Treading grey waters with CoH's Paragon Studios

We took the time to sit down with Paragon Studios to talk about their latest expansion for City of Heroes, titled "Going Rogue." Also, we've got free jetpack codes for you all!

Update: We're working on a solution to the free jetpack codes that were promised to our readers. The response we received was more than we anticipated, so please bear with us as we figure out how to distribute the codes. Thanks for your patience, and I hope we can get you your jetpack codes soon.

Note: Posting for the jetpack codes is now over. Further posts will not enter you as a chance to get a key.

When Paragon Studios and NCsoft announced that they would be releasing a new expansion for City of Heroes (CoH), we were intrigued. When it was revealed that this expansion was called "Going Rogue" and it featured the ability for Superheroes and Villains alike to tread all those morally grey waters between "good" and "evil," we became downright excited. After all, when was the last time you had a character that could change their very morality during the course of the game? Probably never!

Either way, we were so excited about CoH's latest expansion, we decided to reach out to Paragon Studios to have a little chat with Matt Miller, lead systems designer, about this upcoming expansion. They were also kind enough to throw in some free jetpack codes for our readers! So maybe you were a fan of City of Heroes and have since taken a break, or perhaps you've always been that massive CoH enthusiast all your life, so why not go rogue with an awesome jetpack? Just make a post in the comments section of this interview about what part of Going Rogue you're looking forward to most (it can be anything!), and you'll have the chance to get a snazzy Jetpack! Enjoy!

ZAM: Hi there and thanks for answering a few questions we had about City of Heroes' (CoH) latest expansion, Going Rogue!

Matt Miller: No problem, we're all very proud of the work we've done on this expansion.

ZAM: There's been a lot of reference to the new alternate world of Praetoria being introduced. How will you be using Praetoria to tie into the game play of CoH? Will Praetoria perhaps make an appearance in endgame content?

Matt Miller: Praetoria and the Praetorian Guard were actually introduced to our players in Issue One. We took the opportunity in Going Rouge to expand upon the lore and really flesh out the characters and areas of that world. We've still got a ton of stories yet to tell in Praetoria, and yes, some of those stories involve max-level characters.

ZAM: One of the key features of this expansion is for players to be able to test those grey waters between good and evil. In fact, this is where Going Rogue derived its name. What really attracted Paragon Studios to the concept of "going rogue" and switching sides?

Matt Miller: We wanted to do side-switching shortly after City of Villains, but were never really happy with the designs we had for it. Eventually we started talking about a "third faction" of Vigilante, the dark hero, and how that could be used as a go-between of Heroes and Villains. Once we explored the stories we could tell, we realized that Vigilante didn't fit the Villain-to-Hero path, and thus the Rogue was born. The rogue is more of a mercenary, a selfish person who is more about getting ahead than doing evil. With all four alignments in place, we've been able to really explore the shades of gray concept that is so classic to comic book storytelling. Players will really have to think about the decisions they face as the choice is rarely as simple as "good vs. evil." We've been very happy with the system's design ever since that day. Everything just fell into place.

ZAM: Are there any rewards for staying "true" to a specific moral calling? For example, what about Heroes who stoically refuse to dabble in the immoral, or Villains who despise doing anything good? What about players who choose to stay as Rogues or Vigilantes because they feel that this fits best with their character?

Matt Miller: Heroes and Villains who "reinforce" their morality (by going through the steps to switch, but instead choosing to remain their current alignment) will receive a new type of currency we're calling Alignment Merits. These can be redeemed for some of the best loot in the game, a reward for staying true. They will also have access to special bases with some pretty cool features.

Vigilantes and Rogues have a different advantage. They can go into the other side's game world and run newspaper/police scanner missions, as well as team up with the opposite faction and run missions with them. The entirety of both games' geography is open to Vigilantes and Rogues. It's a badge hunter's paradise.

ZAM: Will there be penalties for players who constantly flip flop between those moral distinctions, like spending one week as a hero, then another as a villain, and so on?

Matt Miller: When you switch you permanently lose any Alignment Merits you might have saved up. It's not a play style we actively encourage, but I can think of a couple of characters in comics and movies who switch sides so often that it's impossible to pin them as a hero or a villain at any point in time.

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Free Jetpack Codes
# Aug 26 2010 at 6:49 AM Rating: Excellent
373 posts
Hi all -

We're working on a solution to the free jetpack codes that were promised to our readers. The response we received was more than we anticipated, so please bear with us as we figure out how to distribute the codes. Thanks for your patience, and I hope we can get you your jetpack codes soon.

Edited, Aug 26th 2010 7:51am by Micajah
Free Jetpack Codes
# Sep 29 2010 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
So, it's been over a month since you posted 'we're working on it'- should I just assume that even though, I commented on this story within the first couple hours it was posted, that I won't be getting a code? I would think that you would be able to resolve it by now. Admittedly the article and promise of a code was what led me to your site (I'm sure that was the desired effect). But why would I or any other newcomer feel compelled to remain a member of this site when our first experience here was to be lied to? Not cool.
Free Jetpack Codes
# Aug 29 2010 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
So this mean I may get the jetpack code that you guys lead us to believe I would get ????
My reason for playing City of Heroes
# Aug 22 2010 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
When I heard that you could switch sides with this new expansion, I signed up for a City of Heroes account. I've been playing the game for a few days now and so far, I like what I see.
..i stupidly keep checking this site...
# Aug 19 2010 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
I don't know why i stupidly keep checking this site for this free code for a jet-pack. I do know this I wont trust much of anything I read on this site and other sites it is associated with. I use to value Wow-Head as good source but if this is what we have to expect from this whole network, then I may look elsewhere for honest game news and contest. Its not about the free jet-pack, its about saying you will give one and then don't, that's called integrity and you guys need to learn it.

Also if you dont intend to give a code to everyone who post,dont use this in your subtitle "......Also, we've got free jetpack codes for you all!...."

Edited, Aug 19th 2010 12:01pm by kakotan
the jetpack Debacle
# Aug 17 2010 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
I am starting to think the whole jetpack to everyone that comments is a Hoax to get support for this site from the COH community, im sorry but this is nuts to say you will give ppl stuff and the game is out and they still dont have thier codes from this to use on their new characters in Preatoria.
# Aug 16 2010 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
Still no jetpack.
Going Rogue
# Aug 16 2010 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
The entire expansion is gonna be great. I'm very much looking forward to the new shiny zones, all the new powersets and the new story arcs to play through and enjoy. I want to uncover the story behind Praetoria and make my choices.
i18 an gr are live now
# Aug 16 2010 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
ok where is my jet pack GR an i18 are on the live servers now an still no jet pack code:-(
Going Rogue
# Aug 16 2010 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
Kinetic Melee Stalkers and Scrappers are looking good to me! :-)

New powers/ Allignment switching
# Aug 15 2010 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to the new powersets and the ability to switch my toons alignment.
City of Heroes GR
# Aug 15 2010 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
Yes. I am looking forward to this very much. I always greatly admired the character creator on COH and look forward for many hours of exciting gameplay. I think the future is bright for COH/COV and now GR.
Going Rogue
# Aug 13 2010 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
I can't wait until Going Rogue comes out on Tuesday! I am excited to roll out new toons in Praetoria and explore the new missions and maps. I also look forward to new costumes and powers.
Going Rogue
# Aug 13 2010 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
I can't wait until Going Rogue comes out on Tuesday! I am excited to roll out new toons in Praetoria and explore the new missions and maps. I also look forward to new costumes and powers.

Edited, Aug 13th 2010 11:51pm by GabriellaG
Power sets
# Aug 13 2010 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
I really want new power sets.
Going Rogue
# Aug 13 2010 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
New Content... New Content... NEW CONTENT!!! Can't Wait!!
Going Rogue
# Aug 13 2010 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to dusting off some 50s and using them for more than just TF/SFs.
More bonuses!!
# Aug 13 2010 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
Bring on the bonuses!!! With the gamestop exclusive enhancements and now a free jet pack, it's an all around win win!
Going Rogue
# Aug 13 2010 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
when will the codes be given out as i haven't gotten one yet?
Going Rogue
# Aug 13 2010 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
I'm really looking forward to the new powersets
Jet Pack
# Aug 13 2010 at 3:04 AM Rating: Decent
I've pre-ordered Going Rogue...was excited to try it...the Jet-Pack just makes it better!!
Can't wait!
# Aug 13 2010 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
I'm most looking forward to getting my fortunata over on blueside with the rest of my sg-mates!
Free Jetpack
# Aug 12 2010 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you soo much Zam, good article also!
# Aug 12 2010 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
So excited, cnt wait to make my super good mastermind.
Going Roge!
# Aug 12 2010 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
Waiting to turn my robot MM to a hero. This will be great.
release it soon :)
# Aug 12 2010 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
I like this. I'm actually really excited for the "in between" city.

New Alignments
# Aug 12 2010 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
Which aspect interests me the most? The 2 new alignments, to support more nuanced concepts.
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