Hmmmm well in EXP parties I like to be nearly the last person to zone. I like to know that everyone else is fine and about to zone as I do. Although deaths due to small parties or soloing I hate.
Stuff like tonight.. My GF was leveling in Korroloka Tunnel and she see's Falcatus Aranei. I tell her that I'm already in Altepa I will be there in 5 mins. As I get close to her I see two Galka's running her way I tell her to pull it and I will attack it soon enough.
Here's the Mob's Info, now note the words "Not Linking". These two words nearly cost me my life. With some additional Cure 2's from her BST/WHM I managed to keep myself alive (BLM55/WHM27) and AOE the crap out of the 3 spiders that linked with it as well as it pounding me.
Next part. A LS member and I were in Sanctuary of Zi'tah farming Tree cuttings.. we had nothing else to do, so myself and he (DRG55/THF15) [yes we had THF only for steal, not that it worked] were pulling them left right and center away from the CGF's. So then one asks for a warp, I'm unsure if she is or not "Rosegirl". If she isn't I'm sorry for labeling you as a CGF, if you are, then well nerh! :P
Anyhow after abit of badgering I finally aggree to Warp 2 her, but she wants her friend sent... I'm like oh ok.. he gives me 1000g which I actually was going to do it for free (one less farmer) and he was off. In the mean time my friend is nearly dying from the pulls that he kept on pulling. We manage to keep it under control and survive... just.
About 10 mins later I accidently hit Sleepga instead of Stun on a Gobbue. Sleeps it, but gets 2 bats next to me... I'm like CRAAAAAP, and he's on the other side of the clearing (15 secs away). Thankfully some highlevels came past and helped kill the bats, but I swear I saw <10hp on 3 occasions.
Anyhow if the death was for a good reason (I like sacraficing myself to save team mates), I'm all good with deaths. But if it's down to stupidity (mostly my own), I get pissed :P