Category:Demo Derby Driver (FR Job)  

As of November 5, 2009, this job is free to sample through level 4. As you finish level 4 you will be prompted to buy Membership. If you do not become a Member you will be able to change to the job, but none of the job-specific minigames or quests will be available to you.
Free Realms
Members Only
 Demo Derby Driver 

Demolition Derby Drivers get to crash karts while scooping up points and coins.

Job Type: Other

   What does this mean?

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To become a Demo Derby Driver, accept the Tutorial from one of the Trainers. Then go to the entrance to the raceway and click on the Demolition Derby Icon.

Completing the quest series and playing against the AI is the only known way to level Demo Derby Driver at this time (effective with the Speedway Thunder update).


Acquire abilities by driving over them on the track.


Quest Series


The tutorial quests are optional and do not reward stars. They will teach you how to be a better Demo Derby Driver!

Series Opener

The series opener will direct you to *NPC Name*, who begins the Demo Derby Driver series. It rewards Stars 300  and unlocks *NPC Name's* first quest for you. You may only complete this quest once, but it is offered at every speedway by the local Demo Derby Driver trainer.

Full Series


Mechanics allow you to swap out car parts to improve your car's performance. You must purchase parts from the Merchants.


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This page last modified 2011-10-29 19:23:10.

Articles in category "Demo Derby Driver (FR Job)"

There are 87 articles in this category.