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#1 Jan 03 2005 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Ive pt'd a lot in the past week trying to level numerous jobs in numerous areas, ive experienced many people freeking out about dying even though their skills arn't capped, even if i die i dont get upset or go on a cussing spree.

How do you feel about dying?

And do you know anybody else that takes a death well or just flips out?

Dont make fun of the person though, this is just something i was thinking about today and want other's opinions.

#2 Jan 03 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
79 posts
I don't think that it is a really big deal. I can understand that when you get to higher levels and die, it is a lot of xp you just lost. But now that I have gone to lvl 40, and gone back to early areas to lvl my Blm, it isn't that big of a deal. Of course, I would like to avoid it, but I am sick of people complaining nonstop about death, and how much xp they lost... Cry me a river dude, I bet I've died more times then this whole pt og n00bs and newbs combined.

But anyways, I think it isnt even worthwile getting raised in the Dunes or Qufim, since HPS are really close, and that will waste far less time then finding a raise, and waiting for Weakness to go away. 500 xp, bfd. -Muon
#3 Jan 03 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
782 posts
I find it when I am doing something I volenteer for I dont usually get mad when I die, when its for a stupid reason becuase someone wasent doing thier job to make sure I get HP'S then I get irritated.

Lets face it, after you put time and paitnece into a character, if u lose like 1k xp thats like an hour's worth of work you gotta do over again if you dont have R2.
(This is just speculation in the most severe circumstance.)

You get the drift, right? If I'm just sitting there and I just d/c and end up dead, that would irritate me too, at the lower lvls I dont mind dieing that much anymore becuase I got my 60 PLD who loses XP up the ying yang.
So I just laugh it off and move forward lol. ^^;
#4 Jan 03 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,892 posts
Hmmmm well in EXP parties I like to be nearly the last person to zone. I like to know that everyone else is fine and about to zone as I do. Although deaths due to small parties or soloing I hate.

Stuff like tonight.. My GF was leveling in Korroloka Tunnel and she see's Falcatus Aranei. I tell her that I'm already in Altepa I will be there in 5 mins. As I get close to her I see two Galka's running her way I tell her to pull it and I will attack it soon enough.

Here's the Mob's Info, now note the words "Not Linking". These two words nearly cost me my life. With some additional Cure 2's from her BST/WHM I managed to keep myself alive (BLM55/WHM27) and AOE the crap out of the 3 spiders that linked with it as well as it pounding me.

Next part. A LS member and I were in Sanctuary of Zi'tah farming Tree cuttings.. we had nothing else to do, so myself and he (DRG55/THF15) [yes we had THF only for steal, not that it worked] were pulling them left right and center away from the CGF's. So then one asks for a warp, I'm unsure if she is or not "Rosegirl". If she isn't I'm sorry for labeling you as a CGF, if you are, then well nerh! :P

Anyhow after abit of badgering I finally aggree to Warp 2 her, but she wants her friend sent... I'm like oh ok.. he gives me 1000g which I actually was going to do it for free (one less farmer) and he was off. In the mean time my friend is nearly dying from the pulls that he kept on pulling. We manage to keep it under control and survive... just.

About 10 mins later I accidently hit Sleepga instead of Stun on a Gobbue. Sleeps it, but gets 2 bats next to me... I'm like CRAAAAAP, and he's on the other side of the clearing (15 secs away). Thankfully some highlevels came past and helped kill the bats, but I swear I saw <10hp on 3 occasions.

Anyhow if the death was for a good reason (I like sacraficing myself to save team mates), I'm all good with deaths. But if it's down to stupidity (mostly my own), I get pissed :P
#5 Jan 03 2005 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
835 posts
My attitude is that I'm a Blm and a Rng (not at the same time.. but hmmm) I die. It happens. Lets get on with it and try to get back the experience.

Though one time in Kufkal I died like 3 times in 10 minutes and then it was time to leave. I don't get nasty I just say 3 is my limit and I have to go.

#6 Jan 03 2005 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
Depends on the circumstances really. I have different expectations for my fellow players depending on their level, where we are, and what we are doing.

For example, some idiot in the dunes is casting a -ga spell and getting us all killed. I would be angry. I would correct them. But I wouldn't leave the party or blacklist them.

Now if someone at level 60 does the same thing... My reaction is going to be a bit more severe. For one, the person should know better by level 60. And secondly, you lose a lot more xp at level 60.

It really just depends on whether or not the person should've known better and what was at stake that I lost.
#7 Jan 03 2005 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Nice to hear what you all think, keep the replies commin.

Today....i experienced something *i was the one ending up dead*

I am just leveling up my rdm/blm *lv17* for fun because i think rdm is a pretty cool job, and well i didnt feel like LFG since i only had a short while to play. So i decided to see what mobs i could solo *in valkurm* so i solo'd a T snipper and a T gob, well i saw a kid somehow getting chased by a snipper that marked T with high def so i said what the heck let me try it. So he barely zones i wait for the snipper to get its life back, i buffer myself up then i start to enfeeb the crab. I engage battle and everything is going well then the kid who was getting chased came out and started talking to me, not saying sup or anything but saying "are you trying to show off?" and that frustrated me because i'm lv17 what do i have to show off, then he said "you better zone cuz ur gonna die dude" and i was doing great and the battle started going bad once the snipper started doing a few more moves, from that point i knew i was going to die, and i didn't care because i had already solo'd enough exp so i wud basically not looooose anything. Then after i died *snip was a few hits away from death* the person again said "i told you you shudent have showed off, but never mind you know what your doing" and i knew he said it in a sarcastic tone.

Point being...if you see a lower lvl *prolly same lvl as u* trying to solo something for whatever reason dont start to put them down, that made me more upset then the fact that i died.

Anyways, yea that was my experience today, like i said keep urs commin.

#8 Jan 03 2005 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
I don't mind death. You die in the game, it happens. You can't never die. But I have people who will yell at some one else for joking about a death....in a game. Its not like harm came to you in real life.

Like i had a couple PTs yesterday... One was a SAM, sure low def he doesnt want to take hits. And we were doing pugs. A few ***** dirvers fly in and he wasnt at full health, he dies 2 or 3 times, and says next death I'm out, fair enough, i let him die three times already. Okay, i just make sure he gets more cures than a normal DD would if they got hate. He never died again. But the earlier party, the thief was dead when i arrived. He got a raise, we sat through the down time, while the RDM "needed to level his elemental" and produced more down time while i cure him. The thief's ready, we all pull, eventually The RDM attacks something while the thief pulls, I'm curing the tank AND the RDM, the thief pulls aggro and dies. Now, I did the best i can to keep the whole party alive, but I'm only human. So the thief leaves, and leaves me feeling like a gimp. (first death with me)

So i guess it depends on the player.

hehe sorry if it didn't fit, I kinda needed a rant on death since its happeng alot, Cure II is still not very MP efficient and Cure I isnt doing the job on pugs very well so i think i had around 5 deaths between yesterday and today.
#9 Jan 04 2005 at 2:27 AM Rating: Decent
Deaths that involve people who play their role well but something freaky just happens, that happen due to honest mistakes (and yes we all make them occasionally), that happen due to inexperience like pulling in a new area, or that accomplish some goal (like protecting/helping others, etc) I dont mind at all. Usually something can be gained from such a death, either knowledge, experience or maybe even a goal. One example happened last night--my static WHM was going after his AF Body, and I ended up dying to an insane Dimensional Death. He got his AF3 tho and won the fight, and I could not have been happier. Even in the case of the freaky event, you just have to chalk that up to bad luck and move on.

Deaths that could have and should have been avoided (like somebody goes AFK, continually pulls the wrong mobs or links mobs, or does something insanely stupid) are annoying, but hey its a game, get over it. I can handle it, and like Orion said earlier...if it is a continual problem, you can always leave.

The biggest thing to remember is that this is a game, it is supposed to be fun, and dying is an unfortunate reality. I just try to keep it in perspective and if it just gets too frustrating, do something non-dangerous like craft and then try again tomorrow. ^^
#10 Jan 04 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
153 posts
I'm a pld so I'm used to dying. I don't like it but it's gonna happen. The only time I get upset is when I die because somebody did something blatantly stupid. I was in a party in gustav and wyvernpoacher drachlox was there, we had a smn, rdm, drk, thf and one other melee. We decided that we could take him with a couple 2hrs. The smn(main healer) was supposed to 2hr and the rdm was supposed to refresh him and me, and toss out a couple cures. The smn and I never got refresh. I died while the taru rdm had over 400mp left. When I died everybody ran for the zone. When they made it the rdm said he didn't want to party and disbanded.
#11 Jan 04 2005 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
My favorite is when you're outside one of the Main cities and a LVL 2 is shouting for a raise for his LVL 2 companion...

It's not a big deal. Heck, most of us use the o-warp' option every once in a while.

Edited, Tue Jan 4 11:04:18 2005 by mnsmitty
#12 Jan 04 2005 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
335 posts
If I die because something generally went sour, oh well, big deal, I'll make it up in due time.

If I die because someone was a complete idiot, especially past level 50, I'll be happy to let them know.

I don't mind dying so long as I'm not dying because someone else doesn't know how to play their job properly. If you're one of those people that tacks an "LOL" or "ROFL" onto any party death, you're instantly put in this category. /nod
#13 Jan 04 2005 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
711 posts
When I tank I expect to die at least once or twice in an exp party. That's part of the deal, and since the first job I leveled was War I got used to being dead. It's just a part of the game. I don't mind getting killed once or twice in an exp session. Now if I end up getting killed alot and end up going backwards in an exp party, then I'll either let the party know that tonight just isn't my night and log or I'll hang up exping for a while and go farm stuff ( taking out my frustrations on EPs )
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