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Non-Jeuno TeleportsFollow

#1 Mar 02 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Good
Last night, I had to spend some time in Sandy doing some crafting. While I was there I heard quite a few shouts for people needing teleports (all me mostly coming from just a few people). I thought to myself I usually do hear quite a few shouts for teleports when I am in one of the three major cities.

So, why is it rare for someone to offer a taxi serivce in Sandy, Bastok, or Windy when there is little competition? Simple. Because you will not make near as much gil as you would in Jueno. I have been doing teleports for a really long time. (I remember being the only teleporter in Jueno for hours and hours. This was even before the days of Bokeli and friends.) I have tried, as I am sure others also have, to offer the service in a non-Jueno city. It doesn't matter how many people are doing ports in Jueno, the money is never as good anywhere else. And on top of that, to do a teleport, you have to reset your homepoint to be somewhere besides Jueno! No matter how many shouts you hear, you'll find as soon as you port those 4 or 5 players, business dies down quickly.

However, players need ports from these towns just as bad as the players in Jueno. Therefore, I decided we should have some tradeoff to have the same service we get in Jueno in all the major cities. Players should expect to pay more for teleports in these towns. That's my honest opinion.

So, I tried this out last night. I started my shouts. "Teleport-Dem, Holla, Mea 1000 gil, Altep, Yhoat, 2000 gil". I did get business. Not nearly as fast as in Jeuno though. I was surprised someone didn't come around to compete with me offering the standard 500 price, but they didn't. (I would have let them take over if they had).

I also did get a few very angry tells. Telling me I am selfish and I am a reason why the server has gil issues. "It's free for you, you should not charge more than 500 for any port!!" I took offense to this because even at 1000 gil a pop, there were still much better ways I could spend my time to make money.

So what does everyone here think? Should we be willing to pay more for a teleport when we are visiting a town outside of Jeuno, to insure the service will be there?

#2 Mar 02 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
5,745 posts
There have been times where I needed a Teleport in, say, Bastok. And I just couldn't find one. At that point, I usually end up warping back to Jeuno to find a Teleport from there. Would I pay a double rate for a Teleport from Bastok/Sandy/Windy to save me the extra step? Maybe. I guess it all depends on what mood I'm in.

Eh, charge what you want for a Tele. Maybe lazy players will start to wisen up, and explore other ways to get around (like regional teleports). For some reason, there are players out there who would rather spend 10 minutes shouting for a Tele Dem in Bastok, when they could have just grabbed a Chocobo and been to Dem in about the same amount of time.
#3 Mar 02 2005 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
945 posts
Yeah, I'd accept to pay some extra if I really needed a tele in the main cities. Rates of: San d'Oria/Bastok/Windurst: 700 gil, Altepa/Yohator: 1200 and Vazhl: 2000 would be acceptable, I would think.
#4 Mar 02 2005 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
97 posts
Ive been teleporting people in the three cities (mostly Windust) for about a week (not including the past 5 days which I had no phone line). I wasnt doing it just for gil though, I was doing it out of boredom and to help people out, because i know how frustrating it can get looking for a teleport in these cities. I made about 4-5k an hour using the normal prices, but like I said I wasn't doing it just for the gil.
#5 Mar 03 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Excellent
247 posts
The last time I saw this come up I posted my strong opinions on the subject. I am all in favor of teleport prices rising. I feel they should go up all around, despite the fact that it will affect me when I need a teleport. If people want this service around when they feel need it then they should be willing to pay more for it.

I do like the idea of raising them when in one of the three main cities. While people there do cry out for teleports occasionally, it's certainly not enough to fund a teleport business.
#6 Mar 03 2005 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
470 posts
Hmmm.... Wow I cant believe im posting this because there is no winning, you will either **** off the mages or melee's but here goes. Lets say you are a mage... you have mp which doesnt cost anything. Some people charge for raises, I dont. Some people charge for synthing, I dont.
Why you may ask? Because it doesnt cost ME anything. Stopping to raise someone or do a quick synth barely takes any time (unless im in a rush) and I feel why should I charge people if it costs me nothing. You guys say you can be doing other things besides teleporting to make money. Well why wouldnt you do them? Nobody is saying you HAVE to teleport. Thats what /anon is for.
I dont know who decided the standard pricing of teleports and if you want to raise your price do it. But dont charge more in the starting towns just because you can... Its silly. If you are in town synthing and you happen to have your hp there how long does it really take to teleport then warp back and continue what youre doing? Is it much more difficult than doing it from Jeuno?
I am all for whms doing teleports because I know how hard it is for you guys to farm and we melees do need you. I just dont want to see it get out of hand like some ah items that triple in price in a week. You say ok offer dem/mea/holla for 1k, a couple days later "hmm well I got 1k how about 2k?". Where does it end. Raising prices will just hurt everyone in the long run. Think about it even if you charge 500g for teles you are still getting gil for free. How can you complain about that?
Just my 2
#7 Mar 03 2005 at 4:18 PM Rating: Good
247 posts
My homepoint is almost always in Jeuno. If I am in Windurst and someone wants a teleport from me then I need to:
A) TP them and not come back, or
B) TP them and come back via bird or airship, or
C) Reset my HP in Windurst, TP them and warp back.

If I do the third option, then I now have time that will be wasted when the party that I've been looking for tells me they would like me to join them in Jeuno. If I do the second option, I am wasting time travelling back. The first option doesn't take much time at all, but it does not happen very often.

With either the B or C option, my time has been used doing something for someone else. My time is valuable to me. If you want me to spend it doing something for you then I have the right to ask you to make it worth my while. 500 for a teleport-dem is not worth it to me. 1000 is.

You may disagree, but you may also find yourself waiting a long time before finding that one white mage who just happens to be leaving the area and is willing to teleport you. Or you can pursue other modes of transportation.
#8 Mar 03 2005 at 10:04 PM Rating: Good
103 posts
A little afraid to touch this one; like Sleek said, somebody inevitably feels insulted. But I'm gonna have to agree that I would not be in favor of tele prices going up. As I see it, this is already an extra, not to mention easy and painless, method for whms to make gil; an advantage, however small, over many other classes. Like the OP said, whms could be farming for their money and would probably be making more that way. So, my opinion is that if you're not satisfied with the your current tele income, then try farming.
From a purely practical viewpoint, though, if whms did start raising prices, I am sure that people will pay them. Lord knows, people are waaaay too lazy to actually transport themselves anywhere (people are paying frickin 1.4 million for Ochiudo's, for X's sake). I, for one, almost never even use whms for teleports, unless I'm going to vahzl, which is completely out of the way. Is it any faster than taking the airship? From Jeuno, the airship is surely faster than a tele, and cheaper! Who wants to pay 500 gil for a tele-holla, followed by another 1k just to get a crag choco to Sandy, when they could catch the airship for 200 gil? And if you're in one of the "tri-cities," just warp/bloodport back to Jeuno. If your hp isn't there, ride the airship so you can reset it to there, so you can get back quicker next time.

So yeah, got a little off topic there... mah bad. Dunno how valuable a sam's opinion is, heh, but there it is.
#9 Mar 04 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
At the risk of being rated down by both sides (EEK) I am just sitting here reading this wondering why it is such a large issue for folks. It may be me---I don't generally use teleports unless I am in PT or doing a specific mission, and even then I am usually with a WHM who is there for the same reason and thus no charge.

I am fine if WHM wanna raise the prices. It is a service they are providing, and frankly I don't remember anything in the SE agreement stating price controls on teleports. It is a business, charge what you want, the same way people charge what they want on items they farm or craft. I can still decide if the service is worth the charge. Nobody is FORCING me to use a tele rather than choc, outpost warp (my preferred method of travel btw) airship, walk, etc.

HOWEVER.... WHMs who do charge more should be prepared for people to grumble, and perhaps decide not to use yur service. People are used to paying a certain fee. If the fee suddenly doubles, people will grumble. They won't like it. This is natural and to be expected. Whenever there is a price hike on ANYTHING, expect negative feedback. And it's OK.

Like I said the funny thing is I am amazed there are multiple threads on this issue, and none on some of the other rampant inflation issues. For example, as a crafter I go through at least 40-50 stacks of crystals a week when I am crafting. Thats far more stacks of crystals in a week than I have used a teleport service ever in the entire game. Now 12 Earth or Water crystals cost me 1000G, more than double what they used to cost. To me this is an issue that hits far more people more often than a tele service, and we are talking approximately the same gil ratio.

Oh well. Things change. Prices go up. People complain. Neither issue is going away soon. If you want to charge more, go for it! Just don't be surprised when some people aren't happy.

Now lets go out and have some fun ^.^

#10 Mar 04 2005 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
251 posts
Meh doesn't matter to me. The whole "I had to pay for the spell!" thing is kind of bogus to me because it obviously benefits you as a WHM, and most have already made back whatever they spent and then some by doing teleport taxi services, but anyways...

I think it'd be nice to have people doing teleport taxi services in the main towns. It's very frustrating to be crafting and constantly have people say "{Can I have it?} {Teleport-Dem/Holla/Mea} {You can have this} 500g" and I simply return "{Home Point}: {Port Jueno}". Now, if I'm seriously crafting, I'll just go /anon, but usually I'm seeking a party and just killing time by levelling my clothcraft with my HP at Jeuno at the ready to warp if I get an invite.

Generally, people leave you alone after you tell them the Home Point thing, but there are always those that send back about 2 minutes later "Please!!!! I need it!"

Yes, I feel sorry for them, and I wish I could help them out, but it's frustrating to me, it's frustrating to them, and as you pointed out Vawn, it's simply a niche that no one has filled yet.

The only problem with teleport services in the starter towns is that most of the people simply do not have the money. There have been times that people have initiated trade and put crystals and other random junk in there saying "Uh... I don't have any gil.." I tend to say "Then you shouldn't have offered if you didn't have." Many times you will run into people that don't even have 500 to spare, let alone higher costs.

I don't really see a reason to raise the price at all, doesn't seem necessary. One teleport would more than cover your airship cost back to Jeuno, not to mention that you could do the quest on the airship back (200 gil to ride the airship, 500 gil for identifying the passenger correctly) and get a profit just from switching your home point.
#11 Mar 04 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good
Ok, a couple things as some of the responses have seemed to go off subject, but I would like to put in my two cents (gil, w/e) on these matters.

First, to the argument that WHMs should not charge anything becuase it does not cost to cast the spell are missing the point. It doesn't cost anything to go out and kill monsters for drops either does it? You can go buy a yew fishing rod and really cheap worms and go catch a few dozen stacks of moat carps. Can you sell them for more than your cost? Of course. People are paying for a service you can provide them. And yes, it does cost WHMs something (not talking about the cost of scrolls), it cost their time. I know this fact is obvious to the vast majority of players, but for those who still make the argument that WHMs should not charge for ports, I spelt it out.

Secondly, to argue that you should not charge more in starting towns because you can always homepoint to Jeuno and ride ship back for only 200 gil are also missing the point. Sometimes you have to wait over 10 minutes for a ship, plus a few minutes to actually ride the ship. Is their anyone who would be willing to trade in 15 minutes of playtime for 300 gil?

Third, even at 1000 gil a port, a WHM who chooses to offer the service in a starting town is doing everyone else a favor. I want a WHM to spend 3 hours in any starting town and 3 hours in Jeuno and tell me they made less in Jeuno.

Finally, I would like to address the idea of raising the price of ports worldwide. Would people be willing to pay 1000 gil a port? Definitly. Do I think it will catch on anytime soon? Nope. There are going to be WHMs willing to port for 500 and that will keep the price from being able to double (at least for a long time).
#12 Mar 04 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
251 posts
If a WHM is providing a teleporting service then it is not eating into their time at all, ya know? They're setting aside their time of their own free will in order to do this... waiting on an airship for a few minutes should not be that big of a deal. Since the WHM is going to be there providing teleports, it simply doesn't make sense to me where they are losing all of this time. Yes, it takes time to teleport people, but um... if they're advertising a teleport service, then aren't they offering this deal: my time for your gil. It takes no more time to teleport from Windy, Sandy, or Bastok to any telepoint than it does to teleport from Jeuno.

The person paying for the teleport is paying ONLY for that. They are not responsible to pay the WHM's time waiting on an airship to go back to Jeuno. As I said before, it was the WHM's decision to be in the starter town providing this service, it was their choice to reset home point. Their choices should not effect negatively on others.

EDIT: After reading Sleekmotorwurkz's post, I realized that maybe you meant they left their HP in Jeuno the whole time and I overlooked this because it is completely ridiculous. The MOST amount of time that the WHM would have to wait on airship would be 22 minutes, if they're very very unlucky. If they just missed the airship in Jeuno on the way to a starter town, they would have an 11 minute wait to get to town. During this time, they would set their home point to this town, do their teleporting service for however long, then take an airship back to Jeuno (-200 gil from Jeuno, -200 gil back to Jeuno, +500 gil by doing the quest = total +100 gil profit by taking the airship to the town [just once, mind you]) and reset their home point back in Jeuno. To me, this does not seem like an inconvience at all!

Edited, Fri Mar 4 16:10:12 2005 by Pax
#13 Mar 04 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
470 posts
Ok now that you have said that let me reiterate the points I think I was misundersood on. If you would like to argue that getting 2.5k for a 5 person tele is harder than going out and farming for it I will argue you are wrong all day. While is isnt hard for me to make 2.5k farming it takes longer than casting (Teleport-Dem) then (Warp). Also it is a lot harder for those people who dont have a 61THF. The lower the lvl the more possiblility you might have an accidental death while farming. When is the last time you died doing a teleport? Point blank there is no comparison of the ease of doing teleports compared to farming.

I also want to re-state that you never HAVE to do teleports... It is complete BS that a whm would teleport for 500 (even 800)g from the starting towns, warp to jeuno, then take the airship back. It just isnt gonna happen. I will bet you any amount of money if you started your teleport service in sandy and started boosting the price you would have your hp set in sandy. So what is the excuse then? You are saying prices should be higher because it is inconvienant if you have your hp in Jeuno. Are you honestly going to keep your hp in jeuno, airship to sandy, offer your tele service at boosted prices, tele, warp, then airship back to repeat the whole process? No way. Anyone who is doing teleports from a starting town either has their hp there or is planning on leaving. Thats all there is to it. Like I said before if you want to raise prices do it, but dont try to make bs excuses why you are doing it.
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