PlayStation 4: Update 2.0 Coming Tuesday

Tomorrow brings Update 2.0: Masamine for the PlayStation 4. The update promises new "forward-looking" features, addresses popular fan requests and will bring some enhancements to your PS4 experience. Highlights include:

Friday Update Arcade: Episode 5

Lindsay "geektr0n" Ferguson hosts ZAM's latest installment of Friday Update Arcade! Topics discussed are:

PlayStation Plus October Game Collection

October's additions to the PlayStation Plus Collection will release next Tuesday, October 7th, with a fresh batch of free PlayStation Plus games! The collection features several games for the PS4, PS3 and PS Vita — including two PS4 debut titles (Dust: An Elysian Tale and Spelunky) and DriveClub PS+ Edition, which accompanies the game's full launch.

Shu Coming to PlayStation Consoles in 2015

The 2D side-scrolling platformer, Shu, will launch on the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PS Vita by the middle of 2015. The game, jointly developed by Coatsink and Secret Lunch, was originally intended to only be available on the PC but later expanded its efforts to include the PlayStation family of consoles as well.

Free Multiplayer Access This Weekend on PS4

Some games are simply better with friends. That's why this weekend all PlayStation 4 owners can use the multiplayer feature, normally reserved for PlayStation Plus membership, for free. Multiplayer access will be available to all from 12:01am PT on Friday, September 26th through 11:59pm PT on Sunday, September 28th.

PlayStation TV: Launch Day Titles Detailed

The PlayStation TV launch is quickly approaching and more details have been released on the available day one games. Owners will be able to access nearly 700 titles such as:

  • Rayman Origins
  • Persona 4 Golden
  • God of War Collection
  • Killzone: Mercenary
  • Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
  • Dragon's Crown
  • Spelunky
  • Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Patapon
  • Twisted Metal
  • Borderlands 2
  • Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom

The Ethics of Mouse & Keyboard on Consoles

By midnight tonight, a legion of fans will finally descend on the world of Destiny. Most will be playing with a controller. A small percent will use a mouse and keyboard.

One of 2014's best games isn't coming PC. As such, PC gamers are finding a way to get their fix. With a peripheral costing $60 to $120, their input-of-choice is ready to go. Do a mouse and keyboard (M&KB) have an inherent advantage over controllers? Is it a problem? Let's ask a few questions and find out.

PlayStation Plus September Game Collection

September is charging in this coming Monday and with it is a fresh batch of free PlayStation Plus games! The collection features several games for the PS4, PS3 and PS Vita — two of which are launch-day titles (Velocity 2X and Joe Danger).

Gamescom 2014: Coverage Recap

It's no fun feeling like you missed out on something, right? Make sure you caught everything you wanted to see from Gamescom this year!

Gamescom 2014: PlayStation Main Event (Live!)

Welcome back to Gamescom 2014!

Gamescom's second live event (2 of 3) is from PlayStation. We'll be covering it live, keeping this page fresh. Open the stream and keep refreshing this page!

When: 1:00PM Eastern / 10:00AM Pacific — Watch on Twitch.tv!
All Events: Xbox, PlayStation, EA