I hung around Oztroja last night, beating up Yagudos for their lunch money, and I decided to hang around the courtyard area where Mee Deggi the Punisher spawns.
I figured that maybe I'd see him, and if I saw him, maybe I'd catch him, and if I caught him, maybe I could beat a pair of Ochiudo's Kote out of him.
I was not seriously camping him, I was just in the same place he would have been, had he popped.
There was a team of about 5 gil sellers there.
Several of the "Kof" faternity, plus a couple others.
These others didn't have names I was familiar with.
Two of them, a pair of identical twin redhaired Elvaan Paladins in AF (who looked like they had just jumped out of a juicy shounen-ai manga) actually had Name-generator-generated-Elvaan-names.
I asked one of them if he and his friend were working with the Kofs, and he said yes.
For a while, these people didn't know what to make of me, as I spent some time playing skillup with goofy weapons, randomly using AoE weaponskills and getting adds from nearby crabs and crawlers.
They stood nearby, even coming right up behind me, and just stared and scratched their heads.
Every one of them examined me at least twice.
Now, during the two hours or so that I was there, I saw only one other person come though, a THF who was unassociated with the gil sellers, and who spoke with me in /tell for a bit.
He was simply waiting for a friend to arrive, and was going to help him do G3.
I found it amusing that there were 5, wait, suddenly a 6th member of the team showed up.
Six gilsellers standing around, camping Mee Deggi (occasionally running back to the other courtyard to look for the other NM spawn) all day, without any competition.
Except me.
I simply ran around the courtyard killing every yagudo that popped.
They all just stood around at their designated locations.... waiting.
Once in a while they would all start getitng antsy and start moving around, running in circles, then they would settle down again and wait.
And stand there.
And wait.
Now, this is one of the main issues I have always had with NM camping for big money drops to sell.
I prefer to be active. I would much rather run around a big zone farming and actively earning gil than to stand around for hours and hours, afraid even to engage in conversation, lest I miss my chance to claim some silly monster when he pops.
What was most odd though, to me, was the fact that they had 6 people there camping the NM.
Back when I started the game, the Kote which drop from this NM sold for about 300k.
I got them for around 500k.
Now they sell for over a million, and the sales are dominated by people who's names I saw here before me.
Kofnice, Kofoceo, and so on.
Now, we wouldn't be in this situation if it werent for stupid people who have been willing to pay such a ridiculous price, thus making this the profitable enterpise that it is for the Kofs, and the cute redhaired yaoi paladins, and the pair of taru DRGs, and so on.
Now, they clearly have a good idea if they want to monopolize the drop.
Send a large enough team to dominate the spawn area, to have a better chance to beat out any competition.
This is actually what we should do, and I think it is the only way to beat them at their game and force prices lower (to remind people that the item isnt worth a million, and get them accustomed once more to a lower price, so that they will, if they have half a brain (too much to expect I suppose?), refuse to pay more).
The problem with their strategy, as I saw it, was thet they didn't have any competition.
Who would want to spend the day trying to camp Mee Deggi for a drop they really want, to use or to sell, when they are faced with the discouraging presence of a well-organized team all dedicated to getting the claim?
I was their only competition, and I wasn't even seriously hunting him.
I was struck by the absurd waste of man-hours.... 6 people, standing around motionless (practically) for hours on end, waiting for one big money drop, if it drops.
I am an experienced and vertan farmer, and I figured that six people constantly moving, farming up useful things (even if it were just gil drops from beastmen) could easily earn good money simply by not wasting their time standing in one spot all day.
"However," you may argue, "the Kote can be sold for more than a million gil.
Even six people farming for 10 hours won't earn a million gil" (I'm not so sure I'd agree though).
But you're right, in principle.
The allure of the big ticket sale makes up for all the wasted time of a team of people, all standing around doing nothing.
However, if they couldn't sell the item for more than it's actually worth, would they still be so inclined to camp it like this?
I mean really now, the Ochiudo's Kote has been selling for 1.2 million gil.
Almost all the names of sellers in the recent history are gilsellers.
These are nice gloves for monks, ninjas, and samurai.
They are so nice that I'd venture to say they might actually be worth the 500k that I paid for mine, though that would really be pushing it.
The fact that anyone is willing to pay in excess of a million gil for them is appalling. I just can't understand how people can be that blind.
I mean, its like... ok, imagine a chocobo ticket.
How much would you pay for one?
Certainly, even if you had to pay 1k to buy it, it might come in handy that one time you're at the crags on the weekend and the price is 2301 gil and you really need a chocobo now.
But, would you pay 10k for a chocobo ticket?
Would you pay three million for Raise III? (if you say yes I will come over there and smack you)
Apparently some people would.
The problem is that when people are too stupid to realize when they are being ripped off, and pay whatever the asking price is, it sets a new precedent.
People have got to stop being so blind, so ignorant, so foolish as to pay exorbitant prices for things which are not worth the price being demanded.
People also need to consider getting a little proactive.
Everyone wants prices to come down.
Well, sadly, as long as full teams of gil sellers are allowed to rule NM spawns uncontested and without competition, I can't see prices going anywhere but up.
You want cheaper Kote? You want to see the Kofs out of Oztroja?
You're going to have to put the time in to muscle them out.
I'm willing to help. I love beating up Yagudo for their lunch money.
Drop me a /tell anytime.