Formerly Hardcore #8: Hellfire Citadel Preview

Hello and welcome to the 8th edition of Formerly Hardcore, ZAMs column for Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft. For this column, we’re going to take a look at last week’s preview of Hellfire Citadel from the official WoW site. Patch 6.2 will be taking us back to Tanaan Jungle where we’ll be not only invading the stronghold of the Iron Horde, but we’ll be doing so against their newly fel-empowered legions of soldiers.

Wowhead Weekly Episode 38

Join Panser and Perculia for Wowhead Weekly: Episode 38! This week the ladies discuss 6.2 updates, Heroes of the Storm Rewards, World of Warcraft being inducted into the Video Game Hall of Fame, and more.

The Future of ZAM Network

Hello Wowhead, TF2 Outpost, ZAM.com, DestinyDB and LolKing users! Today, we’d like to make an announcement regarding the future of ZAM Network, as many of you may have noticed some recent changes occurring with our staff.

In the next few months, ZAM is going to be setting up shop in the Los Angeles area to be closer to the companies that we care so passionately about. While not everyone on the ZAM team will be able to move to the new offices, the potential new and expanded focus made moving to a new headquarters a top priority. Being within driving distance from Blizzard, Activision, Riot, and many others will allow us to give you unprecedented new insight into your favorite games so we can continue to increase the quality and depth of our coverage. We also hope to expand our content as well, especially with the incredible access to video, art, and editorial talent within the LA region.

While we’re growing the ZAM team to include these new faces, you shouldn’t be worried about any loss of service with the current sites. Wowhead, LolKing, TF2 Outpost, DestinyDB and our other top-tier sites will continue to operate as normal and will only improve throughout the year.

Over the last 15 years, we’ve devoted all of our energy into making this network the best place to get information for the biggest online games. The next step in ZAM’s growth is coming, and we hope you’re excited.

Wowhead Weekly Episode 37

Join Panser and Perculia for Wowhead Weekly: Episode 37! This week the ladies discuss reputations, currencies, the Warcraft movie, and more.

Friday Update Arcade: The Finale

Lindsay "Geektron" Ferguson hosts ZAM's final installment of Friday Update Arcade. Topics discussed include the successful launch of Witcher 3, no more flying in World of Warcraft, WildStar's F2P announcement and more.

Formerly Hardcore #7: Itemization and Flight

Hello and welcome to the 7th edition of Formerly Hardcore, ZAMs column on Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft. For this column, we’re going to take a look at a couple of articles that came out last week. The first is a new Dev Watercooler on the main site, focusing on itemization in 6.2. The second is an interview Polygon ran on Friday with lead designer Ion “Watcher” Hazzikostas about Tanaan Jungle, future Warlords of Draenor content and some major news about flying in 6.2 and beyond.

Wowhead Weekly Episode 36

Join Panser and Perculia for Wowhead Weekly: Episode 36! This week the ladies discuss more about patch 6.2, flying in the new zones, the Warcraft movie, and answer some viewer questions.

Wowhead Weekly Episode 35

Join Panser and Perculia for Wowhead Weekly: Episode 35! This week the ladies discuss patch 6.2, bonus events, legendary rings, and more.

Formerly Hardcore #6: Weekend Events in 6.2

Hello and welcome to the 6th edition of Formerly Hardcore, ZAMs column on Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft. For this column, we’re going to take a look at some of the features from the patch 6.2 Public Test Realm. Last time we talked about the new 5-man options coming in 6.2: Mythic and Timewalker. When I was describing Timewalker dungeons, I mentioned that they would be limited to specific extended weekends (Friday through Monday) on a rotation schedule of bonus events where Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King Timewalker dungeons would make up two of the possible seven events.

In addition to all of the discussion about whether or not locking Timewalker behind weekend events was the best way to go about things, there was the question of what those other five weekend events would be. That question was answered last week with the Bonus Events and Adventure Guide on the official site. So what other events will patch 6.2 bring us to entice us into running different content?

Wowhead Weekly Episode 34

Join Panser and Perculia for Wowhead Weekly: Episode 34! This week the ladies discuss the downturn in WoW subscribers, new 6.2 PTR details, loot changes in Hellfire Citadel and more!