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Posts: 5
Name: Jayde Server: Seraph Age: 25 Race: Hume Sex:Female Alliance: Windurst Birthplace: Bastok My mother was a Red Mage studying at the Windurst School Of Magic. My Father was a guard in Bastok. They met years before the great war and fell in love, but my father was abusive and started beating my mother. He went to war and died that day. I was only a young girl, but I saw how relieved my mother was to be free of him. I studied with the TaruTaru and my mother to become a Red Mage. When my mother got sick, she told me on her deathbed that she had an affiar with a soldier from San D'Oria, and that I had an older brother. She died before she could tell me his name. So I began my quest to find out who he was. One day on my travels I happened upon a Magical Ruby. After traveling over many lands the Ruby spoke to me, and an Avatar named Carbuncle appeared. He told me it was my destiny to gain the trust of the other avatars and that I was to be a key player in the battle against the darkness. But during my quest I came upon a new land called Al Zhabi, and in my eagerness to explore, I happened upon a clan of strangeley dressed men. They recruited me and said that my hatred and bitterness from my father's abusive ways, and the loss of my mother, had fueled my will for lonliness. I was bestowed with a gift to learn my enemies abilities. But they said it would come at a price.