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Old Sig Material Maat defeated 1/11/06 8:15pm (1ST TRY, at BLM67) Sky obtained: 1/19/06 10:15pm NPC, lvl 59 Fishing: 22 ...HADOKEN!!! [quote=Lord Disifer]Attila, I declare you Sir Attila the Win. That was @#%^ing great, I'm in class in tears.[/quote] WoW - Xtiaalt, lvl 30 Rogue, Baelgun Sea: O [link=http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?52886][b]AH![/b][/link] [quote] [quote=Fellord]If a bullet that can go through anything hits armour that can block anything, what will happen? [/quote] Something to do with Ch[i][b][/i][/b]uck Norris.[/quote] Sir Attila the Win AF- BLM:O RDM:O NIN:O THF:O MNK:O Thanks for the memories Mr. Gygax. If there are more adventures to be had, I hope you roll twenties.