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What is the point?Follow

#1 Mar 04 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
218 posts
"We are the all singing, all dancing, crap of this world...." - Fight Club

I just dinged 58whm last night, so I don't call that job a high lvl in the least bit. However, the higher I climb the more I get caught up in the stress, drama, and pressures that come along with the lvl. I was pressuring myself into scrambling to find help with my AF, pinching my pennies to save for my Vermillion Cloak, Healingstaff, Serket ring or whatever. During XP sessions, I find myself, and others, stressing over whether the PLD is holding hate, whether the BLM is over nuking, if I am being refreshed properly, XP/hr, etc. BCNM's, I find myself, and others, arguing about how loot will be split, arguing over who was at fault if things went wrong, and so on.

"Why doesn't that whm have erase?"
"Ok, that's a bad PLD, he's wearing Evasion gear."
"Sorry Mr. BLM, you don't have a Darkstaff, have to boot you from the pt."
"Why is the War/nin using a G. Sword?"

...and then it hit me. Not but even an hour ago, while sitting here at work, I was reading the post over the Raise II price hike and only one thought kept entering my head....


Why do we push ourselves so hard over a game? Why jump down down someone's throat if they dont' have the best gear, can't hold hate the absolute best, or xp doesn't flow as fast as you want it to? What is the point? Most people come to Vanadiel to escape the pressures and hassles of the RL. Why stress if someone doesn't have the best gear, or someone that might be a great player made a mistake?

You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your F^^^^^g khakis." - Fight Club

Please take time to think about those days when you first started playing. You didn't really care much about the other person wearing the best stuff, you didn't care much about the WHM having ALL the spells in his list, you didn't even care if there was a little bit more downtime than usual. You were still in awe with the game and the pure excitement of it.

Take time to explore Vanadiel, it has many BEAUTIFUL places that 75% of it's population has not seen. Understand that if a person doesn't have all the best gear, he/she is not any worse of a player that has their complete AF yet.


This is just my two cents. Take it or leave it. Rate me up or down, it's just a game. Too many people take it way too seriously. Like I said before, I'm a newly 58 whm. I have a reputation of playing somewhat carelessly. I am known to steal hate from some of the best of pld's, known to have tanked in a pt before, and go suicidal just so I can clear out an area so people can raise.

Someone asked my once why I flirted with death so much, they asked me if I had I death wish. I simply responded, "Not a death wish, I just wish to live."
#2 Mar 04 2005 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
"Why do we push ourselves so hard over a game? Why jump down down someone's throat if they dont' have the best gear, can't hold hate the absolute best, or xp doesn't flow as fast as you want it to? What is the point? Most people come to Vanadiel to escape the pressures and hassles of the RL. Why stress if someone doesn't have the best gear, or someone that might be a great player made a mistake? "

I play to reach my goals. And when another player's stupidity interupts my reaching of my goals, I don't like that, and by extension: them. It's really that simple.
#3 Mar 04 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
218 posts
Yea... I respect how you feel. For me... I can deal with stupidity to a point, be a bit more tolerant with it. What erks me though are those people in game, and out of game, that are arrogant and non-understanding.....
#4 Mar 04 2005 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
Performance maybe?


Edited, Fri Mar 4 13:36:46 2005 by Roukii
#5 Mar 04 2005 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
I do agree to some point Darkgoddess. For example, the idea that my having a Genin Earring (AGI+4) as opposed to a Drone Earring (AGI+3) or a Jagd Gorget (RNG ACC+5, RNG ATK+6) as opposed to my Ranger Necklace (RNG ACC+5, RNG ATK+5) somehow makes or breaks a PTs effectiveness is ridiculous. I have a Genin only because I won one in BCNM. I haven't shelled out 700K (last I looked) for a Jagd Gorget because I just don't see the benefit being worth the cost. Arlenis posted a while ago about the continued drive for "uber-gear" and the whole thing can be rather pointless.

However, I have to admit I get frustrated that people get to middle levels and still don't know how to PLAY their job. Continuing on the RNG example (because that's what I know) I don't expect a RNG to be carrying 20M in gear at lvl 50. I DO expect them to know what a hate line is, how to find it, and how not to keep crossing it so the tank can hold hate. The difference here really CAN mean PT success or failure. It amazes me when I PT how many people have great gear but really DON'T SEEM TO KNOW HOW TO PLAY.

Anyway, I hear your frustration. We could all do with a little lightening up and having fun. ^.^ It's good to keep things in perspective, and imho, knowing HOW to play your job is infinitely more important and vital to a party having fun and success than Dark Staves, E-Bows, and all that jazz.

Peace ^.^

#6 Mar 04 2005 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
218 posts
I'm not the most eloquent writer, so I apologize for a bit of misunderstanding.

I do believe that people in their mid lvl's should at least know how to play their job. However, more strongly now, I think we shouldn't berate them, boot them from the pt or just don't do your job because of their lack of preformance. More, help them out... bounce ideas off them and see if it helps, at least be understanding of it.

I've had the "pleasure" of being with some horrible WHM's while lvling my various other jobs. When I did encounter one though... I just ran an idea or two past them to see if they thought it might work better.... even if I know it will. Usually the idea sticks, and it helps them improve their skills. I don't go spouting off that my WHM is 30-40 lvl's higher than theirs, or start flaming them, 'cause honestly... that usually never helps.

I was more referring to someone's preferred play style, or their gear (or lack of). These two things are not a great reason to get upset or frustrated about.
#7 Mar 04 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
258 posts
I normaly don't get too angry about people not doing whate they do right. But it does annoy me to a degree when I see a RDM using a crossbow.

The reason I am guessing it is not liked for people to play badly, is because even if it is a game, I am putting my time into it. I level hard to reach that extra level, and if I am going to have trouble reaching it because I died because someone went AFK, then I get angry.

I normally don't fret about people who don't have the best equip. But I do expect to see at least something to show that they care and that they have put at least an effort in being the best that they can be.
#8 Mar 04 2005 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good
251 posts
I never expect anyone to have the best of the best equipment. I know I don't have it, and it really is unrealistic to expect people to do so much. There is a sort of "minimum requirement for functionality" though. Just a bare minimum basic that people need in order to just perform their job, ya know? If say, we're going on a god run and our PLD shows up completely naked with an onion sword, odds are that's not going to fly. Yes, this is an extreme exaggeration and Genbu would have his way with the dork and toss him aside, violated beyond all reason.

The thing about online games is that your performance reflects immediately on those around you. This is the only reason that equipment or whatever has any weight at all. If this game were purely soloable, the only reason to have the best of the best equipment would be to make your own linear story go faster and to impress others and strut around and whatnot.

I can never figure out a good way to end internet forum postings, I feel like I always leave off somewhere in the middle of what could have been a good point. So basically:
1. Bare minimum = Bad
A. Because it effects other players
B. Because it effects your own ability and limits you
C. Because it reflects poorly on your "1337" playing skills, or whatever
#9 Mar 05 2005 at 12:28 AM Rating: Good
Hello Everyone,
I am now a War54 / Nin27 and I am in the same situation as most wars. I will need to buy a Haub in the near future. Only problem is that the price of Haub is about 5 milllion. I am refusing to farm/spend that much money on this item. I don't think you can really ridicule me for not buying it cause 5 million is a lot of money. I am not paying a monthly fee to farm for 3 months.

People that tell you that you shouldn't even play unless you get this item get me so angry that I just want to quit the game. This game has lost what it was orginally intended to be. A fun time... It was not made to see who can collect the most gil, or spend the most. This game has become a Economics 101 class. I don't understand how ppl get angry if you don't have the "Best of the Best" gear.

Now, let what I am saying here sink in before you Flame the hell out of me...

The worst thing is that all this negative attitude towards all this is just ppl that are on a band wagon. I know I will probably get rated down for saying that, but it is true. Its like most ppl out there have lost their ability to think for themselves. You are probably wondering why I would say this because it doesn't sound like much sense. Well... Before everyone had this Super Gear, ppl had to use normal gear. I am talking about the ppl that got to 75 before all this nonsense about having to have this and that started. Not having the best gear actually caused them to think about what they were doing so they didn't die. A.K.A. Know their job and the members of their pt's jobs. Just because everyone says you have to have this body gear to play past this level doesn't mean you have to.

Now I am not saying to go out there with Equipment that is just completly wrong, like what Pax said. Think about things for yourself ppl. Sit back and think.. like with my situation. 5million for a body armor piece. Come ON!!. Doesn't that seem a little STUPID to you.. If you happen to get to the higher levels with a job and you kill some stuff that drops some good items/money, then if you want to spoil yourself.. By all means do.. I would. But For ppl to expect you to get certain items by certain levels is nonsense.

--> Insert Rate down here Cause I know its coming =( <--
#10 Mar 05 2005 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
Just READING that post makes me stressed out, now that f'd up.
#11 Mar 05 2005 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
811 posts
After I typed this, I realized at some points I went WAY off topic and would like to apologize ahead of time.

I honestly think alot of people that demand people have these extremely costly items are gil buyers. Yes I know, there are people out there that actually earn items the hard way, or get lucky, or whatever else.

However, I've started identifying people that have alot of this "uber" equipment as I see how they act when I EXP with them.

First, You have your typical "I have all this million dollar gear, therefor I know more then you and there is no reason you shouldn't have it either" type of person.

Why do I think this person is a gil buyer?

I believe a mojority of these people are gil buyers because they do not appreciate the fact of how long these items take to get. Anyone that spends 1+ months farming for one item, or spends the time and effort to get a crafting level to a high level will know how difficult it is, and know why a large chuck of the population do not have these items.

Next person I have noticed wears all the same million dollar gear, however, they realize how much time and hard work went into obtaining these items, and do not hold it over peoples heads. These people do expect a certain minimum, which, we all do at some point. Yea, it is possible this person bought gil too, but at least they are playing the game with respect that not every has the time or real life money to be uber fantastic super number 1!

The last person I've noticed are the averagely equiped players. I love exp parties with this type of group the majority of the time. The party usually lasts a LONG time, there is no tension among players, people show respect for others(and that is EXTREMELY hard to come by in this game), and if you accidentally do something stupid, you don't have that little ghost haunting you thinking that the party leader is searching for a replacement.

Example of an instance like that that I caused: Was in a party in Bibiki, I for some reason I cannot remember had a catablepous or whatever those are targeted. Our puller pulls I cast bio on the wrong target. Party is killed. I apologized and could not believe I did that, however, the party knows that everyone does something stupid now and then, and it cannot be stopped. They had no doubt that we would get all the exp back, and alot more.

The problem is that so many jobs have been flamed that we allow these "elite" show offs ruin the game for us, because not to accept an invite could ***** you horrible. More people need to keep a list of people they enjoyed partying with. Try to look for them first while creating a party. Eventually, you will know enough people in your level range that you can reject these **** and have fun in the game.

Notes for the flamers:

1. I already stated as I am sure alot wont read that I DO REALIZE PEOPLE OBTAIN EXPENSIVE ITEMS LEGITLY.

2. No one job in this game is any better then any other. It depends on what jobs have already been invited, type of mob, and possibly type of magic burst that needs to be done. There is no job out there that does not have a proper and equal counterpart. Do your research, it's there.

3. Why flame jobs? For every RNG there is a better THF. For every DRK, there is a better DRG. For every SAM there is a better MNK. For every PLD or NIN there is a better WAR. Yes this is true. Once again, do your research.

4. In regards to #3 dealing with the SAM. I know about meditate. I know they are TP gods. I say this because 90% of parties have 1 skillchain. I'd rather get the SAM for parties that do two skillchains a fight, and a MNK for the single skillchain parties.

5. Also in regards to #3. I didn't list mages. I know. Matter of the fact is, even though WHM, RDM or BRD, BLM is the typical line up, it doesn't need to be. It's really hard to say any one of these jobs is any better at something then the other. They all lead in one form of magic, can make do with another, and completely suck at a third.

WHM - Master healer, can enfeeble half way decent, nukes for ****. Holy is ok, but seriously, at level 50, rdm and blm can out do it easily.

RDM - Master enfeebler, gets by rather well with healing, nukes are decent. draw back with a rdm as a main healer is the -ra spells. casting protect IV on 6 people is a bad drain on MP in the middle of a chain.

BLM - Master nuker, enfeebles are decent, and here is a little secret....I hate to let this one out because most BLM's refuse to do this.....at high levels, we rock at back up healing. I'm sorry, but a BLM with a light staff and curaga II can really help out a WHM when you deal with alot of nasty AoE's, like in Bibiki.

BRD - Sorry to all the BRDs out there, but there are so few at higher levels, I don't know much about you. I know that BRD's are the basic equivlant to RDM. Basic was the key word. I know there is more to it like attack, accuracy, and other stat up bonus songs. However, as I learned the other day, RDM/BRD worked better then anything I've ever seen.

SMN - Again, I know little about this beyond WHM's love the MP boost and the AoE party buffs it brings. I've never partied with a SMN that wasn't acting as main healer. I know theres more use to SMN then that, just never hve had the pleasure to witness it.

And the last thing I am gonna type on all this. I think it is absolutly HILARIOUS when a decked out RNG that is being a complete *** goes to show off and misses a wild rabbit.
#12 Mar 05 2005 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
654 posts
Yes, it's a game. Yes, people play to have fun. It's just that... 'game' and 'fun' are pretty vague words, and their definitions really vary according to the individual.

I have friends who are very interested in gear, statistics and overall game mechanics. I don't think they're wrong, because to them, that's what the fun is. One of my good friends who used to play FFXI could sometimes go on about these details, and strived to get the best equipment out there. That's just him, though, he likes the challenge, he likes to try to be the best he can. In fact, I quite admire him for it.

Then there are friends who are pretty much happy with what they can get, a little lost about statistics and unfamiliar with certain game mechanics... because that's not what this game means to them. Alot of my friends are like this, they play for the sake of playing with friends, have a few laughs. That's just them though, they like the relaxation, while doing what they can. Even if it means dying, it won't matter to them, and yes, I admire that too.

There will always be both types of people. There will be people in the middle. The variety is what makes things interesting, I feel. Personally? I think I lean towards the latter, but am sitting on the fence. *shrugs* I do alot of things my own way, at least I think so. o.O;

To summarize? -- Have fun, and don't worry about it.
#13 Mar 05 2005 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
Gaming is a hobby and with most other hobbies you work at it to get better and show some people you have skill. While Im not agreeing to you or disagreeing to you I believe what a character lacks in equip he should make up in skill. But I also believe you should at least try to make the game easier for other people buy buying a basic equip for your level. I mean it's not like your gonna enter an art contest with a box of crayons
#14 Mar 05 2005 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
No matter how you look at it, people are going to keep going on about gear.

You know why?

Because we're people. In RL you're judged from a distance on what you look like to what you're wearing. It’s never going to stop, no matter how much you hate it.

Just like in FFXI. People would rather have a WHM with the best gear to one without. Why? Because they’re judging how it’ll effect them.

The person with better gear is probably going to brag about it or tell the other person with worse gear, what a loser they are. And you can’t really change that either, I suppose. But, the way I look at it, is. . .the people that always have the best gear, all the spells, worry all the time about being on top and the best.

I’d much rather enjoy the game for what it is, and not try to add in more stressful elements than needed.

I DO think, though, if a 70+ WHM or BLM didn’t have a Dark Staff, I wouldn’t invite them. There are something’s needed to perform a job properly, but I don’t think you need to spend millions of dollars on a Healing Staff or Vermillion Cloak.

And the prices are ridiculous to begin with, OUR clothes in RL isn’t millions of dollars. XD (Thank god. . .)

I didn’t read all the above posts, sorry if I repeated something anyone said. ^^;
#15 Mar 05 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
I'll use myself as an example...

I use to play DRG62(quit/limbo) I had the best gear I could have. I honestly would check other DRGs and be disgusted if they had crap for gear, because it affects other DRGs too. First off DRGs arent among the most liked of any job. Second being that everybody thinks of the back that DRGs are all under-equipped. I still barely got invites. To this day people tell me that I was one of if not the best DRG they've partied with and that I should go back. I worked hard for my gear and all I got in return for it was nothing but stress cause I couldnt level like I wanted. Although unlike most DRGs I never waited more than 2-3hrs for a party whether I put it together or got an invite. Still when I see DRGs 65+ with Tiger jerkin instead of Feral it kinda disgusts me, but I dont worry about it cause I know that everybody does what they can.

I am one of the 25% that have explored most all areas if only just to see what kind of mobs are out there or to go see something I haven't before. So I do appreciate that aspect of the game its a beautiful world you just have to see it.

I expressed this with my LS on our own forums, but no matter how you feel about this "game" unfortunately this is no longer just a "game". I personally have 104days, 16hrs, 52mins at this moment logged without bazaaring. I have 2 level 60+ jobs, over a couple mil in equip, almost hero fame in windy, hero in sandy, among other accomplishments missions, PMs, etc. At some point you have to be real to yourself and understand that after you've spent so much time playing it has basically became another life. I work a full time job go, go out at nite enjoy real life and all that, but when I'm home I'm more than likely logged in. Don't take it too serious or you'll just burn out. I've quit 2 times both time for about a month, taken breaks for a week or two, and even lessened my play time. In the end its more than just a "game".

I have met many people here as most of you have I consider some of them to be friends as if we met in real life. Why, because I dont just play all the time sometimes during downtime I have had personal conversations with people. As far as where their from what they do stuff like that among other stuff never anything sexual(cyber), which I cant understand but it does happen from what I hear.

I know I might have swayed from the original topic a little and my god my writting structure isn't the greatest, but then again this isn't english class and I'm not gettin paid nor am I being graded hehe. Well nonetheless I thank you for your time and ask not to be critized too much. Enjoy!

btw I'm a BLM61 for the moment 70 coming soon. Not the greatest gear but definitly not the worst or "bare" minimum.
#16 Mar 06 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
2,638 posts
BRDs- We are in a way RDMs, except on a few major points, we are masters of all the magic types, except our skill comes at a price, no base MP, no magic, everything we do is through a scroll, we are a bit more versatile in our buffs list (as for debuffs, we are the only ones to get Threnody types)

We have our Dia (Requiem) we have slow ( Elegy), but we have att and acc+ and r acc+ songs, which dont really exist.

But we have our downfall, limited to 2 songs per PT member (unless youre not using an instrument, why? I dont know) we need to plan ahead and tweak our way through the PT members for maximum buffs, while RDMs get more single target buffs which allows to add better more desired effects on a target.

I had some MNK wanted to have March (melee haste) cast on them, but with the MNK along with the THF (who really doesnt need haste) and the RNG (who again could care less about melee haste) I really cant do it unless I March the 3 of them, use Madrigal for acc (or Minuet), slap a prelude on the RNG and use Dextrous Etude on the THF, I did it, and it wasnt fun, if I hasted the Nin that meant I had to recast Quick Etude.

RDM/BRD (past 50) is truly a support specialist, but they lose some int by not subbing BLM and Curaga and DS by not subbing WHM. They make extreme refresh whores (sorry for the term) And can buff up a bit extra with a song (which can never hurt) Its a choice, but dont put a RDM/BRD and a BRD/WHM together (well in the little period 50-55) Because the BRD has Ballad and so does the RDM, making the BRD a bit more useless, but the BRD will have better ACC+ and ATT+ songs, so the RDM wont be using those, and why not let the BRD cast ballad? He has it, and hes gonna cast it , although the RDM may use it earlier.

And post 55, with BRD having Ballad1 and Ballad2, well why would a RDM sub BRD? (with a BRD around) The extra int and BLM spells (Escape soon) and some nifty WHM spells. BRDs outdo RDM in the party buffs hands down, except we have less ways to do it, but we have more modifiers we can apply, our Finale is just as good as Dispel, but Dispel is still better (shorter recast time).

2 jobs, 2 styles, just never ask a BRD to main heal, or we cut you good with our paper knife! (unless were main healing in a MB PT, but thats a very different case, or in a Gilburning PT)
#17 Mar 06 2005 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
First thing I have to say is DO NOT PARTY with those people. if you have up to date equipment you can do your job. If they dont like what you have and want you to leave then you should leave becuase they are stupid. These people crack me up. they are the same people that wont HP in Valkurm dunes even if thier HP is there cuase they are just plain stupid.

I personly think everyone has it wrong to me its not Skill>gear>race. Its Brains>skill>gear>race.

And the "Perfect Party Setup" is bull. The best partys I ever have are almost always the ones that by looking at them you would think would just not work. I put together a party of 4thfs a war and a whm in valkurm around lvl10 that just wasted evertthing in sight. none of us had uber gear (at that point about the only super gear would be Leaping boots but thats not the point) We had fun and got more exp then any of the other partys there could even think of.

I have had partys like this from lvls 1-40 and I have dont alot jobs thru that range. I went thru lvls 10-14 in bub penn as pld with a war that had just started playin FFXI and a drg. I was main healer (and I was galka)

What makes me mad is someone that buys gil for any reason. they help ruin the game. Next on my list of things to **** me off is PLers. people need to stop giving out PLs like they are candy. this turns would be skilled into stupid.

I played galka mnk/thf all the way to lvl30 all the time being told it was a stupid combo and everything else. Well I could outdmg ever person I played with other then blms and rngs.

I equiped my galka pld the way I felt was rigth not what everyone told me was right. I could hold hate over just about anything but beni and lost hate once to a ranger that used to many abilitys way to fast. ( to his credit he did more dmg in 5secs then I have ever seen anyone do in an exp party 10 lvls higher then that)

So what i am getting at is ignore everyone that ruins your good time. This game is fun if you play with people thatliek to do what you do. Dont let yourself think you have to have any item to function and never look down on someone that at least has respectable equipment.
#18 Mar 06 2005 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
901 posts
I used to stress myself over the first time I saved up to get sniper rings. Then I found some weed and it was all good
Watusa of Lakshmi

svlyons wrote:
Same sorta thing with Watusa. I saw him fishing on the ferry one time. It felt like a hollywood celebrity sighting.
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