i havent been playing for over a year now, was just sick and tired of not finding an appropriate ls to do event together. I'm the mean type of player, i dont like to socialize too much, it always ends up in drama and I dont give a dam about arff got lost in my own thoughts, anyway when i dont agree i dont follow. and if you only want to do your stuff , dont invite me to your ls.
meawhile, I'll try to form a shell with a bunch of canadian englsih or french speak, i can do both. i could take europeans too but not spanish( sorry cant stand other language in the shell, specially spanish, not sure why lol they just **** me off).
was thinking to form a website or just an account on facebook for the linkshell so we know everyone and also maybe even paid that fee to change server so that we all go on the same server.
one last think , i wont bother to translate in french even if its my first language and if youre a queb and cant speak english ben demande moi de tout te traduire et ca me fera un plaisir.
ill just copy paste this message on all server forum......