__DEL__1591803416814's Avatar


Posts: 222
Gavindor RDM 75/ capped mp merits evasion, sword enfeble convert spell interuption BLM 40/ NIN 37/THF 37/DRK 37/BLU 34/ WHM 20/SMN 13/RNG 15/WAR 18 /Pld 18 SOLO GEAR: crimson gloves/zenith pants/Dusk Pants/genbus shield/ aqua rings / enhancing sword / visnuus vest/wise piaghes +1/amnete +1/ All af1/Chausible/venom earrings tunic/lightning +1 bow muhatma boots RANK 10 Kicked Maat ass first time. ZM 14 have supponomi COP Just beat riverne BO1 (onryo) staffs/torques/ether/electrum/anti-venom earring/insomnia earring and ebullinet ring Cooking 103.0 Smithing 60.0 Leathercraft 53.0 Fishing 48.6 bonecraft 38.6 goldmishting 55.6 carpentry 60.0