September 26, 2014

Happy Friday! A rare spawn increase is in effect this weekend:

Starting today at 12:01PM PDT* and running until Sunday, September 28, 2014 at 11:59PM PDT* all rare spawns will be spawning more quickly than normal.

New Item: Drink of Timeless Energy

New Recipes: Glorious Runeseeker ArmbandGlorious Runeseeker BootsGlorious Runeseeker CuirassGlorious Runeseeker GlovesGlorious Runeseeker GreavesGlorious Runeseeker HelmGlorious Runeseeker SleevesExtravagant Runeseeker ArmbandExtravagant Runeseeker BootsExtravagant Runeseeker CuirassExtravagant Runeseeker GlovesExtravagant Runeseeker GreavesExtravagant Runeseeker HelmExtravagant Runeseeker SleevesStalwart Runeseeker ArmbandStalwart Runeseeker BootsStalwart Runeseeker CuirassStalwart Runeseeker GlovesStalwart Runeseeker GreavesStalwart Runeseeker HelmStalwart Runeseeker SleevesElegant Runeseeker ArmbandElegant Runeseeker BootsElegant Runeseeker CuirassElegant Runeseeker GlovesElegant Runeseeker GreavesElegant Runeseeker HelmElegant Runeseeker SleevesElaborate Runeseeker ArmbandElaborate Runeseeker BootsElaborate Runeseeker CuirassElaborate Runeseeker GlovesElaborate Runeseeker GreavesElaborate Runeseeker HelmElaborate Runeseeker Sleeves

Updated Items: Decadent Jumjum CakeDecadent Jumjum CakeJumjum StalkScuffed Journeyman's RucksackRusty ScimitarRusty Long Sword

Updated Quests: RazortoothSolteris Access #2: Locating the StatueDevan #5: Minohten are a Menace!Only The Blind Will See (Level 65)Rings of FireA Guide Beyond the Rift

Updated Bestiary: a dread corpsea heartsbane drakea spiroc vanquishera spiroc expulsera spiroc revoltera spiroc arbitera spiroc callera spiroc walkerThe Spiroc Guardiana spiroc banisherBazzzazztBzzztBizazzztHalimaBeget CubeRazortooth

Updated Recipes: Stalwart Runeseeker ArmbandStalwart Runeseeker BootsStalwart Runeseeker CuirassStalwart Runeseeker GlovesStalwart Runeseeker GreavesStalwart Runeseeker HelmStalwart Runeseeker SleevesExtravagant Runeseeker ArmbandExtravagant Runeseeker BootsExtravagant Runeseeker CuirassExtravagant Runeseeker GlovesExtravagant Runeseeker GreavesExtravagant Runeseeker HelmExtravagant Runeseeker Sleeves


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omg yaaaay increase spawns!!
# Sep 26 2014 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
weee increased spawn rate of rare mobs (anything actually worthwhile out there?)

so for the 1% chance spawns that get , wait for it , wait for it double chance to spawn now its 2%!!!!!

it almost makes me want to up from silver, almost......

im probably not the only one waiting for next expansion to log in
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