Gamescom Recap: August 7, 2015

Gamescom Day 3 is wrapping up, and while the bulk of reveals and teasers were consigned to the previous two days, there were still some new images and videos dished out today. Check out the latest from Cities: Skylines, Dungeons 2, Final Fantasy XV, Hearts of Iron IV, and Stellaris!

Friday Update Arcade: Episode 22

Lindsay "geektr0n" Ferguson hosts ZAM's latest installment of Friday Update Arcade! Topics discussed include Uncharted 4's delay, ZAM's PAX East coverage, the launch of Cities Skylines and more.

Film Friday: Six New Trailers

Aren't Fridays the best? We think so. Here's six reasons why!

Two New Games Revealed

Amid the frenzy of Gamescom and SOE Live, it was inevitable a few games would slip by. To remedy that, here are two revealed games we haven't mentioned yet: Life is Strange and Cities: Skylines!