Good evening/morning/afternoon/whatever.
I am a former 47 drk that has started over and am starting a new LS along with my new char.
What I'm looking for are noble,talented individuals who are trustworthy and have a good sense of humor.
Now I am gonna be a little picky with what I am looking for:
-At least lvl 30
-Rank 3 or higher
-Can not be a hostile individual that acts without thought
-Must be respectful
The LS will be of coarse dedicated to helping out when asked after deciding on a scheduled date. Events must be planned otherwise they will just be rushed and inconvinient to us all.
If you'd like to join email me at or send me a /tell my name is Faenor and I am on all weekend starting at 5 EST on friday to 5EST on Sunday.
---Thank you