised, right now I'm just looking for a show of hands.

Our LS is mostly in Australian Eastern Standard Time, which is GMT +10:00. Ideal times would probably be weekends our time during the day, which I believe translates to 6pm either Friday or Saturday for US central time. Of course times are somewhat flexible, but anyone who wants to come will need to have a few hours spare around then, give or take.

So, does anyone have a 40+ RNG or know of someone who could lend us a hand? If you don't have any seals but are willing to help we can negotiate, although I would prefer if this was a backup plan.

Thanks, and see you in Vana'diel.

#2 Nov 29 2004 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
335 posts
I dunno if these rangers have enough seals for an orb, but I've done a different BCNM with them and they deal considerable damage and are great listeners.

Fuzz and Neith.

I hope that helps.
#3 Nov 29 2004 at 5:51 PM Rating: Good
1,892 posts
Rough Time Range PST/AEST (not that this is when it's to be planned, more the time range that we deal with being in Australia)
#4 Nov 30 2004 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
29 posts
I have never done BCNM fight (other than for ZM or Rank Missions) so would be willing to try for fun at some point. You can always look me up and if I am free I would go. I have most 30-40 gear for Prom Missions and if I ever did BCNM. I can buy what ever else I need if I go. Thanks.
#5 Dec 01 2004 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
What level ranger do you need? I can volunteer my services
#6 Dec 01 2004 at 5:50 PM Rating: Good
Nevermind, I saw it. I am only lvl 31 though *doh*
#7 Dec 03 2004 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
310 posts
Ok, throwing out a tentative date here, we're looking at Saturday, December 12, 6:00pm Central (US time). The time is very flexible for us Aussies, as that translates to midday Sunday our time.

Aarion, if you can tell us when around that time you're available, and if you have any RNG friends who can help also, that would be fantastic. Thanks.

And Abzalom/Tzipporah, I don't know how quickly you level, but if you manage to hit 40 RNG by the time we're looking at, we'd be happy to have your help.
#8 Dec 03 2004 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
I'll start levelling my RNG then ^^
(although it might be hard getting a pt after level 36)

send me a /tell or a message when you're on so i can find you later, k?

Edited, Fri Dec 3 14:09:15 2004 by Abzalom
#9 Dec 03 2004 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
I am a 56RNG/28NIN with about 4 stacks of seals. Haven't done many BCNMs but am very interested. Look me up please ^^.
#10 Dec 08 2004 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
310 posts
Ok, update on the situation. Our time has been slightly modified to Saturday, December 11 at 7pm (Los Angeles time as per the link posted by Argonaut above, add or subtract as necessary depending on your location). Rough estimates are apparently 15 minutes per fight (though Argo insists its faster) and give a 5 minute allowance per run for whatever necessary (resting, dividing loot, heading back to burning circle, what have you) and we're looking at roughly 2 hours total time for 6 runs. If you are in, please make sure you have at least this long free - this way everyone has a fair chance of getting some loot.

Currently confirmed members:

WHM = Yul
BLM1 = Dalziel (me)
BLM2 = Schultz (Argonaut)

Andrinor, I contacted you previously when the time was given as 6pm. If you are available at 7pm please reply and let me know here.

Tzipporah, how is your levelling progress going? If you are or will be lv40+ by the date and are available at the time, please let me know.

And Aarion, if you could also give me an update on your status for the evening in question, that would be cool.

For the record, during the actual BCNM, I will be deferring leadership to Argonaut, as he has done this BCNM several times before and has a better idea of exactly what each member is required to do. Follow what he says to the letter, and we should all come out with mucho dinero, {All right!} {/joy}
#11 Dec 08 2004 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
I am good to go, and will see you at 7PM pacific. Any specific bolts/arrows I should bring for this particualr BCNM?
#12 Dec 09 2004 at 1:34 AM Rating: Good
310 posts
Well, probably best to get Argo's advice for this, but for the most part, I think just bringing enough ammo (or materials to make it) to last the 6 rounds should be fine, the mages should be able to handle enfeebles, and the only time you'd really need something like Bloody Bolts is if you get drawn in by the main worm....and in that case by the time you're done getting away from the worms the WHM should have patched you up.

However, if your Marksmanship is levelled and you've got a good crossbow, it might help to carry a few Acid Bolts to plug into the main worm just to ensure he's down as smoothly as possible.
#13 Dec 09 2004 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
Heehee my marksmanship and archery are both capped. I will bring Scorps, Bloodys, and Acids. If I need anything else special (sleeps, etc) we can work that out Saturday. See you then! ^^

#14 Dec 10 2004 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
310 posts
The day is nearing. Currently our proposed team is:


However, the last two are still not 100% confirmed, and I will hopefully have final confirmation by tomorrow.

I would also advise anyone who doesn't have some good level 40 gear to start looking at getting it now.
#15 Dec 12 2004 at 1:30 AM Rating: Decent
6/6 successful BCNMs today! Thanks so much for inviting me, and lets do it again!
#16 Dec 12 2004 at 2:47 AM Rating: Good
310 posts
Yeah, for the most part it was a resounding success, the only fly in the ointment being a couple of deaths due to carelessness, but I believe everyone performed their roles admirably, and I would be more than happy to go again with the same group.

However with Christmas coming up around the corner, we might not get a chance until next year....I for one have some busy weekends coming up, and I assume others do too.

But considering the amount of stuff we got today, I think we'd all have to be a bit daft not to do it again :P
#17 Dec 12 2004 at 3:13 AM Rating: Good
1,892 posts
Going to upload a pic of the worms that spawned outside of the ring abit later (for some reason I can't get to alot of sites on the net). It was fun, though I'm kinda upset about the mass death at the end, that shouldn't have happened >_< sorry.

I'm good for another when everyone is ready, I have 50 seals left. Thankyou all again ^^
#18 Dec 12 2004 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
I just did the BCNM 40 Worms with a party of 3xRngs 2xBlms and 1 Whm. I had a lot of fun doing that BCNM. It typically takes around 16 min and i really easy. I'm a lvl 47Rng if you need help send me a tell and I'll help.
#19 Dec 12 2004 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
1,892 posts
Yeah ok here it is. I will tell the story how I saw it. Basically Yul runs up to cast a Spell then falls through the floow (Dal saw it as well I think). I'm like WTF! but then she walks back through the floor and behind me. All of a sudden a worm teleports to that exact spot (see Pic.), and I'm like... OMG!!, then another worm teleports there. Strangest glitch, if we didn't take them out first we would have been goners.

Hey UH: yeah our's were around 12-20 mins ; ;, though party I did it with first was getting 7-10 minutes. Trying to figure out how, cause we were using the same strategy. I'm guessing that the drops may be effected by the clear time, since the one that too us the longest yielded the words drop.

Edited, Sun Dec 12 16:29:11 2004 by Argonaut
#20 Dec 12 2004 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
Did anyone happen to get a picture of Schultz in the Treasure Chest from last night that we can post? That was hilarious to say the least! ^^
#21 Dec 12 2004 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
Did anyone get a screenshot of Shultz in the treasure box we can post? That was hilarious to say the least!
#22 Dec 12 2004 at 10:52 PM Rating: Good
1,892 posts
You mean like This one ^^ (I have more... I think I have one jumping inside it).

I don't go anywhere without my Fraps on. This one is currently my wallpaper.

Edited, Sun Dec 12 22:52:53 2004 by Argonaut
#23 Dec 12 2004 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
WOOHOO! Thanks for my new laptop wallpaper! ^^
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