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Posts: 909
I've been called many things. Lately, Hate-monger, Fear-monger, Mindless victim to republican propaganda, and lastly a racist. However, I just firmly believe in the values in which this country was founded. I'm neither an R or a D. I believe that The Constitution isn't just a list of "suggestions" as our precious savior, I mean president, believes. The Founders of this country are a handful of men when compared to the current population, however I believe that those few men, were smarter than every person in this country combined. Otherwise, some idiot progessive, socialist like Barack Obama would've never gotten into office with no experience, no history, and the most risque ties I've EVER seen in a president. And what got him elected? No, not issues, no not skills, not even personality. A damn catch-phrase got this man elected into the highest office attainable, Yes We Can, three words that contained so much power that he caught millions of sheep and led them to slaughter. Wake up america, HOPE and WISHES for CHANGE will never solve anything. Get up off your asses and MAKE the change happen you lazy sacks of worthless....