Category:Medic (FR Job)  

Free Realms

If you love to help friends in need and save people from harm, become a Medic, and use medicine to heal allies, as well as attack angry enemies. Trained by Doc Gordon, Medics can combine technology and natural ingredients to ward off poisons, heal group members and even use shock paddles to stun enemies![1]

Job Type: Combat

   What does this mean?

LevelIconTrait NameDescription
Combat MedicineHeal your allies for a small amount each time you score a critical hit.

PreparationYour careful preparation grants increased health and attack power.

Surgical SkillsYour surgical skills improve your chance of scoring a critical hit.

RecoveryGain energy each time you knockout an enemy.

Contents [hide]

Unlocking Medic

As of March 16th 2013 you will need to unlock the Medic job before being able to use it. To unlock the job you must speak to Nurse Naia in Sanctuary. You can also use the message boards in Sanctuary to help you.


Medic is a combat job, meaning that the majority of your levels will come from combat instances. Prowling dungeons and besting enemies in the wilderness will earn you stars, which in turn give you experience, as well as the opportunity to invest the stars into your specialized abilities.

As a Medic, there is also a series of quests that will guide you through your job. These quests will grant you experience; however, you will hit road blocks that prevent you from continuing the quest line until you gain more levels. Your trainers will notify you of this and offer you a reminder quest whenever this happens!

Quest Series

  1. Medic: So You Want to be a Medic? - from Nurse Naia in Sanctuary
  2. Medic: Operation: Revival - from Nurse Naia in Sanctuary
  3. Medic: House Call - from Nurse Naia in Sanctuary
  4. Medic: Palatable Pills - from Doctor Gordon in Sanctuary
  5. Medic: Take Your Vitamins - from Doctor Gordon in Sanctuary
  6. Medic: Achieve Level 5 - from Doctor Gordon in Sanctuary
  7. Medic: Surgical Precision - from Doctor Gordon in Sanctuary
  8. Medic: Supply Recovery - from Nurse Naia in Sanctuary
  9. Medic: Medic on a Mission - from Terrence at The Roadhouse
  10. Medic: Tummies in Turmoil - from Nurse Naia in Sanctuary
  11. Medic: Clover's Crisis - from Clover in Sanctuary
  12. Medic: Achieve Level 10 - from Clover in Sanctuary
  13. Medic: A Strong Supplement - from Clover in Sanctuary
  14. Medic: Flu Season - from Doctor Gordon in Sanctuary
  15. Medic: A Blustery Blunder - from Mayor Crystalline in Snowhill
  16. Medic: Into the Bristlewood - from Mayor Crystalline in Snowhill
  17. Medic: Virtuous Venom - from Docaloc in Briarwood
  18. Medic: Dewpetal Tea - from Docaloc in Briarwood
  19. Medic: Achieve Level 15 - from Docaloc in Briarwood
  20. Medic: Shock Paddles and You - from Docaloc in Briarwood
  21. Medic: The Missing Patrol - from Docaloc in Briarwood
  22. Medic: Shocking Developments - from Clover in Sanctuary
  23. Medic: Omitted Admission - from Clover in Sanctuary
  24. Medic: Achieve Level 20 - from Doctor Callahan in Seaside
  25. Medic: No Pain, No Gain - from Doctor Callahan in Seaside
  26. Medic: Risky Research - from Doctor Callahan in Seaside
  27. Medic: A Frosty Remedy - from Doctor Callahan in Seaside
  28. Medic: Just What the Doctor Ordered - from Doctor Callahan in Seaside
  29. Medic: Paying Your Student Debts - from Doctor Callahan in Seaside


Medic Materials
Medic Materials
Medic Materials (Rare)
Medic Materials (Rare)

  1. ^ http://www.freerealms.com/jobs.vm

This page last modified 2013-04-01 09:27:16.

Articles in category "Medic (FR Job)"

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