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Omg /cry so many ppl goin.Follow

#1 Dec 16 2004 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Man this sucks, all my friends are goin to some other game. i.e. World Of Warcraft. Here are some of them who left me.


and others are also thinking about goin, pretty soon i'm gonna consider it, i'm gonna see how this next week goes ;;.
If you've had a friend who is thinking or goin to leave post their name, we'll try to convince them not to go.

-/cry Falo
#2 Dec 16 2004 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
Weezrt is gone??? NO!!! He is such a cool guy
#3 Dec 16 2004 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
1,892 posts
well I would just like to take the time to make a note to those thinging of leaving, don't cancel FFXI til you are 100% sure that you are cool with playing a very non-mind stimulating game.

I seriously don't understand the exodous to WoW. Like I like playing games that have some form of challange to them. Though on the other hand I can't remember the last time I heard or played with an annoying n00b in the dunes.
#4 Dec 17 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Good
6,947 posts
Falofalot, I just wanted to send you an apology for yesterday.

You sent me a /tell, but at the time, I was afk for like an hour at the store and making dinner.

I saw your /tell once I got back, and tried to reply, but you had left already.

I just wanted you to know that I wasn't blowing you off or ignoring you. I'm sorry.
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #5 Dec 17 2004 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
    I seriously don't understand the exodous to WoW.

    hahaha!! Not laughing at You!! But found this statement funny... I have been playing WoW... and I can try to explain simply the reason for such an exodous...

    1, no waiting $^&%@#!@ hours for parties... why? because (dare I mention...) you... can... SOLO!!!

    2, questing actually pays off!!! and you can get actual useful items and money from them!! Not like ffxi where You need help to kill something at or above your lvl that would eat you alive.. all for a map or something stupid...

    3, MONEY!!!!! so damn easy to make money!! No spending hours... days... weeks... months... trying to make money!! Nope! It's easily done thru quests, crafting, killing, and such!!! OMG, so much better!! This is actually a game about adventure!! Not trying to make money and THEN trying to lvl or what have you...

    4, Experience... no damn stupid exp penalty for dying!!! Nope! None!!! You can either do two things... 1; when in ghost form, run back to your corpse and resurrect with about 60% hp and mana (mp) (which you'll regenerate the other 40% in about 10 seconds), or 2; in ghost form, tell the death spirit to relive you and accept weakness (for x amount of minutes, 10 max) and % of damage done to your equipment (that can be soo easily repaired^^). Heck!! You even get exp for exploring and discoverying new areas!! Imagine... 1st time ever entering the Dunes of death.. and being awarded like 100 exp... cool? huh?

    5, Crafting... Imagine if every attempt you tried at synthing worked and lvled up the skill? Well, that's what basically happens in WoW!!! 95% success rate, and even if failed, you don't lose/waste the items used... and so you can just retry^^.

    ok, last one... I could keep going...
    6, Time... unlike ffxi... things can actually get done in about 10-20 minutes!!! When I was playing solo first couple days trying out different characters, in about 2 hours... I had done about 10 quests, was lvl 9, and enough money that I needed and knew where to farm for decent money of my lvl, and had the best armor I could find to buy!! All this, just form the start, and all SOLO!!!

    I'm having such a blast!!! Don't be surprised if more and more ppl leave... if for WoW or other games... SE took too damn long to 'try' to fix the problems, when actually they did't really fix anything, just made it harder... but anyways, those are some reasons why the exodous to WoW^^ Break your shackles, and try it out....
    #6 Dec 17 2004 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
    43 posts
    Tenmiles, it's okay ^_^ i figured something like that, because you seem like such a nice person so i didn't think you would ignore me.
    Also, Alita, WoW SOUNDS fun, but there's just something about FFXI that keeps me glued to the screen, many of my friends who left triend convincing me, but i am a FFXI type of guy :D

    #7 Dec 17 2004 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
    901 posts
    Ain't nothing but a gangsta partay!
    Watusa of Lakshmi

    svlyons wrote:
    Same sorta thing with Watusa. I saw him fishing on the ferry one time. It felt like a hollywood celebrity sighting.
    #8 Dec 18 2004 at 4:14 PM Rating: Good
    And the childish posting of Alita, with the nice 4yr old '^%&*^$' and insane large fonts can show you the lose of people can be a blessing.

    Alot of who left WoW, not all but the mass majority are people who want things handed to them. The ones who SE listened to very silly and destroyed alot of fun quests and adventures. So really dont listen to the odd little whiner posters for WoW because they dont tell you the full truth.

    Keep in mind theres some facts they arent telling you about WoW.

    1) Soloing : Yes you can solo but the higher you get the MORE YOU HAVE to find parties. Finding groups is pretty hard unless your part of that 'in' crowd. Raids for example which is the ONLY high end content blizzard really has besides the PVP and HIGH end Dungeons ALL need parties.

    2) Money : Yes its soo easy to make money in WoW. They have Casino's now, Money sellers (oh yes even though blizzard said they stopped them and are fighting them check Ebay, IGE and the other dozen + sites selling and people buying). Money is so easy some of the farmers MPK you to get the kills for items to sell (Sound like FF anyone?).

    "This is actually a game about adventure!! "
    Right... read the WOW boards. There are more than one postings by pro-wow players who love the game on what people who reach the 50-60 lvls can do to have fun. BECAUSE Raids and PVP can be boring. They respond: synth to make money, farm to make money, Go to low lvl dungeons to make money. This is called adventure? Sounds more like what the high lvl people and medium lvl players do when they are bored lvling... okay sure.. 'adventure'. Sounds like the same old thing wrapped in a different package.

    3) "questing actually pays off!!!" ... right I've done quests for Hume and Undead. Some of the quests give you items that you dont even want... or need.

    4) Crafting : ...dont forget you can only have 2 crafting professions and 2 sub. So your abilities get focused no matter what you feel later on about them. Want to change professions well that skill lvl you had resets. Umm right this is fun? Sounds like the famous 'time sink'.

    5) "Time... unlike ffxi... things can actually get done in about 10-20 minutes!!!" This is very true, thats why almost the whole worlds have people lvl 40 and higher and a mass at 60. This fact is why High lvls are PVP lower lvls out of sheer boredom and lack of anything to do. I spoke to some friends who love wow since beta and one persons comment is a gem, "I got to lvl 55 playing 18hrs straight". Yes you can get alot done, very fast, without issue. And you can reach the end of the content in a day too.

    Read WoW's under development page for fun.

    More high lvl dungeons
    Some synth updates
    Some job changes
    Rewards for people who do same lvl PVP vs High lvl people doing PVP to low lvls. (the famous karma system they promised to prevent low lvl PVP isnt happening since blizzard feels its more fun to just give items to people to do same lvl PVP. Its the honor system).

    ... best of all read the WOW boards. Logon under a guest account of a WoW player friend if they have the collector ed. People are not as friendly or nearly as.. considerate as the player base in FF.

    Want PVP play LII at least the graphics in LII are more polished in some respects.

    #9 Dec 18 2004 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
    901 posts
    obviously you're gonna have a thread of proWoW vs. proFFXI
    Watusa of Lakshmi

    svlyons wrote:
    Same sorta thing with Watusa. I saw him fishing on the ferry one time. It felt like a hollywood celebrity sighting.
    #10 Dec 18 2004 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
    I am from the Leviathan Server and I was scrolling down I saw this thread. WoW doesn't interest me in the least. Maybe because I play FFXI from my ps2 but still. I have never been a Warcraft fan. As for the people who left to play WoW, they must never have been a hardcore FFXI player in the first place. If you get a character past 40 and still leave for a different game, doesn't that say that you never really liked FFXI in the first place? To tell you the truth I play lots of other games but none give me the edge like FFXI. FFXI, consists of dedication and time. If you don't have either than go to WoW. All I can say is don't forget the memories, tragedies, and most important of all, your Friends all over Final Fantasy XI!!
    #11 Dec 18 2004 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
    120 posts
    No more WoW vs FFXI!

    A moderator on the VN Boards had to step in because every other day there was some new thread saying "Zomg WoW iz bettar u all r teh st00pid and obsezzed wit FFXI wtfbbq"

    #12 Dec 23 2004 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
    ok.. now that I have the time to correct all the snob's mistakes, I will...

    1) Soloing : Yes you can solo but the higher you get the MORE YOU HAVE to find parties. Finding groups is pretty hard unless your part of that 'in' crowd. Raids for example which is the ONLY high end content blizzard really has besides the PVP and HIGH end Dungeons ALL need parties.

    Wrong. You can solo all the way to the limit. You do not need partys for leveling. Your exp actually gets divided by how many ppl are in a group. Even though you get a exp group bonus sometimes per kill. But, if being divided, wouldnt 1 be the best to be divided by? Hmm? And if you actually would have played the game, you'd know that the game is geared towards duo's more than anything, which means you just might 'want' someone else to play with, not 'need'. NO 'in' crowds needed like in ffxi (LS, static, JP), none, just need yourself, and maybe a friend just for the heck of it. Finding a party if you wanted is not hard like in ffxi, where you spend hours and hours waiting if not in those 'in' crowds. And let's not forget, hours, not minutes, not seconds. Hours, for a game, that should be fun, yet is making you wait hours for whatever fun could be had... and that's if the party actually stays together thru the first thirty minutes or couple deaths. Usually in about thirty minutes to an hour, something comes up that makes someong have to leave, whatever the reason, but still they have to leave. And if a key role, and no replacement, well, there goes that party. And deaths, yes, it's going to happen, rare that it doesn't, but when it does, that is usually a party ender too. Besides the fact that in ffxi when you die, you get an exp penality, that which doesn't happen in WoW. And highend content? I dont know what there is for WoW, my highest character is lvl 23, but from what I hear from friends and read, there's nothing really for ffxi either. So why are you trying to point the finger at WoW? The only highend things ffxi seems to offer is ballista (if you're into that), leveling other jobs, or helping others below you in levels (since ffxi makes you insufficant by yourself and always needy of others). Oh, I guess you could do quest that you couldn't do at the time you got them because of being such a weakling at the time.. yet still would need help with quests that are given to you now, at high lvls... Oh, and about those high-end dungeons? Actually, they are all throughout the game and throughout the lvls. Meaning, you don't have to be max level to do them. Yes, you need a party. and in WoW, max party # is 5. But unlike ffxi, you dont need ALL 5 people. I have done one of these dungeons with just 4, and it was a blast!! Great drops, and good exp for being in a party. Also.. finding a party for those? Easy!! So many people want to do them. I read so many (shouts in ffxi terms) of ppl asking if others are interested and so many replying yes and asking to join. Heck of a lot easier than ffxi.. and it didn't take hours!! Because of 2 reasons, 1) usually the shouts are of in the area where the dungeon is in, and 2) don't even need a full party to do it. I bet a groups of 3 could do it, if done right.

    2) Money : Yes its soo easy to make money in WoW. They have Casino's now, Money sellers (oh yes even though blizzard said they stopped them and are fighting them check Ebay, IGE and the other dozen + sites selling and people buying). Money is so easy some of the farmers MPK you to get the kills for items to sell (Sound like FF anyone?).

    I have yet to hear and see 1 casino. And the companies that sell ingame money? Yes, have checked them too... but their prices are such a terrible joke!! Come on! Would you pay 50 dollars for 20k ingame money for ffxi? That's about the equivalent in terms as what they are trying to offer for WoW. Now, the prices they offer for ffxi are incredible deals. 25 dollars for 500k...? I don't see how many people with real lives could pass this up. Why waste the weeks, maybe even a months trying to make that much when 25 dollars could do it for you? I'd rather be playing a game than working... oh wait a minute, ffxi is supposed to be a game... not a job... And MPKers? nope, because of the simple fact that in WoW, you can actually run away from the mobs!! Unlike ffxi where they will chase you to the ends of the earth and beyond just to kill you. In Wow, after about 3-5 seconds of running away, they stop and go back, leaving you alone! Heck, some mobs actually run from YOU when they are close to dying!! But again, had you actually played this game enough, you would have learned this... And to kill the mobs for items? Items drop very easily in WoW, so chances are that, that which they could be possibly trying to farm, you can get it just as easily if you already haven't from either questing or lvling. Again, you'd know this from experience...

    3) "questing actually pays off!!!" ... right I've done quests for Hume and Undead. Some of the quests give you items that you dont even want... or need.

    Yes, they do actually pay off. Yes, the 'beginning' quests can give cheap items, but really, sell them you fool! Which will give you money, which is always welcomed. Oh, wait, that means that the quests pay off... Heh. When you progress further in the quests and lvls, the rewards are more of the items that you do want or can use. And still, even if you (by then) have something better or don't want, it becomes money (through selling it). How is this bad? Unlike ffxi where you quest for a stupid map or other bs. But like ffxi, questing raises reputation of and for the country where the quest is given. So, even is item is just sold, you'll get reputation (fame). And many of the quests I have at current are offering me money as the rewards... And you say this doesn't pay off? odd...

    4) Crafting : ...dont forget you can only have 2 crafting professions and 2 sub. So your abilities get focused no matter what you feel later on about them. Want to change professions well that skill lvl you had resets. Umm right this is fun? Sounds like the famous 'time sink'.

    Again... from playing and thinking this through, you'd see the problems of your statement. You can have 2 main professions and 3 sub crafting skills. Yes, they could get focused, and yes you can reset them. But unlike ffxi, lvling crafting is so damn easy. You will know what to craft to lvl the skill each time you craft something. Unlike ffxi where you 'might' get .# towards your crafting, that is to say that you didn't fail and just waste the items... In WoW, no failures in crafting. Some failures in the collecting of materials, but then, just retry, and poof! It worked, with no loss of anything. Unlike ffxi where the time sink comes in of having to farm the items or gil needed for buying materials... and that's hoping that you don't fail and lose all those items and either time or gil. Time sink. WoW, instead of unlearning and relearning... you can have other of your characters do the different crafts, and just send your other characters that which they could need or want. Time sink? Hardly. I have a skinner/leather crafter that has made me money from the start. This character has also outfitted most of my other character's armors, and even my friend, saving me more money. True, I can't make a weapon with 'this' character, but I can with my minner/blacksmith, and then just send it to the skinner/leather crafter character. Now, why would I unlearn to relearn when I can do this? Time sink? Not really. Not even close to what you are trying to imply. Again... playing and thinking throught this would have shown you that, instead of you just making problematic statements from which you 'think' is true...

    5) "Time... unlike ffxi... things can actually get done in about 10-20 minutes!!!" This is very true, thats why almost the whole worlds have people lvl 40 and higher and a mass at 60. This fact is why High lvls are PVP lower lvls out of sheer boredom and lack of anything to do. I spoke to some friends who love wow since beta and one persons comment is a gem, "I got to lvl 55 playing 18hrs straight". Yes you can get alot done, very fast, without issue. And you can reach the end of the content in a day too.

    lol.. *shaking head* again... another wrong statement. The whole owrlds are not flooded with people lvls 40+... I see so many people lvl 8-27. I have only seen 1, count it, 1 lvl 60 person. I have seen a few 30's and few 40's. Mainly a lot of people are in their 20's. And facts? I don't know.. If I'm having to correct you so much.. I think you got the wrong 'facts'. WoW is made as a game. A Game. Not to take away your life, making you spend hours hoping to accomplish something of value in the game. A gamne, that which ffxi has failed to be. FFXI is more of a second life or job, but you have to pay for it... Sorry, I'd rather pay for playing a game, I have a life and job, don't feel like paying for this 'game'. And all you talk of PVP... Did you forget to mention that PvP is an option? Unlike ffxi, and being thrown into some random server and maybe getting a world pass to another server. In Wow, you get to choose your server(s). And can play on many, if not, all of them and not have to pay for more characters. All characters are free. Wheter you have 1-2 or 20-30. All free, only things; 1) 10 characters per server, and 2) in choosing a PvP server, all your characters have to be on the same side you chose (Alliance [good] or Horde [evil]). Now, there are 3 types of servers, RP (roleplaying), Normal and PVP. I don't know what the RP one is like. On the normal one, PvP is an option. So meaning, you can't just be killed unless in enemy lands. But the lands that are shared? It's an option to do PvP. So that mean no worries about just being slaughtered for exploring nuetral lands, as since you are always safe in the lands which are controlled by your side (on even the POVP server). On PVP server, going into nuetral lands makes you open to PVP by opposing side. And them to you too. And when in the lands controlled by your side? Opposing side is free to be attacked and they can't attack back till you either help someone that has entered the state of PvP status or if you were to opening attack them. So, the threat of PvP? Not as what you are trying to imply. Again, play the game before actually trying to make statements about it.

    ... best of all read the WOW boards. Logon under a guest account of a WoW player friend if they have the collector ed. People are not as friendly or nearly as.. considerate as the player base in FF.

    Hmm... if I was flamed for trying to simply explain to someone else about WoW and got flamed... that is considerate? I didn't flame the person nor belittle nor make fun of them. I tried to simply reply to his question or thought. Yet, I get flamed by you... This is a an example of friendliness? I don't think so. I have read the boards, and there is little difference. They both just seem like forums. But I have yet to read how they think them better or more friendly... Hmm.. If you spend so much time reading there.. why is that? Feel threatned that ffxi is wasting your time and looking for somethig new? Feel threatened that there could actually be something better than ffxi? Jealous of those that play WoW, and too affraid of switching because of all the time lost to ffxi? Why do You spend so much time reading there? When if this is such a great game, I'd think you to just stick to a forum that focuses on your game. :/

    I read both forums because I have yet to 100% give up ffxi (due to friends, not the game itself). I read here to see what is still happening so as to kinda still have a feel of the game and it's happenings. So when I do actually login to meet with those couple friends, I am not completely lost as to what is going on. I kinda check thru the WoW forums, reading posts that have something that might interest me, but since I dont't have any questions that people in game wont answer or help with, I don't need to really use them. WoW is a great game. Based more for solo and duo's, so not much of a 'community' per say, but the players there are still helpful and curtious if asked or talked to in regular mannerisms and not attacked. I read so many people asking questions about quests and such ingame, and many replies helping. I don't see that as much now in ffxi... just casinos and shouts for tele's or help with quests (af's, gk, coffers..)

    Reading and researcing thru the forums is one thing, but playing is where you get the real experience. But you seem to lack this, and seem to think that just reading is suffice. You mentioned playing the game, but from your problematic to false statemnets, you either lied, or only played like 10 minutes or so... Stick to ffxi, for since you seem to be so adamant about how it's so great.

    p.s. ... for those curious about why others would leave to WoW go here...
    #13 Dec 23 2004 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
    782 posts
    I didnt read any of what the last poster put, All i gotta say is, wow, u wrote alot, is your fingers tired? Too much bent agression? Have a beer!

    Everyone! Get along! Its the holiday season! The time to be jolly and all that crap, now if u can excuse me, I think i need another beer....
    #14 Dec 23 2004 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
    N0o0o0o0o0o0o0o Tamj ;;;;;;;;
    #15 Dec 23 2004 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
    901 posts
    I hate how every goodbye thread has turned to a FFXI vs. WOW because of this proFFXI *****
    Watusa of Lakshmi

    svlyons wrote:
    Same sorta thing with Watusa. I saw him fishing on the ferry one time. It felt like a hollywood celebrity sighting.
    #16 Dec 24 2004 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
    230 posts
    I hate how every goodbye thread has turned to a FFXI vs. WOW

    same here...

    guys this is a goodbye thread ! no a d&*^ bashing between both games !

    plus, as Tanta said, it is the holiday season please try to get along with each other for at least till the new year !

    Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. You may think that ffxi is s%&^ or that WoW is. But don't voice it here. Make a thread so people just don't have to read all that crap about which game is better.

    And also so that we can properly say goodbye to all the people leaving...that's all.


    Edited, Fri Dec 24 00:07:52 2004 by akya
    Akya {Mithra}
    Leader of the limbus LS SeriousSharkSurfing ~ http://sealcubs.forumotion.com/
    WHM NIN DRG 75, SMN 72...
    #17 Dec 25 2004 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
    88 posts
    Well it does suck that so many people are leavin for WoW but im stayin with ffxi...
    #18 Dec 25 2004 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
    311 posts
    I think seeing all the "/goodbye kruel wurld" threads is disenchanting everyone and making them think they should quit :(
    #19 Dec 26 2004 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
    o.o actually blame it where it starts... obviously reading is a skill some people need to work on.

    Alita began turning this into wow vs. FF. I simply get sick of one sided arguments posted by the crybaby cartel that troll here.
    #20 Dec 26 2004 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
    901 posts
    why do you keep insulting everyone over the internet wtf? Alita just explained the better things WoW has but then Miss PMS comes in "OMG STFU N00B 4YR OLD MY FFXI PWNZ YOUR MOM" stfu

    Edited, Sun Dec 26 16:25:39 2004 by Dudester
    Watusa of Lakshmi

    svlyons wrote:
    Same sorta thing with Watusa. I saw him fishing on the ferry one time. It felt like a hollywood celebrity sighting.
    #21 Jan 01 2005 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
    43 posts
    {Um...} Yea Watusa *mah ****** is right, this is about the people who are going and how dearly you miss them, not "OMG WoW *gay @$$ game imo* is soooooo much beeetter then FFXI and yadi yadi ya blah blah blah wah wah wah." Pls, i am impressed about how much some of you wrote about WoW vs. FFXI, but there was nothing about the ppl u love leaving. So yah, yea...
    #22 Jan 01 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
    77 posts
    theyll be back...you cant leave ffxi

    #23 Jan 01 2005 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
    901 posts
    you can if you delete your character and content ID :)
    Watusa of Lakshmi

    svlyons wrote:
    Same sorta thing with Watusa. I saw him fishing on the ferry one time. It felt like a hollywood celebrity sighting.
    #24 Jan 01 2005 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
    811 posts
    I don't think as many people are going to leave as everyone thinks. Crappy as it is, FFXI makes you depend on others. Alot of people enjoy the fact that they will always meet new people, make new friends, and blacklist the idiots.

    I have not played WoW and I don't think I ever will since I was never impressed with warcraft or any other Blizzard games. However, from my understanding, WoW does not force you to talk to anyone. I think this may come as a draw back, for those who like the communication that is required in FFXI.

    However, remember those people in Valkurm Dunes that won't listen to any criticism when they have no clue? Here's a game for them. They don't have to listen to anyone, they can get thier *** caved in by hardcore WoW players.

    Also, it's a new game, people will be curious, people will leave to experience this to see if it's for them. Alot of people that play this game have to have thier parents credit card to even think about playing and could be limited to one game to play at a time.

    I wouldn't anticipate this as a mass exodus yet. People need time away from everything. A few people I know have played this since it was released in NA. They are taking time off to play Halo 2 (Yes I know this isn't an online RPG).

    Who knows, within a few more months, maybe Valkurm won't be such an unbarable pain in the *** anymore.
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