Today (after I get closer to 25) I'm gonna start doin my rank 2 missions for Windy. Since I'm a whm (22whm/11blm) I think I might need some help. If you think you might be able to help me please reply!
Do you have to fight the Dread Dragon in Sandy for this (2-3)? If so, I'll be doing that around this time next week if you're up for it (currently a RDM20/BLM10 and gonna level up to 25 for Sleep before doing so).
Sorry if that's not of any help, thought I'd reply just in case it is (i'm from Bastok).
When you need to do your 2-3 parts (dragon and other random thing, depending on where you go first), I'll help ^^ I love killing the dragon and everything, 'tis my specialty as a DRG! I like to think I'm keeping my level 25 gear for something...
You just have to give a time here, or take the chance of finding me when I'm online.
I'll make a note of people's names and will do a search when I'm on. Like I said, reckon it'll be no later than next weekend (assuming I can find people to do it with) :/