SOE Welcome Reception: New Games and Features!

While PlanetSide 2 stole the second half of the Welcome Reception keynote last night, the first half was dedicated to new games, new features, and new partnerships. We'll hit up the EverQuest titles and DCUO in another article: here's everything else!

Runes of Magic Unveils New Continent

Runes of Magic is launching into its newest patch, Chrysalia's Shadow. This volume of content is normally the kind of thing reserved for expansions - a new continent, a raised level cap, and a new instance

Walking you through the upcoming content is the RoM Community Managers Sabine "Laghmara" and Lee "Heijoshin", above, with their show RoMCast! The content's already live so feel free to jump in as soon as you wish.

Julian "Mirai" Williams

Runes of Magic Chapter V Q&A

In July we had the chance to get ask some questions of Mandy Blumenthal, Producer of Runes of Magic, specifically about Chapter V: Fires of Shadowforge. Read on after the break for the details!

Patch 4.05 launches for Runes of Magic

Patch 4.05 has arrived in all its glory for Runes of Magic. With it comes the mystical Tomb of the Seven Heroes and Tergothen Bay. As well, there's an entirely new zone (the aforementioned bay), a raised level cap, new quests, phirius tokens and recipes.

Maybe some of you can get off your turkey-stuffed behinds to get to checking out RoM's new expansion! Or not. That's fine.

'Magic Hub' Brings Social Media to Runes of Magic

Frogster announced today that it has teamed up with Overwolf to add a new feature to Runes of Magic that lets players use various social media applications within the game. Here's what you can do with the Magic Hub:

"Magic Hub allows you to multitask in Runes of Magic without having to leave the game. You have access to the official forum, Support, YouTube, Facebook, Skype and many other programs. You can also capture video and screenshots, which can be uploaded to YouTube or Facebook with just one click so you can show your friends which monster you’ve just killed, or which rare item you’ve just added to your collection."

The Magic Hub is now live in the European version of Runes of Magic. The feature is discussed in the latest EU RoMCast episode, which you can watch below. Skip to the 7-minute mark to see the Magic Hub in action.

Wargaming.net Sponsors European Games Award

Wargaming.net, the developer behind World of Tanks and the upcoming World of Warplanes, has announced that it is the official headline sponsor of this year’s European Games Award. The EGA is the first award exclusively for European video and computer game developers, which lets professionals and gamers from all over Europe participate in the voting for the best games.

Want to know which games are up for awards this year? Head over to the EGA categories page for the full list. Here are the titles that are in the running for best online game:

  • Wakfu
  • Stronghold Kingdoms
  • EVE Online: Incursion
  • Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword
  • Magicka
  • Minecraft Beta
  • Black Prophecy
  • Runes of Magic
  • World of Tanks

The European Games Award ceremony will be held on August 13 on the event ship Pure Liner 1, moored on the Rhine river in Cologne.

CM Destin Bids Farewell in RoM Nation Ep. 5

Frogster recently released the latest episode RoM Nation, and Junior Community Manager Destin announces that it will be his final time hosting the Runes of Magic show. He clarifies in a forum thread that he is leaving Frogster this week and will be moving on to a new job.

A new host will be taking over the RoM Nation duties in the next episode. Until then, watch Destin's farewell podcast below.

Runes of Magic Chapter IV Launches

Today marks the launch of Chapter IV: Lands of Despair in Runes of Magic, and it adds a ton of content to the free-to-play fantasy MMO. Here's the rundown:

  • Level Cap Raised to 67.
  • Selection of New Third Class: Once your character has reached level 20 with both primary and secondary classes, you'll gain access to a third class.
  • Two New Zones for Third Class Development: Explore the Coast of Opportunity (levels 1-42) and Xaviera (levels 43-50) with your new third class.
  • Two New High-Level Zones: Find out the dark secret of the Land of Malevolence (levels 63-65) and be wary of the war between the Dwarves and Rhinos in the Redhill Mountains (levels 66-67).
  • Two New Instances: Grafu Castle is a new level 65 instance in the Land of Malevolence, while Sardo Castle in Redhill Mountains is for players who hit the level 67 cap.
  • New Public Encounter: Players will have to defeat wave after wave of the undead in the Land of Malevolence.
  • World Battlefields: Enter the portal in Silverspring or at Dust Devil Canyon and stand beside your comrades-in-arms.

For more details on Chapter IV, check out the patch notes.

RoM Nation Episode 2: Sales, Winners, and More!

The latest Runes of Magic webcast, RoM Nation, has just released its second episode! This week the team announced the winners of the postcard contest from last week, answered some questions from the community and talked about all the sales that fans are going to want to be ready for!

Check out the latest episode:

Runes of Magic Chapter IV Coming June 16

Mark your calendars! Runes of Magic Chapter IV: Lands of Despair now has a release date, and it's June 16. The citizens of Taborea are being turned into mindless zombies, and players will have to defeat Lord Grafu and his daughter, the Puppet Master Annelia,to uncover the dark secrets.

Chapter IV will introduce four new zones to Runes of Magic, as well as two new instances and the multi-class system.