Last night, I had to spend some time in Sandy doing some crafting. While I was there I heard quite a few shouts for people needing teleports (all me mostly coming from just a few people). I thought to myself I usually do hear quite a few shouts for teleports when I am in one of the three major cities.
So, why is it rare for someone to offer a taxi serivce in Sandy, Bastok, or Windy when there is little competition? Simple. Because you will not make near as much gil as you would in Jueno. I have been doing teleports for a really long time. (I remember being the only teleporter in Jueno for hours and hours. This was even before the days of Bokeli and friends.) I have tried, as I am sure others also have, to offer the service in a non-Jueno city. It doesn't matter how many people are doing ports in Jueno, the money is never as good anywhere else. And on top of that, to do a teleport, you have to reset your homepoint to be somewhere besides Jueno! No matter how many shouts you hear, you'll find as soon as you port those 4 or 5 players, business dies down quickly.
However, players need ports from these towns just as bad as the players in Jueno. Therefore, I decided we should have some tradeoff to have the same service we get in Jueno in all the major cities. Players should expect to pay more for teleports in these towns. That's my honest opinion.
So, I tried this out last night. I started my shouts. "Teleport-Dem, Holla, Mea 1000 gil, Altep, Yhoat, 2000 gil". I did get business. Not nearly as fast as in Jeuno though. I was surprised someone didn't come around to compete with me offering the standard 500 price, but they didn't. (I would have let them take over if they had).
I also did get a few very angry tells. Telling me I am selfish and I am a reason why the server has gil issues. "It's free for you, you should not charge more than 500 for any port!!" I took offense to this because even at 1000 gil a pop, there were still much better ways I could spend my time to make money.
So what does everyone here think? Should we be willing to pay more for a teleport when we are visiting a town outside of Jeuno, to insure the service will be there?