Category:Awerka Tundra (RoM Mobs by POI)  

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by POI

All of the mobs listed below can be found in or near Awerka Tundra (in Dragonfang Ridge).

This page last modified 2010-04-18 22:34:25.

Articles in category "Awerka Tundra (RoM Mobs by POI)"

There are 12 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Cider (RoM Mob) Giant Ice Plain Bear (RoM Mob) Giant Polar Bear (RoM Mob)
Gjudir (RoM Mob) Lorei (RoM Mob) Mammoth Calf (RoM Mob)
Mammoth Mother (RoM Mob) Sharu (RoM Mob) Tusked Ice Plain Mammoth (RoM Mob)
Winged Bone Dragon (RoM Mob) Winged Cold Dragon (RoM Mob) Winged Ice Dragon (RoM Mob)