April 5th Updates

New Items: Well WeightQueen of SwordsTen of Swords

Updated Items: Pigeon's Blood RubyNamtar BoneSouthern PearlSiren's HairBastore SardineScroll: Reraise IIIWhite Mage TestimonySeashellPamtam KelpBard's TestimonyShall ShellScroll: Swift EtudeScroll: Sage EtudeScroll: Bewitching EtudeScroll: Victory MarchScroll: Valor Minuet IVScroll: Foe Requiem VIScroll: FreezeScroll: Ice SpikesScroll: Blizzard IIIScroll: Blizzard IVCheviot ClothKuftal Coffer KeyWater CrystalBlue RockGreen RockRed RockTranslucent RockBlack RockYellow RockPurple RockWhite RockKindred's SealDark Knight's TestimonyDavoi Coffer KeyMonk's TestimonyRaptor LedelsensRaptor TrousersRaptor HelmRanger's TestimonyMythril CuissesMythril BeastcoinMythril LeggingsMythril GauntletsMythril SalletCuir HighbootsCuir TrousersCuir GlovesCuir BandanaDavoi Chest KeySilver GreavesSilver HoseSilver MittensSilver MailSilver MaskScroll: Absorb-VITScroll: Absorb-AGIGreavesIron MaskSilver BeastcoinChain MittensChain HoseSoil HachimakiSoil GiSoil TekkoSoil SitabakiSoil KyahanStudded BandanaStudded GlovesStudded TrousersStudded BootsLizard HelmLizard GlovesLizard TrousersLizard LedelsensThunder StaffFire CrystalNine of SwordsEight of SwordsSeven of Swords

Updated Quests: Dark Knight AF - Oztroja CofferWhite Mage AF - Nest CofferWhite Mage AF - Garlaige CofferSamurai AF - Quicksand CofferSword of Oath (Paladin AF3)Kazham Airship PassWhence Blows the Wind (Genkai 3)Challenge the Limit (Genkai 1)Climb the Highest Mountain (Genkai 2)Riding on the Clouds (Genkai 4)

New Mobs: MasanNamtarSea HogYarr the PearleyedGigaplasmNanoplasmMacroplasmMicroplasmBaronial BatBaobhan SithGoblin's LeechVanguard PillagerVanguard PredatorVanguard NeckchopperVanguard HawkerVanguard ImpalerVanguard GutslasherVanguard BuglerVanguard DollmasterVanguard TrooperVanguard VexerVanguard MesmerizerVanguard GrapplerVanguard FootsoldierVanguard BackstabberVanguard AmputatorWarlord RojgnojRojgnoj's Left HandRojgnoj's Right HandVangknok of Clan DeathRallbrog of Clan DeathYukvok of Clan DeathWorgbut of Clan DeathMarauder DvogzogJagidbod of Clan ReaperDerakbak of Clan WolfDarokbok of Clan ReaperDeloknokThree-Eyed ProzpuzOne-Eyed GwajboBilopdopVoidstreaker ButchnotchWyrmgnasher BjakdekSoulsender FugbragReapertongue GadgquokBattlechoir GitchfotchWolf Clan WarmachineReaper Clan Warmachine

Updated Mobs: Zuug the ShoreleaperNovv the WhiteheartedDenn the OrcavoicedCoral SahaginAbyss SahaginMakaraTaximRobber CrabBigmouth BillyOrcish OverlordOrcish WarlordOrcish ChampionOrcish FarkillerOrcish WarchiefOrcish ZerkerOrcish PredatorOrcish VeteranOrcish GladiatorOrcish FootsoldierOrcish BowshooterOrcish BeastriderOrcish BrawlerOrcish ImpalerOrcish NightraiderOrcish CursemakerOrcish FighterOrcish SerjeantOrcish FirebelcherVanguard SkirmisherVanguard SalvagerVanguard VisionaryVanguard PartisanVanguard InciterVanguard ExemplarVanguard LiberatorQueen of SwordsTen of SwordsNine of SwordsEight of SwordsSeven of Swords

New and Updated Areas: Labyrinth of OnzozoMaze of Shakhrami

New Recipes: Thunder Staff

New and Updated Spells: Ice Spikes


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About using "Genkai" terminology
# Apr 06 2004 at 11:02 AM Rating: Excellent
806 posts
Honestly, other than importers and people who've leveled extremely fast and played mostly with japanese parties, the word "Genkai" does not mean anything. Most people reading the front page who look at the quest title will have no clue.

Why not call it : Challenge the limit (Level Cap 1)
or : Challenge the limit (Cap Quest 1).

The people that rose quickly through the level were quick to idolize the terminology of the people they played with and the super high lvls they saw at the beginning, but at this point the english-speaking players have their own terminology that can actually be used to communicate with players who haven't read up on all the "hip" terms.

A good example is "fuidama". In LS channels, party chat and in regular conversations, everyone refers to the combo as Sa/Ta, sata, or Sa+Ta. Or they write it out long, sneak+trick. But I haven't seen anyone say fuidama in parties since december. However four months ago importers were adamant that we'd be using the old terminology, and that Sa+Ta didn't make sense because nobody knew what that meant.

It's not that I want to put down Romanji, I'm a big fan of the japanese language. But let's communicate between all of us in a way that doesn't lock out people that don't know the "hip" terms.

Edited, Tue Apr 6 12:01:34 2004
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