Category:Construction (Aion Craft)  

TrainersDesignsWork Orders
Craft Quests

Contents [hide]

Quest Series

  1. Construction Basics (10)
  2. Running the Tables (26)
  3. [Expert] Passion for Construction (30)
  4. [Expert] Expert of Construction (30)
  5. [Expert] Construction Expert (30)
  1. Clamping Down (10)
  2. (26)


You will receive one free design at each rank when you train up. All other designs are for sale by the Furniture Merchant in the Construction workshop.

We strongly urge that you start each rank by crafting a stack of clamps to get you the first 20 skill points. Keep your Essencetapping up to snuff so you can harvest the ore ahead of the need, or buy them from the Broker. This will give you a solid head-start on your new rank.

Categories: Aion | Crafting (Aion)
This page last modified 2012-06-15 14:05:32.

Articles in category "Construction (Aion Craft)"

There are 57 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Adamantite Music Box Repair (Aion Work Order) Adamantium Dining Table Repair (Aion Work Order) Amalil Bloom Supply (Aion Work Order)
Battle Accessory Repair (Aion Work Order) Bed with Fiber Blanket Supply (Aion Work Order) Beginning of the Construction Expert (Aion Work Order)
Built-in Bookshelf Repair (Aion Work Order) Built-in Closet Supply (Aion Work Order) Bunk Bed Supply (Aion Work Order)
Calamot Bloom Supply (Aion Work Order) Centurion's Chair Repair (Aion Work Order) Commander's Round Table Repair (Aion Work Order)
Construction Basics (Aion Quest) Construction Expert (Aion Quest) Construction Flux (Aion Item)
Construction Rank 1 Work Order Rewards (Aion) Construction Rank 2 Work Order Rewards (Aion) Construction Rank 3 Work Order Rewards (Aion)
Construction Rank 4 Work Order Rewards (Aion) Construction Rank 5 Work Order Rewards (Aion) Darfen (Aion Mob)
Dining Chair Repair (Aion Work Order) Expert of Construction (Aion Quest) Field Bed Supply (Aion Work Order)
Guardsman's Shelf Repair (Aion Work Order) Legionary's Achievement Furniture Repair (Aion Work Order) Light Bulb for Standing Lamp Supply (Aion Work Order)
Lunch Counter Supply (Aion Work Order) Merchant's Tent Supply (Aion Work Order) Mithril Frame Supply (Aion Work Order)
Moonstone Fishbowl Supply (Aion Work Order) Paisley Carpet Supply (Aion Work Order) Pandaemonium Display Cabinet Repair (Aion Work Order)
Passion for Construction (Aion Quest) Priest's Table Repair (Aion Work Order) Protectorate's Partition Repair (Aion Work Order)
Rabano Scented Candle Supply (Aion Work Order) Round Cabinet Supply (Aion Work Order) Round Rug Supply (Aion Work Order)
Side Table Light Supply (Aion Work Order) Silver Side Table Supply (Aion Work Order) Small Candle Supply (Aion Work Order)
Small Gourd Bottle Supply (Aion Work Order) Storage Box Supply (Aion Work Order) Temple Rack Repair (Aion Work Order)
Thin Curtain Supply (Aion Work Order) Topaz Display Cabinet Supply (Aion Work Order) Undin (Aion Mob)
Wall-mounted Fishbowl Repair (Aion Work Order) Wardrobe of the Blue Fleet Repair (Aion Work Order) Watchman's Bed Repair (Aion Work Order)
Wooden Frame Supply (Aion Work Order) Wooden Table Supply (Aion Work Order)